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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
Oh ****! it's a conspiracy <_<

Bcuz every time i find an sd card in a random wii, my first instinct is to check it to make sure it doesn't have project: M :D


Smash Ace
Mar 4, 2009
Someone please tell me that Peach's explosive sideb will be optional in the end, like the vertex hacks. D:
EDIT: I phrased this wrongly. I DON'T want the explosive side-b because I love peach's brawl side-b graphics.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2010
I've a suggestion for giving Pokémon Trainer's Pokémon their own down special while still being able to switch between Pokémon.

Modify the taunts to be able to switch Pokémon.

The advantage to this, for example:

Squirtle's Left Taunt could switch to Ivysaur, and his Right Taunt could switch to Charizard.


Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
I've a suggestion for giving Pokémon Trainer's Pokémon their own down special while still being able to switch between Pokémon.

Modify the taunts to be able to switch Pokémon.

The advantage to this, for example:

Squirtle's Left Taunt could switch to Ivysaur, and his Right Taunt could switch to Charizard.
The point of Pokemon Trainer is to use all 3. By allowing this option, you're ignoring the feature that makes Pokemon Trainer special or else it'd just be like another Zelda/Shiek (implying that its a 2 character transformation).


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2010
The point of Pokemon Trainer is to use all 3. By allowing this option, you're ignoring the feature that makes Pokemon Trainer special or else it'd just be like another Zelda/Shiek (implying that its a 2 character transformation).
I don't get how Pokémon Trainer would get omitted at all from my suggestion.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
I think the thing where you don't switch upon death unless you hold a button works fine for them. If ganon doesn't need an up tilt, falco doesn't need a forward air, and sheik doesn't need a down B, then PT doesn't need a down B either.
It's just one move anyway.

Unless of course.. they suck so bad that no amount of PSA can fix them.. <_<
-doubts that-


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
I will try to put together a BBox intro guide in the next couple nights and make it available publicly on SmashMods.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
I will try to put together a BBox intro guide in the next couple nights and make it available publicly on SmashMods.
there are a few pretty good videos for using brawlbox for textures at least. Just been watching them. I could definately make any basic texture now with a bit of work and a decent photo editing software (which btw,i dont have. Any suggestions apart from photoshop?)

But yeah... its looking interesting, should really get my wii cleaned so i can actually see finished products


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
there are a few pretty good videos for using brawlbox for textures at least. Just been watching them. I could definately make any basic texture now with a bit of work and a decent photo editing software (which btw,i dont have. Any suggestions apart from photoshop?)

But yeah... its looking interesting, should really get my wii cleaned so i can actually see finished products
gimp maybe?

or use the god of pic editing software...

lrn2MSpaint ;D


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
ok now gimp works and ill only ask 1 more question cause i know this is the wrong place to post but i dont want to create an entire thread:

does ash3d work for models and if not what does?
I'm not experienced with model hacking but i know vertex editor or.. something (forgot what the hell it's called =_=) and brawl box (to a limited extent i think) works for models.

Someone correct me if i'm wrong.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
After having played Toon Link in several matches, here are observations(and questions):

N-air: Is it strongest(knockback wise) when it first comes out and decreases in knockback the longer its out? I was not sure of this, but its pretty important it works this way since we Young Link players love our sex kicks. :p Also..Falco's phantasm shouldn't be able to go through TL's n-air(Its in one of the vids that were recorded through JCaeser). I should be able to Edgeguard him with this.

Projectiles: I know you guys said you were working on this. But here are my observations on his projectiles right now:
His arrows are great. I like how far they fly without any charge.
His boomerang needs a ton of work. I don't like it at all. Plus its super glitchy. :p
Bombs. They don't interact with each other(there is no collision between two bombs. Which isn't a huge problem at all. Just something I noticed). What is a huge problem is how fast they blow up. It seemed like I didn't have any time at all with my bombs. Young Link's bombs definitely had much more time when it comes to explosions.

Of course, his projectiles overall need a lot more work for them to actually be useful(IE, turn them in Young Link's). But those are just some things I don't want you guys to overlook.

His U-tilt and U-smash: They seem to be the same move with the same amount of time it takes for them to come out. Although they both perform differently when they hit someone. How it should work is his u-tilt should be much faster than his u-smash and his u-smash should be Young Link's upsmash with the three hits. In my opinion, that was a lot more useful and allowed Young Link players to create more pressure up close.

