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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
PLEASE for the love of god do not make link a no offense defense only camp until your opponent dies character... you will go straight to my hate list.. who the hell wants their character to turn out like that? he should be able to flow from offensive assaults to defense projectile spacing imo e.e

for link
don't make him another olimar e.e

i think his f air/dtilt/ftilt definately need sped up

on second thought, if you mean helping his camping game in a dif way then forget i said anything. if he plays like in melee but better i'll be happy.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2010
PLEASE for the love of god do not make link a no offense defense only camp until your opponent dies character... you will go straight to my hate list.. who the hell wants their character to turn out like that? he should be able to flow from offense assaults to defense projectile spacing imo e.e

for link
don't make him another olimar e.e

i think his f air/dtilt/ftilt definately need sped up
they won't don't worry


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2010
PLEASE for the love of god do not make link a no offense defense only camp until your opponent dies character... you will go straight to my hate list.. who the hell wants their character to turn out like that? he should be able to flow from offensive assaults to defense projectile spacing imo e.e

for link
don't make him another olimar e.e

i think his f air/dtilt/ftilt definately need sped up

on second thought, if you mean helping his camping game in a dif way then forget i said anything. if he plays like in melee but better i'll be happy.
What I mean is that you use projectiles/camping to force the other player to make a bad approach, and then play aggressively to punish the mistake once they get in range of your tilts/aerials.


I'm pretty sure I remember the devs mentioning that they had specific plans for Link that were working fine.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
they won't don't worry
kay <_<


What I mean is that you use projectiles/camping to force the other player to make a bad approach, and then play aggressively to punish the mistake once they get in range of your tilts/aerials.

alright that's fine with me(not that my opinion will mean a **** thing) but i'm just making sure ~.~

Deleted member

This thread is getting so bad that I wished these posts were awful enough to get moderated.

Certain people should learn to stop posting and be quiet.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2010
who was the last mod?
edit so rpsi doesn't infract me again, will grapple characters maintain the ability where they regain invincibility on the ledge as seen after the kill a 54 seconds?
so it doesn't get lost on the last page
also this is assuming you are unable to program ledge tethering
edit: **** it i'll probably get infracted again


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
i remember a really amazing japanese player that could stand toe to toe with ken, as link. the thing was, his projectile game gave him a really impressive shield, and ken had trouble with it. that's the kind of pressure i'd like to see. link shouldn't be making walls as much as he should be making waves with his zoning tools, a zoning field nearby him but not so linear and far as most other projectiles, such as the lazers and such.

i think PM is doing this really well with some characters already. snake, for instance, creates an unusual barrier between his opponent unlike any other. he basically occupies the stage wherever he so chooses, with both a powerful but easily disabled tool and a tool he can choose to save for many applications but a primary one as another stage occupancy he must control (small suggestion, the C4 autoexplode timer really ought to be lengthened, forcing players to remember through stocks, superior to a seemingly random explosion. gives snake mains more control, i think). add that to his ability to throw a projectile, which acts much like a normal one but with an...explosive twist (ohohoho). seeing them explode that much sooner is a great change, by the way. big kudos to jiang for this work.

anyway, i think link's projectile game, despite having long standing, is only on par or subpar to snake's in PM, which is ludicrous.

i don't know particularly how to do this, but i can't be alone in this viewpoint.

edit: chyeah


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
Meh. Aniki was good, Germ is good, but HDL IMO is the best maylay link to date.

LOL @ how many ppl went along with my idea of link having lazerbeams. :bee:

@Sterowent: Dad gum. Couldn't have explained link's traditionl strengths in his projectiles better myself. However, although snake may have as good or an even better projectile game than link, keep in mind he doesn't have his broken tilts anymore. In other words, he's more reliant on his unique explosives to get the job done than he used to be, so I as a link main am perfectly fine with him having an even more formidible arsenal of projectiles.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
welp, both characters share some similarities in how they use their projectiles, like most characters that have them, besides fox. one of the greatest strengths of a projectile is complicating an opponent's ability to approach, so it's only natural i mention that.

