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Project M Social Thread

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Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
I'm over-sensitive to the remark because I see it way too much as a reason to disregard them. Shooting is just as passive as it is in 2D Metroid games; the majority of what you're doing in Primes is the same as 2D games: exploring.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
MP3 is butt.

I really enjoyed MP1 and MP2 though and I know a large amount of people who'd agree that they're great games.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
IMO the ease of auto-aiming in the Gamecube Metroid Prime games really make it more of an exploration game than a shoot-em-up. The Trilogy version of MP1 and MP2 are also very exploration-based, but emphasize aiming and shooting more than the originals.

<3 Metroid Prime 1 though, that's my favorite Metroid game.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2010
Even with trilogy, as long as you aim in the centre of the screen, the lock-on ability will do the rest for you, and that's with the "advanced" aiming scheme. But you can do neat things like aim off the side while locked on with homing weapons and therefore can hit enemies while hiding around the corner. I did a no lock-on run of trilogy mp2, and it was fantastic! It played out like a lot like metroid 1 actually, because of how slow Samus was without her dash, and missiles not homing in. Definitely worth a try for anyone who has gone through an entry in the prime series multiple times.


Okay I just went back and read up how this metroid discussion works, and yeah, Prime was quickly accepted as not being an fps back a decade ago. Likewise, somehow other M has worse visuals than Prime 1, so it's really the only game one can complain about looking the same and having to pixel hunt. Metroid 1 is engaging BECAUSE it all looks the same, until you play zero mission which spoils the fun making a mental map (which I admit isn't for everyone).

ALSO, zero mission is a ridiculously short game. I DARE you to take 12+ hours to beat it. It is that short.


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
Let's take Metroid

And turn it into a first person shooter.
Once again Kinky, Retro Studios and Nintendo simply decided that the most optimal way for them to design a 3D Metroid was from a first-person perspective. The game doesn't play like a typical shooter, and was dubbed a first person ADVENTURE game by Nintendo. What they managed to make was one of the most critically acclaimed games of the last console generation. If all you're able to get from the Prime games was that they were just a generic FPS, then I highly suspect your objectivity, and you might as well label Shadow of the Collosus a hack n' slash game, or every Nintendo game a kiddie title.

I, and hopefully most of you consider video games to be art, and anyone with any semblence of knowledge on the subject knows that art is rarely as black and white as some people suggest it to be. Just because something looks like it could fit into one category doesn't neccessarily mean that it does, nor does it mean it has to adhere to any of that category's guidelines. While Metroid Prime might look like a first person shooter, it has more in common with a Zelda game, but in a first person perspective, and with a gun. Nothing out of the ordinary, it still feels like a Metroid game. If you're going to look at it solely on its FPS merits, it wouldn't hold up very well, but as a FPA, it's something totally different. And just for the sake of argument, even if it does look like an FPS, how is that bad thing? Some of the greatest games ever made have technically been first person shooters. Just because some shooters negatively impact the gaming community and oversaturate the market doesn't mean I should paint every one with the same brush and look at them all badly. That's just childish.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2004
All up in your personal space, NY
Also if anyone wants to help me make my magic decks not terrible, I would greatly appreciate it.

What play level are we talkin here? I don't follow the current constructed formats closely enough to give you meta calls or something to that depth, but I'm an experienced player if that's what you're looking for. Magic is my only other game hobby.
I run a subsection of the Cube forum over on MTGsalvation.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Project-05: Blue Dragon is the only other decent X-box RPG I know of, but there are quite a few others on PS3 that aren't suffocated by Final Fantasy-influenced gameplay.

What play level are we talkin here? I don't follow the current constructed formats closely enough to give you meta calls or something to that depth, but I'm an experienced player if that's what you're looking for. Magic is my only other game hobby.
I run a subsection of the Cube forum over on MTGsalvation.
General efficiency. So like, how to make the infect deck more unblockable more quickly. Goblin Tunneler on a Lash-equipped Ogre into 2 giant growths is nice and really really hard to stop and all, but very slow.

Similarly all the Johnny combos in the world don't mean much if they need fairly specific openings, so help in making it so avoiding getting ****ed over as often as possible at the start would be good places to start. I play Modern so we're talking a stupid fast meta who's degeneracy is second only to Vintage.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
Blue Dragon is also good.

