Smash Hero
almost, but not quitei almost made a 4 stock comeback in 2v1 today
never give up
which is why you should always give up when the odds are stacked against you
real talk though, you have to want it, as in YOU, have to want it, nobody can make you want it, anyone can be good at this game and if you think that you deserve to be better than you are because other people are and you think it's due to some innate ability that you lack, if you JOHN like that then realize it's just a john
ANYONE, can be good at this game, anyone can be great at this game, you must put in the work. The best way to get better is to ask questions, and when people give you answers, dissect those answers because even if they seem, at face value, to be incorrect, there is information there. Also, watch video's, and if you feel like you watch videos all the time and you've not been getting any better, then you are watching them wrong, and don't just watch video's of the best player of your character, everyone has stuff to offer, and watching 1 match of PP vs. armada may offer a lot of good information, but I promise you that watching randomfalco x vs. randompeach y has information to offer as well.
Watch videos, ask questions, start writing stuff down, failure to do this will result in a failure to progress.
If you thought that people just became gods of melee because they play a lot, you were sorely mistaken. It takes work to be a god, you don't just attain it by grinding matches.