Playing my pride and joy in Project M was a funny experience. Most of the stuff I do with jiggs in Melee is all muscle memory now, so I tried to input the exact same finger movements into Project M, and I was surprised at how similar it all was. Stuff like SHFFLing bairs, uairs, and nairs all were very similar. Her wavedash goes a bit too far in project M, lol. It kinda felt like Yoshi's wavedash rather than puff's. I played the falcon, MK, snake, and shiek matchups. Her priority was very similiar to melee, and I was surprised to see that her nair would beat out most of MK's stuff.
I was happy to see the fiery hell that rest was once again. The knockback was just slightly nerfed IMO, but the range seemed pretty on par. The setups into rest were also prevalent, such as jab reset, uptilt, and shffl nair.
Her bair seems to have lost range, but I can't tell if it was just me playing around. Overall it's basically melee jiggs in most of her brokenness, and it was a great experience trying out my melee skills against brawl characters like Snake and MK.