"From a PMBR's perspective: How will the players committed to the aspects of Melee, but show strong interest in P:M, affect the project's community (and for that matter, metagame) in the long run?" -- This topic referring the "Melee-****" (the players who generally reject anything that isn't Melee-like) that make up a portion (albeit small) of Project:M's fanbase. No one in the PMBR is a poser and likely won't bend to their "this isn't Melee" talk, but it would be interesting to know what one or more of you thinks about how they might affect the community, especially if more people become stubborn to certain changes. Yeah, it's a topic that
can receive a straightforward answer (I was thinking something along the lines of, "They won't" and / or "There aren't enough of them"), but it could start a whole slew of discussion about what parts of P:M simply do not appeal to the Smash community.
"Who is going to main which character. Why? What draws you to said character(s)?" -- This question has been answered several times, but getting some streamer-viewer/chat conversation in before the Q/A portion would be helpful in getting more people tuned in and, more importantly, active. It would also be a great way of answering any questions we might have about a particular character, without having to wait until (future) match-up discussion, the last fifteen or so minutes, or until that character has been brought up. Also, not everyone has the correct grasp of every character that has a set direction, so it would be a great opportunity to 'erase' a lot of ignorance. Who knows? Maybe more accurate knowledge of a certain character or the entire project would quickly increase the fanbase. It'll sure as hell eliminate (or greatly reduce) question repetition, so a topic like that would definitely be worth it.
"Let's say that someone (Dant or another) made a breakthrough with the AI debugger? More specifically, what if every player could play against 'scrub', 'legitimate', and 'TAS-perfect' CPUs anytime they chose?" -- Oh man, I've always wondered about this. My thoughts were that the Smash community's population would increase dramatically, but it would be magnificent to think what everyone else thinks. It might just sprout some healthy discussion and several theories amongst both you and the viewers. Simple, but sweet, IMHO.
...also, yeah, please make match-up discussion a part of
every episode. Words cannot explain how helpful it'll be to use to get an idea of what the metagame is looking like so far. Even if the characters in question are subject to largely change in due time, knowing how the cast performs in P:M would save quite a bit of effort once we get a more recent build.
Or you could just talk about food, liquor, nipples, and why I don't have a car (