I personally feel that P:M is a game that ties all of the smash communities together. It's a game that anyone who loves smash can enjoy.
In BC, I've got melee players who love it, brawl players who come around and try it out, and end up having alot of fun, even straight up 64 smash champion, Superboom, visited BC for a couple days, and thought it was pretty awesome.
Even the staff of the venue we smash at walked by, stop for a second and are amazed and intrigued about how you guys were able to re-create melee using the brawl engine. And of course, all my friends- the casual crowd, LOVE p:m as well.
P:M just brings all smashers of any kind together into one game that everyone can all play and enjoy. It's quite a beautiful thing. *tear
:D Thanks PMBR