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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Sneak8288 said:
more meaningful posts, less tl;dr posts
Sneak I respect you as a player and thank you for providing us with so many great videos and streams of P:M in action.

I believe that my posts can hold meaning without being limited and concise; if you find they are too long for you to read, I am sorry that I never got to express myself to you because you would not take the trouble to read my post- lengthy or not, I have read every post in this thread through all 10162 posts available, and whether foolish or great, short or long, I have consumed them all, and I am sorry that you have not shared in the experiences and knowledge that I and others have presented simply because you were daunted by the task of reading. I read for pleasure, and this thread has given me so much to enjoy, irregardless of how it was presented, and I want to thank you for the posts that you made as well, I read them too.

Gamedominator06 said:
I find your posts hilarious, humble but you basically need to remove all of the intellectual filler and get to the point.
Thank you, while my intent was never humor, any way that others benefit from what I share is a success in my eyes. When the words augment and better express my point, I utilize them. When they better engage my reader and challenge them, I will use them to my best. When I want to convey my point, that is what I will do, and filler or not, I feel I have consistently managed to express myself as I wish. Better to have typed a thousand needless words then to have a post which I could not communicate. I am glad to have made you laugh- that my post entertained another was all the vindication I require.

FrozenHobo said:
Humble said:
Oh look, I can post without contributing too!
yeah, you've been doing it for the past, oh, 8 pages... give or take.
Sir at some point I slighted you and I am unsure of what I could have done or said to have gained your animosity. I hold nothing against you, and have a great fondness of you or your continued contributions to this project and the community as a whole, so I am sorry to learn that you are so disgusted by me.

Aside from what I feel is a personal dislike you seem to have of me, I disagree with you. To say I have been failing to contribute to this topic seems to be slightly erroneous when you look back over my previous posts which have varied from positively engaging others, attempting to stimulate discussion and ideas, or providing my own, and barring a few exceptions of discussion with others over matters unrelated to the project, I feel I have been attempting to contribute with most every post. I am here to pursue the best way to further encourage the growth of the project, and have been doing so since this thread began. If I have failed in my attempts, my intent was always good, and so far I feel I have been contributing in my own small way, and attempt to do so at every opportunity. That is why I would disagree with you, because I am remaining positive and attempting to best maintain a continuous generating of ideas, feedback, and discussion, and while occasionally I or the topic will become derailed, eventually it is always back on track and on topic.

Shanus said:
@humble - wall of texts usually are just a failed way of making a point. I prefer the brutal, straight to the point approach since it really saves everyone time and delivers the same argument
Shanus as you know I respect you quite a bit and am glad for all that you have created as one of the primary figures of our community, and I respect your opinions as well.

I am of a differing opinion, but I understand quite a bit why you hold your own and I can easily agree with and support your view. You are correct, a concise answer is essentially your statement trimmed of all needless frivolity, and often, especially on boards such as this, it is the best manner in which to argue your point and deliver any statement, because that is all that is necessary to say.

So I do not disagree with you Shanus, you are quite right in that walls of texts can often simply be a strawman that needlessly distracts from your points, and it is more efficient to be direct as you say. However I hope you can see that I am not making any strawman arguments, that I am not hiding behind walls of texts- I have nothing but good intent and an urge to share my thoughts, opinions, responses and questions. I do make it needlessly difficult to extrapolate my points, and I will take that into consideration, thank you for the input.

Bleyva said:
Shanus said:
@humble - wall of texts usually are just a failed way of making a point.
hmm, guess the 'Link should have chickens' wall of text didnt get any takers :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I doubt that the reason behind the disregard and lack of support for it was because of it's length, but rather because people such as yourself took it as a joke and thought 'Link with chickens! ha!' Yes, it is an amusing concept no doubt, and sounds ludicrous to be sure. I have presented a multitude of concepts here, ranging from ludicrous to minuscule, and how they are interpreted is up to the perceiver. Know that my intent has always been to provide support for the project and yes, while occasionally, ideas can become as bizarre as flying chickens, I'd like to point out that Diddy Kong is a character with an amazing technical and advanced play, based upon the ridiculous idea of people slipping on banana peels. How you perceive the concept and approach it is up to you. Don't let the amount of text present daunt you or alter your judgment; I have repeated myself throughout this topic and these boards, one should approach a message without bias and judge it upon it's own merits. I hope, despite my oft confusing and overly wrought out posts, that you manage to draw from them some good as well- I'm glad to at least have amused you though.


