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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.

Jun 8, 2009
why is berserker pretending like wii has good games to play?
What are you talking about?

I didn't play brawl for a LONG time cause of Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Now, I blame DKCR because it's **** good.

The reasons why I didn't play brawl for a certain time:
New Super Mario Bros Wii
Super Mario 64 ds
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart wii
Final Fantasy IV
Mario tennis
Mario Kart DS
Mario Kart 64
Super Mario Galaxy 1
Super Mario Galaxy 2

Kirby's Epic Yarn
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby Canvas Curse
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Mario Bros.
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Rayman 2 (N64)
Kirby 64
Super Smash Bros 64

and... SONIC 06!!! But I gave up because of the stupid glitches.

I feel the same for brawl no matter how long I don't play it. I get that feeling a lot but since it's Christmas, I want to try out the new gifts I'll get.

Then I'll go back to Sonic 06 and quit after an hour for sure.
There are only 7 games that amuse me. The others are not in the wii. I don't download NES, SNES or N64 games. I play them at their original console.

Learn how to count.

I finally finished True arena at super star ultra with sword ability only x_x

Why does it seem like Melee players constantly have to say that Brawl is bad?

It seems like most of the Melee community has a never ended goal of insulting Brawl and saying how Melee is better. It ultimately comes down to personal preference, and it is not like Brawl players are running around saying Melee is a bad game, so why is there such a strong animosity coming from the Melee community?
I like brawl and melee. Personally, I like brawl better because of the good competitive content, variety of stages and the roster's unique movesets, advantages and disadvantages. The bad is the pace is slower. I don't mind about brawl being more defensive. Melee on the other hand has more sharp gameplay, rich competitive content and fast pacing. The bad was just the clones but I didn't care about it. The graphics were okay.

Melee players just say brawl is bad because of the competitive content and the slow pacing and physics. They probably tried it and got disappointed cause of that. Unless the player is a melee fanboy, then there is no reason to hate brawl. It'd be better if they made trues to promote equality with the 2 games. As a smash player, I have to admit that melee is more competitive than brawl but I wouldn't like to see a voting of which game is better.
Aug 6, 2008
Why does it seem like Melee players constantly have to say that Brawl is bad?

It seems like most of the Melee community has a never ended goal of insulting Brawl and saying how Melee is better. It ultimately comes down to personal preference, and it is not like Brawl players are running around saying Melee is a bad game, so why is there such a strong animosity coming from the Melee community?
Coming from brawl, and playing with a bunch of melee peope, the situation is really complicated. There are a lot of reasons why people say things against brawl, and it all adds up into what you described. You cannot really label it as all say it is bad because bad comes with many, many different implications.
Melee is a bad game.
No. It is not. Melee is an awesome game and I would probably play it. Then I realize how much time I put into brawl and realize there are many things about melee I do not like.
farewell SuSa
Why do you say this?
What is this madness?
I have a box that was brought over from home that had a lot of clean supplies in it. Soap, shampoo, dishwasher soap, clorax wipes, and that is about all I can remember. After a long time, the stuff starts to ferment and whenever you open it, it smells really nice.
I like brawl and melee. Personally, I like brawl better because of the good competitive content, variety of stages and the roster's unique movesets, advantages and disadvantages. The bad is the pace is slower. I don't mind about brawl being more defensive. Melee on the other hand has more sharp gameplay, rich competitive content and fast pacing. The bad was just the clones but I didn't care about it. The graphics were okay.

Melee players just say brawl is bad because of the competitive content and the slow pacing and physics. They probably tried it and got disappointed cause of that. Unless the player is a melee fanboy, then there is no reason to hate brawl. It'd be better if they made trues to promote equality with the 2 games. As a smash player, I have to admit that melee is more competitive than brawl but I wouldn't like to see a voting of which game is better.
Those are some reasons, but not all. It's really different for many people.
Jun 8, 2009
who cares about melee and brawl stuff? play whatever you want, play both and be happy with it.

I play Both, even if my main game is Brawl.
Yeah. I play both games but brawl is where my prime skill belongs. I appreciate melee's competitive play but well, it's too much :bee:

About L4D 2, my most hated enemies (The higher the :mad:)
Jockey ***** (:mad::mad:)
Charger **** (*Walks around and catches charger charging at me* Oh sh-)
Spitter *** (Who cares)
Witch :awesome: (Lulz)
Smoker **** (*Strolls around* lalalalala what the ****!?)

Off-topic. Just felt like it since I just played L4D2



Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
I played L4D but not L4D2. Haven't gotten around to it. I hear lots of mixed things about it. My friends say it's different but not in a bad way. MY only gripe with L4D is the community - I hate booting due to a lack of mic. I mean, I got one, but I really don't feel like talking all the time, especially if I'm just messing around.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
Why does it seem like Melee players constantly have to say that Brawl is bad?

