I transitioned into sunglasses as I walked down the street. It was a hot, humid day, and I didn't like the heat. As I approached the address written down, I felt slightly nervous, seeing as I've never done this before. I rang the doorbell, and waited. "Hello," a man answered. "Hi, I'm here to see...Spire?" I said quietly. The man seemed to think about that for a minute before saying, "Oh. His room is the second of the left up the stairs." I wonder what he thought of me, a young high-schooler with nothing but a pencil and pad of paper. I thanked the man and followed his directions. On the door, was a roman numeral III carved in the center, only scratched out and being subsequently being followed by a IV, V, VI, and VII. This was definitely his room. I rapped lightly on the door before entering. The room was air conditioned and neatly decorated, with numerous Legend of Zelda and art books on the bookshelf, to various paintings on the walls. Ween was playing lightly in the background, and a man was sitting at his laptop with his back turned toward me. The browser was on Smash World Forums, and as the man noticed me he exited out, displaying a Slowbro wallpaper.
"Hey, Spire." I said. "Hey man. Grab a seat." Spire responded. There was a bit of awkward silence between us before I stated, "Well. Let's get this started, then." Spire nodded.
I pulled out my pad of paper, leaned back in my chair, and began to write.
Terywj - Could you tell us a little bit about yourself? Like name, location, education, that sort of stuff?
Spire VII - Of course. My name is Benjamin, 19. I live in Houston, TX, and I'm currently studying Painting and Art History. I've been interested in art for really my whole life, mostly due to my mother being an art teacher and my father being a musician.
Terywj - Awesome. Since many members of the Smash World Forums are familiar with your art, do you paint your art that you display here in real life and then take a photo of it, or do you use a computer tablet?
Spire VII - I make the majority of my work with a Wacom Tablet in Photoshop and ArtRage Studio. Every blue moon I'll do a painting traditionally, but it costs money for the canvas, paints, and other supplies so only for special occasions do I work in that fashion.
Terywj - Ahh. As everyone is aware of, you're a Super Moderator and one of the Moderators assigned to the Pokemon Center and Legend of Zelda boards on Smash World Forums. How did you discover Smash World? And how did you come about to be a Moderator?
As I stated the question, I accidentally fell over backwards in my chair. I guess I haven't learned my lesson quite yet.
Spire VII - I discovered Smash World Forums through a link in the description of a youtube video back in February after Brawl was released in Japan. I had been keeping up with the Dojo every day, but had never heard of SWF, so naturally once videos of all the new characters and such were released, I stumbled onto the forums. I joined sometime in March as the member majorojam but I hated the name, so I made a new account in April, Spire III. I hung around General Brawl Discussion at first, because I wasn't interested in the competitive scene, just well, general talk. I soon found the Poké Center and thus my niche in the boards. It was our own little island, with no real moderation. We weren't out of control (though the occasional troll would make its way in), and we all had bountiful creative ideas to share, including the legendary Custom Pokémon Shop that Firus, bowser king and I started. Before I was a moderator and before the Legend of Zelda forum existed, we had the single General Zelda Discussion thread that SkylerOcon started in the Light House. I kind of rose as the unofficial leader of the thread, with the most posts and a lot of enthusiasm researching the timeline, theorizing and such. Back in... June or July of '09, the idea of a whole forum arose, so the regulars all wrote up petitions in Forum Support. I think by the end of the month (whichever one it was), we had our forum, so I continued as the unofficial leader of the room, even after Skyler was modded to it. Around this time, Zook was already modding the Poké Center, so when he decided to leave Smashboards, I asked if he wanted me to take over his position and that's how I got the job.
Terywj - Speaking about Pokemon, you have said many times that you only sprite and never battle. Have you ever tried competitive battling? If not, why don't you?
Spire VII - Well, I wouldn't say that I only sprite, in fact I never sprite anymore. I enjoy playing the games at my own leisure and ever since Gen 1, I just haven't enjoyed the multiplayer aspect of Pokémon. Rather, I enjoy the concepts behind the series and the creatures themselves, which is why I've devoted so much time to studying their designs, background information, and making my own creations based off of the given material. I have never tried competitive battling and I don't see myself doing so anytime in the future. I'm a very visual person and the series is lacking visually for me to enjoy the romance that a battle should be. Static sprites of cartoon creatures staring down one another, somehow casting off obviously better looking effects for attacks at eachother just doesn't appeal to me in a competitive sense. As a designer, it feels like a slap in the face. We're in a totally new age of gaming than we were back in '98 and the graphics of the games really break them in too many regards to keep me hooked outside of a strictly casual experience.
