Really? It's the other way around for me braggins; I love D3 but think he isn't viable.
He's got grabs, ftilt, bair, fair and grabs. That's it. Everything else is between meh and subpar. His jabs are pretty good now but there are plenty of situations where you could just try to grab instead of jab and be just as (or even more, if they're blocking) productive.
The moves that feel the most lacking to me:
Dsmash - It doesn't come out that quickly and, ironically, isn't that good at hitting people on the ground. I tried dsmashing a shiek as she was lying down and it went right over her lol.
Nair - If it's always going to have such a cruddy hitbox, it should get the boozer treatment or something and have some nifty super armour.
Utilt - Probably just because I miss its ridiculous KB and damage from barlw

Wavedash - lol
As for his specials, his Jet Hammer has weaksauce armor and little shield stun - intentional I know, but it just seems lackluster to me. His upB really needed that super armour or something - anything - he's so easy to edgeguard without it. I've got no issues with his sideB but it'd be awesome if you could chunk waddle dees diagonally upward as well as straight like in Brawl- or whatever other mod I saw it in. Inhale is inhale.
It's not that I'm disappointed with your work so far, guys. I love this game and all of these characters. But I'd love to see some buffs later on for this guy. He's better than a one-trick pony, but not a few-trick pony.