DE player here. I don't think that there is a strong enough community for DE to follow the criteria you gave us. I think instead that we should just pick the two or so best players from the state that we'd like to represent us and go with that. Our members here either shouldn't be reps, interest in the game is waning, or they just aren't active enough on the boards. The community itself consists of about, as Xellos said, 10 people, no joke. And the numbers get even smaller for Melee.
If I had to elect about 4 people to be reps, it would be:
1. Xellos, he knows a ton of textbook knowledge and just plain keeps up on all the happenings and local tourneys more than anyone in the state
2. Tyrant, he's more experienced and tends to be more unbiased than most and generally plays well and knows his stuff.
3. Tru=, he is about, if not more experienced than Tyrant, and while can be biased in his decisions, his skill at the game is known throughout the state. He is very knowledgeable about the game, outdoing almost all others instate. Now if only we can get him to be more active, stop being so rash and reckless, and to practice more! The next shizwiz, Tru, the next shizwiz. It's all you, baby. And don't get on me about nobody telling you stuff, stay on the boards and come over to my house more often and we can always work something out.
4. Me, Cronux. I hang out with Xell and Tyrant and what it tends to be is that what they learn, I learn. I attend tournies for Brawl, and when my schedule starts clearing up again, hope to get back into Melee, as well. I used to attend Btree's tournies at his house about a year or 2 ago for Melee. I am active both in the scene (for Brawl) and on the boards (I try to) and am about on par with Xell himself for Brawl, and hopefully, soon to be Melee, as well.
Hope this helps clear some things up for DE.