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Project M Social Thread

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Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
Im pretty sure stuff was at the same pace. I've seem stream/video of P:M accidentally sped up due to recording, and let me tell you THAT looks very janky and concerning lool.
I didn't watch the stream or anything. I'm at JCaesar's channel.


Ike, Fox and Peach all seem a lot faster here and I'm pretty sure no frames are being skipped due to the video from how smooth and seamless it all plays. i,i


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
At first it looked way fast, but after seeing the peach part and going back... idk. Probably just your mind playing tricks on you


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
^ When will Project M be on?

looking at the timer and FD background... i think that vid is going a bit fast...
Uh no it's not. Look at the timer. It starts counting down at 0:03, and by 1:03, exactly 1 minute on the timer has passed. There's nothing wrong with the video. That is how fast Project M is when you actually know how to play.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
You know, this meta talk reminds me of the difference in opinions between EU, US and JP.

Though, with the Snake talk you still have loads of differing opinions. Some places (FL in particular) think that that character is freaking trash and others still think he's good. Snake places in top-8 in JP apparently consistently (Souther), you've got a great one in Ramin in EU and plenty of US Snakes that do work on a consistent basis. In spite of how much people talk about he sucks, it's funny because he still places like a Top 5 in the game character.

Also, even in Brawl some times Ike is a problem. Ryo is godlike.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Though, with the Snake talk you still have loads of differing opinions. Some places (FL in particular) think that that character is freaking trash and others still think he's good. Snake places in top-8 in JP apparently consistently (Souther), you've got a great one in Ramin in EU and plenty of US Snakes that do work on a consistent basis. In spite of how much people talk about he sucks, it's funny because he still places like a Top 5 in the game character.
Are there any videos of Snakes besides JCaesar doing well in tournament or playing in any set farther in bracket than Winner/Loser Semi's? I have my own idea of how Snake should be played, but I haven't seen or heard any impressive Snake results.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I think Snake is poo but that's in comparison to the people that transitioned so well to Melee.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2008
So, this is probably common knowledge, but I just realized that you can fall through platforms when you're zairing. Mind = Blown.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2012
long island
snake has a godlike moveset
he can be kind of awkward though if you don't know how to use him
if someone convinces me pit is bad or i don't wanna use him anymore i'd use snake


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2010
Is there a reason I'm ignored? Have I legitimately pissed off everyone here or is it just that there's really nothing on Zelda?
I don't think people really like zelda very much. So no one plays her and no one thinks about her... BUT that's just me... maybe everyone else just doesn't like you...

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
If anyone knows Zelda, it's RyokoYaksa. If you're really in need for a good opinion of her, give him a message, and maybe he'll take some time to talk to you. (I don't really know him, though, so I wouldn't know how he would respond to random people messaging him about stuff. *shrugs*)


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Sorry I'm late to the party about the raving going on about Ike, but I just felt I needed to share my thoughts on him and the points people have been bringing up about him thus far:

Leffen brings up a good point in that not many people seriously practice this game (the top players, especially) so characters that are easier to play would generally do better because of the lack of general practice going on. Not many people have really *tried* and practiced hard to figure out how to counter Ike yet. Characters like Snake, GAW, and DDD in the early stages of brawl, characters like Sheik and Ganon in the early stages of Melee, and characters like Wesker are all great examples of the point Leffen brings to the table.

I guess you could say that, "Well, most people are just practicing Melee, and the top players mostly just use their Melee mains in PM, so they don't really require a lot of PM practice since the games are similar enough." But it still doesn't detract from the fact that there is still a severe lack of MU experience going on in PM in these early stages of the game. Lots of people (once again, top players, especially) don't even know what a lot of the characters in PM do. In pools, I was talking to Axe quite a bit about project:M and told him he was really good, and he just said "I dunno man, I just play Pikachu. I don't really know anything about anyone in this game. I just play Pikachu :p"

The fact that I agree that there is a severe lack of MU experience doesn't mean to say I am advocating that Ike is bad and we just need to know how to play against him. I still believe that Ike is a great character. Just because there is a lack of MU experience against how to counter Ike doesn't mean that if we learn how to play against Ike, he'll instantly be terrible.
Falco is a great character in melee, and has been for a long time. Just because we know how to play against him now, doesn't make him a bad character. The spacies have a huge weakness being that they're the easiest characters to CG and gimp in the game, but their strengths being that their extremely flexible characters, have great combo game, kill potential, and excellent mobility push them above their weaknesses and they remain to the best characters in Melee despite those weaknesses.

