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Project M Social Thread

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Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
cstick right for dash attack?

the ****

you guys are weird



Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
I jab dacus with ganon like e'ery day
Jab -> DACUS sounds amazing, I gotta try that. Have you had any luck with shff NAir (autocancel) -> DACUS?

shouldve been more specific - the dacus is what i mean

ive even tried changing my controls (r to attack, cstick down->up+R), that weird *** claw method a lot of you do idk something like cstick and upZ or something and i flat out can't dacus at all

and im certain it isnt a speed issue, im able to do falcos gatling without hitting the opponent using only the cstick, as well as ganons dacus and game&watches (occasionally for gnw anyways)
I'm a little weird, I claw and do C-stick down-right -> up+A. Doing it diagonally rather than straight down works the best for me, and I don't think it has anything to do with setting my C-stick to "Attack" since I can DACUS without my tag. It works pretty consistently for me, although the timing differs on a character basis.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I use a CCP and I just use the area that would be Z on a GC controller (L on a CCP) just as an attack. R is Grab and Lz and Rz are Sheild.

As for true combos, hm... I mostly get my DACUS-es with GnW with people dash-dancing incorrectly, sometimes out of dthrow, sometimes YOLOing to continue a combo onto a platform, out of the pan hit of SH Double Bacon and I guess missed techs I manage to sniff out?

Probably the most consistent is when someone gets hit by da meet and then gets da dome.

#NoHomo #maybealittle


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
SpiderMad's full of dat hate. And Pokemon IS a lot like chess. You have an opening, middle, and endgame, with the opening game having both sides trying to reach a desirable middle game to better execute their strategy for the endgame. Only difference is in Pokemon, you and your opponent both move at the same time. #Sorryshadic

Kinky's posts confuse me as well at times, but I always stop to read them. The only person I can think of that consistantly explains things about Smash in a way I can understand is Reflex.
This is why I wish I could explain these things in person. They're really simple concepts that become much more complex to explain through text alone, since the two main problems with text are a lack of inflection and no tell for the speed at which a sentence is meant to be read.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2010
^Which is partly why I jump with B. But Magus clearly points out why one should keep it down.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2013
Seoul, South Korea
It basically surmounts to what gen 1 was supposed to be at the time vs the expectations for a series after it's been established.
Pretty much this.

Now you know how Smash newcomers feel. Seriously, it took me a solid month of lurking to learn 90% of the lingo.
You mean things like
Smasher: Clones aren't clones; you just aren't playing them right


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
The fact that people have to switch their controller holding temporarily (Claw) or their controller's button set-up just for the sake of DACUS'ing makes me =(. Then the fact they made Lucas' DACUS specifically extra harder than it originally was for the sake of just making it harder makes me >_o? It's the same concept that Brawl did the right thing for that Melee did wrong, where Melee checked 1 frame early than it could have for checking for button release on jump to determine short hop: where Brawl check's the last frame possible. This makes SH'ing easier and HUMANLY COMFORTABLE for frame 3 Jump start or w/e characters like Fox/ICs/Sheik/Pikachu and more. It's the concept that the technique itself isn't just logically hard, but purposefully, like I'm still not super familiar on DACUS specifics but if Ganon's DACUS was hard because his jump start or w/e made it hard, then that's just the way it is. But if it's entirely unrelated to any other stats and it's difficulty can be changed at will, idk why they would make this technique specifically 1 or 2 frame precisely difficult.

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
the only thing i change my controller holding style or w.e for is double lasering with fox and double bacon

seriously, if you guys saw it would blow your minds


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2010

how: the one thing that defeats the brain's neuroplasticity is telling one's self that they can't do it; otherwise, muscle memory can be reverted. I can even go back to melee and readjust within the same sitting; however, I don't play melee often or ever desire to, so I wouldn't recommend switching "B" and "Y" for someone who regularly plays both smash games.

why: I reasoned that "B" is the closest button to the c-stick, and yet could not think of any time when I would use a special move and immediately follow it up with the c-stick. Shffling, though, now requires less distance for my thumb to travel, and yet no other series of inputs has become more difficult as a result. My "Y" button now deals with special attacks.

If someone can point out any flaw in my reasoning, please do so. I am capable of switching back/learning the most logical layout.


since 2.1, I don't remember Ganon's dacus being difficult, but I gave up pretty quickly on Rob's.

