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Quitters Never Win: A Word of Inspiration


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2010
Columbus, OH

There's been something on my mind for a while that I've been wanting to address to smashers and to share my thoughts on. I find that it is becoming more popular in the smash community as time and tournaments go by. I am saddened that more and more smashers quit/take a break from Smash Bros. simply because they lose and think that they are not good enough. Smash Bros. is a game of fun and community, along with the competitive side of it as well. If you loved a game to begin with and simply because you aren't doing as well as you would like, you quit playing the game that you love so much, then that really sucks. You should want to keep playing the game you love AND have fun with it.

Now let me also add that I AM NOT the best smasher out there and I do lose a lot when playing at smashfests and tournaments. I know what it feels like to be beaten over and over again. You've always heard the whole "When you fall down, keep getting back up," but its a good piece of advice. My goal in smash is to keep getting better and at NO point do I ever expect to win EVERY single match I'm in. Not everyone can be the top smasher and nobody always wins. Practicing against those who beat you is a good source of practice. I can understand that going against someone who you can't even touch the entire match might not be the best practice at first, but you eventually learn from mistakes made in matches. You learn what to do against certain play-styles with certain characters and what not to do against them as well. You really have to have a focused mind on that area of matches if you are trying to become better. With a negative attitude and saying, "Why play if I never win?" actually causes distraction when playing as well and won't allow you to learn as much. Just realize that you aren't going to win all the time and you aren't going to lose all the time and have an optimistic outlook for each match. A good attitude results in better game-play. Try your best and don't be upset if you lose.

I have more to write on this subject and will later edit it in. I will write it as soon as I can. These are my thoughts and if you don't agree with them, then that's okay. I'm just trying to make people happy in the smash community :) Feel free to discuss anything I have written so far.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Hampden, Maine
Good post. I like to tell people that you're already putting yourself in a better position by being positive when you play and about playing this game. Being negative is just putting yourself at a disadvantage in the game and lessening the fun you can have by playing it.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
I lose respect whenever I see people stop trying as hard when they are down 4 stocks to 1. I've trained myself to just go 100% until the game is completely over because you never know what may happen, whether it be your opponent SDing or you getting off for the next 4 stocks.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Sacramento, CA
I lose respect whenever I see people stop trying as hard when they are down 4 stocks to 1. I've trained myself to just go 100% until the game is completely over because you never know what may happen, whether it be your opponent SDing or you getting off for the next 4 stocks.
Dude idk how but you always post things that happened between me and my roommate. If I get 2 or 3 stocks ahead in one game he will just quit. When I question him, he says "it was over". But you can never know!

And having a negative attitude makes you perform worse for sure. Plus no one really has fun when someone is pouting over just losing.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2011
Think of all the awesome comebacks? I always think about how awesome it would be to have those moments where you just stomp on your opponent for four stocks.

What are you going to learn from quitting? Nothing. It justs makes things awkward, and leaves a bitter taste in everyone's mouth.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
If you want to convince your roommate it's worth fighting, I've always told myself this sort of logic:
"It may seem impossible to take 3 stocks without losing 1 to even it back up, but that's what they just did. There is no real difference in difficulty between taking 3 stocks at the beginning and taking 3 stocks at the end; theoretically, taking 3 at the end should be easier because you have some invincibility to work with, and they probably have at least SOME damage on them."

Obviously that's really optimistic logic, but I have a much better record of comebacks with that mindset than I do with "I have to play 4 times as good as them to still win, there's no way..."


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2005
LA, CA near Santa Monica
The way I think of it, I just want to play every match as perfectly as I can. So if I am up 4 stocks to 1, I want to 4 stock my opponent. If I am down 1 stock to 4, first I think of taking that first stock, and then breaking the JV, and then the next stock, etc. Those kind of things motivate me to keep playing on point.

