The new average prevision for
Arle Nadja is now 10% The old was 8%.
Rhythm Girl
- She isn't the mascot of
Rhythym Heaven.
- She is a dynamic woman with white skin. Like Wii Fit Trainer.
- There is no reason (promotion, hype, tribute...) for she to be in DLC instead of appearing in the basic roster. The concept of
Rhythym Heaven game isn't new, unique, original, different... and even in Japan, the series is not preferred :
Chance : 0%.
Want : 0%
That average seems very off. I can only recall one or two times we get whole numbers from an average. Rounding in scenarios like that is something that we avoid I. This thread. I round to two decimal points to better reflect the average. A 59.62 is significantly different from a 60 for instance.
Furthermore, some of this logic seems flawed. While I appreciate the use of a poll of some sort, it lacks much statistical power. Just using a poll without explaining the reason why it is significant is important. Furthermore the sample size is relatively small. I don’t buy too much into polls unless they have a representative sample. It can be very easy to torture data to get results you want as evidence.
Also not gonna comment on the WFt parallel in depth. Look at Fire Emblen or swordsmen in general and tell me they do not overlap in design more than WFt and Rhythm Girl would.
Slap Slap Slap! Clap Clap Clap!
Chance: 0%
Want: 0%
Noms: Magician (House of the Dead) as a boss x5
Roxas as a Sora Echo x5
1. While I appreciate the Bolbi reference, you need to actually discuss the character in question for your scores and noms to count.
2. Today is only 5x noms. I would also suggest just doing something like Roxas x 5 instead to be broader.
Now onto housekeeping stuff. Something more of a plan going forward than anything concrete.
Scores will be out before Valentine’s Day for the game being completely up to date. Expect the front page to be up to date as well.
Onto abstaining and discussion stuff. Abstaining by demand would be focused on chance abstain. Want abstains would be allowed still provided Chance explanations are good. Furthermore, some people brought up changing the two sentences rule. This was put in place mainly because I wanted to avoid making it too much about semantics for length. Revisions to show effort while still keeping the bar of entry low are open to discussion.
When we get gameplay of joker we will do satisfaction on him. This is like what we did w inklings beforehand.
I was thinking of looking for someone to do a designated music dump each day for a character. Anyone interested pm me.
I was also thinking of maybe doing a banner for the thread going forward, but I ain’t no artist. If interested pm me.
Finally I want to get more exposure for this game going forward. I have tried posting in socials in the past and bumping support threads, but only the latter really works. Ideas to boost participation are welcome. I know
has some good ideas. Keep in mind score updates will be regular starting mid February.