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Rate Their Chances (of Returning) - Day 6 - Mewtwo

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
For all we know.. Lupe could of gotten hurt, be sick, or died.
Let's just all be patient.
I wish I was hurt or sick (not dead though.) At least that would have been easier to explain...

Okay, I know I have some explaining to do and I will.

My dad is punishing my younger brothers and sisters for rumaging through his stuff by shuting their internet off. Unfortunately for me, this means that my internet is gone as well simply because it's all connected to the same router which basically means he can't shut thier's off without shuting mine off. I'm hoping that I'll be able to work in some time every now and then to do this, but no guarentees.

I appreciate you guys for being patient while I've been gone. I was expecting more yelling... :laugh:

Okay, just to be fair, all votes/nominations that take place after post #775 (I think it's Diddy Kong's post) are NOT being counted. Sorry to all you guys that voted after that. I should be clear to use my internet until I leave for work (around 3pm central) because the kids are at school. I am considering whether I should update the topic now, or if I should wait until the normal time. Both options have their pros and cons to work out.

Anyways, I just wanted you guys to know that I am back and the topic is going to keep going. If I am gone for a long time again, now you at least know the reason so you don't think I've abandoned ya'll. I have no intention of leaving this topic anytime soon.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Finally!! Mach rider XD...

Ok well, according to rumors, both balloon fighter and mach rider where in the beta version of melee, this would make sense, not only is there music in melee, but mach rider got a complete new look, thus making the rumor possbily true, and since sakurai stated he indeed likes retro characters, I already c 4 retros in: pit, balloon fighter, laughing dog AND MACH RIDER XD...

so I give him 89% chance
Nominates Mii x5


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Ehh... I just don't know. I know he'd make a cool character, but I just don't realisticlly see it happening. 30% chance.

Nominate Tom Nook x5.

:EDIT: Stupid shift key... T_T


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
Welcome back Lupe! lol

Mach Rider?
90% chance..
I'm expecting Sakurai too look at classic characters first before the modern popular characters.

Mach Rider will be like if you mashed Captain Falcon and Fox together.

I nominate-
Dr. Wright x5


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2007
pretty much STRYKS's intelligent post covered what I was going to say. He's got an updated look, something Pit didn't even get yet he's still in Brawl. I think that adding Match Rider in Brawl would be way surprisimg, I can't see him without his bike though and there are also other characters that have been referred to much more than him, such as Lip. I give him 60%

5 votes for Dixie Kong


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
It's pretty common knowledge that the Balloon Fighter is believed to have been included in the beta build of Super Smash Bros. Melee -- However, it's not as widely known that so was Mach Rider (and supposedly, so was Sigurd and quite possibly Lip), with his detailed character model and theme music left intact. Despite Balloon Fighter being the seemingly more popular retro candidate, I actually believe that Mach Rider in fact has a higher likelyhood of appearing in Super Smash Bros. Brawl -- Why? Because there is already a retro aerialist in the roster, who is none other than Kid Icarus's Pit, and seeing that the development team seems to aim for a certain balance among characters, I believe slightly decreased Balloon Fighter's chances (though he is still unquestionably still a top contender) and likewise factors into Mach Rider's favor. Other facts about Mach Rider that could be considered: North American first-party launch title (as was Ice Climber), first Nintendo-published title to see a North American release before Japan (may factor into the Western-appeal Sakurai-san is seeking), and pre-existed the game as a 1970's Japanese toy line (back when Nintendo was in the toy business - a possible legacy character?). Also, from what I heard, among the many retro NES title concepts that Sakurai-san tested for the possibility of including in Smash Bros., the three he loved the best were Balloon Fight, Joy Mech Fight, and Mach Rider. For these reasons, I believe that Mach Rider will finally see the light of day in SSBB, as seemed to be the intention back in SSBM. I conclude that he has a 90% chance at making the final cut.

I nominate Tin Star 5x.


Smash Cadet
Feb 4, 2007
Ah poor Olimar, may he rest in peace.:(
I see Mach Rider with a 40% chance but I don't know much about him.
I nominate Bowser Jr. x5

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Well C.Falcon also doesn't fights in his Blue Falcon doesn't he? Still it'd be intressting to see another retro character reborn with a motorcycle moveset. Sure he was suposed to be in Melee, but I still have my doubts about him... It could go either way.

That's why I give him a 50% change of appearing.

Diddy / Dixie x5


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
I never heard of Mach Rider before SSBM...

I don't know. He might be a good addition. If only I had played the game, I'd of made a better decision on the matter.

But for now, I'm just going to say 50%

Captain Syrup x5


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2006
Mach Rider seems a bit of a stretch to me, and while it could be done as a moveset, it doesn't seem as if it would be worth it to promote a dead character who is otherwise not unique, as Balloon Fighter might be.

I give him a 20% chance.

I also nominate Emperor Andross (x5)


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
I'm not to sure if he is desevering of the spot than others and won't mind if he is there. If he can come with a original moveset with or without the bike then I'll have a better understanding of him. for now i give him a 45% chance of making it and Kujirudo, Stryks. nice facts I had no idea.

