Sooo hello all. I was going to start a thread in Pokemon Lab, but I decided to check here first and it seems there's already been some talk on what I would like to do. Sort of.
Anyway, to start, I'm aware that there are a few people in here interested in the TCG/competitive TCG (cough asianaussie ranmaru espy kprime). I don't know if any of you remember, but way back in the 90's there was a Pokemon Trading Card Game for the Gameboy Colour. That was my first video game ever. And Jesus did I love it. So recently I've been playing that thing and an English patch of its sequel a **** ton. And I've been constantly wondering what it would be like if they had made more games up until at least the Neo expansions and enabled online play. I tried the Pokemon TCG online thing, but I didn't really like it because they sprite-y look of the games is what really hooked me on them. That and the insane accessibility of nearly all the cards to build decks to your heart's content. So I thought, "Why the hell not," and gave spriting a try.
What I'm trying to get at here with all this rambling is to see how many people would be interested in trying a project aimed at getting something basically exactly like the two Gameboy games online, and expanding it to include, well, more expansions. I know next to nothing about coding (and even then, what I do know is just Melee and Brawl, nothing Gameboy-related), but I think my sprites look pretty good. So yeah, who would be interested?
Here's what I've done.
[collapse=Expansion Symbols]
[collapse=Neo Genesis]
Neo Genesis (First Attempt, Smaller)-
Neo Genesis 2 (Second Attempt, Bigger)-
[collapse=Neo Discovery]
[collapse=Neo Revelation]
[collapse=Neo Destiny]
[collapse=Wizards Black Star Promo]
They all stay within the 16x16 resolution/three colours limit for expansion symbol sprites. They aren't resizes, even though they do kind of look like it. I'm probably going to do some more soon (Southern Islands, Best of Game, first edition, second edition, etc.)
Metal/Darkness Energies-
These stay within the 8x8/three colour limit for small energy sprites. I had finished a big energy (card) sprite for Metal energy a few months back, but forgot to back it up somewhere before I got my laptop fixed.
I'll probably be redoing them soon.
Base Card Sprite
Card Sprite with Holography
Doctored In-Game Card Summary (First Page)
Base Card Sprite
Card Sprite with Holography (I know that the stock card image has a grey "band", but when I did that I honestly didn't like how it looked)
Doctored In-Game Card Summary (First Page)
Base Card Sprite
Card Sprite with Background
Doctored In-Game Card Summary (First Page)
The card sprites all stayed within the 64x48 resolution limit, and utilised seven colours, including black and white. The amount of colours in a single card sprite in the second game vary between five (as in Base Set Vulpix) and eight (as in Promo Arcanine). I stayed conservative and only used seven.
So that's pretty much it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.