Who is winning or losing is kinda irrelevant to me, I just want to play well at all times.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2010
Columbus, OH
Thanks for your responses everyone. I will be updating further thoughts later tonight :)

4 Aces

Smash Ace
Jun 23, 2007
The way I see it is, if I'm at 1 stock, and my opponent is at 3 stocks, then all I need to do is upsmash to kill stock #3 since he'd already have decently high damage. Then just gimp stock #2 at low percents. Then proceed to fight the way I've been fighting up till that point for the win.

Obviously doesn't always work out that way, but it helps me focus my playing and it gives me a small glimmer of hope.


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
Sensei Chops (Lambchops) made the differentiation between "Playing to Win" and "Playing to Learn". Even as a top player in Florida, he would "throw" friendly matches all for the sake of testing his theories and challenging fate with f-smashes.


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2011
Ellicott City, MD(summer)- Quincy, MA(fall-spring)
To get better at something you have to practice it
In order to practice something you must be taught it
Before you learn something you must have a passion for it
You can not have a passion for something unless you put time into it

Only after you put time into it will you then get better

Negativity will always make it so you have less time to do the things, even the things you love. Either through worrying about it or talking yourself down.

Being Positive is the only true answer to success! It always leaves you with more time to achieve the things you love!

Great post :D


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
I quit smash because of 3 things.

1.) extremely bad location closest real scene is 5 hour plus drive ATLEAST in all directions and I live on FL(panhandle)

2.) because of #1 I fall behind in skill.

3.) people I use to go even/ **** are now beating me.

4.) Moses asked me once. How long you been playing competitive melee? I said since 2005. He asked me why I wasn't a top pro. And because of that statement I realized I'm going absolutely no where with smash and pretty much quit right there.


Not everyone had the perfect formula to improve. I believed for so long and tried so hard. But I accepted the elements just are not in my favor and I'm a trash player in today's metagame.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2006
Skill plateaus exist, and there are natural barriers (i.e. living in a really isolated area) to getting better, but sometimes life just gets in the way of Smash.

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking a break or quitting if there are other things that you want/need to spend time on.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Are you really resorting to make others feel bad because your situation is not favorable? When someone truly wants to achieve something then they'll do EVERYTHING to get it. However, there's unfortunately only a select few with that kind of willpower and determination.

Mr Wizzrobe

Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2011
Moncton, New Brunswick
It's related to what I was thinking revisiting the site. Use the search button right?

Just roll out of here with that waste of time post.

Obvious troll is obvious, I even put the icon there just for you. Plus I really wanted to use that picture at least once in my life.

I respect your reason for quitting smash. Makes sense.


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
Are you really resorting to make others feel bad because your situation is not favorable? When someone truly wants to achieve something then they'll do EVERYTHING to get it. However, there's unfortunately only a select few with that kind of willpower and determination.
Um... I put hours upon hours into the game. Determination means nothing when you have to hurt yourself to get it. Try driving every weekend spending 100 bucks plus a week on gas just to practice?

I HAD the determination bro, I just couldn't afford it and if I work more, less practice time.

Ive driven 4-5 hours just for friendlies with like 3 guys just to get some practice in.

How many people you know do that at the very least every other weekend? I was one of the guys planning on going to Europe cuz I have the money for it. I saved up. But ultimately you all bailed right? We have priorities.

It's equivalent of someone having to shave their head down the middle to get good and the other guy having to lose his leg to achieve the same status.

So its best just to accept that my condition doesn't favor me to play the game.

I've donated large sums of money to CEO just so big competition could be within range of me.

I give free gas rides to raise attendance so I get even more practice when I can attend one.

Trust me when I say I tried hard from 2005-2011

Could I have quit my job move to a city with more smashers? That would be possible if I quit school, and I would like to think investing in smash... That hardcore is a little bad.



Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
Sorry if I came off angry I just saw this thread and I think there are always legit reasons to quit no matter how much I love melee. I am always talking this game up when I talk fighting games.

I use to dream sleep eat and bath in smash. I would day dream all day about ways to mind game and possible frame traps/ tricks to Improve my game. But it hurts a lot I'm stuck at the same level because I can't get experience as quickly as the big scene areas.

I've met you twice before Kage but we never played eachother.



Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Union City, CA
good post xykness

your attitude is gonna get you far

at first i wasn't going to post this, but this is something i been my mentality this past year in general, probably more than actual practice itself, i figured someone might be able to learn from it.

i kinda just rant on random things

i feel sometimes losing is sometime an ego/insecurity issue along with fear. (sometime! i know losing just sucks in general). A lot of people fear losing because of the way they think they'll be perceived by the person beating them or their peers and whatnot. Thus why people john, why people point out their resumes, i mean who doesn't want be validated by their community as a top player??. If you really wanna improve in my opinion u have to let the fear/ego insecurities go. I see people do **** in melee out of fear/ego/insecurity all the time, from playing random characters (i did this), to not entering tournaments and just playing "serious friendlies" with everyone. If you really want to get where you want to, your gonna have to put yourself out there, you don't really know until you try(its cliche but true). Let all the ego/insecurities/fears you have about yourself in smash go and be in the moment, if you lose just keep it moving. You gotta realize there's always gonna be another tournament, the only person that can make you give up is you.

Also never dwell on a situation, if you get gimped or something...keep it moving. Last night for example, i played bluefox for like an hour straight of hardcore matches. I was winning games against his puff with multiple characters, so i said to myself "ehh ill go doc". I went doc and lost, now my first reaction in my head is "WTF HOW'D MY DOC LOSE?? IM TIGHT". Then johns are all in my head "my doc is rusty, i never play him, more johns blah blah". Right after that i told myself, it happened, you lost, play the next game. Then i won, simply because i got over the last match.

If you don't read any paragraphs, read this one.

Just be immersed and in the moment, don't have negative thoughts, hell don't even have positive thoughts. As crazy as it sounds though telling yourself "im going to win" though it can help, it just dwells on your insecurity that you can lose/going to lose, that's why people sometime go in "positive" and "ready" and then crack down midway. Don't focus on winning or losing, or even learning. Focus on being calm, relaxed, and comfortable first. If you're comfortable with your situation it's going to be easier. Alot of people in general are to tensed when they play smash

At the end the day, im not saying "don't get mad" it's okay to be salty. Just don't be salty for the wrong reasons. If your mad, be angry that you allowed yourself to get gimped on that last stock, don't get mad because you lost that friendly to marthmaster97.

Lastly i guess, kinda like that last sentence. If you quit, don't quit for the wrong reasons, such as losing, or how your perceived by other smashers/community, if you really quit then do it because you think melee is boring. Not because you can't beat falcogunman87 or because "the community" hates you. But yea, sometime quitting/taking a break helps, some people go overdrive with getting better in melee. Improving other stuff in your life as well will result in better melee to, because you'll just feel better about yourself in general

But yea man, just my 2 cents on smash mentality

i been thinking this way and i think i'm improving because of it. Take ur time with it though, everyone is different hahaha.

but yea hopefully this wasn't too long

and i wish the best of luck to anyone trying to improve themselves


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2010
maybe you should focus on just practicing an hour a day until you are in a situation where you have more opportunities to play people and focus less on thinking about the game that you love.
after you come back, you will be happy that you did not drop playing entirely and lose process towards improving.
try playing before bed
helps us humans process muscle memory


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
You should post less often.

Also M2K quits out of like every single game and he's top 10 in the world.

M2K hardly quits games these days.

And this is a very good thread. Very important things in here for all players to consider.


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
Okay look.

That was a good post and all, but why the **** does everyone hate marthmaster97?

Give the kid a break guys.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
This is good advice to the community. great job,

Also the best way to get back up again is to record vids. This way you can see your mistakes and correct them.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2008
West Palm Beach, FL + the Doc Boards!!
Wow, Zone's situation sucks. Time is money, and 5+ hours combined with $100+ is a lot of both just to get some practice in. Hopefully he can pick this game back up one day with it becomes more convenient.

I always told myself and my smash scene how lucky I was to live so close to good players.

And I think I'll meditate on HomeMadeWaffles' words.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
i almost made a 4 stock comeback in 2v1 today
never give up
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