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ROB Q&A!! Read this before asking questions...ALL OF IT!


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Whenever something is hard to do, I just say "man up and do it". I can hug with Bowser and was able to hug with ROB on my first actual game, so you can do it after some practice for sure. Just find what works for you.
The way I see it, the easier something is to do, the less likely I am to screw it up. If something is hard to do but absolutely necessary and has no easy substitute (ie wavedashing), then yeah, I spend the time and perfect it. But hugging vs hugging with up-B, **** it, I'm doing it the easy way, the differences are nonexistant. I used to hug the old way, but I wouldn't grab the ledge a quarter of the time. I've never screwed up an up-B hug.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I'm the same way JCeaz. You use a little fuel (like..non-existent little amounts), but who cares? Just don't get hit. Super Smash Brothers: Dodge

It's too easy in Brawl


Smash Sweetheart
Aug 19, 2007
Whenever something is hard to do, I just say "man up and do it". I can hug with Bowser and was able to hug with ROB on my first actual game, so you can do it after some practice for sure. Just find what works for you.
Thanks man =)


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
shine combos Fushigi balls
the only time i can be agressive, to a decent extent, is on stages with platforms. Stages like FD, i have some difficulty with. anybody have advices for flat stages. i want to be more balanced in terms of physically attacking, and camping. just in case i'll play better people


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
the only time i can be agressive, to a decent extent, is on stages with platforms. Stages like FD, i have some difficulty with. anybody have advices for flat stages. i want to be more balanced in terms of physically attacking, and camping. just in case i'll play better people
You do better on platforms because they limit the enemy's approach. Throw a gyro down in front of your enemy or behind them; it will do the same thing.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2005
OS, Im curious as to which moves results in better chance of surviving when DI'ing? Bair or Fair? Like say, opponent smashes you to the left, you hold up and right diagonally on the stick, and spam.. Bair or Fair? Or like Meta Knight, in which spamming Uair yields better results?

Bair might be a more obvious answer, but I just want to make sure. :laughs:

I might have missed this bit in this thread :(


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS, Im curious as to which moves results in better chance of surviving when DI'ing? Bair or Fair? Like say, opponent smashes you to the left, you hold up and right diagonally on the stick, and spam.. Bair or Fair? Or like Meta Knight, in which spamming Uair yields better results?

Bair might be a more obvious answer, but I just want to make sure. :laughs:

I might have missed this bit in this thread :(
I'm curious to this too; I haven't tested it myself. I have been told that bair is better, but takes longer, and thus fair is generally a better choice at higher percentages. I'm not certain on this though. :(

I wonder, can you reverse engineer a great way for Sheik to fight ROB? ^.^


But really, Sheik wants to space herself far enough away from ROB so that he can't short hop fair her, and then sheik just needs to go in for a grab or series of f-tilts. Your goal in this matchup is to increase damage, not KO ROB. Attempting to KO ROB will just end in your kill moves getting stale or you getting gimped because you went off the edge. Edgeguard with needles to rack damage, use tilts to rack damage, and get him in the air so you can chase him with falling u-airs. When he's at a high enough percentage, you'll be able to get off a tippered bair or a u-smash. Just don't push for those opportunities because you CANNOT create them with Sheik vs. ROB; just keep racking damage and he'll eventually die. ROB has a very hard time approaching a sheik with good spacing, as her dash is fast enough to allow her to dash grab him if he attempts to spam projectiles and her tilts are long enough to capitalize on poor spacing on ROB's part.

So in essence, use lots of fast, high priority moves to rack up damage and don't take risks with Sheik. Sheik cannot get KOs easily on ROB, and shouldn't go for them. Play not to get damaged and simply hit him with any move in your arsenal that you can, when you can, and eventually ROB will die. It's a lot easier for Sheik this way.

If you can play Zelda, racking damage with Sheik and then switching to Zelda IS a good idea. Plus, this refreshes all your moves, which makes your Sheik do well on ROB's next stock too!


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
Does ROB's spot-dodge have IASA frames? Because d-tilts and d-smashes seem to come out abnormally fast off a spot-dodge.

