With regards to the "Wolf is good" discussion, I'm surprised no one has brought up Professor Pro winning many PM tournaments in the UK with Wolf. Part of it can be that people are experimenting with Brawl newcomers instead of their Melee mains (the top three from their most recent tournament, SR4, was Wolf, Ike, and Wario, in that order) and that Professor Pro is very good (he placed 2nd in Melee), but I seriously doubt that Wolf is a bad character.
Also, I think Charizard has some glaring weaknesses, but he's extremely fun to play and isn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be.
Lastly, I just wanted to give the heads-up that I'm going to another PM tournament this weekend. Expect more Ike and more videos! We'll have more setups this time around, so not all the bracket matches will get recorded. However, I'll try to ensure that matches towards the end of the bracket get recorded.
@DrinkingFood: I saw your edit and was just going to ask why Charizard needed subtle nerfs

. I agree with you though; I know we're supposed to play like the characters are final, but I think he needs a bigger ledge grab box.