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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
He's a lot of fun, it's very hard to make him work though. Few things are annoying: dash grab is out of the question, the Uair sweetspot is ridiculously small or doesn't stay out long enough or IDK what the hell is wrong with it but I'd honestly rather Wario have a "Mario" Uair if it's gonna be like that. His Bair should probably stay out longer/come out a bit sooner, not a fan of the falling Dair because his vertical recovery is awful now and basically promotes the "nooby Kirby" idea of jumping above them and using your obvious move to slam into them. Only time it looks good is during what, a tech chase or stand up read? Even then, it's like oh Ganon or Falcon stomp here would work just as well and arguably give me better followups.

I like Nair, love his tilts, think his dash grab is worthless and I'd rather NOT absolutely have to JC grab everything in the world lol. Seriously go change his dash grab now it's not a cool enough or quick enough mindgame. Fart maybe shouldn't put him into freefall, get rid of the wobbling arms from Fsmash, and you will make me a happy man

Oh yeah, when Wario Farts his gas cloud should look like a Muffin.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
I saw hungrybox use dash grab as a mixup with SideB in friendlies. It caused a decent player (Rat I believe) to shield, which got him a grab.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
Was playing PM this weekend and I now realized why the C-stick is not "always working".
If you press the c-stick in any direction before you are able to actually use the move.

Example: Trying to f-smash after a fair in the air but try to do the f-smash one frame to early. That means the c-stick will not work at all until you have the c-stick back to "normall position".

Well this game is mad fun. What is the plans for the chars in the game right now?
I really hope you guys don't nerf those "broken" chars just like that. And don't make Pit worse either ;)


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Was playing PM this weekend and I now realized why the C-stick is not "always working".
If you press the c-stick in any direction before you are able to actually use the move.

Example: Trying to f-smash after a fair in the air but try to do the f-smash one frame to early. That means the c-stick will not work at all until you have the c-stick back to "normall position".

Well this game is mad fun. What is the plans for the chars in the game right now?
I really hope you guys don't nerf those "broken" chars just like that. And don't make Pit worse either ;)
Nice way to spend your 1,000th post, Armada :).

I saw hungrybox use dash grab as a mixup with SideB in friendlies. It caused a decent player (Rat I believe) to shield, which got him a grab.
It may have happened to Rat, but I know that it Hungrybox was doing it to Vro.

Also, I have ~4 hours of footage to sort through, but I'm prioritizing homework and sleep before I start editing.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
I main Wario in P:M because the devs think midtier Samus was on the bottom of their to due list before demo 2.1 lol. Anywho, Wario is pretty good at surviving long periods of time, but he has no range and suffers from not having a quick enough kill attack from most of his throws, uair is good for chaining in the air with the sourspot at mid percents and can eventually lead to a sweetspot uair, but that depends on the person you are fighting and if you eat their second jump or not.

He is pretty good, but his recovery and waft is just garbage. When you Up-B with Wario he tends to pull back at the end of the Up-b animation, making the push toward the ledge that much more stupid. Shoulderbash hitting the wall off stage is suppose to be a blessing, but it's actually one big troll attempt by the PMBR to make you believe you can immediately up-b to save your life, when all you do is suffer from lag and then miss the ledge, because the up-b pulled back at the apex of the move. Waft is garbage simply because you can be jab, kicked or anything out of it. The move is not gonna work against opponents who knows you are saving it, plus it takes half the match to charge, better to stick with ftilt to kill.

Wario has some decent techchases and also can reset his position with dsmash forcing the opponent to move away from him, so he can create the space he needs to get away. SB is mediocre. He can get stuffed out by any aerial meaning the opponent can approach you with SHFFLED nairs all day son. Nair to bite and shoulderbash is a great mixup if you opponent doesn't tech. I like Wario's dash grab, it's a good mixup and helps his techchase game a ton. Overall i love Wario and the idea behind his creation. Just put some armor on waft and make his whole body deal the knock back and not just the beginning of it. The move already takes half a match to charge.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Was playing PM this weekend and I now realized why the C-stick is not "always working".
If you press the c-stick in any direction before you are able to actually use the move.

Example: Trying to f-smash after a fair in the air but try to do the f-smash one frame to early. That means the c-stick will not work at all until you have the c-stick back to "normall position".

