Smash Champion
Yeah, I agree with you Ilink.
Wolf is by far the worst space animal of the bunch. Not that he needs changes or anything, but he's definitely not near fox/falco level. For approaches, I've seen nair->shine as the most popular, as well as dair or dash-attack to be Wolf's usual approach options. I've played against a lot of players with solid wolves (SW, Chillin, Meta, Yakal) and those seem to be the most popular approaches.
Every single wolf I've played against has a very distinct style:
-SW likes to uair, fair, nair, and shine a lot, juggling people using those moves, and he's the only wolf main I've seen to use full hop nair in a juggle combo. I think SW plays wolf the way he is meant to be played, and it involves a lot of nair->shine-> uairs, or dash-attack -> uairs.
-Chillin plays Wolf a lot like Falcon in the sense that he doesn't nair->shine at all, and usually starts combos using dair, and tech-chases from there with grabs and dash attack.
-Meta plays a very falco-esque Wolf that focuses mainly on shield-pressure with nair-shine, and dair shine on shields. He also prioritizes using Lasers to approach into nair->shine, to start combos, and uses DAir in similar ways a Falco would. Lots of Lasers and Dairs, with nair-shine as shield pressure. A very defense-oriented wolf playstyle.
-Yakal's Wolf isn't very developed since he doesn't really use the character, but he also plays a very Falco-esque wolf, except laserless- making for a very aggressive style. It doesn't really work out usually, but hey, he mains falco and doesn't care a whole lot for wolf in general.
I wish I could play Professor Pro to see for myself how his wolf plays now
. I've seen his videos, but those are kind've dated and I'd like to see his style by actually playing him, as I think that's where I can analyze the best.
Anyways, yeah Link is pretty darn good, and his CG is really annoying. It's a tether though, so if he misses, he'll *hopefully* get punished for it
Great stage control along with a long reach and a lot of power behind him.
I agree with what you said about Lucario, Ilink. Lucario is very 1 dimensional, in that being upclose is all he can really do. Once he gets in, its hard to keep yourself off him, (depending on how skilled the lucario player is) but playing homo is probably the best strategy against him.
Wolf is by far the worst space animal of the bunch. Not that he needs changes or anything, but he's definitely not near fox/falco level. For approaches, I've seen nair->shine as the most popular, as well as dair or dash-attack to be Wolf's usual approach options. I've played against a lot of players with solid wolves (SW, Chillin, Meta, Yakal) and those seem to be the most popular approaches.
Every single wolf I've played against has a very distinct style:
-SW likes to uair, fair, nair, and shine a lot, juggling people using those moves, and he's the only wolf main I've seen to use full hop nair in a juggle combo. I think SW plays wolf the way he is meant to be played, and it involves a lot of nair->shine-> uairs, or dash-attack -> uairs.
-Chillin plays Wolf a lot like Falcon in the sense that he doesn't nair->shine at all, and usually starts combos using dair, and tech-chases from there with grabs and dash attack.
-Meta plays a very falco-esque Wolf that focuses mainly on shield-pressure with nair-shine, and dair shine on shields. He also prioritizes using Lasers to approach into nair->shine, to start combos, and uses DAir in similar ways a Falco would. Lots of Lasers and Dairs, with nair-shine as shield pressure. A very defense-oriented wolf playstyle.
-Yakal's Wolf isn't very developed since he doesn't really use the character, but he also plays a very Falco-esque wolf, except laserless- making for a very aggressive style. It doesn't really work out usually, but hey, he mains falco and doesn't care a whole lot for wolf in general.
I wish I could play Professor Pro to see for myself how his wolf plays now

Anyways, yeah Link is pretty darn good, and his CG is really annoying. It's a tether though, so if he misses, he'll *hopefully* get punished for it

I agree with what you said about Lucario, Ilink. Lucario is very 1 dimensional, in that being upclose is all he can really do. Once he gets in, its hard to keep yourself off him, (depending on how skilled the lucario player is) but playing homo is probably the best strategy against him.