Grovyle (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon)
I see why this was requested: "There isn't a Pokemon fighter that represents the Mystery Dungeon spinoffs, so Grovyle should be the one to do it. It's also a standalone grass starter." I don't like this type of logic for why Grovyle should be in Smash. Adding a character to represent a spinoff series is a tricky thing to do. Grovyle PMD supporters would say that Grovyle should just use moves that come right from the source material. My biggest thing is, W H Y W O U L D T H E C O N S U M E R S C A R E? They won't be able to tell the difference between a normal Pokemon move and a Pokemon move that credits a spinoff series. I firmly don't believe that fighters should be added to represent a spinoff series, but represent the actual series and can use the spinoffs for help. By saying "Grovyle is a fighter from the Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon", when most people look at Grovyle and see "Pokemon", the correlation can be very distracting. Pikachu was in a Mystery Dungeon game, why does a specific fighter have to be the torch bearer that says "LOOK AT THE SPINOFF GUYS!!!" A PMD fighter is unnecessary. However, we are looking for chance. Even if it's technically supposed to represent a Pokemon spinoff, it will always be considered a Pokemon. And we aren't getting Pokemon DLC...
Grovyle (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon) Chance: 0%
Grovyle (The Pokemon itself without PMD) Chance: 1%
Count the bolded score because that's what the nominators want.
It's a shame, really. As a proud owner of
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, I really would enjoy seeing some love shed towards the series. But even I wouldn't want a fighter to be in the game with the sole intent to show that a pokemon spinoff is prominent and gets a bunch of sales, when it unintentionally creates confusion from where the source material came from and takes away from the fact that Grovyle IS STILL A POKEMON. By trying to force in a reference to a side game where it was also featured (and had text lines, woo.), the prospect of having Grovyle is extremely unappealing (given it reps PMD)...
Grovyle (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon) Want: -100% = 0%
Bonus round: Let's look at literally just the pokemon without f*cking around with spinoff tributes. No. We are not getting middle evolution pokemon anymore. Especially not middle evolution grass types. Ivysaur already meets that. Pikachu and Jigglypuff get by's because of their undebatable prominence. Now I'll say this once and once only.
The fact that the nominators wanted to nominate GROVYLE OF ALL THINGS (and not just any Grovyle, but the talking one that came out of a side game only released on the DS (that may have had good sales but that isn't needed in context)) really p*ssed me off because I was about to give the utmost positive review for Sceptile. Grovyle would have gotten an amazing review too, if it wasn't ruined by the specificity of having it be from Mystery Dungeon by itself. Sceptile, out of all of the fully evolved grass starters, makes the most logical sense to be a fighter after Incineroar's announcement. I remember back when the Sceptile/Decidueye ongoing debate was at it's prime and I would do whatever I could to show how Sceptile was the best bet for the bill for Smash. That was up for debate then. Now there are no more new Pokemon being added. However, Sceptile came out victorious after the conclusion of base game speculation, for Incineroar being a Gen 7 starter practically eliminated Decidueye's viability as an additional selection. Sceptile, while at 0% chance, is at a 110% want in my book, but we are looking at Grovyle instead for some reason, a lacking albeit suitable alternative given that it is based solely on the main Pokemon franchise with 0 gimmicks from outside of the mainline games. I would still immediately take Sceptile over Grovyle though, because I am a stickler for consistence and we WILL get ourselves a fully evolved, standalone starter fighter for each of the three starter types. Greninja came in Sm4sh, Incineroar came in 5mash, and Sceptile hopefully will fill in Smash 6 (however realistically it'll be the Gen 8 grass starter, but as of now no info is know about it). Finally, I also firmly believe that there STILL isn't enough variety for the Pokemon. Now now now, before people start pointing out all the ways that our 10 fighters are unique, I exclude Pokemon Trainer for a bit and deal specifically in stereotypes and vague generalizations. We have two Pikachus: Pichu and Pikachu. I'd love to see Pichu get cut if it furthers the chances of a grass type standalone. Next we have Lucario and Pink Lucario, which also goes along with another Pink Pokemon being "Po-Kirby". Got me? Story so far: two yellow mice, two pink things, and a blue version of one of the pink things, which goes along with another blue "Sheik-emon". Incineroar is unlike all of the remaining standalone pokemon, but fails in the aspect that it isn't even the first fully evolved fire type starter (which luckily is orange.) My point is that it would be good to get a new color of pokemon that would hypothetically fight unlike all of the pre-existing fighters besides Ivysaur, in which it would still be different. We have

, and this could most definitely use a splash of green.

Yes, I resorted to looking at the colors of the pre-existing Pokemon fighters. I also just now found out that the Pokemon Trainer pokemon finally got emojis of their own.
Grovyle (The Pokemon itself without PMD) Want: 90%
Sceptile (The Pokemon itself without PMD) Want: 100%
You are going to want to take the bolded ratings because of "why is it PMD". Sorry, I got really mad when I realized that I couldn't give my rating on Grovyle alone.
Nominations: Spyro x5

iT's So PrEtTy NoW, lOoK aT tHe RaInBoW!

Awww, how bland and boring.
Is it a bad thing that I can't help but make all of the standalone Pokemon fighters look so similar? Many of them are, and they just seem to blend together for some reason; it makes me sad.

are easily the most refreshing, unique Pokemon that we have right now, as well as Incineroar. Maybe I'm just fed up with the existing designs. Here it is without Incineroar.

This lineup gives me a feeling of sadness. Pokemon as a whole have come to represent so many different character and design tropes, and seeing only three primary colors for them makes me crave more, especially when there are 800 or so options (given that maybe 10 of the 800 make logical sense)