18.17% Chance - 60.00% Want
Last time we rated her she got 18.36% chance and 61.77% want. Nearly the same scores, so it's safe to say that the announcement of more DLC hasn't changed how people feel about her.
Winner of predictions was
with a precise 18.00%
Monster Hunter
10.75% Chance - 37.33% Want
First time we rated them they got 31.06% chance and 46.21% want. This was in the early days of DLC, before Joker's release. While the base game inclusion of Rathalos and the absence of the Mii Costume were big question marks, at that point it appeared that if DLC was going to be all third parties then MonHun had its foot in the door. Last time we rated them they got 12.21% chance and 31.88% want. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. This was right after E3, when Resident Evil and Phoenix Wright were seen as the undisputed frontrunners for the inevitable Capcom spot. Now Resident Evil is gone - which means being a big franchise doesn't help, killing one of MonHun's pros - but Dante is back to take RE's frontrunner spot; and we went through an entire Pass without a Capcom rep, making everyone more unsure. Add Byleth, who many said steps on the Hunter's turf moveset-wise, and that's a bad recipe for this character.
Winner of predictions was
with 10.22%. Anecdotally, I also won the last rating for Monster Hunter, so it appears I got myself a lucky charm.
Freddy Fazbear
4.31% Chance - 17.48% Want
Winner of predictions was
with 4.55%