but this strength is much more proactive in link's case, as well as more effective. in snake's case, you put a mine down, possibly C4, and throw nades if you want to put pressure on an opponent, but this is still very shieldable and does not work vs. many other projectile characters. same with link. however, by jumping into the fray after placing his traps, he can complicate his opponent's approach, much like a spider would lay a web. he makes approaches a great deal more dangerous than link would, especially since unlike link snake can kill with his, often having to.

in link's case, it's kind of like summoning a swarm of chess pieces, with their own paths and quirks, forcing players to somehow dodge the obstacle course. not only this, but he can move his fairly easily unlike with snake's more long-winded game. if link is very careful and intelligent with them, he can bring his opponent up to good percents with the projectiles alone, and we can't discount that link can certainly intercept opponents with them offstage or use them to LINK into combos!

like i said, different but also very viable. somewhat hypothetically in link's case.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
Tuesday's Pro Tips:
Give Lucario Mewtwo's Dtilt, Uair, Fair and Bair.

Or at least attacks that are similar in purpose.

I really see NO downside to this guys, Mewtwo fans would be happy, Lucario fans would be happy they have new and better tools, and it would automatically buff him without having to mess around with hitboxes and stuff.



Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
Tuesday's Pro Tips:
Give Lucario Mewtwo's Dtilt, Uair, Fair and Bair.

Or at least attacks that are similar in purpose.

I really see NO downside to this guys, Mewtwo fans would be happy, Lucario fans would be happy they have new and better tools, and it would automatically buff him without having to mess around with hitboxes and stuff.

i'm guessing someone will say "if you want mewtwo then play melee. or assist someone who is making a clone engine."

how would b air work? lucario has a much shorter tail o.O

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
i'm guessing someone will say "if you want mewtwo then play melee. or assist someone who is making a clone engine."

how would b air work? lucario has a much shorter tail o.O
Anyone who says that is an idiot.
In Melee, there is:
• Worse visuals in most cases.
• Less characters/stages.
• Less hackable.
• Mewtwo is ****.
• Not balanced.

P:M will fix all that.

I can't assist someone making the clone engine, as I don't know anything about programming. But if we used that logic, only film directors and stuff would be able to critic films.

I also said "Or at least attacks that are similar in purpose".
Make him kick his foot out or something, just give it the same sweetspot/damage/knockback/etc... as Mewtwo's bair.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
Anyone who says that is an idiot.
In Melee, there is:
• Worse visuals in most cases.
• Less characters/stages.
• Less hackable.
• Mewtwo is ****.
• Not balanced.

P:M will fix all that.

I can't assist someone making the clone engine, as I don't know anything about programming. But if we used that logic, only film directors and stuff would be able to critic films.

I also said "Or at least attacks that are similar in purpose".
Make him kick his foot out or something, just give it the same sweetspot/damage/knockback/etc... as Mewtwo's bair.
not what i meant. i mean if you wanted to play mewtwo you'd have to play melee instead of trying to get lucario to act like him. i never said that that this project should die because people should play melee instead. yes anyone who says that in that way is an idiot and needs to get over themselves.

that's the point.

then it would look nothing like it and thus wouldn't be mewtwo's bair e.e and it might not evenwork with lucario's moveset/playstyle.

w/e i'm srsly done arguing about this since i rly don't care about lucario at all. also, i can't see why anyone would want mewtwo's awesomeness mixed in with a furry. but that's just me.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
welp, both characters share some similarities in how they use their projectiles, like most characters that have them, besides fox. one of the greatest strengths of a projectile is complicating an opponent's ability to approach, so it's only natural i mention that.

but this strength is much more proactive in link's case, as well as more effective. in snake's case, you put a mine down, possibly C4, and throw nades if you want to put pressure on an opponent, but this is still very shieldable and does not work vs. many other projectile characters. same with link. however, by jumping into the fray after placing his traps, he can complicate his opponent's approach, much like a spider would lay a web. he makes approaches a great deal more dangerous than link would, especially since unlike link snake can kill with his, often having to.

in link's case, it's kind of like summoning a swarm of chess pieces, with their own paths and quirks, forcing players to somehow dodge the obstacle course. not only this, but he can move his fairly easily unlike with snake's more long-winded game. if link is very careful and intelligent with them, he can bring his opponent up to good percents with the projectiles alone, and we can't discount that link can certainly intercept opponents with them offstage or use them to LINK into combos!

like i said, different but also very viable. somewhat hypothetically in link's case.
Hmmm, on that note, here are some ideas.