It seems like most of the Melee community has a never ended goal of insulting Brawl and saying how Melee is better. It ultimately comes down to personal preference, and it is not like Brawl players are running around saying Melee is a bad game, so why is there such a strong animosity coming from the Melee community?
because melee players are ******** elitist ******s


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
brawl would actually be better than melee like, if MK, diddy, ice climbers, pikachu, and olimar didn't exist

but they do, and brawl is a bad game.

edit: actually going to throw sonic in there too just because he's an obnoxious character that hasn't been in a good game in like 15 years, him being the third party to come in with snake instead of someone like mega man or crono or just basically ANYONE else is just insulting
Aug 6, 2008
The issue with brawl is too much favor to the defender. This is where you have issues with timing out and planking. The defences in brawl are difficult to punish. Even when you do get to punish someone, you do it one hit at a time typically. There was that saying in melee of do not spam spotdodges and rolls. I am going to say keep spamming them lol Falco's spotdodge is only 0.05 second window to punish if spammed lol
I played L4D but not L4D2. Haven't gotten around to it. I hear lots of mixed things about it. My friends say it's different but not in a bad way. MY only gripe with L4D is the community - I hate booting due to a lack of mic. I mean, I got one, but I really don't feel like talking all the time, especially if I'm just messing around.
Make the witch mad! Why is the witch bad?

That is really dumb shadow.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
There was that saying in melee of do not spam spotdodges and rolls. I am going to say keep spamming them lol Falco's spotdodge is only 0.05 second window to punish if spammed lol
this is what I do really hate about brawl especially with characters like falco and diddy, rolls and dodges when used properly are impossible to punish unless hard read and the defensive reward for a failure on said hard read is always much greater than the reward for predicting it(unless you're ice climbers really). I don't have such a problem with lack of true combos because if anything the follow up system in brawl has more depth, instead of getting auto 0-deaths constantly or very close to it you have to read and react a lot to get the rewards but it still gives the person who landed hits an advantage typically

but seriously dodges in this game are gaaay


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
a lot of them don't have very good defenses, little comparison, GOOD VS BAD

S: Meta Knight
(gdlk front roll, good spot dodge, best ledge game, air camping vs a lot of characters), Diddy(tied best spot dodge in the game, good rolls, good air dodge, best shield in the game. when bananas are on the field he's almost completely untouchable)
A: Snake, (good rolls and dodges all around, his back roll being the main standout, combined with grenades and a pretty good shield)Falco(tied best spot dodge, good rolls, frame 2 jab will interrupt a lot of things that work on other characters, laser > phantasm enough said), Wario(tied best spot dodge, air mobility and air dodge)

E: Yoshi(one of the worst shields in the game, mediocre otherwise), Bowser(LOL, enough said)
F: Captain Falcon, Samus, Jigglypuff, Link, Zelda
G: Ganondorf
(this whole group is horrible in the dodges department except jigglypuff and zelda, who should probably be ranked higher than they are IMO. ganon can't stop anyone, I played verm like a month and a half ago at DNA and I SD'd my first stock at like 20% to give him almost a stock lead and I just blind aggro'd my way back, if he shields or dodges he still has a frame disadvantage on good attack characters like MK or marth lmao)

uhh, COINCIDENTALLY, falco, diddy, and wario are the only characters that have that ******** *** spot dodge and all of them are A tier -_- err, diddy is still ahem "officially" A tier
Aug 6, 2008
Alright. So low tiers are bad and nothing can be done about them when they suck. The only thing you can do is take away combos of the good characters to allow them more chances to get back into the game which makes low tiers somewhat more viable than in melee, but not by much.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I don't think they're more viable, I think yoshi is the only one of those characters with any kind of potential. for the most part I think you see a lot of upsets in brawl because people don't know the matchup as well, you have to know 35+ characters and realistically no one is mastering all of those, and most people are getting the most experience against MK, snake, marth, popular characters like that. if you main a good character odds are nearly every low tier you fight knows the MU much better than you


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
they don't really change, maybe we find out more about them...but they don't change. ganon already loses 90-10 or worse to a lot of characters, the people that main those characters just don't always know how to abuse it because who the **** dedicates themselves to fighting ganon when you could improve at fighting MK/diddy/falco/marth/pikachu/olimar/snake/wario etc.?
Aug 6, 2008
they don't really change, maybe we find out more about them...but they don't change. ganon already loses 90-10 or worse to a lot of characters, the people that main those characters just don't always know how to abuse it because who the **** dedicates themselves to fighting ganon when you could improve at fighting MK/diddy/falco/marth/pikachu/olimar/snake/wario etc.?
Judging from this one experience I have, I will make a claim. Anytime I seem to try to focus on one character in particular, I might get really good at this match-up, but I fail know how to do other match-ups because I try to do stuff that works in one MU that does not translate over to another. So my theory is that if you play all sorts of match-ups at one time, not only will get you get good at many match-ups, you will also learn to adapt much more readily. Adaptation seems key to a lot of things. You can tell someone how to do stuff, but it really comes down to them being the judge in the situation.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
yeah this is something I need to work on, just playing more random people in general. my main training partner mains marth so I have around 1500-2000 hours into the MK vs marth MU while there are some characters I like literally never fight lol