It is rather disheartening to receive so much ill will all because I complicate my posts unnecessarily. Of course I could post in standard fashion; no doubt fairly soon I will be forced to, simply to get anyone to read my posts and to communicate with you all.

However I would like to postulate that while in the minority, I still feel that maintaining posts of a higher standard is a great way to maintain a higher intellectual engagement to every topic. Yes, I intentionally add more vocabulary then the situation necessitates because I enjoy the challenge, I enjoy the experience, and I am pushed more to think while I type. The vocabulary and extra intellectual text is a tool I use to keep myself seated in the more serious and positive mindset, and while it means more reading for others, the concepts communicated in a superior fashion are more likely to take root in others minds because it stands out, and causes you to think.

When I throw out words like postulate, it means I'm trying to engage you to think more when I present my points, buried somewhere in my walls of texts. You can't just skim and look for the clear stated points, you have to read the entire post- you have to actually fully engage yourself into the text and weed out the extra text through more careful reading. Sure, I'll shorten my posts, because I want to appease you guys in any manner if that means I can continue to stay on your good sides and continue to communicate, but know that I do so with hesitancy and under protest; the sacrifice of ease of consumption, in order to better engage oneself, is one that I feel is not often made, and in the standard internet culture, too often the quality of communication is lost and people fail to appreciate simply reading and writing, without having to obtain instant gratification or understanding. As in the oft repeated quote "it is the journey, not the destination, that should be appreciated."

I enjoy the pleasure of expressing myself through written word, be it here or elsewhere, and I understand however that you are correct, and I will henceforth forgo the eloquence of mental sparring, and utilize my words solely for communication of my point, in as concise a manner as best fit to the situation. If I slip up and occasionally expound needlessly upon a point, forgive me and my old habits. This is the last hurrah of my walls of texts, beyond this I will attempt to do as you say and communicate well with straight forward posts, no doubt I have upset many once more with my uselessly extended explanations and ramblings. I will not change who I am or my views, however I understand that it may not be appropriate for this thread and will conform to the standard here as you wish. Elsewhere I will continue to act as I believe true, and please do not hold it against me. You may disagree with me and my views, but please at least know that I try my utmost to stay true to my values, and I'm sorry that they have caused you all offense.


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009
I don't think you understand what we're saying, humble. We didn't come to this site to read a thesis or long essays or whatnot (obviously I'm exaggerating there.) You still need to be able to conjure up the ability to create your posts so they are concise and do not digress from the principal point of your initial message. Remove the intellectual, meaningless shenanigans and express your views without being soporific and dull.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
I don't think you understand what we're saying, humble. We didn't come to this site to read a thesis or long essays or whatnot (obviously I'm exaggerating there.) You still need to be able to conjure up the ability to create your posts so they are concise and do not digress from the principal point of your initial message. Remove the intellectual, meaningless shenanigans and express your views without being soporific and dull.
This is exactly what I meant. Just get to the point. There's no need for long drawn out posts when it can easily be summarized in a few words. Especially with how fast this thread jumps from page to page there's no way i would waste my time especially when it could be drastically shortened.


May 7, 2008
Macomb, MI
Humble, you're starting to majorly derail this thread >_>. All that they're saying is that you need to get to the point, or at least gradually get them there within a reasonable amount of text. You can be intellectually superior if you want, but honestly, nobody wants to read three paragraphs for you to say "Falcon's fair is too strong," am I right? You don't have a 5,000 character minimum to posts; it's 10, and it's like that for a reason.