When Link holds down-B, he pulls out a Cucco with a bomb- [Collapse=]
Which would be this model swapped over the fairy sprite from his taunt, and scaled down to proper size. He holds over his head like this [Collapse=]
And it has two differentiating factors from his bombs.

While holding the cucco in the special animation that would be made for it, if link jumps or falls into the air while holding the cucco, he falls extremely slowly with increased control of his aerial movement, both in acceleration and speed, like jigglypuff essentially. Secondly, when he throws it, the cucco travels slower through the air and doesn't fall towards the ground as fast, so it flies farther then bombs. Also, unlike bombs if struck the cucco is not destroyed- the cucco explodes on impact with the ground or foe.

Essentially, this would aid him in his walling abilities by having a slower moving obstacle that an opponent must maneuver around, while allowing him to keep his old bombs- press down-B for bombs, hold for cucco. It's like samus' and her missles- press side-B for homing, smash for powerful.

Why not give Link more tools to mixup his game? Essentially the cucco would be worse for attacking, but before for walling- and due to it's slower and farther arc, it would allow Link to use it much in the same manner as Doc used his pills, approaching from behind it to frame trap the opponent.

Actually, why leave it at two varying bombs?

With Link's boomerang, you could create a tap and smash variation, with tap creating standard boomerang that hits on the way out and the way back, and goes less distance, and a smash variation which creates a gale boomerang which can be controlled similar to Pit's arrows (though to a lesser degree- it is restricted to remain in front of him, and are more like Samus' homing missles which arc, but can't be circled like Pit's arrows) and while the gale boomerang deals no damage on the way out or the way back in, it can be used to manipulate the opponent and better control space, another piece in Link's wall. It makes sense as well since the Gale boomerang can be controlled in the games. The standard boomerang allows you to hit your opponent, meaning you can combo it's return, or do laggy attacks with impunity knowing it will be returning forcing your opponent to react. So you could have standard boomerang and gale boomerang to give Link more options, a tap and smash variation.

Everyone is supporting the return of Link's 64 boomerang, so why not have it, but keep the gale boomerang as well and make it useful? The two bomb types provide Link with more mixups and options, and utility- the basic premise of Link and all his tools. Of course at first it sounds absurd to give him several new options in addition to his plethora of projectiles, but it would enhance his play and make for a deeper character- Link is a fast faller who tends to suck offstage, but what if he gets offstage and pulls out a cucco, and flies towards the stage before AGTing it towards his opponent, providing him with a better means of recovery and placing an obstacle between him and his opponent? The cucco would aid offstage game, onstage it would allow him to fakeout opponents with his mobility before throwing it (but while holding it, he cannot attack or perform other actions) so it gives him another tool to use.

Neither the two boomerangs or the two bombs are anything overpowering or breaking his game- he still loses out to other projectile users at long range, so it isn't to promote camping, but rather to give him better stage control, zoning, walling, recovery, close quarters combat, and mix ups. Why not make Link a unique character with a broader range of tools at his disposal? In Zelda games one of the most major aspects of the game was Link's arsenal of tools, and I feel it would be good to further strengthen his utilities and projectiles- Link would be a character known for his broad number of options and his large arsenal of weapons that make him an opponent suited to shrewd and tactical play.

It sounds absurd to suggest such radical changes such as two entirely new projectiles, however it fits the character and fits the play. I now it's outlandish, but so were the changes made to some other characters to better fit play- snake was a powerhouse with impressive reach, in P:M he became an amazing tech chaser and mixup master. Huge shift in play, but everyone who has played him agrees it was for the better. Wolf was a fairly campy heavy who spammed his blaster and bair to wall opponents- now he has great rushdown skills and high pressure play. Once again, a change for the better. Link is a heavy fastfalling swordfighter with a lot of mediocre projectiles- why not change him to focus upon his arsenal, broaden his options, in a manner most conductive to allowing him stage control?

