"Oh, I used to have nachos and sour cream and chili like everyday. They don't sell that any more. But now I have to settle for, like, this whatever," said one student.
This quote from the link really caught my eye.
I know I may not be one to speak, but I don't think schools really
need nachos in the first place. Kids just want to eat the same stuff at school that they eat at home. Last time I checked, schools didn't even make good food. It's all boring, come to think of it. One day, I had forgotten my lunch at home, so I decided to settle for a school lunch. I'd have to say that the
carrots tasted better than the rest of the meal. As long as you are going to eat flavorless food, eat healthy, at least. This kid just makes me angry. He's complaining about how they took away nachos and soda and replaced it with other things. I know he has a right to do this, but it's just silly. If he doesn't like it, then he should make his own lunch and bring it to school.
"Choices now include spinach salad, healthy burritos and grilled chicken. "
That actually sounds pretty good to me.
"School lunches no longer consist of hot dogs, french fries and nachos."
All of this they can get when they get home from school, so I'm fine with replacing it with healthier stuff. However, I have some trouble understanding why kids don't want this. I myself have never seen any necessary need for soda and nachos(of which I dislike because they don't taste good to me). If schools want to do this, fine with me. It's great. However, it is only one piece of many steps that can be taken if the government wants to lower the number of obese children in the US. Parents also need to learn to educate their children so that they make the right choices. Banning school bake sales, though? Maybe that's a bit too extreme. What's to stop them from going home and eating pie?There's nothing wrong with a bake sale, except that people tend to eat way more than they should.