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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Apprentice
Feb 21, 2010
Canton, Michigan
yeah, but here's the thing. you're now realizing that you will watch the next stream, and that feeling will get worse. this game...!

need more footage! BLARGH

so, what are you guys doing with olimar? i know he's got that infinite plucking goin on, but he can't continue to be a spam character effectively, not unless he somehow has lazer pikmin all of a sudden.
Your probably Right lol my fellow Michigan smasher.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I tried PMing shanus a while ago and no reply...Is this his way of rejecting me? :urg:
That's how he rejected me. I guess going on a mission for two years and not being able to play smash, AND living near most of the top players in the south isn't a legit reason. Even Neko and JC thought it was cool when I asked them. <_<


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
now i feel bad.

muba was the one with the gravity-based codeset that people complained about because it wasn't as smooth. well, we couldn't modify upBs then, right? i wonder what they'd say if his were updated some...


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I tried PMing shanus a while ago and no reply...Is this his way of rejecting me? :urg:
That's how he rejected me. I guess going on a mission for two years and not being able to play smash, AND living near most of the top players in the south isn't a legit reason. Even Neko and JC thought it was cool when I asked them. <_<
Like Shadic said, I'd suggest contacting him directly on IRC or AIM. PMs are easy to ignore.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2008
Los Angleles, California
Few questions. If no answers exists at the moment thats fine but they're things I'd really like to know.

1. Is crouch cancel going to be in? <3

2. Will the grab mechanics parallel those of Melee? In other words, in Brawl, you can take a hit while grabbing someone, but in Melee you can't.

3. Will Peach be able to float cancel? <3

4. I assume ICs infinites are not wanted, but will they still have some (possibly melee style) CGs?

5. Are we planning on giving all Zair characters the ability to grapple onto walls? (Or just some?)

6. Is there anywhere I can go to find out about character specific changes in general? (IRC chat perhaps?)


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Few questions. If no answers exists at the moment thats fine but they're things I'd really like to know.

1. Is crouch cancel going to be in? <3

2. Will the grab mechanics parallel those of Melee? In other words, in Brawl, you can take a hit while grabbing someone, but in Melee you can't.

3. Will Peach be able to float cancel? <3

4. I assume ICs infinites are not wanted, but will they still have some (possibly melee style) CGs?

5. Are we planning on giving all Zair characters the ability to grapple onto walls? (Or just some?)

6. Is there anywhere I can go to find out about character specific changes in general? (IRC chat perhaps?)

Peach mainers....


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2008
Los Angleles, California

The only Peach specific question I asked was about FC, which I'm sure is something Peach users would enjoy, so I don't see a reason not to implement it. I'd still like to know if its possible to get an answer to any of those questions btw...lmao.

Can't wait for this to be released btw.


Smash Ace
Aug 19, 2009
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
1)Dunno, CC is still not working 100% and I don't know if it will be implemented in B+
2)Don't think this will change
3)No clue(I'm not on developers team) but assuming no character changes for 6 moths, no
4)Don't think so either, IC's wen through a lot to remove infinite grabs, trying to make 'em chaingrab could create another infinite
5) Not possible as of now
6)No changelist has been released, so no


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
i'm pretty sure float canceling is on the table, if not already in.
i like #2 in brawl. i don't wanna explain why.

ICers are the main grab comboers. i mean, they kept as much as they could in b+ without bull****ting that, and this has b+ changes (from one of the GSH# series). they'll probably be able to at least heavy-combo from grabs. you can count on it.

grabbing walls is still a long ways off, if ever comin back, to my dismay...i doubt all chars with a zair, even if it becomes available, will put it to as good use as others.

theorycraft: i bet oli will have a zair, with his upB, for mixups. lucas's will blow ***, and if it doesn't he should continue to get slowed by PKT2 collisions! (guys, can you fix ness's? that'd be the cat's pajamas)

samus and link'd definitely have it. i bet ZSS would too, like oli, but i don't know what they'd do with it. depends if she continues to be as floaty as her armored self.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2008
Los Angleles, California
Thanks to both of you.