My other suggestion would be that his Bow and Arrow be changed so that while charging, it is the same as Pit's- in that it can be aimed either up, down, or to the sides, to allow him to once again, mixup and broaden his play. Arrows are so linear and predictable that most everyone has an easy time against them- but why not use them as part of his wall and setup to aid his stage control? Shoot them up, and you've created an obstacle for your opponent- they know where it will be, but it's still an obstacle that they must work around and you can work into your wall. Shooting it down means he can do something while jumping above his opponent, that would help to make it less of an easy task to juggle him or approach from below. It would mostly just help because his arrows are always an easily avoided obstacle- he starts charging, you just jump out of the line of fire and laugh as you approach him from above or behind- Make his arrows more effective and potent in standard play. Also, I would recommend that you make his arrows start with Melee's much lower initial charge, and make it charge much faster than in Brawl.

With aimable arrows, two types of boomerangs and bombs, Link sounds like his projectile game might actually be good, and as all of his projectiles are limited in range, he'll be playing the mid-range wall game. His projectiles form a solid wall, which to approach through forces a read situation where if he guesses correctly he can punish you for it. He'll have a better recovery and onstage game, but he wouldn't be overpowered- characters like Fox, Sonic, or Metaknight who are extremely fast could penetrate his wall with ease and prevent him from setting up, characters like Falco can better use projectiles to force him to approach and reflect his wall attempts, essentially, he would have strategies that counter his usage of walling, however most of the time smart play utilizing his plethora of tools would allow him to bypass that- my goal is that his tools make him a much better character, a more fun and varied character, without sacrificing what makes him fun to play, but still capable of competing with any opponent.

So those are my ideas for how Link's specials should be changed, however he still needs improvement in his standard play as well.

Jab- incorporate multijab again.

Utilt- better set up for comboing- quicker startup+endlag, lower knockback, less damage.

Ftilt- I would create a new animation, Link takes a hop step forward and while doing so swings his shield up from his knees, held sideways like he is cutting them with the edge and his arm is fully extended. Fairly quick move, low damage, sends them at low knockback popping them up, good for setting up opponent for followups.

Dtilt- faster startup, main hitbox pops them up, spike hitbox kept.

Fsmash- Remove the first swipe, so now it is simply the second swipe, same knockback+damage.

Dsmash- Faster startup

Usmash- unchanged

Aerials- changed to melee versions

Throws- Dthrow setups for followup, Uthrows can be linked together on heavies.

I'd appreciate any feedback, I really do feel like the idea of improving Link's arsenal through increased options is a good idea to improving him as a character- Link could be pretty awesome with Cuccos at his disposal as well as a useful gale boomerang and standard 'rang, good ol' bombs and aimable arrows. Any support or suggestions for the concept is great, Link does need some change, and I agree with stereo that Link could form an interesting mid range character with a variety of tools to augment that kind of play. If enough people like the idea and support it, it would gain some traction and might create a more unique character in P:M. So...+1 for Link's arsenal I suppose. :laugh:


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009

Their styles are VERY different (Aside from spamming neutral b, which smart people don't do anyways).
Meshing them up just to please the melee *****s purists is horrible. It would not be a seemless congregation of the best of both worlds; it would be an ugly mutated monster that makes everyone angry.

They are not bringing back ANY part of mewtwo, or any of his moves, or any of his physics, or any of his digestive system, or whatever, unless there will be a clone engine.

