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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2008
With an answer like that you would agree that wavedashing is a glitch >_>
It doesn't really matter if it's a glitch or not, it doesn't make the game worse, and actually adds to it, so why remove it?

Because Sakurai didn't intend for it to be in?
Then they might as well cancel the whole project, because it's clearly not the way he wanted Brawl to be.

I R MarF

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2010
At my house
Not sure if this was asked yet but what does "Stay tuned this week for Demo Announcement Updates!" mean, exactly? Is the demo still being released sometime this week or is the post explaining a delay will be confirmed sometime this week? Or something else?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2010
Canton, MI
Not sure if this was asked yet but what does "Stay tuned this week for Demo Announcement Updates!" mean, exactly? Is the demo still being released sometime this week or is the post explaining a delay will be confirmed sometime this week? Or something else?
not sure

game I sent you a messege in your inbox to show what exactly i'm sort of working with. It may be easier than what I'm thinking but cant really be sure until I test it out on my game. So I'll probably end up doing that tomorrow since I have Class/work later tonight :(

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
IMO, it would be more important to update the FAQ and OP before the demo comes out and the inevitable
crap noob storm begins.

I am mildly excited about the potential update though.

BTW, nopping that change action command didn't remove the problem.

It simply prevented the veggie from disappearing when it hits the ground.

It bounces and then disappears a second or so later.


Smash Lord
Jan 18, 2011
lawlwut??? I wonder why Falcon's side b makes no sound. I believe I heard that in one of the videos, but is it just a cosmetic change or is there anything else behind it?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2010
Canton, MI
I believe someone possibly said that the noise it makes makes it too predictable and easy to dodge out of the way from. I personally think its a good change because who really wants a move you know what/when its gonna be coming. or something along those lines.

FireBall Stars

Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2009
Brazil, South America
They already said that.

The sound in Raptor Boost, gives the opponent one more way to know what is coming in their direction, it had no real advantages, so they've taken out that sound.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
So I'm starting to write the "introduction" part of my Project M post over at NeoGAF. The problem is, I ain't no what where English major. So if anyone wants to help flesh this out, fire away:

On December 2nd 2001, Super Smash Bros Melee was released for the Nintendo Gamecube. I, like most Gamecube owners, picked up the game, and played the hell of out it. The game has been universally praised for it's frantic, quick paced game play.

Then E3 2006 came around, and the lives of Smash fans were changed forever. The first trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii was revealed, and we were hype. Melee, pretty much the greatest multiplayer game of the last gen, was getting a sequel!

The Dojo began it's daily updates. At this point, hype was through the freaking roof. Never had a game been more anticipated, as proven by one of the largest threads in GAF history.

Finally, Brawl was released on March 8 2008. It was universally acclaimed, like it's predecessor, but there was something different. This was not simply Melee with online and new characters. The physics were clearly different.

Gone was the fast paced action from Melee that we had grown to love over the past 7 years. The game was slower, floatier, and it seemed like you could airdodge out of pretty much anything. Top it all off with an complete and utterly dominant character in competitive play, and what we have here is a disappointment to many longtime Melee players. From what I've seen on GAF, I'm certainly not the only one who feels like Brawl didn't live up to expectations:

If you play SSBM for its speed and precision then Brawl will disappoint. Brawl is packed with a lot of great content, but the mechanics were poorly changed and in a lot of cases dumbed down, in my opinion.
Brawl was not that great. It had all the factors that should have made it great, but in the end it wasn't as satisfying as Melee.
Probably my biggest disappointment for this generation. The game just isn't fun, and slipping is the dumbest addition ever. Online, though a nice addition, sours the package too. So laggy.
Brawl was a very weak follow up to Melee with a number of very poor design choices - it was simply a case of quantity over quality
I'd say it was my personal biggest disappointment this generation aside from Nintendo as a whole. The game probably isn't disappointing to its intended audience though, just to me and others like me who really enjoyed the faster pace and balance of reward in the previous entry.
And so on. These kinds of posts are everywhere in any thread that even mentions Brawl or Melee. Of course, not everyone feels this way, and I totally understand that. But I am politely going to ask all the people that did enjoy Brawl more than Melee to please not troll the thread. Although it's primary demographic is people who were disappointed in Brawl and wanted a more Melee-like experience, I implore you Brawl lovers to give this a try!

And so on. These kinds of posts are everywhere in any thread that even mentions Brawl or Melee. Of course, not everyone feels this way, and I totally understand that. [highlight]But I am politely going to ask all the people that did enjoy Brawl more than Melee to please not troll the thread.[/highlight] Although it's primary demographic is people who were disappointed in Brawl and wanted a more Melee-esque experience, I implore you Brawl lovers/Melee haters to give this a try!