Btw, I don't really see why ZSS/Olimar would be given a tether. The whole point of Olimar is that he is amazing onstage and somewhat one-dimensional offstage. ZSS really doesn't need it. I actually only see it being used for Link/Samus, and thats assuming the code for this is figured out.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
well, maybe if his zair made it so he lost a couple pikmin? then he couldn't upB from places link can.

really, i only say that cause i hope he's not as aggravating to fight in p:M. nerfing his spam and all that. make him more interesting, or somethin.

i mean, what's he have? oh, look, spam. what else? oh, ridiculous grab. yeah, buuuull****! at least give him an interesting mechanic! like a, uh, tipper. or combo pikmin (can purples combo?), or, uh...****, something. what is good FUN about this little dude?

edit: i have nothing to add about ZSS.

edit2: hey, uh. what about different sweetspots for different pikmin attacks. people are always talking about the 'skill in management' about oli. why not expand on the differences pikmin have, such as making whites actually worth swatting people with for whatever reason.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Yeah, could Ness and Lucas' recovery not semi-spike after hitting a wall? They could at least bounce like Ness did in 64 and Melee and just not sweetspot the ledge. It's extremely aggravating just to mess the ledge, hit the wall, and fall to your death.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Woah wtf? You guys are in the wrong thread. Those are B+ answers to P:M questions.


1. Yes, we have a preliminary CC code working already. Not exactly the same as Melee but we're getting there.

2. Dunno if removing grab armor is feasible.

3. Peach has her float cancel back.

4. Melee style CGs are in. Peach can CG Falcon to at least 50% with uthrow right now if you read the DI and no platforms or edges get in the way.

5. Unfortunately it looks like wall grappling isn't feasible to code, at least right now.

6. There is a #projectM, but it's usually empty. People will talk P:M with you on #brawlplus though. And we do livestreams of P:M nearly every week.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2008
Los Angleles, California
Woah wtf? You guys are in the wrong thread. Those are B+ answers to P:M questions.


1. Yes, we have a preliminary CC code working already. Not exactly the same as Melee but we're getting there.

2. Dunno if removing grab armor is feasible.

3. Peach has her float cancel back.

4. Melee style CGs are in. Peach can CG Falcon to at least 50% with uthrow right now if you read the DI and no platforms or edges get in the way.

5. Unfortunately it looks like wall grappling isn't feasible to code, at least right now.

6. There is a #projectM, but it's usually empty. People will talk P:M with you on #brawlplus though. And we do livestreams of P:M nearly every week.
Thank you very much. I'll be sure to watch out for those livestreams also. And for #4 I was actually talking about ICs specifically, but it doesn't matter much to me as I'm sure they'll at least have impressive grab combos.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
answer mine. i know shanus has hearts for him, but what's the appeal of captain olimar, DD?
I asked these questions a LONNGGGG time ago a it erupted into a pretty long argument. I also asked can Oli get a zair but they were uneasy because they knew Olimar's recovery sucked and Melee physics just make it worse. I think he should get the crappiest zair ever with no other use than recovering.


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2009
Northfield, MN
I think he should get the crappiest zair ever with no other use than recovering.
See: Lucas. Lucas at least has recovery aside from tethers, though.

What would Olimar need a zair for if his up-b is already a tether with (almost) no use other than recovery? Would he get a new up-b? Maybe one that lets him footstool off of his pikmin? I dunno...


