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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Because if the point of a public demo is to allow a metagame to develop for a decent amount of time pulling a B+ woudl be the oposite of ideal.

Also yo **** IE and no spell checker this is driving me bonkers.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2011
I also have a fairly extensive opinion on the development of pokemon over time, but it isn't worth discussing over the kind of filth that accept Magmar and Scraggly as good designs. It basically surmounts to what gen 1 was supposed to be at the time vs the expectations for a series after it's been established.
What, you mean "Scraggy"? I consider Scraggy's design to be good, and I am not filth. In general, calling people "filth" because they like Pokémon that you personally don't is just dumb.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
The game is incomplete. I'm not sure if the point of the demo is to allow a metagame to "develop for a decent amount of time." Rather I feel as though it's to allow the PMBR to see which characters they've deemed complete are going anywhere or are lagging behind, or to see if they agree with the designs they've chosen for their characters over time.

Releasing newer, more complete, versions of the game isn't going to ruin the metagame so long as nothing is changed drastically. The only changes that we would get are design changes to characters who the PMBR feel are incomplete/poorly designed as well as updates in the game's mechanics which allow the game to run smoother.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2011
At least there's an interesting justification for the pants. It's shedding skin. Lizards shed their skin in large pieces. It's a much more cohesive concept than something like Cubone's.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Gen 1 being terrible doesn't make it okay for gen 5 to be terrible either.

And again, it's more in the design choices rather than inherit things to the designs that look derp as all get out. It's fine to have a slugma or a Mr. Mime in a generation, but when half the monsters made available in a game have this offputting, disturbing design it makes it hard to even approach the series.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2011
I'm not saying either gen is terrible. I just used Cubone as an example because he popped into my head as a Pokémon with a stupid idea (legitimately a stupid idea; not the "It's visually ugly in my opinion therefore it's a bad design" mentality that most people assume) that nobody really talks about.

And everything you say is already based on the assumption that gen 5 is terrible, so I don't expect any constructive points from you.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2011
You're not being very convincing. How are you in the position to think it's not worth discussing Pokémon with ""filth" who think Magmar and Scraggy are good designs exactly? You're not very good at the "discussion" part. All you claim is "this is terrible because I think it is"... Not very interesting.

I don't like every Pokémon, but I'm not really needlessly insulting towards people who like the ones I don't.

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
can we just change the name ot Pocket Monster Social Thread already please


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
You're not being very convincing. How are you in the position to think it's not worth discussing Pokémon with ""filth" who think Magmar and Scraggy are good designs exactly? You're not very good at the "discussion" part. All you claim is "this is terrible because I think it is"... Not very interesting.

I don't like every Pokémon, but I'm not really needlessly insulting towards people who like the ones I don't.
I never made the claim of discussing or of attempting to convince anyone of anything. In fact I specifically said I wouldn't be discussing it extensively for exactly the reasons that are being illustrated in the current conversation. It isn't worth my effort nor is it necessary that I explain why I dislike the dirrection the series is going in. It's going to continuously sell more and more as its audience grows with the growing world population and exposure to video games in general regardless, and to attempt to pursuade others to dislike something would be an excersise in futility, and a pointless one at that.

**** no spell check augh


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
Because if the point of a public demo is to allow a metagame to develop for a decent amount of time pulling a B+ woudl be the oposite of ideal.
I don't think that that's the point of a public demo... The point is to demonstrate what may be coming in the full version. The fact that it's playable in its current state is just a nice bonus.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Can we make it so pokemon discussion gets a warning/infraction?
I would support this.

I know you guys like to talk Pokemon, but please keep it to the Pokemon thread or PMs.

On-topic: Aside from the Gatling Combo, has anyone found ways to true combo into their character's DACUS?


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2012
I would support this.

I know you guys like to talk Pokemon, but please keep it to the Pokemon thread or PMs.

On-topic: Aside from the Gatling Combo, has anyone found ways to true combo into their character's DACUS?
Wolf's up air combos rather nicely into it, but at those percents I prefer to go for a regular dash attack to extend the combo. I'm not even sure what combos into Lucas' DACUS and I haven't tried doing so, but I use it for tech chasing when appropriate.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Wolf's up air combos rather nicely into it, but at those percents I prefer to go for a regular dash attack to extend the combo. I'm not even sure what combos into Lucas' DACUS and I haven't tried doing so, but I use it for tech chasing when appropriate.
When I played against Ish's Lucas in 2.1, short-hopped PK Freeze linked into DACUS, but I'm not sure if it's a true combo nor if it still works in 2.5.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2012
When I played against Ish's Lucas in 2.1, short-hopped PK Freeze linked into DACUS, but I'm not sure if it's a true combo nor if it still works in 2.5.
I wouldn't be surprised if it does, but it sounds tricky. I'll try it out some time. I'm sure you can DACUS along with the PKF regardless and hope one or the other lands, but I'd much more interested if it's a true combo that you can do on reaction to PKF hitting.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Bacon should be able to lead to boost smash. The same goes for a far DI'd F/B throw against a space animal with Game and Watch. I'm sure Wario has ways as well. Maybe not true combos, but fairly strong frame traps at the least. Is there anyone else with a D-, F-, or B-throw that has a "far launch, low release point"? Squirtle comes to mind but his launches are more high angled than anything it seems.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
metroid are you able to confirm yourself for my tourney?
May 25th should be okay since that's a couple weeks away from the end of the quarter, but I only RSVP'd as a "Maybe" on the Facebook event since I'm not 100% sure.