Now please get back on topic, guys. =-=


Smash Rookie
Aug 3, 2010
Yo dawg project M is working out real fine

Yo dawg project M is working out real fine
Dawg you should just remove the side platforms for green greens 64

Dawg you should just remove the side platforms for green greens 64
Yo dawg project M is working out real fine
Yo dawg i herd you like quotes so we put a quote in yo quote so you can reply while you reply


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
I think I've gotten to the point where I just see humble's name and skip over his posts.

Also I'm wondering how things are coming along with the landing detection ever since that video was up.


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009
But there's nothing to talk about. The only to keep this thread going at the moment, until something amazing happens, is to keep tl;dr-ing. Or just make mindless posts, like this one.

Landing detection still isn't totally figured out? Darn, I was so excited from Dant's video. How come you can raise the detection to their shins, but can't remove the detection on their feet?


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Yo dawg, I heard you like tl;dr's so I put a tl;dr in your tl;dr so you can get to the point while you get to the point.


May 7, 2008
Macomb, MI
From what I understand, Dant's discovery was part of the stage, not the character. So for obvious reasons that won't suffice.


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009
Give Ganondorf his melee uair with melee range and awesomer semi-spikeness. With better recovery Ganondorf will be an edgeguard king with his uair semispike.

This is why I'm kinda supporting having ganondorf have his melee model...His legs are too stubby and stocky in brawl. :/


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Give Ganondorf his melee uair with melee range and awesomer semi-spikeness. With better recovery Ganondorf will be an edgeguard king with his uair semispike.

This is why I'm kinda supporting having ganondorf have his melee model...His legs are too stubby and stocky in brawl. :/
With Melee data porting, I think they already plan to do so.

Brawl ganon is taller. Could anyone compare bone length in brawlbox?

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
At risk of infraction...

not what i meant. link isn't mewtwo and emulating mewtwo through him would irritate me. i mained link in vbrawl so using lesser moves means little to me in that case.

also, moves having a "similar purpose" is very broad and can be anything. what are purposes for moves?

damage racking
edge guarding

all of those catagories (if i missed any idrc) are broad as hell considering how many moves exist so giving lucario a move with a "similar purpose" will probably not emulate mewtwo anyway. especially if they look different and are being used by a character that moves much different than mewtwo. There's absolutely no point in giving him a move with a "similar purpose" unless it proves necessary to help with LUCARIO's playstyle which as stated before is much different than mewtwo's. why suggest similar trajectory/range(if that's what you want) to mewtwo's attack rather than suggesting something that will work for lucario?

personally instead of getting a half-asssed mewcario 2, i would opt to use a PSA when it comes out to get the whole experience (and it WILL come out considering how many mewtwo fans want him in this.)
Actually, it does help with his playstyle, as I have stated several times.
A PSA won't be usable in tournaments and most players won't have the PSA on their Wii.

metwos dtilt *****, would be cool on lucario with a sweeping kick or something imo
lucario sucks
Thankyou for the support.

Well, it probably won't be as troublesome as putting mewtwo aerials on lucario. O_o IMO, btw, lucario's tail =/= mewtwo's tail. I'm perfectly fine with his moveset as is. When it comes to melee characters who didn't make it into brawl, I'd rather see all or nothing brought back.
Is anyone even reading my posts? It doesn't have to have the same animation. All Lucario needs is a few moves that DO THE SAME THING as Mewtwo's best moves which don't invade with his playstyle (e.g. Dtilt, utilt, uair, nair, bair and fair. I don't mean all of them by the way, those are just options) it doesn't matter if they have different animations

If you'd rather not have Melee characters partially integrated into Brawl, do you disapprove of the Doc/Mario merge?

I'd need an actual response from someone on the developer's team to let this go, and I don't mean "lol 10nos cause I disagree and I can do what I want lol", I'm talking about actual reasoning why this wouldn't work.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Mewcario =/= Doc/Mario. Completely different situations.

And no, we don't need to give you actual reasoning why we're not going to put in hours/days of work to try your idea out that none of us like anyway.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Could we throw out ideas for improving Link's special moves or at the very least his Bow? I think it's the biggest thing Link needs an overhaul on next to his ground game.