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI
Well, the "appeal" for each character is a matter of opinion. Captain Falcon doesn't appeal to me whatsoever, but there are still a bunch of CF mains.
say whaaa? but...oh, sure. hey, it's true, oli is pretty diverse after all.

i mean, if i want a really grabby character, i'll choose him fir--oh. hey, this marth character looks kinda interesting all of asudden. this DDD character too, now that i think of it.
err, what i'm trying to say is that i wanna spam REALLY har--oh. them lazers are pretty insane, falco. what's that, peach? you've got quite the garden there. hey, link, how're those arrows, bombs, and boomer treating you? fine? well, sorry, link, but i'd rather have those And speed/small size!
what's up, Tink?

i'm not mad or anything, but, really, the only things special about this dude are his pikmin, which aren't as important as they could be. i mean, think of the possibilities for oli mains if they were made more important!

tangent: making sure to have Just the right order of pikmin to create a monster combo from, i dunno, using a blue on a flaming opponent doing less KB, followed by a yellow doing the same with water, followed by a white, which doesn't do much at all, but could set up for a purple which sets off shadow-hit chars. i'm spitballing here, but, really, why not at least try to think of something new while alpha's here.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2008
Los Angleles, California
I think people pick Olimar not because he has the BEST grab or something like that. More like he has a ridiculous ground game, a really good ability to play defensively, great "spam", and a unique and dangerous grab. If people thought in such a linear fashion, there would be a lot less character diversity. Not to mention that while other characters are perhaps better at one thing than Olimar (though he does have some really dam significant strong points), there's simply the fact that they don't fit someone's playstyle because the rest of their gameplay does not suite that person.

Thinking in that manner is just unrealistic. Its like telling someone they should pick Samus over D3 if they want to camp. While this is true when only taking this one aspect of gameplay into account, one doesn't consider the various area's of D3's game that are superior to those of Samus. Rather, in that situation, I would list any character that has prominent camping ability.

While I agree with the notion that Olimar could use a little more flare or depth, I don't see how he has no appeal. He has several strongpoints, all of which are extremely noticeable.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2010
dunno if this has been asked, but are you planning on putting some melee textures in? like, a melee fd and bf, etc D:


Smash Champion
May 16, 2006
There's already a Melee FD texture. I assume the textures and such are all going to be separate from the actual Project M package but will be provided for those that are interested.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 21, 2010
Canton, Michigan
not sure what the changes for olimar are at the moment but his white and blue pikmin are devestating atleast in normal brawl/B+. The Blue ones are specifically meant for throws since they have the longest grab range and most kb with throws. White ones you can throw one on Grab with a Blue and his pikimin deal a ton of poision if not shadow damage from the white pikmin to the opponent.

IMHO his pikmin make him play like snake I wanna say to where he has great spacing and I wanna say teasing game. While his Physical attacks with Red/Yellow/Purple (which I agree purple are a tad useless currently).

Olimar is actually a pretty solid character overall you just gotta play to which pikmin you have. His only current downfall is if he gets knocked off the ledge and all he has is the Thether which sucks becuase thethers are the most easy thing to ledge guard against.

sorry for long post but that CG thing I read just irks me in a wrong way.

on a different note (my views and opinions on CGing)
I understand CG's where in melee originally but may I ask why to you are putting them back in? IMHO I think its dumb founded that what was stated earlier - Peach can easily CG a Falcon to 50%? I dunno about you guys but to me sounds like a retarted Mechanic that could ruin the game. I also worry about this due to what people have said before due to the old IC CG (most broken thing in Vbrawl) sorry but it is.

I dunno if its just me but I personally don't think CG's should exist even if its closely getting to Melee. I understand DI and everything but CG's are IMHO are just a cheap and effective way to win. Which theres nothing wrong with it. I just hate it. I just really hate seeing a Grab that virtually takes no skill to do. IC's on the other hand do but then again its the most broken thing in the game.

on another different note:
I notice that you guys are using some things from B+ or atleast that what it says in the OP. Just wondering about ledges? Is Diddy Kong and Lucario (idk whats going on in B+ land) going to be able to grab the ledge out of thier UPB's?

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
I dunno if its just me but I personally don't think CG's should exist even if its closely getting to Melee. I understand DI and everything but CG's are IMHO are just a cheap and effective way to win. Which theres nothing wrong with it. I just hate it. I just really hate seeing a Grab that virtually takes no skill to do. IC's on the other hand do but then again its the most broken thing in the game.
Uh...exaggeration much?