Also, how does ROB go about fighting Ness? My brother loves just camping (read "not approaching"), spamming fairs and shield-grabbing my Kirby, so I was wondering if ROB would be a better matchup.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Does ROB's spot-dodge have IASA frames? Because d-tilts and d-smashes seem to come out abnormally fast off a spot-dodge.
No one has frame data yet, but I beileve what you're actually seeing is him "buffering" attacks so they appear on the first frame rather than IASA frames.

Also, how does ROB go about fighting Ness? My brother loves just camping (read "not approaching"), spamming fairs and shield-grabbing my Kirby, so I was wondering if ROB would be a better matchup.

I'm making a guide soon that'll explain stuff, but basically it's to spam gyro until you can get him off the edge (think f-tilt) and then it's jsut edgeguarding.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 11, 2005
I'm curious to this too; I haven't tested it myself. I have been told that bair is better, but takes longer, and thus fair is generally a better choice at higher percentages. I'm not certain on this though. :(
I would test it, if I got the time >_< Anybody else know the answer to this?


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2008
New Jersey
Hey, Overswarm. I have a friend of mine who just found out about Metaknights infinite cape and now when we play he uses it to annoy the hell out of me. What do I do?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Hey, Overswarm. I have a friend of mine who just found out about Metaknights infinite cape and now when we play he uses it to annoy the hell out of me. What do I do?

Really, you don't have to worry about it; it's looking like it will be banned fairly shortly.

But in the meantime, up+b (do the reverse up+b for the instant momentum if you can), grab the edge, and wait.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Hey, Overswarm. I have a friend of mine who just found out about Metaknights infinite cape and now when we play he uses it to annoy the hell out of me. What do I do?
Punch him in the face.

I've been telling everyone that plays MK that I'll punch them in the face if they start to infinite dimensional cape. It's worked out well for me. I've yet to try this in a tourney, but since punching people in the face hasn't been banned..well.. : )


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I plan to bring a pair of scissors with me to tourneys, and if any MK tries that on me, snip snip...


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
being a MK main i say it needs to be definitely banned...

and i enjoy gay tactics

that says a lot


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
chu and i were playing the other night and i ran the timer out on him on FD and won, im amazing


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS, against TL which would be better

being aggressive or defensive

That's just my personal opinion though.

Since Toon Link can combo you easily and deal tons of damage as well as potentially edgeguard you while you can barely edgeguard him and can't combo him well at all pst 50% or so.... I just kinda hang back and control the flow of the match.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
why would you even ask OS such a question?

edit: im being completely honest when i say i really do think you would get wrecked over here, OS, come to ch4


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
why would you even ask OS such a question?

edit: im being completely honest when i say i really do think you would get wrecked over here, OS, come to ch4
I don't think I'd get wrecked. My worst estimate would be top 16, imo. The only player I've seen over there that I actually think I'd lose to with a low chance of winning is M2K. Everyone else just seems kinda standard, maybe a bit above.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
hahaha well in my cocky arrogant mind anything below top 5 is getting wrecked.... aka i get wrecked all the time XD

but we have players who come extremely close to beating m2k all the time so hes definitely not untouchable, this isnt melee

but we can get around your dumb ledge stalling stuff, id like to see you actually be forced to fight... we all messed around with the ledge stuff when the game first came out but its really easy to avoid


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
hahaha well in my cocky arrogant mind anything below top 5 is getting wrecked.... aka i get wrecked all the time XD

but we have players who come extremely close to beating m2k all the time so hes definitely not untouchable, this isnt melee

but we can get around your dumb ledge stalling stuff, id like to see you actually be forced to fight... we all messed around with the ledge stuff when the game first came out but its really easy to avoid
Yeah, the ledge camping stuff is low level. I can't do it against people that I teach to beat it or people I do it against a lot... or people that are just really good (and don't play someone that I can gimp easily if they go off the edge, like pokemon trainer). I can't do the ledge camping stuff against Sliq very often because he's pretty good.

Sliq would definitely be one of the most feared players in the midwest if he played good characters... but he sticks with low tiers for some reason.

M2K isn't untouchable, yeah; he's just someone I can watch and I say "he knows what he's doing". Most people just kind of flail their character around and are inconsistent, but M2K actually pre-thought the common situations you see. That's the only reason I'd be worried about playing him; he's smart and consistent.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
not that ur even going KNACKERS apparently

i think i might be teaming with chu if forte doesnt go
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