I didn't artificially balance anything. Jigglymaster asked for a realistic scenario where a Charmander could fend for itself against a Mega Rayquaza, so I gave him one. Unorthodox? Maybe, but definitely not completely impossible. I'm not just going to throw out a Charmander that I'd literally
just recieve from Professor Oak. lol
That's true,
most competitive players do seek out the most efficient strategies. However, there are also those rare few who
make efficient strategies on their own. It's always fundamentally important to know what works, but the key factor lies in
how you apply it. The thing about the list of answers I produce for competitive Smash play, is that the list of answers is practicially limitless; Don't see an advantagous option?
Make some up yourself! If you only pay attention to what a move does up front, every character will be stuck exactly where they've always been, but when you take those alternate possibilities into account (without losing visual of fundamentals), you'll start to see that those characters that are percieved as "worse", are not nearly as limited as you originally thought. Believe me, I am like nooooo where near from being closed minded.
I'm not saying this is you, but people keep talking about these "imbalances". To get a threshold of what these imbalances are, we need to get a grasp of what
balance is, which...I'm sure almost nobody in this thread has. Everybody wants their character to be a certain way, or do a certain thing, when these characters are the way they are for a reason and there are ways around those disadvantages as long as you're willing to accept the limitations with the character's design (every character has limitations), but.... nobody is willing to do that; Nobody is willing to put forth the
creative, experiemental effort to develop their character, so people are in a constant bind to try to "fix" what's not even broken to begin with to take the much easier route. Yes, you guessed it... The the terms
"balance", "imbalance", "good", "bad", "better" and "worse" all have one thing in common; they are all subjective to the person saying it. Everybody is trying so unbelievably hard to obtain a "perfect" character, when perfection doesn't exist in this world.
This is partially the reason Customs should not be legal. Because it is once again, an end result of a mass of people trying to "fix" something that was never broken or somehow incomprehensible in the first place. It's just another scapegoat excuse for people to continue to ***** about how "bad" their character is in hope to get a "perfect" character, instead of putting in the creative, developmental footwork to advance their metagame at hand.
There is not a metagame in existence that can advance without creativity.
Considering the other guy above me already took care of the Pokemon Argument. I'll just respond to this one.
I almost feel as if there is a bit of a contradiction going on here. You say that a specific move shouldn't dictate who you will or won't play and how it only alters a role of the character, but then before all of that you admit that 2122 Mii Brawler is a entirely different character than 1111 Brawler. So its clearly more than just altering the role of the character.
It's also fine if tournaments don't allow him, I just don't enter those. Then I wait for moments like this where custom moves are finally getting passed and I jump and cheer for joy as tech I've been working on for months becomes the main metagame.
Honestly, I don't care where 2122 Mii Brawler is on the tier list, when I look at it, we work as a team, we both have strengths and weaknesses and through training I can learn how to make the best of it. I've tried to make teams with other characters such as Duck Hunt, Jigglypuff, Shulk, Default Mii Brawler, even Diddy, but none of them have resonated as well as 2122 Mii Brawler. I looked at his moveset and I thought.... hmmm, what could I do to make this work? I was the one who made Piston Punch popular, and once I started using it everyone else did. But I grew bored of the move and found it to not be so great as it was for me, I found a new move, Helicopter Kick which, at the time everybody was ignoring, that resonated with me better, and now because of me once again, that move is the go to move for Mii Brawler (though, some people still like Piston Punch).
So yeah, you could tell me all you want about how it doesn't make me the perfect player cause I'm not, I'm human. He's the character I love playing as the most and he's my best character with that specific loadout, so I'll be darned if I have to play anything else. I found my character.
I never said it would make you the "perfect" player. I'm saying that it is your preference, yes, but it alone
does not define your skill as a player. You are making it sound like it does, when it doesn't.
The problem with Customs becoming the main standard for the metagame, is that while you might benefit from it in this case, it's pretty much going to destroy the development of every single metagame with
overly compliceted perspectives based on nothing but a bunch of "what if's" and there will be no consistent foundation to base any matchups on. Counter picking stages is one thing, but being able to change up the custom move
combinations will make everything far too counter-happy. It's almost like it wouldn't even be Competitve Smash anymore. May as well rename it, "Super Jank Bros. 4".
Before you say "People are just lazy and don't want to give them a chance" Let's take a more in-depth on what you're asking:
Each character has 4 specials with 2 additional alternative Custom move for each, which grants them 12 special moves total. Those 12 special moves can be arranged in any way that the player wants from the 3 different choices between all 4 customs (Such as "2122" Mii Brawler for example)
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 =
81 different possibilities. And that's just for one character...
But now, if you were to make the choice to change between games. where now you have option to change to one of the other 51 characters with a completely different set combination.
81 x 51=
4131 possible combinations...
Not to mention that each Special/Custom move has various amounts of applications for each (that will likely lead to AT's and such that haven't been discovered yet. Even with just standard specials. ) as no 2 players are going to always be ultilizing them in the same fashion with the same
So yes, I want you to know (not simply you in particular) that when you say "People just need to learn to adapt and give it a chance", you are literally asking the entire Community
to enable the ability to counter your opponent with roughly 1,000,000 different possibilities of jank right on the spot.
How does one "adapt" to that? Easy answer; You can't. Not because you can't necessarily process what's going on (which would still be difficult given the sudden change in moveset), but because when you counterpick with Customs, the following game just becomes a spontaneous guessing game of "Oh ****, I have no idea what I'm about to get hit with....Or how to get around it." Which will eventually lead into a scenario where people are going to say dumb stuff like "If you can't beat it, you just need to get better.".... Sound familiar? I'm pretty sure you know
that's exactly what nearly all the Brawl Meta Knight players have said for 6 years as they were able to fly around the stage, plank which would effectively run the clock for 8 minutes with this nearly unbeatable strategy and overcentralized character. To the point where 90% of Brawl players
had to also pick up Meta Knight to counteract it, when such a thing should of been banned in the first place. The principle of this issue with Customs is literally no different.
Conformity to this madness alone, is what virtually killed Brawl, and will do the same for Smash 4 if it doesn't change. I'll say it again; Winning through skill is very different from winning through exploitation of the rules.
MU threads will effectively become a joke, because of those 1,000,000 different possibilites. Why need MU threads if you can just rewire your character to be a different one? You won't be able to get around to discussing all the complicated, scuffled things all of the possibilities bring to the table. Not in this lifetime, anyway.
Yeah, you guys are saying "Oh, we'll see how it goes and if we don't like it, we'll get rid of it", but the problem with that is that when it starts, I
KNOW that
you won't. It didn't happen with MK and IC's in Brawl, how is this time going to be any different? An even worse problem is that ya'll are saying "we'll see how it goes"
as if you don't already know what's going to happen, when it's so obvious that you do. Because everyone is playing to win, while forgetting to play to learn.
History has a way of repeating itself. We can try not to repeat that same mistake that we're about to make again.