Well this game is mad fun. What is the plans for the chars in the game right now?
I really hope you guys don't nerf those "broken" chars just like that. And don't make Pit worse either ;)
Thanks Armada! We really enjoyed seeing your Pit play at KFC2! Congratulations on a solid victory :) Hopefully at some point in time there will be a large international PM tournament where the best in NA can square off against the best of EU. Armada vs Metroid would be pretty hype :p

As for future plans, we don't generally discuss those with the Public, as most of that discussion happens within the PMBR. If you're interested, you can apply here.

Hope to see more PM play from you in the near future! :)


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Yup. What matches/sets did you play or see being played there?
Dunno about others, but that's where I played tourney matches with ORLY, Rat, and MattDotZeb.
btw even though you have your own channel, you should try and get the tourney matches uploaded in the same place as the rest of the matches. They will be seen by way more people that way.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
You should be able to do hearts if you hold B down on hit. It's that or another button.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Peach can frametrap with footstool -> float and get free dairs/nairs/whatever. No phantom footstools make it harder, but it's still a new option she has that no one else gets. This character got stupid mechanics buffs as well as straight up moveset buffs :V

I wonder if you can footstool a shielding opponent.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
If it isnt changed from brawl, you can footstool someone shielding but the person shielding isnt effected at all.



Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
That sounds exactly like a phantom footstool, which by all accounts have been removed.

PMBR confirm?

Also I was wondering what exactly JCaesar does as a PMBR member. I was just looking through the PM site for a change list and didn't see him mentioned anywhere. I know he was the character head for R.O.B.'s design but is there anything else...?


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2010
Puerto Rico
Peach looks like a terrifying opponent in theorysmash with all these indirect and direct buffs she's gotten, scarier than a hybrid of Ike and Fox


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Is there anywhere I can donate money to help keep Dant's site or Smashmods or whatever up? I know about the Magus donation but that's not what I'm talking about at all. I just want to be able to contribute to stuff directly :V


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Also I was wondering what exactly JCaesar does as a PMBR member. I was just looking through the PM site for a change list and didn't see him mentioned anywhere. I know he was the character head for R.O.B.'s design but is there anything else...?
He is the beard of Project M.

No game is complete without one



Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
hey i remember hearing that this project was started b/c someone wanted to remake melee falco, just asking to see iirc


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
footstooling should work exactly the same mechanics-wise. the only thing changed is just the input for it
I can attest to this, I was playing with one of my typical opponents earlier and tried to footstool him while he was using PKT1 (he was Ness) and it worked- I got a boost (no flip, I was playing ganondorf so no flip=footstool jump) and he didn't go into the tumble (or w/e) animation. Phantom footstool. I'm not sure why you felt they weren't in, Kink, but I don't think PMBR ever said anything about removing that.

Also to whoever mentioned a button delay or lag or w/e, since I don't feel like going back to find the post-
There is no button or display lag, but there are physics lag (one frame between when a change in momentum is supposed to occur [getting knocked back, jumping, dashing, airdodging etc] and when it actually occurs) It doesn't affect timings for any single action, but it does affect actions you can do out of things such as shining instantly out of a wavedash (you don't hit the ground out of the air dodge until one frame later, so the wavedash ends a frame later) and other things. A few other properties of the game (landing detection) are also not 100% true to melee yet. Shield pushback is also increased from melee (****in' brawl strikes again) and a few other small things that you'll notice if you developed your character really well. They add up, but it's adjustable for the most part. There are of course other things you can do in P:M that you can't do in melee that seem more freeing rather than restricting- ledge jumps can be acted out of instantly as if they were jumps (once you are airborne) jumpsquats don't slide off edges (may be unintentional) and dash turnarounds count your character as turned around on the first frame (or one of the first few frames at least) meaning you can dash->turnaround->jump and approach facing backwards in what is known as a RAR, or reverse aerial rush.


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
Is there anywhere I can donate money to help keep Dant's site or Smashmods or whatever up? I know about the Magus donation but that's not what I'm talking about at all. I just want to be able to contribute to stuff directly :V
A dollar for Magus is a dollar for P:M.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
The changelist released with Demo 2.0 mentioned something about how footstools were remapped to U-taunt and how the footstooling that occurs an opponent while attacking and does not go into footstool tumble was removed.

There isn't much information on Footstooling in PM because no one remembers it's an option or tests with it :/

In before Charizard has a nair footstool infinite or some ****.


Smash Data Ranger
Aug 14, 2012
The Zelda Boards
Well this game is mad fun. What is the plans for the chars in the game right now?
I really hope you guys don't nerf those "broken" chars just like that. And don't make Pit worse either ;)
I agree. The game should actually have a slight unbalance, but the other "lacking" characters should just be more on par with the other characters.
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