Yeah, he's won exactly three, and so have Fox and Wolf.
Lolz, the Bowser-victor tourneys have been even smaller (one of them had only 8 entrants

). So, I take everything back. Fox is very clearly in the lead here. He's been winning the most tournaments (tied with Wolf and Bowser right now) but his tournaments have been, by far, the largest and they've had the most respectable players in attendance. For
now, Fox is pulling in the best results, with
Wolf in a close second, and Bowser at third.
Edit: The Fox victories are also more notable because they're more varied; they have three different players winning their respective tourneys. Most of the Wolf victories have been by Chillin (at small tourneys) and most of the Bowser victories have been by Gimpy (at even smaller tourneys). In other words, Wolf and Bowser have just one player doing most of the work dominating their respective local scenes, which could lead to them being noticeable outliers, whereas Fox actually has a lot of rep in different regions (each Fox is from a different region) and much of it is doing well. The conclusion that can be arrived at,
for now, is that Fox is 'dominating' (I use that term loosely, lolz) the overall P:M scene, whereas other chars are threats in their little 'pockets'.
Obviously, this is not surprising. Fox is broken.