EDIT: Humble...can you please post like a typical beverly hills girl or something for like 3 posts? I want to see if you can actually not needlessly draw out things....even if they are sarcastic


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
EDIT: Humble...can you please post like a typical beverly hills girl or something for like 3 posts? I want to see if you can actually not needlessly draw out things....even if they are sarcastic
I would, but the urge to add unnecessarily complex and meaningless statements is simply too great. How could anyone expect me to contain my thoughts within concise clear points without rambling? Rambling is an amazing way to express oneself and one's opinions, and while it is true that rambling deviates the post from it's initial point, there is no reason to believe that a post must be limited a certain points alone. Why anyone would keep their post under a certain arbitrary amount is beyon- 140 character limit reached...

Please continue in the next tweet.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS

Their styles are VERY different (Aside from spamming neutral b, which smart people don't do anyways).
Meshing them up just to please the melee *****s purists is horrible. It would not be a seemless congregation of the best of both worlds; it would be an ugly mutated monster that makes everyone angry.

They are not bringing back ANY part of mewtwo, or any of his moves, or any of his physics, or any of his digestive system, or whatever, unless there will be a clone engine.
Firstly, I know they aren't the same character. I'm not a ****ing idiot, I main Mewtwo in Melee and I am quite good at Lucario in Brawl. Unless you can say the same, I don't think the rest of your points hold much merit.

The reason I suggested meshing them is not because they are similar, but because Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Rather than just leaving Mewtwo out, or replacing Lucario with Mewtwo, what I suggested appeals to both parties.

There is NO way you could know if the mesh would work or not, so that point is invalid.

You don't have to be a Melee purist (or ***** as you put it) to want Mewtwo back. How would you like it if they took your absolute favourite character out of the next game for no reason?

Oh, and don't speak on behalf of the P:M team, you have no idea if they will bring back any part of Mewtwo.

Now, do you have any proper reasoning for not testing this?


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
*doesn't have the energy to read through all the dissertations on Link posted last night*


Their styles are VERY different (Aside from spamming neutral b, which smart people don't do anyways).
Err, you don't watch much Brawl, do you? Camping is synonymous with playing smart, especially with a character who becomes more powerful the longer he lives.

Firstly, I know they aren't the same character. I'm not a ****ing idiot, I main Mewtwo in Melee and I am quite good at Lucario in Brawl. Unless you can say the same, I don't think the rest of your points hold much merit.

The reason I suggested meshing them is not because they are similar, but because Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Rather than just leaving Mewtwo out, or replacing Lucario with Mewtwo, what I suggested appeals to both parties.

There is NO way you could know if the mesh would work or not, so that point is invalid.

You don't have to be a Melee purist (or ***** as you put it) to want Mewtwo back. How would you like it if they took your absolute favourite character out of the next game for no reason?

Oh, and don't speak on behalf of the P:M team, you have no idea if they will bring back any part of Mewtwo.

Now, do you have any proper reasoning for not testing this?
I don't know about you but I can't stand the idea of chopping out bits of Mewtwo and throwing them into an unrelated character just because he kinda sorta looks like Mewtwo.

Either we get a working clone engine and do Mewtwo right, or we don't and Mewtwo fans can use a PSA for friendlies.

Seeing as my name is gRape and people here have a tendency to blow little things way out of proportion, I feel the need to say that this is just my own opinion (though I think most of the backroom agrees with me).


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Firstly, I know they aren't the same character. I'm not a ****ing idiot, I main Mewtwo in Melee and I am quite good at Lucario in Brawl. Unless you can say the same, I don't think the rest of your points hold much merit.
Grim, I'd advise you to go back a few pages and read my posts regarding the importance of the seperation between source and statement. You aren't arguing with him, but rather his points; don't make it personal, maintain an impartial and unbiased judgement of the post itself.
The reason I suggested meshing them is not because they are similar, but because Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Rather than just leaving Mewtwo out, or replacing Lucario with Mewtwo, what I suggested appeals to both parties.
Ok, you acknowledge that they are two extremely different characters who play extremely differently- so why suggest forcing Lucario to forfeit his current play to appease Mewtwo fans? Mewtwo has his own model and moveset being made, and while not part of this project, the Mewtwo fans could still just play that instead of an awkward character mesh.

There is NO way you could know if the mesh would work or not, so that point is invalid.
True, however why not mesh Snake and Wario? You don't know how it'd turn out!

