I saw a few of your matches and noticed you were pretty agressive with rob. when i play him i find myself runnning away almost the entire match when I can outprojectile the other characters and it's pretty effective (and frustrating for the opponent). Do you find being agressive with ROB can be just as good or better or is it a patience thing or a not being a total jerk thing? Running away and launching discs and lasers all day is just so much fun for me and I find it opens up your opponent more as they become a lot more agressive and make mistakes.
I once played a man in Starcraft on a consistent basis. He played Terran, while I played Protoss.
He was much better than me and always played to his fullest. While these were friendly matches, there was probably never a rivalry between myself and another person that I took so seriously. I
had to beat him. After over three months of playing, I took the first game from him.
After that, I won one out of three games for a week or so. I then deicated myself with renewed vigor, watching the replays to find exactly what I did right and what he did wrong. As he always played to his fullest and never goofed off, it was mostly what I did right that worked.
Within a month, I was beating him 100% of the time. I never, ever, under any circumstances, lost.
Like everything else, history repeated himself and there was a reversal of power. Soon HE was the one trying as hard as he could to win while I was the stagnant, yet victorious, player.
I picked up on this and started experimenting. I would use several "inferior" strategies and beat him effortlessly. I could play risky, play odd, play serious, whatever I wanted and find a way to win.
His fatal flaw was that he found what worked best, did it as well as he could, refined it beyond belief, and then had nowhere to go once he started losing.
It is the same in Smash. When I first started playing, I camped religiously with ROB. Many of my early matches are campy enough to remind people of Final Fantasy's old ATB system. It worked.
Unfortunately, there are ways around it. I learned this quickly. If you lose one game with a particular strategy, you can lose another. I found that camping was mostly so effective because of the inferior mindset most players had. I could stand back and laser and gyro all day and they could do nothing because of their impatience and anger at this unfamiliar territory.
So now I am often incredibly aggressive with ROB against inferior players as well as for the first few matches against other players. My goal is to get good at playing aggressively with ROB, as I know I can camp with ROB better than most, if not all. Then I have two styles of play I can switch between; I can adapt. My starcraft friend couldn't do that, and since I could, he never recovered. I experimented and refined all sorts of "inferior" strategies simply so I could use them to throw people off when they were unfamiliar with it.
So that's a long story as to my aggressiveness with ROB.
The best style of play is always going to be determined by your opponent, no matter what. It will rarely be aggressive or defensive 100% of the time. It is safe to say adapting to your opponent is better. While some people play their character one way... going through my videos you can very obviously see that I have more than one way to play. Hopefully, if I run into someone I don't think I can beat with ROB, I can simply pitch a tent and throw them for a loop.
I also often play super aggressive for my opponent's first stock, and then camp for their entire second stock.