Chaingrabs are one of the very few things keeping space animals in line in melee. Without Marth's chaingrab and grab combos, he'd have virtually no chance against Fox, even less against Falco (the entire matchup is...get grab to get gimp). It may look boring to you, but even chaingrabs take a fair amount of skill nowadays. With spacies DIing the throws almost perfectly and learning the timing to shine out, getting a successful chaingrab is not exactly skilless (though yes, it's fairly easy to pull off on FD, an incredible...ONE stage). Landing the grab in the first place is extremely hard, so it's not unreasonable to demand a high payout (that's how risk/reward works)

Sheik's d-throw will simply be the PAL version d-throw. Silly chaingrabs like Ganon on Yoshi (where the chaingrab is more of a crippling aspect of the matchup rather than an equalizer) will probably be looked at though (for balancing purposes down the line. Not because "chaingrabs are gay.")

IC's chaingrabs are not the most broken thing in the game <_<


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
answer mine. i know shanus has hearts for him, but what's the appeal of captain olimar, DD?

Until all the balance things are sorted out, we can't say for sure what the appeal would be. However, Olimar does have awesome Aerial Priority, solid ground game, and is capable of pulling off some incredible combos by manipulating the colors/order of his Pikmin in order to get the most benefit out of their different KBG/BKB/Stun values. And he has a really quick grab considering its length.

Also, his JCGrab right now goes stupidly far. I think the only one who can beat it in range is Sonic, but I don't pay that much attention to balance and stuff yet since we're not at that point yet.

Because Olimar can use his Pikmin as living disjointed hitboxes, he can punish missed sweetspots really well with D/FSmashes spaced enough from the ledge so that he won't take a hit. Alternatively, he can just use his aerial priority so they don't make it to the ledge.

I don't know if he can reverse neutral B while in the air, but I think that would be a cool addition to increase his survival just a bit, and give him a little "jump" or super armor on his upB.

Just some ideas I made up real quick.

Also, DarkSonic's post about CGs is 100% true and I love it.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2008
Southgate, MI

Until all the balance things are sorted out, we can't say for sure what the appeal would be. However, Olimar does have awesome Aerial Priority, solid ground game, and is capable of pulling off some incredible combos by manipulating the colors/order of his Pikmin in order to get the most benefit out of their different KBG/BKB/Stun values. And he has a really quick grab considering its length.

Also, his JCGrab right now goes stupidly far. I think the only one who can beat it in range is Sonic, but I don't pay that much attention to balance and stuff yet since we're not at that point yet.

Because Olimar can use his Pikmin as living disjointed hitboxes, he can punish missed sweetspots really well with D/FSmashes spaced enough from the ledge so that he won't take a hit. Alternatively, he can just use his aerial priority so they don't make it to the ledge.

I don't know if he can reverse neutral B while in the air, but I think that would be a cool addition to increase his survival just a bit, and give him a little "jump" or super armor on his upB.

Just some ideas I made up real quick.

Also, DarkSonic's post about CGs is 100% true and I love it.
awesome. well, i'm satisfied. still think what he has rides the wave of ridiculousness, but if he really varies as much as that, then i have hope. thanks for being the one and only to respond!

you guys humble me. you know i complain for the game's sake!


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL

Yeah, could Ness and Lucas' recovery not semi-spike after hitting a wall? They could at least bounce like Ness did in 64 and Melee and just not sweetspot the ledge. It's extremely aggravating just to mess the ledge, hit the wall, and fall to your death.
I think it's just too easy to edgeguard them. They absolutely have to space it just right and angle properly. Hit the wall and you're completely out; it's terrible. At least missing the sweetspot punishes you the same as everyone else.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD

I think it's just too easy to edgeguard them. They absolutely have to space it just right and angle properly. Hit the wall and you're completely out; it's terrible. At least missing the sweetspot punishes you the same as everyone else.
1 word: zapjump. Ness's recovery is better than it was in Melee and Lucas's is even better than that. They just take a little more effort.
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