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ROB Q&A!! Read this before asking questions...ALL OF IT!


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
check if cali has a PR thread i suppose. i got to play alot of people from ct thanks to its thread.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
power rankings thread id give you a link but im on my wii. if there is one it wud be under regional zones


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
miami, Fl
Something I did recently, any feedback?
When over the opponent with a gyro in hand, throw the gyro down and then immediately dsmash after hiting the floor. The gyro should stun them after the dsmash allowing you do dtilt, dsmash again, or grab into something else.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
oh man...forgot to subscribe to this beast. god I suck x_X

EDIT: so was my gyro-cancel find just old news or something? (I posted it in the vid thread and mentioned it to a few others, but I didn't post it here...oops >_<)

If this was already found, my bad. I did a search through this thread for "cancel" and didn't see anything related. And Nackers/Karn didn't know this past sunday, so I figured it wasn't posted anywhere...

If you pull out the gyro in the air and press shield right as the gyro comes out, it might not charge it at all, but the gyro goes away without you airdodging and you can immediately do anything as if you jumped (aerials, laser, whatever)

(see it here at 2:14, I do it twice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl6b79_1Th0 )

I don't know, I thought it was pretty useful...SDM, you're better at wavebouncing than I am [trying to get it down without B-sticking >_>] ...see if you can gyro-cancel and wavebounce at the same time [I don't see why not]...imagine the possibilities though!!! Wavebounce-gyrocancel-aerials/lasers whatever...hell you could run off the stage when someone is trying to recover from under the lip or they're forced to go under you and then go straight up to the stage, so you'll turn around and go toward them with a wavebounce gyro, but you'll cancel and immediately aerial?! raperaperaperaperaperape

if you're having trouble picturing this...imagine a Diddy directly below the edge, you run off the stage...yeah you might be able to reverse laser or just shoot a gyro backward, but those aren't guaranteed and vary depending how charged the gyro/laser (if it's even ready to fire) are. Diddy can keep charging his upB if he sees you try to jump back and bair or something...bah, the point is, a lot of these options aren't dependable (god****t I'm rambling about something so situational, sorry, this is just one application of gyro canceling and wavebouncing) It would be sooo **** and so quick to just run off, wavebounce-gyrocancel-fair, he won't know what hit him.

there are a lot more applications for the gyro-cancel but most of them are related to mindgames, like jump at a Fox, gyro cancel, and fair/bair since he just tried to shine =D


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
not just that, the wavebounce can get you in position for whatever you want to do and it'll surprise people...I mean it's what the name implies as far as it being like a wavedash in the air...like, you jump backward, wavebounce toward the opponent with a backward facing gyro, cancel the gyro and bair


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Cheerleading Practice...
I don't find GlideTossing that useful.. generally i only do it, if the opponent has a low shield and i think i can Dsmash after the toss to get through their shield instead of running Usmash...

no jones nacka ;p


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
OH MAN Glide Tossing can do a whole lot if you mix it up [I don't as much as I need to] but if you just keep rolling around before the toss it messes people up just enough if there's enough pressure on them, and sometimes you can get them to focus on something else, like dodging a laser as they recover onto a platform and you're on the other side of the stage and then bam glidetoss usmash, you don't even need the laser, I'm just saying....

also, Glide Toss to grab is too good. Glide Toss behind their shield and do whatever, sometimes you can tech chase with it if the situation calls for it, or you can follow DI with an glidetoss-up
it helps with stage control and pressure. also, it can be a match-momentum changing move [most notably an usmash around 100] It definitely isn't overrated, but it shouldn't be abused the way I do, mostly in friendlies so I can find the best applications for it.

ROBs pretty slow on the ground so I think it's a huge asset for him

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
glide tossing is possibly one of ROBs most important aspects. its simply amazing and one of the things that makes him a great character. watch any matches of me, im the GT king lol


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
im the GT king lol
[I swear if someone says libel or that this really isn't either I will cut them.]
We'll do a KO match where kills will only count if done using GT, first to 3 KOs wins the match. Much like Viewtiful Joe, style points may be a factor if necessary.
lmao, Chibooooo...I hope **** gets less busy for you so I can see those matches we had and mine against Neo ^_^. Also I wanted to see my friends [I think they were called El Chocolate Diablos or something haha, it was Famous and Kadaj] almost beating GroomChu in teams...I think you recorded that. not sure.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
glide tossing is possibly one of ROBs most important aspects. its simply amazing and one of the things that makes him a great character. watch any matches of me, im the GT king lol
**** yes. playing him at esticle is what showed me i should do it more often


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
a ROB who knows how to fight against TL >_> lmao, sorry...I don't know to tell you the truth...but in the meantime, just learn how to beat TL's ***. jab-dtilt-grab is good, and ftilt is always good, esp against his projectiles, it's not the easiest for me to edgeguard him cuz I'm just not used to it yet, but you can hold the gyro, and when he gets to the edge just jump over it, drop the gyro with Z and fast-fall a bair or do a dair

don't be above him, ever :(


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Toasty, lmao. I love that your last sentence is "don't be above him, ever" but just before you said to be above him to ZDrop the gyro. : P

I know what you mean, just poking at the toast.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
lol @ pockin @ teh toastzorz ;p

TL is easy.. Just space Fairs, and retreating Bairs... and Fair his spammy sh*t....

Fair combo off the ledge for a gimp..

GG son.
...retreating BAirs? As ROB? BLASPHEMOUS!

Against Tink, avoid stages with lots of platforms. Avoid them like the motha fuggen plague!

Oh, and don't act like I'm the only one pokin toast. ; D Spread some butter on it to get it all soft, but still warm, then wrap it up and poke away.