You don't have to be a Melee purist (or ***** as you put it) to want Mewtwo back. How would you like it if they took your absolute favourite character out of the next game for no reason?
True, many want mewtwo back, but they want him, not a mesh Frankenstein of a character.
Oh, and don't speak on behalf of the P:M team, you have no idea if they will bring back any part of Mewtwo.
However several times they have stated their stance on the matter and said no.

Now, do you have any proper reasoning for not testing this?
It is unnecessary work for unneeded changes with little probable benefit?

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
Grim, I'd advise you to go back a few pages and read my posts regarding the importance of the seperation between source and statement. You aren't arguing with him, but rather his points; don't make it personal, maintain an impartial and unbiased judgement of the post itself.

Actually, he made it personal with his comment about melee purists below. And stating my experience is not an attempt at making the argument personal, rather at showing the weight of my opinion. With the logic you suggest, we should hold the opinions of a 2 year old and a scientist with equal value.

Ok, you acknowledge that they are two extremely different characters who play extremely differently- so why suggest forcing Lucario to forfeit his current play to appease Mewtwo fans? Mewtwo has his own model and moveset being made, and while not part of this project, the Mewtwo fans could still just play that instead of an awkward character mesh.

This seems to be where some confusion lies, adding Mewtwo's moves would add greater depth to Lucario's moveset, not "forfeit" it. For example, M2's dtilt serves a very similar purpose to Lucario's, but is better than it in every way. The same could be said about other moves such as utilt and bair. The moves are not used commonly enough to be missed anyway. Fair is a trickier subject, in which case I would suggest a merge of sorts between the moves to give them the best properties of M2's and Lucario's fairs.

True, however why not mesh Snake and Wario? You don't know how it'd turn out!

Yes, except there are other problems with this.
1. There is no purpose. The purpose of my suggestion is to make P:M have a greater appeal for Mewtwo fans.
2. It would also remove characters unnecessarily (Snake and/or Wario) which creates inherent problems.

True, many want mewtwo back, but they want him, not a mesh Frankenstein of a character.

If perfection was necessary, we might as well not release this game until it is PERFECTLY balanced. Some progress is better than none.

However several times they have stated their stance on the matter and said no.

...Like when? Keep in mind this has nothing to do with replacing Lucario.

It is unnecessary work for unneeded changes with little probable benefit?
That is subjective, I see it as a huge benefit where as you clearly don't.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Now, do you have any proper reasoning for not testing this?
How about time? Expecting your changes to be made and tested by us is kind of presumptuous, is it not?

This is a point I want to reinforce. Everyone loves their own ideas, but they can in no way, shape, or form expect that their ideas will be instated. We poll this forum for ideas, and we get thousands of them. Most are not considered, but some select do pass through the net. I'm not saying no to this idea, but I want to make sure that people realize that most ideas simply are not proper for PM and shouldn't take offense when we say no.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
Tuesday's Pro Tips:
Give Lucario Mewtwo's Dtilt, Uair, Fair and Bair.

Or at least attacks that are similar in purpose.

I really see NO downside to this guys, Mewtwo fans would be happy, Lucario fans would be happy they have new and better tools, and it would automatically buff him without having to mess around with hitboxes and stuff.

Why not give Link Mewtwo's dtilt instead? Mewtwo fans would be happy that their move is in PM and Link players would be happy that they have a better move now.

Do you see the problem with saying this?


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
Firstly, I know they aren't the same character. I'm not a ****ing idiot, I main Mewtwo in Melee and I am quite good at Lucario in Brawl. Unless you can say the same, I don't think the rest of your points hold much merit.

The reason I suggested meshing them is not because they are similar, but because Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Rather than just leaving Mewtwo out, or replacing Lucario with Mewtwo, what I suggested appeals to both parties.

There is NO way you could know if the mesh would work or not, so that point is invalid.

You don't have to be a Melee purist (or ***** as you put it) to want Mewtwo back. How would you like it if they took your absolute favourite character out of the next game for no reason?

Oh, and don't speak on behalf of the P:M team, you have no idea if they will bring back any part of Mewtwo.