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
*OP for a topic that's going to get murdered on NeoGAF*
Make sure you highlight the fact that this is not only for tournament play, and that we're not forcing it on anyone, just letting the 'people' of GAF know whats going on.



Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
When I mentioned earlier that I plan on making promotional videos, I was more or less implying I was going to do a video presentation along the lines of what Anth0ny is attempting at NeoGAF.

Actions speak louder than words, and more to the point; video presentations are more hype than walls of text on an internet forum.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2009
is ROBs upb and overb have three each or just three of one or the other? just wonderin. i guess i mean can you do 3 upb's and 3 overb's or just an upb and 2 overb's?


Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
3 altogether (upB and sideB shares). For example, if you're recovering as ROB and you get knocked out of your sideB, you will only have 2 more boosts left (I'm assuming this part, correct me if I'm wrong) whether its sideB or upB until you land on stage, which is when the counter resets back to 3 boosts.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2010
would it be possible to give metaknight a single hit jab1?.....i been wanting to jab reset to down-b slash x_x


Smash Journeyman
Nov 28, 2009
3 altogether (upB and sideB shares). For example, if you're recovering as ROB and you get knocked out of your sideB, you will only have 2 more boosts left (I'm assuming this part, correct me if I'm wrong) whether its sideB or upB until you land on stage, which is when the counter resets back to 3 boosts.
thanks thats what i was lookin for.

also i saw some wario vids and i know hes not done, his new fsmash seems wierd to me but his overb(i think it is) when he shoulder charges through the air vertically, seems strong. it killed rob at like 85%(after he got hit rob was 85%) it just seems a little strong, just sayin. i cant really help and im sure you notice these things, and by you i mean the PM team who knows what they are doing. im just tryin to help please dont take me the wrong way.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
It's main application I personally appreciate is in an environment where there is hit stun, jab forces the opponent to DI away from Meta Knight to get out of the barrage of slashes. Jab happens to have excellent IASA frames, and you can combo a jab to a down smash almost instantly, which has a pretty bad angle of trajectory if not DI'd correctly. So when they're DIing out, you have a nice chance to nail them since their DI is off.

It also links to his other moves for similar reasons, so it adds damage.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2010
i never said remove the barrage of slashes -.-

i know it has some uses.....especially what u said about forcing them to DI away from you. But im not so sure about follow-ups unless your opponent makes a mistake

Edit: disregard my concern.....figured it out

(but i still don't see how having a single hit jab that links straight to the barrage would hurt)


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Unlimited Blade Works
I suppose I misunderstood you, but given what you're suggesting, I don't see how that would work. His jab is so fast, how would you be able to execute a single jab, while leaving a window open for the barrage follow up without slowing the move down?

Also, couldn't you just use the first hit of the forward tilt as a jab reset in replacement of what you're suggesting?

On that note: If the first hit of the forward tilt doesn't do that already, that'd be neat.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2010
yea the f-tilt doesn't work thats why im suggesting something that would >>

and Ulevo there is enough window room for linking the jabs....it doesn't have to be big at all.....think about it, quick tap for jab.....quick double tap for barrage


Smash Master
Jun 29, 2008
http://www.mediafire.com/?zj2oddmz0yy for ZSS fix!
[collapse="quote of epic"]To the people who think this will just be an inferior port of Melee: you are sadly misinformed. Super Smash Bros Brawl is, according to the modders, 'the most hackable console game ever.' In the two years since the beginning of Brawl hacking, coders have opened up, deciphered, edited, and reinserted almost every file in the game. They know how everything works, from the lighting system used on individual stages, to the scripting that explains how fast each character falls, to the calculations the game goes through when a character gets hit. Furthermore, they've cracked open Melee as well. In doing so, they made a few startling discoveries almost destined to start flame wars between diehards: below the superfluous outer layer of 'floatiness', the two games are strikingly similar. Many old characters have literally the same attributes in both Brawl and Melee. For those that don't, the values are different but organized in the same way, so it's simply a matter of copying and pasting the values from Melee to Brawl. In fact, Brawl and Melee use the exact same values for calculating hitstun, but Brawl's lack of combos can be attributed to a line of code that allows players to cancel the end of their hitstun with an attack or an airdodge. Needless to say, this line has been removed from before Project:M was even thought of, let alone put into practice.