The fact that a player whose name wasn't really THAT well known as a top-tier threat among the best players in the world just came out of nowhere with a PM-exclusive character and 2-0'd everyone in the top 6 RR (at one point in the tournament) should be very indicative that Ike isn't a bad character at all.
Yes, there is a lack of MU experience and no one really has practiced against many great Ike players, but smash players in 2012 have become very smart and well versed in adapting extremely well to specific situations. The players in the top6 are very capable players. The "MU experience" argument in itself doesn't stand on it's own when you see someone 2-0ing some of the best melee players in the world in a top6 RR at the biggest PM tournament to date.

I don't know why there are still people who are theory-smashing that Ike is terrible, when it was clearly shown that he isn't. I'm glad at least someone like Umbreon isn't so arrogant that he would outright deny reality that Vro did legitimately place 2nd out of 121 people and probably also would've won grand finals if he didn't choke.
To be fair though, HBox did an amazing job playing against Vro's Ike and his spacing was amazing; always looming right outside Ike's FAir range, and weaving in to BAir when it was safe. Also the presence of mind that HBox had to just FSmash Ike while he began starting up his own FSmash was very smart. Most people probably would've started shielding, which would've gotten Ike a free grab after the Fsmash because of the shield stun.

I know I might be sounding a little contradicting, but I really do acknowledge both sides of the argument about the controversy over Ike. However, my opinion still remains that Ike is a great character and should probably at least have his recovery (meaning his up-b hitbox going through the stage, QD range, and QDWJ) be toned down slightly in the next release. Everything else about Ike I can definitely see people getting around and learning to play against a lot better.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
About Zelda, I really feel she is getting a lot of this "Ike" syndrome as well in that many players are having trouble with her because no one has really sat down and tried to figure out how to beat Zelda. Learning how to play against a Zelda won't make her a bad character, and she's still amazing, (and extremely annoying with those fireballs as well as the USmash and extremely powerful and high priority moves) but again, there's a lack of MU experience going on, and while she's definitely beatable, she's still going to be a great character regardless.

At least, that's how it was at the WA PM Gameclucks tournament I hosted.

edit: Thanks strongbad, edited my post.

Deleted member

you've probably been asked this alot but, Umbreon, do you have any recorded matches of you exploiting Ikes weaknesses consistantly? I just want to see how you do it. I'm not trying to dis credit your thoughts just curious to see how easy it is for you.

the recent FC supposedly shows ikes weakness but looking at vros other matches makes it look like he choked in the finals so its hard to tell.
I watched the stream intently looking for ______ vs Ike to see if it ever came up and it never did.

I had no problem 4-stocking the Ike players in this area, but the ike players in this area are pretty weak. And I don't mean like actually playing, I mean like picking marth/sheik and just walking at him and grabbing/blocking at obvious times out of sheer disrespect. It's not a good indication of the character.

When I first come across most any new character, I can generally figure out their holes, strengths, etc. very, very quickly because I know what to look for. It's very obvious that Ike has a couple holes.

As opposed to Zelda, where i scoured the character extensively and wasn't able to find any weaknesses that actually matter. Zelda is ****ing ridiculous.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2011
Bristol, Rhode Island
If anyone knows Zelda, it's RyokoYaksa. If you're really in need for a good opinion of her, give him a message, and maybe he'll take some time to talk to you. (I don't really know him, though, so I wouldn't know how he would respond to random people messaging him about stuff. *shrugs*)
I might message him, I was just surprised she wasn't much of a topic, Ike seems to be getting a lot of attention

go to the zelda boards on smashmods lol
Forgot about that place lol

Ryoko wants to give Zelda mad buffs.
I don't know about all that

About Zelda, I really feel she is getting a lot of this "Ike" syndrome as well in that many players are having trouble with her because no one has really sat down and tried to figure out how to beat Zelda. Learning how to play against a Zelda won't make her a bad character, and she's still amazing, (and extremely annoying with those fireballs as well as the USmash and extremely powerful and high priority moves) but again, there's a lack of MU experience going on, and while she's definitely beatable, she's still going to be a great character regardless.

At least, that's how it was at the WA PM Gameclucks tournament I hosted.

edit: Thanks strongbad, edited my post.
I know Zelda has a tougher time against G&W since he can bucket her fireballs, and Ness and Lucas can absorb them, but it's not that bad, she's where all the other characters should strive to be at, Fox, Falco and Zelda are definitely the best
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