I nominate Bowser Jr. (x5)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2006
A place where I can hear SMYN
The difference between Mach Rider and Captain Falcon is that Captain Falcon seemed to have more personality than Mach Rider. What does Mach Rider do other than motorcycle? Not much. While Captain Falcon is a bounty hunter.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Although I do think that a motorcycle based moveset would be a really nice twist on the traditional characters, in all honesty, I really don't see it. Perhaps if someone were to make a good (plausible) moveset, I might be convinced otherwise.
Where'd this "motorcycle-based" moveset idea come from? I know that's the idea put forth on NSiders, but seriously - what do they know? Besides, last I checked vehicle-based characters, like Fox and C. Falcon, weren't required to fight with their respective vehicles. I have my own vehicle-free moveset posted in my Mach Rider thread here. There's another good one, probably better than mine, formulated by AngstyGut of deviantART, which can be found here.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
Where'd this "motorcycle-based" moveset idea come from? I know that's the idea put forth on NSiders, but seriously - what do they know? Besides, last I checked vehicle-based characters, like Fox and C. Falcon, weren't required to fight with their respective vehicles. I have my own vehicle-free moveset posted in my Mach Rider thread here. There's another good one, probably better than mine, formulated by AngstyGut of deviantART, which can be found here.
I was waiting for someone to say that.. lol :laugh:


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
The difference between Mach Rider and Captain Falcon is that Captain Falcon seemed to have more personality than Mach Rider. What does Mach Rider do other than motorcycle? Not much. While Captain Falcon is a bounty hunter.
Mach Rider's story is pretty deep.
Deeper then Captain Falcon who just races in a futuristic racing tournament.

Mach Rider takes place in the year 2112, and planet Earth has been invaded by evil forces. The player controls Mach Rider, who travels from sector to sector on a motorcycle destroying the enemies in his path.

Melee Trophy-
"After the destruction of his home town, Mach
Rider jumped onto his machine-gun-equipped
combat motorcycle and set off in search of a
new home, destroying all the Quadrunners
who got in his way. His motorcycle had
four gears and endless ammunition. When hit,
Mach Rider would break into fragments and
then rejoin together."


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I wanna c how Mach would work...I can c were the ppl who say he has a good chance in...85%chance Mach Rider is in BRAWL! I vote Wolf Link w/t Midna x5 ! I give Wolf Link w.t Midna a 99% chance, just because the controls would be wierd, and loz is easily 1 of the most popular series, behind mario's many series, and maybe even behind pokemon. I see 2 or 3 new pokemon, especially if they removed Pichu (possibly Raichu and Deoxys). I also see 2 new Zelda characters, and maybe young link redone. I also see 2-4 new DK characters Yae multiple DK (easily). Also I give Diddy Kong a 99% chance of being in BRAWL. I just c it happening, easily! TYVM Lord Deathborne :)


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
I wanna c how Mach would work...I can c were the ppl who say he has a good chance in...85%chance Mach Rider is in BRAWL! I vote Wolf Link w/t Midna x3, Diddy Kong x2 ! I give Wolf Link w.t Midna a 99% chance, just because the controls would be wierd, and loz is easily 1 of the most popular series, behind mario's many series, and maybe even behind pokemon. I see 2 or 3 new pokemon, especially if they removed Pichu (possibly Raichu and Deoxys). I also see 2 new Zelda characters, and maybe young link redone. I also see 2-4 new DK characters Yae multiple DK (easily). Also I give Diddy Kong a 99% chance of being in BRAWL. I just c it happening, easily!
Keep it to one vote a day for the character up for the vote, or else Ferro De Lupe won't count your vote...
Just giving ya a heads up.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
I wanna c how Mach would work...I can c were the ppl who say he has a good chance in...85%chance Mach Rider is in BRAWL! I vote Wolf Link w/t Midna x3, Diddy Kong x2 ! I give Wolf Link w.t Midna a 99% chance, just because the controls would be wierd, and loz is easily 1 of the most popular series, behind mario's many series, and maybe even behind pokemon. I see 2 or 3 new pokemon, especially if they removed Pichu (possibly Raichu and Deoxys). I also see 2 new Zelda characters, and maybe young link redone. I also see 2-4 new DK characters Yae multiple DK (easily). Also I give Diddy Kong a 99% chance of being in BRAWL. I just c it happening, easily!
You... have absolutely no idea how this works, do you?


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
There was evidence of Mach Rider being heavily considered for inclusion in SSBM...however, I just don't feel it. His look (both the original and his trophy) just doesn't look right...His game had awesome music, though...

Twenty-five percent.

Three for Takamaru and two for Crono. (Yeah, I like katana. Wanna fight about it?)


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
WHERE are u people gettin the motrocycle moveset idea from? the guy can fight by himself u knwo, u dont c fox fighting in his arwing in melee do u?, the guy can fight by himself, and Ive already posted the fact of how his chances are high...


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
Motorcycle or not, I do believe his chances are higher than others due to the melee rumor, and Nintendo owes it to the fans who would have wanted to play as him in melee. I give him a solid 90%.

Balloon Fighter x5

Iggy K

Smash Ace
May 18, 2006
I don't see Mach Rider getting in because I think there are other retro characters that should get in before him (Balloon Fighter, Little Mac, Mike Jones, Sukapon etc.), so 15%.

Nominate Bomberman x5.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2006
I think if he was going to be in Smash, he would have been in Melee. I'm pretty sure that time didn't run out, but rather they decided it wasn't a good idea, for the same reasons we're coming up with: the potentially cool motorcycle moveset would be tricky and there are enough characters never played outside a vehicle before already. On the other hand, the motorcycle moveset could potentially be cool. 25%


(I gots me an axe to grind)


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
Mach Rider would mach an excellent retro charecter. He had his music in melle and they even bothered to make a whole new design for a trophy. Prehaps they ment to do More
I give 5 nomination point to his good buddy Balloon Fighter
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