Terywj - In more regards to the PokeCenter, you've been around the PokeCenter for a long time. What do you think of the PokeCenter today and how it has evolved from back in 2008?
Spire takes a sip of Mountain Dew, thinking before continuing.
Spire VII - It has been through some rough times in my opinion, especially in early '09. I took my leave during that time because it was becoming too competitive-centric for me to even enjoy, and the Custom Pokémon Shop was going down the drain with countless arguments happening within it (even leading to it being closed for a while). Though if I were to compare the PC as it is right now to how it was back in May-June of '08, I love it even more. We may not have the same creative substance that we had back then, but we still have the spark and it seems to burn even brighter now. Though the flame that burns twice as bright may burn only half as long, I'll see to it that the moment it burns out, we get another candle lit. There are so many projects going on in the PC, it can get cluttered at times, but that is a wonderful thing, especially given that we're still trying to restructure the forum greatly to accommodate the interests of the public. I like to see the PC continue to thrive with open arms to all newcomers so that our collective consciousness can progress more and more.
Terywj - About the members there, if you could meet any three of the other PokeCenter members in person, who would you meet up with and why?
Spire VII - No offense to anyone because I'd surely love to meet you all, but without a doubt I'd like to meet Firus, Mewter, and Zook. Because simply, I've spent the most time with them in my stay in the PC and outside of the forum.
Terywj - Random questions - Do you like Sonic? Favorite ice cream flavor and album?
Spire VII - I like Sonic enough to not dislike him. I really don't like ice cream that much at all, so I'm just gonna go with French Vanilla. So creamy and worth that rare craving for ice cream. And oh man, favorite album. "The Pod" by Ween. It's the most lo-fi, brown, gritty, dark, mystical, sleezy, vulgar, and outright absurd album I've ever heard and I've listened to it more than anything else. I wouldn't even go so far as to recommend it for people when trying to introduce them to Ween as it's major make it or break it, but I can surely attest to it being the perfect album for me.
I take note that all the songs played in the background during this time have all been songs by Ween.
Terywj - What's your view on intelligent extraterrestial life?
I could almost hear The Wrath of Koarin snicker from faraway.
Spire VII - I could write a book about it, but I'll give you my short answer. It's out there and anyone who denies it is backwards and in denial. I could even go so far as to say that the so called "gods" of old world mythologies were in fact aliens, beings who 'descended from the skies'. Go figure.
Terywj - And now for the grand finale...what is your favorite Pokemon?
Spire VII - Let me take a moment to think about this...
I take the moment to glance around at the Legend of Zelda memorabilia and mythology books scattered on his bookshelf. My eyes drift over to a wooden Humpty Dumpty figurine on one side of the room.
Spire VII - I can't say I have any single favorite, but my current favorite family is the Togepi family. Togepi exemplifies Gen 2 and thus, the first batch of new Pokémon. Back when I was around 8-9 years old and I found out about Togepi, Ampharos, Snubbull, Marill, Ho-oh, Donphan, Bellossom, Slowking, and Hoothoot (I believe), which were all the first Gen 2 Pokémon unveiled, it changed my life. I was so in love with the idea of new Pokémon and their designs absolutely blew me away. I love the idea of the Togepi family being based on this strange patterned egg and loosely on the bird/fairy and the way they all evolve just rings a great bell. Togepi exemplifies not only Gen 2 and the first batch of new Pokémon, but also evolution itself. All Pokémon able to breed hatch from eggs, and Togepi is an egg. It is archetypal in design and its movepool is wonderful. With my affinity for Humpty Dumpty, no wonder I love Togepi.
Terywj - That's awesome. Thanks for having me, Spire.
Spire VII - No problem dude.
I thanked Spire's parents and headed off to the airport. I had an interview to publish when I got back home. I definitely had a good time, and looked forward to meeting the other members of the PokeCenter soon.