probably half of why diddy ****s me up, playing a character based on smart spacing and baits and then going to play a character that just goes AIR DODGE TO SPOT DODGE IS SAFE USUALLY YEEEAH is definitely a 180.

I hate diddy


so much
Aug 6, 2008
yeah this is something I need to work on, just playing more random people in general. my best friend mains marth so I have around 1500-2000 hours into the MK vs marth MU while there are some characters I like literally never fight lol
Those that travel are the best.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
yeah it definitely helps if you can, I actually can't even go to locals now I'm going to quit for at least like two months :/ but this has always been a quote that's interested me about this

mH: I was always decent in brawl i think. When I started playing brawl seriously, I got put on the PR relatively fast, but the problem was that i never really advanced from the level I was at. Though one month, I noticed that my skill was declining, and it was the most frustrating thing I had experienced. I don't think i necessarily got worse, but everyone in my region had caught up to my level, and I was on the verge of quitting. I decided i would quit somewhere around the time of WHOBO. I went to Texas, did bad, but I made sure to money match everybody that I could. The next week, Socal had a big regional, and I ended up getting 3rd, defeating players like HugS, DEHF, and DSF. my progression literally went from "losing to 12 year old kid (Mojoe) to beating #1 on the west coast in two weeks."
22: And you don't know what caused that?
mH: Yeah, haha. it's kind of funny though, because i was really bad at melee until i traveled to pound 3, and when i came back i improved a bunch, and beat DSF in tournament at my first tournament back in California. Haha.

though really I don't need to travel that much to play a lot of good OOR people, NY/NJ comes to our events all the time
Aug 6, 2008
*stalks the forums like a vulture*
*swoops in and posts*

I am also starting to think that in the beginning, you need that consistancy to test your skills against to see what you are inconsistant with. After that, you need to start playing a large number of different people to really improve. A good healthy mixture of the bad, good, and neutral.

Get your skills grounded first, then take off to make them keener.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
probably doesn't help me that I've been switching back and forth between the wiichuk and GCN controller for like 6 months, I have like no base now XD

hopefully going to get a new GCN controller soon, and I'll be doing a lot of time chamber before I come back. I'm actually starting to think solo practice is more important than playing people, it seems like I've done worse and worse since I stopped playing CPU's/training mode for hours at a time. at least for MK it seems like tight spacing is everything, a few pixels can be the difference between safely evading and separating the ice climbers and getting death grabbed, or between hitting snake off stage in a gimpable position or hitting the grenade he's holding
Aug 6, 2008
Yeah. Anytime I do not play melee for a week, my playing is horrible for the first hour or so. I find that doing roughly 1-2 hours of playing alone to get that feeling of fast movements and timing helps 24 hours later when you do a smashfest.

In psychology, you learn that you retain more knowledge the first time you learn something, then less the next time and so on. So basically, that should correlate to motor skills. 1 hour a day is good, but 4-6 daily is excess and really does not help all that much more.
Jun 8, 2009
I love making the witch mad. Why she mad? She all cryin' and ****. She's just salty is all. One shot that witch in the back of the head.
It's fun when the witch goes :mad:
The issue with brawl is too much favor to the defender.
I'd agree with that, but since I use Snake.. Meh.
Make the witch mad! Why is the witch bad?
I like making the witch mad.

I like making the witch mad to make it kill my teammates and myself.

I like annoying my teammates by stalling the revival meter by pressing the button rapidly.

I like shooting cars.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
hi there, got 3rd at tourney yesterday. I lost twice in Snake dittos. I pick wolf against Snakes or any random character and I do a lot better than the snake ditto. 95% of my tourney loses come from Snake dittos. Even though my avg placing is some place between top 5.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand

I like making the witch mad.

I like making the witch mad to make it kill my teammates and myself.

I like annoying my teammates by stalling the revival meter by pressing the button rapidly.

I like shooting cars.
^ HAHHAHAAHAHAH, so funny. ****, I forgot the name. There's a term out there for playing with the sole purpose of pissing off your teammates. The stalling the revival meter made me laugh so hard. It's like juggling them hahahaaha.


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2008

C4 Range is sooo good :D

You can try it yourself, just stand on the main stage and put a C4 on the highest Platform and let it explode xD
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