D-air: Seems like if I fast fall with his d-air he doesn't bounce when he hits something, but if I don't fast fall he does bounce? Of course, I'm only concerned about this move because I want YL's d-air combo back to work. If the character is not floaty and is kinda heavy or a fast faller, if you d-air them in the air you will be able to hit them with at least three d-airs are lower percents into a u-air(usually) for a ton of damage(around 45%). This is pretty important overall since allowed us to punish people trying to challenge us from underneath in the air.

U-air and Toon Link's overall aerial speed: At lower percents, u-air shouldn't send characters too far away since I should able to juggle characters with my u-air. I'll post up a vid a bit later of perfect example of how this works. With that said, his aerial speed should be up to par as well to make this work. Like I said, you'll see what I mean when I show you the example.

Still need to play him a bit more, but those are my first immediate observations. Overall, he's alright so far. Just need some more modifications to not alienate us Young Link players from him :p Since so far he is kinda on the alien side to us(meaning he feels more like 75% Toon Link and 25% Young Link)


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
The fuse can be fixed but, multihit bombs aren't looking too promising (they became glitchy when camelot last tried them, which was several weeks ago). For the time being, his bombs pull inwards like YL's bombs did. As for bomb collisions, that's not just Y/TL's bombs, it's also Link's. So, what we haven't fixed for Link's bombs also applies to Y/TL's bombs and that deals with not having being able to allow them to not only hit their own bombs, but have interactions with them with their other projectiles. Trust me when I say we already knew about that and we have been trying to figure out how.

The other things you noted will be taken into consideration and likely changed accordingly.

Edit: Oh and Nair does work like a sex kick, so yes, it is strong when it comes out.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
Just wanted to say thanks for working on this guys. This game is awesome brawl plus and minus(no disrespect to those who made and or play that game) is soooooooooo bad compared to this. If this game picks up in interest I can see myself playing it competitively. I hope it does I might even slow down on melee if it REALY goes off the ground lol.

Whats the deal with buffering rolls? And ledge tricks felt funny at first but im getting use to it.

Keep up the good work guys! :)


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Whats the deal with buffering rolls?
Buffering rolls is being finicky... so we're sorry if we've failed to deliver on them buuuut apparently Brawl doesn't seem to like C-stick inputs buffering crap. shanus had been trying to get it to work for awhile and has taken a sort of break from it but, will likely return to working on it once he has figured out a way to get it to work like people want it to. All the code he made does now is essentially allow you to roll with the c-stick.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
Could you give the bombs a hitbox when they are flying through the air? And maybe even have it explode when 0B, hit with hitbox?


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2007
channeling death lotus
na its cool its not that bad lol just curious.

What about the c stick in regard to smash attacks. It still has that brawl mecanic where it does tilts. Can it be changed so that I have my preference. I like the c stick to be like melee in regards to it only be used for smash attacks only and aerials in the air(this works perfect)


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Currently, you can already crouch > c-stick Dsmash and any direction on the control stick that's held all the way in that direction. If you half way hold the control stick and then do c-stick, you will do a tilt. C-stick is annoying to work with but you can already do the smashes fine if you just hold the control stick all the way.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Also..Falco's phantasm shouldn't be able to go through TL's n-air(Its in one of the vids that were recorded through JCaeser). I should be able to Edgeguard him with this.
Just wanna note that this is a problem with Falco's side-B having too much priority, not TL's nair not having enough.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2007
After having played Toon Link in several matches, here are observations(and questions):
Good stuff... though I'm not too keen about farther shooting, not-charged arrows, relative to YL. I actually liked them being a little short in Melee. The boomerang and bombs are already decent enough at long range pressure; arrows were useful in air at mid-range on opponents below because of their drop. Even moreso considering the slight stun from the fire. And depending on the circumstances, their drop could even be helpful in keeping aggressive opponents at bay as you were trying to get back to the ledge.

I'd argue that if anything, arrows should be kept the same as melee only with the move's endlag slightly reduced. His arrows were one of the big things that made YL YL to me, and one of the things I was most irked by when playing as Toon Link in Brawl. But I'm guessing this is an argument I'm not likely to win.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2010
Carbondale, IL
I'm curious as to whether the knockback on the small Link's (calling him that since he's sort of a mix of YL and TL) non-special moves will be based on YL or TL. Some aspects of YL are important for juggling and such, but if I recall correctly, YL had a very rough time killing someone whereas TL doesn't.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
from my experience, higher level Young Link players use arrows least often out of all of his projectiles.
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