Smash Ace
Oct 30, 2009
Erie PA
ok, i've read every single post since page 1 and i have to say that i quit. I don't know if you guys are trolling or wat but recently this thread is getting alot of bad/unnecessary/unrelated/ridiculous posts

(only reading dev. posts now)

well to be fair there isn't much to rly talk about that hasn't been talked about before. probably why most of the posts are meaningless. sorry i added to your loss of hope.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2008
If people are really worried about spam, just lock this thread and create one for PM discussion/speculation. That way, the only stuff that will get posted here is news from the devs (assuming that they would have the power to post in a locked thread.).


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
I think it's gotten like this because there has been significantly dev activity which is all perfectly fine. Breakthroughs can't happen every day or even every week. Heck, it's sometimes really simple but tedious stuff that just needs to be taken care of like the things in the thread title.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
well to be fair there isn't much to rly talk about that hasn't been talked about before. probably why most of the posts are meaningless. sorry i added to your loss of hope.
Urge...to overrespond...rising...

Quick! Redirect to a previous post before wall of texts were banned!
Click the blue arrow to see response.
Back to Link discussion- Here is what I'd suggest for changes
Humble said:
B- during charge animation he can aim up, down, left, or right to fire his arrow.

(tap)>B- Melee 'rang, no tornado, does damage on the way out and back, less distance.

(smash)>B- Gale 'rang, no damage, windboxes, it's flight pattern can be controlled, goes farther.

(press)vB- Standard brawl bomb

(hold)vB- Cucco with bomb, like snake's nade has special animation when pulled out, slows fall speed when held increases air movement, when thrown it flies on a farther arc falling and moving slower.

^B- B+ spin recovery in air, unchanged. Melee version onstage.
In P:M?
That is Madness!"


Seriously, let's get some support for Link and a broader arsenal.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Definitely faster FTilt and likely DTilt too.

Bombs have to change. Their KO potential is horribly useless from what I've seen and it serves a far better purpose propping the opponent up for Link to lead into. I'd also rather settle for the hybrid Boomerang rather than have it operate on input differences.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
If people are really worried about spam, just lock this thread and create one for PM discussion/speculation. That way, the only stuff that will get posted here is news from the devs (assuming that they would have the power to post in a locked thread.).
Another defeatist statement, let me repost (again) what I said before.

[Collapse=] I want to say that to give up and quit simply because you've become annoyed by the posts is...well, it's the attitude of an apathetic person, and I have no respect for people like that. If you see a post you dislike or you feel does not meet the standards of this thread, do not ignore it and get upset, don't pent up you dissatisfaction. If you don't like something that is said, let us know, and let us know why. If someone is trolling, you can contact the moderator- we have rPSI here who is posting often and is interested in keeping this topic free of trolls and is helping to direct active discussion. If you are upset with people's post, help them, don't forsake them. Yes, this topic can get derailed, it can ignite into flamewars temporarily, but why abandon it if you truly support this thread? Please, don't give up on everyone here- we are all here because we all support this project, the intent behind every post is good, no matter how stupid or ridiculous. Don't quit out of dissatisfaction- instead express it and use it to better help the thread, be it by correcting posts that you feel are substandard, or creating positive posts to help the project.

Quitting is giving up, it means you weren't able to go on- and you have the strength of character to persevere through the stupidity because you should know by now that the cost of the poor posts in this project is far outweighed by the posts that inspire, compliment, congratulate, reveal, and celebrate. Don't leave now, don't quit, don't ever say you've had enough- you have the power to change it if it isn't good, you have the ability to use your own words, to make the posts that do help the project, that inspire others and help the team. Don't quit because of what others say or do- know that irregardless, the ability to be positive is within you. So stay here and benefit from the sharing, or leave now and regret having walked away from it. Yes, we'll have a whole lot of stupid posts and ideas, but that is the cost of divergent thinking, of having so many contributing such a variety of ideas and posts. You'll find a fair amount of crap for every golden nugget, so don't be discouraged and forage on, help in the process and feedback, and do what is in your power to better this topic for everyone else and yourself. [/Collapse]

We as the posters here control how this topic is treated and how the discussion is continued, so if you think there isn't anything to talk about, ask questions, make suggestions, start discussion, do something to engage people to be active and contributing to the thread.

