i know its been a while, and that i said i dont write on smashboards/do shoutouts, but i was cuted by rambo.
Hello all, sleeping in my car at Crown is stupid, random people walking by and stating that I am sleeping in my car is stupid next time a big tournament is on, I'm booking a room somwhere near 24 hour carparking in the city.
Aside from that I enjoyed myself even with people falling on me from top bunks. Shaz said it best when he mentioned Cao dosn't get enough recognition for his sacrifices, so a huge kudos to you mate and don't let Daltsy tell you what to do lol.
errr. i hope you were joking. me and cao have figured out by now that our humour is sometimes lost in canadian/australian translation (apparently there is such a thing) so if i said something stupid or ever tried to tell cao to do something, i was most likely kidding. its all good though, and i appreciate all the effort to run the tournament by cao, sam, strider, and whoever else was behind the scenes. here goes in random order...
sam - that was funny when you got matched up with bringer first round. thatll teach ya whose boss....... heard you did pretty well though. cool ness we had a fun friendly. your welcome for the pasta by the way
emily - good match good match. sorry i wasnt up to par with you and it wasnt as epic as it couldve been. im going to get unreon to youtube those videos so i can write comments and embarrass you. accent? i wish i had a cute accent like everyone at rambo did.....
unreon - so hopefully as you just read, your going to put up those youtube videos so i can write comments and embarrass emily. did we even get one of us? all i remember is that you got the one with me and bryce/sloth, which had some interesting dialogue during the match... hope you had fun in melbourne and that it was worth it. good luck with your school work too, mr. 99 :D (screw unreon, mr.99 will catch like wildfire) you want girls? comon it should be pretty easy for you - just bring your australian accent to canada. (insert kwok sex joke here - too easy. tell her hi from daltsy next time you see her though, will ya? itll be like, a good ice breaker before you eventually and inevitably unreown her

bryce/sloth -
slothy: DaLtZy! (caps/non caps alternating means that high pitched voice by the way)
daltsy: Dude im not coming down there....
slothy: DaLtZy!!!!
daltsy: DUDE... im not coming down
slothy: Show me some canada daltsy...
only one match mattered and it wasnt ours?!?! god ****... i can see where your coming from though. i think i mightve been the reason you didnt make top 4 in melee singles, when if we were playing serious you wouldve owned me. good timesss, and too bad i never did get to play some DDR with you. im only a 8/9 stepper though, so i probably wouldve just embarrassed myself. cute hearts on your controller etc etc, you dont take nothin from NOBODY (L) nice too meet you and good luck with moving
Bjay - way to get my smashboards private message like... 5 months late

but yeah really, 'tim'... what is that all about? its all good about the stories thing, you were ballin enough without them. too bad you couldnt make jaz's meet in sydney back in the day, but it was awesome that you made rambo and it was nice meeting you
dedu/stuey- although we didnt get to play any smash, it was still really cool to meet you. flying across the room from top bunk while cao and i were in casual conversation was too funny, though you started giving comboturtle/tom wrong ideas. hopefully the adventure you went on during your dissapearance from our lives was awesome - i added you to facebook so im looking forward to hearing some stories :D
comboturtle/tom - too bad we didnt meetup when i was in wollongong for a few weeks, cause your just too ballin. whatever kind of elbow/knee/face drop you did from top bunk to cao's laptop on the ground was too funny, especially with the timing with the staff at the door asking if anyones intoxicated. sorry about the whole getting-your-belongings-jacked-up thing, i hope everything worked out and you had fun in rambo
mr. phantasmo/adam - yoooo sorry to hear about the beanie thing. i feel like everything i did you had to pay for. stupid...sexy...drunk...daltsy... nice meeting you for sure though, and too bad that whole bunking up thing didnt work out when you didn have a place to stay
shazzypoo - didnt really get to see too much of you, but thanks for humouring me by making it seem like i was actually close to beating you in singles - thank god i put my name as jons

. i remember saying something pretty stupid after the match, and somehow it came out awesome and you said 'i like this guy. this guys awesome' which gave me warm fuzzies. the highlight of rambo (im dramatic but this might not be exaggerated) is you doing the goron noise (L)(L) nice to meet you fo sho
hybrid/george - (to jaz and unreon with you standing right there) 'dude i cant believe our team beat you in doubles, my partner like, totally sucked' haha oh george, hopefully you figured out i was just joking. we both already know you'd stick it to me in smash anyday 1on1. like i said before, i was glad i asked cao for the baddest *** partner and got just that, instead of some lamer. we ripped up doubles for sure, except for those jerks cao/shaz

congratulations on how well you did at the tourney, especially brawl. it was cool that you came out that night and we had some fun friendlies the day after. the adelaide/vancouver combo will forever be in my heart(L)
bringer/ryan - i sat down at the table at the hostel, and introduced myself to you and slothypoo. when you said bringer i was like 'oh REALLY? your BRINGER!?' haha how dorky, but i just knew you played yoshi and its too ballin and i got excited. anyways, i have no idea how i did so well on those friendlies, had you gotten used to canada you woulve started to **** me pretty bad for sure. which is exactly what wouldve happened had we played that next morning. dont worry about the not waking up early next morning thing, i stayed up until some stupid time like 7am and slept until dinnertime if it makes you feel better. 'taking care of me that night' haha. i just knew that you'd be balliner with some drinks in ya, then i realized it was like 2am and we had just played smash since dawn the day before.

'so if you come up to canada, youd get like, free room and board, if that means anything. itd be sweet, then we could chill' 'yes... yes it does' im still takin you up on that yooooo, as unlikely as it seems with that secret job of yours:D
cao - where to start. i talk to you on msn and facebook so ill just keep it smash related. thanks for getting me to come to rambizzle and giving me a little taste of the nightlife. i was really impressed by the way you ran the tourney, and hopefully didnt piss you off too bad when i missed some of my singles/doubles brawl matches. i appreciate your easy goingness when it came to making plans in melbourne. i was all over the place and missed some of our plans like the AFL game, and while others would be pissed about how i couldnt keep organized, i appreciate your 'well if your not getting a hold of me you must be having fun somewhere so its all good' attitude. congratulations on the smash placings, your a beast. ill write something cooler on your facebook now that im back home and settled down. im stealing yours and others rambo pictures by the way, putting them all together and living vicariously through them whether i was in the picture or not (L)
to all the other people i didnt shoutout to dont feel bad because ive already given you one on your respective cities smash thread (hopefully). nice meeting you all and it was fun meeting the australian smash scene (L)(L) <3