I vote 2 for Wolf (Star Fox series), 1 for Little Mac (Punchout! fools, don't mess with that small dude, he takes out godzilla height fighters daily!), and 1 for Deoxys (pokemon series), and 1 for Wart (super mario bros. 2)! (it'll probablly be updated later in the week possibly, or later today, it IS MO(NDAY!)
Krystal would be sweet, and I up my 87% chance of her being in BRAWl after reflecting on this to a 98.67% chance (i like odd #'s as last #'s, lol)! I also am almost sure Nintendo will have her in just because they need more female characters. When you add in her power in the series , being a recent member of Star Fox, and being Fox's love intrest you get the point. I also give Wolf a 78% chance, because he was (and may still be) one, if not the main villain in the Star Fox series. I also believe Peppy Hare has a chance (37%) even though he died....as well as James McCloud. Little Mac I give a 22%chance, just because Nintendo has a ton of classic characters to return to, and he will probablly be overlooked. Deoxys, though I am unfamiliar with most of the Pokemon series, has had quite a buzz of being a possible and probable BRAWL character. I give him (or it) a 70% (was gonna go # below it, but that seems....odd), just because I am somewat uncertain!, and will be more relevant and likely to accurately predict in the future when Nintendo gives us more information and edge on wat Deoxys' current possiblity is (probablly is a yes). As for Wart, he would be sweet as heck to play as if put in properly! The problem with Melee is that Bowser, Ganondorf, DK, and somewat Link were the only heavy powerhouses (Link me fav). Worst of with the powerhouses is the computers are awful with them, other than being decent, or somewat good with Ganondorf! Wart would be neat and odd, and is a easily reconizable characters. Plus he would be a challenge to fight. Wart would also be very odd to see how he turns out...he has a good chance of being in BRAWL (45%), but I would rather be Krystal or Sonic (Sega is dying, if they don't put Sonic in it, and have him be successful, popular, and cool in BRAWL (like all the rest), then his franicise, as well as the rest of Sega will heavily prosper! (I give Sonic a 99.99999% chance of being in BRAWL (no worrys ppl, he in it, lol...easily)...