Eternal Sonata is better on PS3 though.

I liked Infinite Undiscovery for its story, though the gameplay was quite repetitive and the game was way too easy.

The Last Remnant is cool, but I never beat it.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Love Eternal Sonata's gameplay. The story... Well, it's the ending in particular on the 360 version that's hilarious.

Kink, you tried any Tales games? I know RPG fan response to it is somewhat mixed, but I personally love Destiny PS2 and Symphonia.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
I never played any of the Tales games, but RPGs are a genre I partake lightly in, to best enjoy the ones I do play.I only played the 360 version of Eternal Sonata briefly when I borrowed it from by brother, and overall both in gameplay and updates the PS3 version is pretty much thrice superior from my perspective.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Once again Kinky, Retro Studios and Nintendo simply decided that the most optimal way for them to design a 3D Metroid was from a first-person perspective. The game doesn't play like a typical shooter, and was dubbed a first person ADVENTURE game by Nintendo. What they managed to make was one of the most critically acclaimed games of the last console generation. If all you're able to get from the Prime games was that they were just a generic FPS, then I highly suspect your objectivity, and you might as well label Shadow of the Collosus a hack n' slash game, or every Nintendo game a kiddie title.

I, and hopefully most of you consider video games to be art, and anyone with any semblence of knowledge on the subject knows that art is rarely as black and white as some people suggest it to be. Just because something looks like it could fit into one category doesn't neccessarily mean that it does, nor does it mean it has to adhere to any of that category's guidelines. While Metroid Prime might look like a first person shooter, it has more in common with a Zelda game, but in a first person perspective, and with a gun. Nothing out of the ordinary, it still feels like a Metroid game. If you're going to look at it solely on its FPS merits, it wouldn't hold up very well, but as a FPA, it's something totally different. And just for the sake of argument, even if it does look like an FPS, how is that bad thing? Some of the greatest games ever made have technically been first person shooters. Just because some shooters negatively impact the gaming community and oversaturate the market doesn't mean I should paint every one with the same brush and look at them all badly. That's just childish.
Well said overall, though I don't know how you could pick Doom 3 over Doom 2 as an example of a great FPS. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was a typo.

And for the record, Call of Duty 4 (the first Modern Warfare) is a masterpiece of the FPS genre. It's when they decided to rehash that game every year to cash in on the hype that it became a problem for the whole industry and gave modern shooters a bad name.


Jul 27, 2012
vancouver bc
And for the record, Call of Duty 4 (the first Modern Warfare) is a masterpiece of the FPS genre. It's when they decided to rehash that game every year to cash in on the hype that it became a problem for the whole industry and gave modern shooters a bad name.
It was a breath of fresh air from the oldie war shooters, until it got boring and then black ops came out and then oldie war shooters became a fresh air from the modern war shooters.

War games are weird.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
It was a breath of fresh air from the oldie war shooters, until it got boring and then black ops came out and then oldie war shooters became a fresh air from the modern war shooters.

War games are weird.
My distaste for the shooter genre long supersedes the prevalence of the Call of Duty series. I wholly dislike the severe amounts of limits inherit to the camera form, and the only first person game I found myself enjoying was Mirror's Edge.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2010
Canton, MI
Tales of series is amazing... A great rpg thats like Zelda would be Y's, Dark Souls, Demon's Souls. The Star Ocean series is another great series. The Xenogears/Saga/Chronicle games are pretty amazing also. Another great series which started on PS2 would be the Atelier series/Mana Khemia. The grandia series is pretty amazing also. I will suggest though if you can play Grandia II I would suggest playing it on the Dreamcast if you can find it. Other than that The Last Story and Pandora's Tower are 2 amazing rpg types for the Wii.

Anywho can't wait to see whats upcoming for the next demo of project M. haven't really been able to post much due to job promotion at my 1st job and a slight promotion on my night time job. Luckilly I have a few days off to start reading the boards again.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I'm sure you could do it, but it might be similar to ME2 when
Shepard takes of Tali's mask, but the texture behind it is the exact same head when you view it from his side instead of behind her

PS Where are the spoiler tags?
PPS Page 2222 for history
Edit: Get owned, I just started 2223. =(
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