I am in favor of them and we´ll be hosting a local tourney this January. I plan on allowing custom moves so in order to properly control them, I plan on using the following format:
1.- Pre-registration
Prior to the tournament, players will be able to confirm their participation to the tournament. During this time, they will also be allowed to ask for a pre-set to be done. This preset will contain their nick, the character(s) and the customs they intend to use. This way I can save in the console before the tourney, saving lots of time beforehand.
2.- Registration
An hour before the tourney, I will be taking last hour registrations. People will also be allowed to come with their 3DS and save their intended-to-be-used customs. This way we avoid having to cut games continuity for the sake of editing characters and more. This will be restrained to the time we have between the event opening (because it will be hosted at an otaku festival) and the tournament starting.
3.- Post-registration
Once the tournament starts, no one will be allowed to edit characters. If they didn´t register a custom set on the allowed times (pre-reg and reg) then they´ll have to use the stock move-set for the rest of the tournament.
Also, a few other rules that I might include are:
a) A max of two (possibly 3?) custom sets per player, distribuited among as many characters. No two sets per character, only two per player. I want people to structure their customs sets wisely to answer weaknesses on their playstiles, not to counter everything.
b) Not taking other people custom sets. This kind of goes hand-in-hand with "a". Allowing people to pick other people made sets kind of nullifies "a". The only moment this rule would be skippable is when two players register the same custom-set for the same character. This is easy to keep track off because I will have in paper everyone´s registered sets.
This is kind of still in the rough, but I am really looking forward to see what kind of results and data this throws in. What do you guys say about this? Would you suggest me something, put or remove a rule?, You think this will work out or not? Im looking forward for opinions on this.