For those who recommend 'Just play Melee': Diddy Kong, Ike, King Dedede, Lucario, Lucas, Meta Knight, Olimar, Pit, Pokémon Trainer, R.O.B., Snake, Sonic, Toon Link, Wario, Wolf, Zero Suit Samus, half of Dr. Mario's moveset, half of Young Link's moveset, at least one of Roy, Mewtwo, or Pichu, Bridge of Eldin, Castle Siege, Delfino Plaza, Distant Planet, Frigate Orpheon, Halberd, Lylat Cruise, Mario Circuit, Mushroomy Kingdom, New Pork City, Norfair, PictoChat, Pokémon Stadium 2, Port Town Aero Dive, Rumble Falls, Shadow Moses Island, Skyworld, Smashville, Summit, WarioWare, Yoshi's Island, 75m, FlatZone 2, Green Hill Zone, Hanenbow, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Bros., Pirate Ship, Spear Pillar, Hyrule Temple 64, Metal Cavern 64, Dreamland 64, Dash Attack Canceled Up Smash, Glide Tossing, attacks that can trip you, new moves on old characters, game balance, 300+ full-length pieces of music, and the ability to hack the game to put everything from Melee into Brawl, gaining everything that made Melee great without losing anything that makes Brawl unique.

For those who request that we not hack their precious game: You have opinions. So do we. You are of the opinion that Brawl is great the way it is and should not be changed. We respect that, as long as you state that opinion respectfully. However, our opinions differ from yours in that we believe Brawl could be better. Melee also could be better. We have the tools and expertise to combine the two and make a game greater than the sum of its parts. You might have fun playing all items on high on the wackiest stage you can think of. You know what? We do too. We all do. But if there's money on the line, or if we're sober and we want a serious game, we want a game where the better player will win, where the gameplay is fast and furious, and where even the best have plenty of room to improve. This mod is made with competition in mind, but that doesn't mean we won't have fun with it. trust me, very few people are willing to spend hundreds of hours on something (as EVERY member currently or previously working on any Brawl mod has) FOR ****ING FREE without expecting to get some fun out of it. We aren't going to deny it, most of us are computer nerds. Collectively, how stupid can we possibly be that we'd all do this without any potential gain coming out of it?

For those who don't plan on reading the website and will bash anything without bothering to learn about it: the demo has 14 characters and slightly more than a dozen stages. Rest assured that the full game will have 40+ characters, every stage from Brawl (including a bunch that have been edited to be more competitive), most of the ones that were removed from Melee, and even a few returnees from Smash 64. There is a difference between an unfinished demo containing a small selection of near-finished characters as opposed to a full, polished game.

For those who respectively disagree with what we're doing and recognize that this in no way, shape, or form affects them if they simply navigate to another window and put it out of their mind: Thank you for not being haters.

For those who are intrigued: Project:M is probably the most fun you can have with a Smash game, and that's certainly saying something. Every single person working on the project is here because we think we'll get something more out of this than we currently do with Brawl, Melee, or both. Furthermore, we love each and every one of you who gives this game a fair chance but decides against playing more. All we ask to anyone is that you don't, as the mantra goes, "Complain about games you haven't played." Rather, you can complain all you want after you try it. We're always open to constructive criticism (as long as you don't reiterate the same points 20 other people have made, that **** gets old fast) and our feelings will not be hurt if you say the game is not for you.[/collapse]
(the 'last edited by' time keeps changing because i keep finding typos and trying out new formatting things)


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2007
So I'm starting to write the "introduction" part of my Project M post over at NeoGAF
As someone who's made a Project M thread on public gaming forum, what I'm going to say to you here I believe is absolutely pivotal:

Don't dwell on Brawl's faults. ESPECIALLY do not talk in terms of history of what Brawl was and wasn't, or pull quotes to that effect. This will only invite people to flame you, and sour the direction of the thread from the get go. Their experience with the game won't be yours in many cases, with Brawl or Melee.

Make an effort to appeal to the potential audience without pissing off those who wouldn't try it anyways. The core message should be: Project M is a mod for those who'd want Brawl to play like a better balanced Melee with a larger character roster. Not that Brawl wasn't this. Not that Melee was that.

Again, my thread you can find here: http://www.1up.com/boards/posts/list/52369.page

I've made some revisions to the OP since it was originally posted, granted. But in its current state, I really think it's the better the way to go. Dwell on the things that make Project M awesome currently (without Smash 'lingo' if at all possible), and not the history.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
I have two questions.

Is Shieldstun dependent of the move damage, or is dependent of the move Shield damage?

Is Shield damage dependent of the move damage?
Shieldstun is based on the move's damage.

Shield Damage is a separate value independent of the move's damage, although if there isn't a value specified then it defaults to a value based on the move's damage.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
MK26, that is literally the best quote that has been posted in this thread and represents everything I thought i'd like about this game.

Hopefully, the fanboys and girls on both sides of the "Melee/Brawl sucks" or whatever the hell they want to call it debate can appreciate this. Because it speaks so much truth.

Not only with Project: M. There's Brawl-, Balanced Brawl, Brawl+ (in the past, I guess) and what's conceptually going to be for Brawl 64. There's so much we can do with this game.
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