who here plays Dota2? Could any of you guys tell me if it is demanding? as in i shouldn't even try to play it bc my laptop can't handle it?
also, what is better about it compared to LoL
It's not particularly demanding. A half decent laptop made in the past few years should be able to play it if you lower the settings down. Might not be the prettiest (not that DotA2 is the prettiest anyways), but you'll be able to play it with a good framerate.
What's better in DotA than LoL is all relative. As somebody who plays both but prefers League overall, I think the one thing DotA hits absolutely out of the park is the item design but there's just something about DotA that fails to capture me in the way that LoL does. I can have fun playing DotA, sure, but I don't really have any attachment to the heroes whereas with LoL I have my absolute favorite champions that just get me jumping at the gates to play them some days. Plus, I think League has a better setting.
I will say that DotA is a more mechanically demanding game on average. I know some people who like DotA more purely for that reason.
League is more new-player friendly, both because it isn't as mechanically demanding but also because you aren't given 100% of choices from day 1. Some people might complain about League not giving you every champ and having to earn and/or buy new ones, but that choice is a chief reason why LoL has grown as large as it has to sort of eclipse all other MOBAs. I was overwhelmed coming into DotA at first because EVERYTHING was at my fingers and you aren't really given any time to process it all before being thrown into the thick of things. And this was coming from somebody who had a few years of MOBA experience through playing League since very early in its lifetime.