The nubs say their piece lol
puff needs a lot of time to do her damage. In the meantime that puts a lot of pressure on the fox not to get ****ed up. Peach racks up damage very quickly and can hold her own if need be. Other characters need to space properly against her, but her high priority makes it easy for her to enter the fray.
in teams puff and peach have equal recovery. Neither can be edgeguarded.
Puff also can't kill outside of fsmash and rest, and at higher percents neither of those is going to happen. Peach has nair.
Another thing is peach can disrupt a team much more easily than puff. one dash attack can mess them up, with puff there isn't an easy option like that. it takes puff awhile to get over and help her partner.
This is what usually happens:
fox1 / puff vs fox2 / peach
they are positioned like this on the stage:
puff --- fox1 - fox2 --- peach
fox 1 upthrows fox2
peach runs in and dsmashes twice, racking up ~40%
example 2, same position
fox2 upthrows fox1
puff runs over to space a fair
Puff tries to run over and grab
both take a lot of time, and do significantly less damage
and no, the grab doesn't mean a rest, if the fox is any good he'll see the puff coming to interrupt and DI it well ahead of time
not to mention the peach could follow up the first dsmash with a dash attack (because most likely it won't be teched) to grab or an aerial. but 2 dsmashes takes the least amount of skill so i put that up there.
If the rests come then the team looks amazing, but a really good opposing team will keep that to a minimum. Plus rest is weaker when your teammate is grabbing them, they have to be at least 40%, and anything over 90% renders rest useless as an Fsmash would be about as efficient but with less risk.