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
jump with x
left thumb quickly jumps to b and presses twice

i make it more complicated then it needs to be


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL

how: the one thing that defeats the brain's neuroplasticity is telling one's self that they can't do it; otherwise, muscle memory can be reverted. I can even go back to melee and readjust within the same sitting; however, I don't play melee often or ever desire to, so I wouldn't recommend switching "B" and "Y" for someone who regularly plays both smash games.
It's cool that you can do that, I would find this really hard to re-learn after more than 10 years of Melee. Since you mention plasticity though, I just want to mention that sometimes muscle memory and plasticity can go wrong; in some cases, the areas for individual fingers in the motor cortex of professional violinists have "grown" into other fingers' areas, making it difficult for them to control their fingers individually and continue their profession as musicians.

why: I reasoned that "B" is the closest button to the c-stick, and yet could not think of any time when I would use a special move and immediately follow it up with the c-stick. Shffling, though, now requires less distance for my thumb to travel, and yet no other series of inputs has become more difficult as a result. My "Y" button now deals with special attacks.

If someone can point out any flaw in my reasoning, please do so. I am capable of switching back/learning the most logical layout.
IMHO button layouts don't need to be logical, they just need to be most comfortable to the player in question. Methods don't have to be logical either, I heard in an interview that Hungrybox wavedashes with tap jump >.>.


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
the areas for individual fingers in the motor cortex of professional violinists have "grown" into other fingers' areas, making it difficult for them to control their fingers individually and continue their profession as musicians..
You got a link to explain more on that?, that's interesting (I tried googling/).

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
Sounds like you lose a little movement control with that, how consistent is your SHDL
nah, i havent been punished heavily before for it, its a lot quicker than it sounds

its pretty consistent, the only time i dont get it though is when i accidentally full hop instead of short hop


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
I'm not even sure what combos into Lucas' DACUS and I haven't tried doing so, but I use it for tech chasing when appropriate.
Lucas has a few ways of comboing into his DACUS at killing percents, and is able to land them on reaction:

Double jump canceled f-air (sweetspot at lower percents and sourspot at higher)
Dash attack (very situational, they also need to DI into range, but there's time to react to it)
And, probably most reliable would be PK Magnet -> wavedash back -> turn around DACUS ($$$)
Edit: as noted below, z-air also works

I'll be willing to bet that on certain characters and percents, these could true combo, especially for PK Magnet, which seems to work well on everyone. At the very least, it is a worthy follow-up in these situations, as counter attacking through or jumping out of usmash's disjointed range will not be a very easy thing to do.

When I played against Ish's Lucas in 2.1, short-hopped PK Freeze linked into DACUS, but I'm not sure if it's a true combo nor if it still works in 2.5.
This does work in 2.5. Double jump cancelled PK freeze would probably be better, since he would be able to act sooner than from a SH PK Freeze, I think you meant this instead. I'm not even sure if it works with SH PKF, since I rarely use it on the ground. At the very least, linking into this off a hit confirmed freeze is possible, I use it a lot.

If you did the DACUS as soon as possible (before the freeze even reaches them) it would definitely be a true combo, and probably a smart idea to utilize for long range punishes, but not in situations where you are worried that they might shield it.

When thinking about ways that I've combo'd into DACUS with Lucas, his z-air also comes to mind. I don't think I've actually done this one yet, but I think it should be possible. A high percent z-air leaves him enough time to combo into u-smash, so if he gets one and they DI away I think it could work.

Edit: Just tested, Z-air -> DACUS should definitely link at high percents on most characters. Much more reliable than dash attack. I'll test it on some human players soon.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I don't remember any DACUS being particularly difficult... but then again I was one of the silly people who not only chose to play Brawl competitively, but also went through a period of maining Sheik. Luckily the timing seems to be pretty similar to P:M Watch's so that's good. The only things to adjust to now are the various jumpsquat timings.

I still sometimes can't get Snake's though. Oddly enough.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
The fact that people have to switch their controller holding temporarily (Claw) or their controller's button set-up just for the sake of DACUS'ing makes me =(. Then the fact they made Lucas' DACUS specifically extra harder than it originally was for the sake of just making it harder makes me >_o? It's the same concept that Brawl did the right thing for that Melee did wrong, where Melee checked 1 frame early than it could have for checking for button release on jump to determine short hop: where Brawl check's the last frame possible. This makes SH'ing easier and HUMANLY COMFORTABLE for frame 3 Jump start or w/e characters like Fox/ICs/Sheik/Pikachu and more. It's the concept that the technique itself isn't just logically hard, but purposefully, like I'm still not super familiar on DACUS specifics but if Ganon's DACUS was hard because his jump start or w/e made it hard, then that's just the way it is. But if it's entirely unrelated to any other stats and it's difficulty can be changed at will, idk why they would make this technique specifically 1 or 2 frame precisely difficult.
Its the "jumpstart or w/e" that that makes it somewhat more difficult to dacus in PM also the lack of a global 1/6th second buffer probably doesn't help.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Buffering helped a lot for doing DACUS in Brawl. Like, a ton.


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
New Youtube/Twitch/anything else I can think of absolutely sucks. I can barely remember the old YouTube anymore though..
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