Smash Ace
May 10, 2008
With all the other R.O.B.s
a ROB who knows how to fight against TL >_> lmao, sorry...I don't know to tell you the truth...but in the meantime, just learn how to beat TL's ***. jab-dtilt-grab is good, and ftilt is always good, esp against his projectiles, it's not the easiest for me to edgeguard him cuz I'm just not used to it yet, but you can hold the gyro, and when he gets to the edge just jump over it, drop the gyro with Z and fast-fall a bair or do a dair
thanx Toasty


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
I play Toon Link. This is from my matchup thread. Hope it helps.

JesiahTEG said:
R.O.B.- R.O.B. is a good character, with mostly defensive options, but also some decent offense. His edgeguarding is amazing, as well as his ability to stay alive/recover. His projectiles are great, and makes him difficult to approach for many characters. R.O.B. also has weaknesses though. He has an extremely hard time killing, as his moves either don't kill, or come out too slow to actually connect with. He's big, so he gets comboed easily and hit easily, as he is likely to be getting shield stabbed if he spends too much time in his shield.

As always, mess around with your projectiles in the beginning of the match...Chances are, R.O.B. will end up outcamping you though. His Gyro stays on the ground, and prevents ground approaches, while his Tilts will beat your aerial approaches. There are ways around R.O.B.'s Gyro though. You can let it hit your shield, in which case it will disappear. It will also disappear if it hits Toon Link's shield that he is holding. If it doesn't hit your shield, your best bet is to grab the Gyro and throw it up in the air. This way, R.O.B. can't use it for a while and it disappears when it hits the ground. R.O.B.'s lasers are annoying as crap. They basically beat Toon Link's SHDA's, which sucks. This means you are forced to either approach, or try and psuedo approach with projectiles/attacks. Besides, R.O.B.'s side B reflects your projectiles, so if he wanted to he could just use that all day and make your projectiles useless.

R.O.B.'s up close game is definitely on par with Toon Link's, if not better. All of his tilts outrange your attacks, so you're likely to end up getting smacked away a few times before you finally can hit R.O.B. This is why, you may be better off alternating between projectiles and sword. Sort of run in with a well spaced Nair, back off and before you land shoot an arrow...Those kinds of strategies. R.O.B.'s Dtilt comes out extremely quickly and trips you too, so be wary of that. You'll probably get Dsmashed a lot up close too. R.O.B.'s spotdodge to Dsmash is very good. Don't ever challenge his Dsmash. It's near lagless, and if you drop your shield to punish it you will get hit by another one. Just roll away. Let me emphasize this. R.O.B.'s Dsmash is good. Stay away from it. Your best bet vs R.O.B. up close, is to attack him with retreating aerials, and shooting an arrow before you land. Luckily, R.O.B.'s up close game is always his greatest weakness. R.O.B. can't kill you. Unfortunately, you may have a hard time killing R.O.B. also due to his heavy weight, but you should still kill him before he kills you. As always, Usmash, Dsmash, and Fsmash will be your main killing moves. If you can manage to get R.O.B. in the air, use your Uair to pressure him from below, as he really can't do anything about this. R.O.B.'s killing attacks are garbage. His Fsmash has decent knockback, but if DI'd well, it won't be killing anytime soon. His Usmash can kill, but it only hits directly above him, and is easily airdodged. His aerials have great knockback, but each one of them takes a second to come out. They're slow and easily avoided. You may think it's hard to airdodge through is aerials at first, but chances are it's because you're not used to them coming out slow, and you airdodge immediately. Timing is key here. Once you have the timing down, it's a cinch.

Off the edge, R.O.B. dominates you. This is probably R.O.B's greatest asset, is his off the edge game. His Up B is ridiculous, letting him fly way off the edge and then return safely. Your recovery is also good, but still gimpable by R.O.B. If he hits you off, he will chase you down with Fairs or Bairs. You may be able to airdodge through one or two of them, but don't try it too much, as if you airdodge too many times, you won't be able to make it back to the edge. Your best bet if R.O.B comes for you off the edge is to throw some projectiles at him, preferably bombs, as you can aim them easier. If possible, try and recover low. If R.O.B is off the edge, it can either go your way or not. Due to R.O.B.'s amazing Up B, you can't just jump out and Dair him. I mean, if R.O.B. gets close then sure, by all means do it. But, chances are R.O.B. will be recovering from way far away. Harass his recovery with projectiles, and then when he comes close, that's your chance to hop out and Dair him. If you're not feeling daring and don't feel like risking your stock for the Dair, dropping bombs right at the ledge works well too.

Overall, R.O.B. most of the time forces Toon Link to approach, although Toon Link isn't helpless defensively vs R.O.B., as your projectiles are also a force to be reckoned with. R.O.B outranges you up close, so it's going to be hard to get strong attacks in. You can kill him much faster than he can kill you though, so that's a bonus for Toon Link. Up close, he doesn't dominate you like Marth would dominate Toon Link up close, but R.O.B. does have the advantage up close. Off the edge, R.O.B. can edgeguard you better than you can him, although you can harass the crap out of his recovery with projectiles, and he's fairly easy to Dair. The matchup goes to R.O.B. 6:4.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;

I feel violated............................and delicious ^_^

loll@Sudai, I guess I should have elaborated with being above him, if you're both in the air and you're above TL you're not necessarily guaranteed safety...*goes to read that monster quote someone posted*


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
im going to a tournament tommorow and there is a good metaknight, and a few snakes halp? although with the metaknight matchup im familiar. but DI for the gaynado how does it work :/ i read up right left right... should i just input these fast as hell then airdodge or slowly lean side to side?
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