Was his name Count? I played friendlies with him that day; if he is, then tell him I said "hi"

I agree with this, but something I think will also catch on (and something that I don't do enough) is using QD to gain more control over the neutral game. QD can be used as a retreat, as an approach (QD attack, short-hop -> QD attack to feint a short-hop FAir/NAir, QD -> JC grab, or QD -> aerial), or as a feint (QD -> wavedash). I need to get into the habit of just running away more to reset my spacing rather than attacking all of the time. If Ike has enough room for this, then it should theoretically be hard to pin him down on stages like FD, Pictochat, and PS2.
As a side note, FD has become my favorite neutral stage.
I personally hate the scarf, ascot, or whatever it is.