If this thread is limited only to the devs, alot of the hype is lost, there is nowhere to ask questions or discuss the project- you are suggesting alienating the public from this project, essentially ensuring that this project will lose hype and fans. If they wanted to have a place for only Devs to post updates, they could more regularly post updates on Smashmods- instead, they can come here to share with everyone, because here we can give feedback, input, and appreciation. I know you have good intents, but don't harm the project like that by shutting down this thread, please.


May 7, 2008
Macomb, MI
Here's an idea. If your post doesn't both add something to the topic AND have something to do with P:M, you will receive either an infraction or a warning.

Sorry that it had to come to this, but this is by far the worst topic I've seen on any forum. Time to tighten up a bit. >_<;


Smash Master
Feb 6, 2009
It's called "Making a Project Melee discussion thread" in addition to the official thread. That way, more people would be able to openly discuss their ideas without backlash from angry devs.

There, that post added something to the topic AND was related to P:M. At least I hope so.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2010
Here's an idea. If your post doesn't both add something to the topic AND have something to do with P:M, you will receive either an infraction or a warning.

Sorry that it had to come to this, but this is by far the worst topic I've seen on any forum. Time to tighten up a bit. >_<;
RPSI started this a while ago but i think you devs could present us with an idea, like "were thinking about these two moves for character X. thoughts on the subject or something so we don't have to resort to link lazerbeam discussions lol
On the subject of Link, does he still have that late hitbox on his nair? That was the most unique part about him.
you mean his sex kick?
unless i'm mistaken it was just a standard sex kick but hey, I'm no link expert

project me related: Will grapple characters maintain that ability to rebab the ledge to refresh invincibility that they could do three times in brawl?


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
You realize they wouldn't be able to actually make a cuccoo fly? >.>
Do you mean when thrown, or when held? While held there would be an animation for it, and in PSA you could make it so he falls slower while holding it, it's like snake's cypher, only for the cucco you would put a lower value on the upward velocity so it counteracts his fall speed to a degree, but he falls still at the speed you desire.

If you mean when thrown, you could always replace an item like the gooey bomb with the cucco model, then change it in PSA to act as you desire, then remove the gooey bomb option from the item select screen, and in Link's PSA make down B held summon the gooey bomb, which is now the cucco.

I'm not sure how many articles Link has, if he has one that could be swapped, then you could put it over that as well.

Or you could make a really complex simulation of an item through swapping the model over his fairy taunt, making down-B held spawn his fairy model, which is placed in his animation so it looks like he is holding it, and when thrown you create moving hitboxes along the arc the model takes so it has hitboxes inside it, and if any of the hitboxes hit (check each hitbox with an IF statement) and if they hit, it spawns an explosive GFX and hitbox relative to the first hitbox which essentially means it would work. It couldn't be caught like an item because technically it's just a model with hitboxes inside it. You would need to make it so that it moves relative to the point of origin (when thrown) and not relative to Link.

You'd need:
groundhold, groundholdwalk, groundholdrun, groundholdstop, groundholdrunthrow, groundholdthrow, groundholdthrowback, groundholdthrowup, groundholdthrowdown, groundholdjump, airhold, airholdforward, airholdback, airholdjump, airholdjumpback, airholddrop, airholdthrow, airholdthrowback, airholdthrowup, airholdthrowdown

20 animations, 5 different hitbox arcs, one for z dropped, one for forward, one for back, one for up, and one for down.

It's definitely possible to do and there are multiple ways to go about it.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
@LE - Most of Link's aerials will be taking their Melee stats (in addition to some improved animations) so you won't have to be concerned about that.

@L/A/W - I'm... not quite sure what you're talking about. Your grammar and spelling is confusing me.
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