Bacon should be able to lead to boost smash. The same goes for a far DI'd F/B throw against a space animal with Game and Watch. I'm sure Wario has ways as well. Maybe not true combos, but fairly strong frame traps at the least. Is there anyone else with a D-, F-, or B-throw that has a "far launch, low release point"? Squirtle comes to mind but his launches are more high angled than anything it seems.
Ike's DThrow -> DACUS is a true combo on certain characters with no DI, and FThrow/BThrow can link (but not true combo) into DACUS in certain circumstances. Reverse NAir -> DACUS also works as a true combo, but that's more prone to crouch canceling.


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
spidermad every competitive game has its lingo o_O, including smash... I don't see why pokemon is any different.
I hate when Smash lingo gets crazy too, like a lot of Magus' posts escape me with the complexity and even Kink's post right here "Is there anyone else with a "far launch, low release point"? Squirtle comes to mind but his launches are more high angled than anything it seems." confuses me. I probably use too much lingo too but I have no clue since no one's said that specifically to my previous Ike and current Diddy posts (or maybe I should just make a Legend for any lingo in every post)
With Pokemon though it's the concept that the lingos even crazier since the game is like if you took Starcraft and made it into only boring words and pictures so people could enjoy it more like Chess than a combination of Chess and all the other real time skills it requires. I hate a lot of card games though so it's not just competitive Pokemon (Online Competitive Pokemon isn't exactly a card game but yeah).


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
A throw that launches far and releases the character at a point low to the ground. Like, Game and watch's U-throw has a high release since the other character gets launched from a high point, while Popo's D-throw has a low release as they get launched from a low point. Launch point is just as important for comboing out of throws as the launch angle and power are.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
The only real time considerations for Chess stem from having a clock. Plus it's obviously turn based, it's not 2 people making multiple moves at the same time over a consistent period. Pokemon isn't trying to be Starcraft, and do you think you could have beat the Elite Four by giving Charizard Micro commands to Flamethrower at the chest while using x kiting pattern that's optimal vs Lance's Dragonite? At age 9?

If you don't like Pokemon that's fine, just make fair comparisons though.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
SpiderMad's full of dat hate. And Pokemon IS a lot like chess. You have an opening, middle, and endgame, with the opening game having both sides trying to reach a desirable middle game to better execute their strategy for the endgame. Only difference is in Pokemon, you and your opponent both move at the same time. #Sorryshadic

Kinky's posts confuse me as well at times, but I always stop to read them. The only person I can think of that consistantly explains things about Smash in a way I can understand is Reflex.


Smash Master
May 6, 2012
Pokemon isn't trying to be Starcraft, and do you think you could have beat the Elite Four by giving Charizard Micro commands to Flamethrower at the chest while using x kiting pattern that's optimal vs Lance's Dragonite? At age 9?.
You're onto a really awesome looking game there

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
I wouldn't be surprised if it does, but it sounds tricky. I'll try it out some time. I'm sure you can DACUS along with the PKF regardless and hope one or the other lands, but I'd much more interested if it's a true combo that you can do on reaction to PKF hitting.
unless youre a fan of changing your controls, this doesnt work

iimo, the quickest way to dacus is just cstickv then cstick^, which is the method i used to dacus in brawl, and in pm (with some characters like ganon)

ive tried doing it in 2.5 and i cant get it, in 2.1 i got it nearly every time :V


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
unless youre a fan of changing your controls, this doesnt work

iimo, the quickest way to dacus is just cstickv then cstick^, which is the method i used to dacus in brawl, and in pm (with some characters like ganon)

ive tried doing it in 2.5 and i cant get it, in 2.1 i got it nearly every time :V
When you say it "doesn't work," are you saying that PK Freeze doesn't link into DACUS or that the DACUS is harder to do?

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
When you say it "doesn't work," are you saying that PK Freeze doesn't link into DACUS or that the DACUS is harder to do?
shouldve been more specific - the dacus is what i mean

ive even tried changing my controls (r to attack, cstick down->up+R), that weird ass claw method a lot of you do idk something like cstick and upZ or something and i flat out can't dacus at all

and im certain it isnt a speed issue, im able to do falcos gatling without hitting the opponent using only the cstick, as well as ganons dacus and game&watches (occasionally for gnw anyways)


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2012
unless youre a fan of changing your controls, this doesnt work

iimo, the quickest way to dacus is just cstickv then cstick^, which is the method i used to dacus in brawl, and in pm (with some characters like ganon)

ive tried doing it in 2.5 and i cant get it, in 2.1 i got it nearly every time :V
I use Z set to attack for Lucas. It works a lot better for me than R, which I set to grab instead. I've tried C stick down then up, but it's never worked for me in either vBrawl nor P:M.
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