Now, do you have any proper reasoning for not testing this?
actually if link were out i'd have quit smash a while ago as i only started bcuz zelda fan. =D
or i would just.. you know.. use PSA or something <_<

@humble's MOUNTAIN of ****ing text

did you seriously go through typing all of that just for the sake of sarcasm?..... ****ing respect. +203 points to you.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
Why not give Link Mewtwo's dtilt instead? Mewtwo fans would be happy that their move is in PM and Link players would be happy that they have a better move now.

Do you see the problem with saying this?
If Link had a downward slash that worked similarly to Mewtwo's dtilt, then Link fans would be happy at a better dtilt.

If you added other moves (these are less likely to fit with Link's playstyle compared to Lucario keep in mind) like utilt, uair, fair, etc... and it was done properly, Link players would have better options and Mewtwo players would have a similar character to use instead.

What exactly IS the problem with this?


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
If Link had a downward slash that worked similarly to Mewtwo's dtilt, then Link fans would be happy at a better dtilt.

If you added other moves (these are less likely to fit with Link's playstyle compared to Lucario keep in mind) like utilt, uair, fair, etc... and it was done properly, Link players would have better options and Mewtwo players would have a similar character to use instead.

What exactly IS the problem with this?

the problem is sacrificing a character for the sake of playing mewtwo. i'd be ****ed if link were used to emulate a character that has nothing to do with him.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
the problem is sacrificing a character for the sake of playing mewtwo. i'd be ****ed if link were used to emulate a character that has nothing to do with him.
So if Link had a dtilt that:
a) Had better range.
b) Was faster.
c) Had perfect knockback to beging an aerial combo.

You'd be ****ed?

I don't know why the principle behind adding the attack matters to you.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
So if Link had a dtilt that:
a) Had better range.
b) Was faster.
c) Had perfect knockback to beginning an aerial combo.

You'd be ****ed?

I don't know why the principle behind adding the attack matters to you.
not what i meant. link isn't mewtwo and emulating mewtwo through him would irritate me. i mained link in vbrawl so using lesser moves means little to me in that case.

also, moves having a "similar purpose" is very broad and can be anything. what are purposes for moves?

damage racking
edge guarding

all of those catagories (if i missed any idrc) are broad as hell considering how many moves exist so giving lucario a move with a "similar purpose" will probably not emulate mewtwo anyway. especially if they look different and are being used by a character that moves much different than mewtwo. There's absolutely no point in giving him a move with a "similar purpose" unless it proves necessary to help with LUCARIO's playstyle which as stated before is much different than mewtwo's. why suggest similar trajectory/range(if that's what you want) to mewtwo's attack rather than suggesting something that will work for lucario?

personally instead of getting a half-asssed mewcario 2, i would opt to use a PSA when it comes out to get the whole experience (and it WILL come out considering how many mewtwo fans want him in this.)


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
huh, sora had a...good point. no offense, man, but i'm a little surprised.

the only exception to specific move allocation is an iconic style of move, such as a "Roy dtilt". in these cases, the term is used more as a reference to a move's purpose and ability rather than an emulation of the move exactly. in this case, i don't think mewtwo has any such iconic moves that would be recognized in utility/ability offhand. because of this, more than likely the move would be considered a new replacement, even if it was recognized properly. m2's moves just don't hold that much bearing to players outside of m2, but this is an educated guess.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
huh, sora had a...good point. no offense, man, but i'm a little surprised.

the only exception to specific move allocation is an iconic style of move, such as a "Roy dtilt". in these cases, the term is used more as a reference to a move's purpose and ability rather than an emulation of the move exactly. in this case, i don't think mewtwo has any such iconic moves that would be recognized in utility/ability offhand. because of this, more than likely the move would be considered a new replacement, even if it was recognized properly. m2's moves just don't hold that much bearing to players outside of m2, but this is an educated guess.
I can be semi-smart when i want to be lmfao. i'm not exactly known for my seriousness, hence why people may think i'm an idiot ~.~ but ya i'll stop that haha.
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