Huge post to cover the last few pages:
Jirachi isn't good, lol.
Everyone forgot to mention a huge release in UD: Smeargle. Smeargle is the new tech for many decks, and has even replaced Sableye in the titular "Sablock" as the premier opener. Smeargle UD is what Ditto LA and Sableye SF were upon their initial release. A universally good tech/opener.
Things are cookie cutter because it's good. Originality exists in techs based on the metagame in your region.
If you make a deck to be different, you will lose, and look like a joke in the process.
Something to note about SP vs Machamp:
Machamp ONLY does well vs SP, and even then, it's a 50/50 match up AT BEST. SP has the speed, consistency, and the tools required to either never allow a machamp to hit the board, or easily deal with them as they DO hit the board, and keep up in the prize exchange, whilst using significantly less resources in the process, whilst still being universally good against everything in the format. Machamp auto-loses to nearly everything else, except giggles (Regigigas.)
Donphan, and Donchamp do marginally better than Machamp, with pure Donphan being overall the better deck. Stage one decks are inherently faster than stage 2, plus donphan has three major advantages over Machamp.
1. Natural increased bulk. Donphan has effectively an upward of 160 HP due to exoskeleton. 180 if you factor in belt.
2. Donphan has a rare weakness (water) a type held by two decks that aren't good at the moment (kingdra, and gyarados.)
3. Donphan doesn't auto-lose to non-SP decks. This being arguably the biggest advantage against both of the "SP-Killer" decks.
A lesser advantage would be the fact that Donphan requires less space for its line-ups, meaning increased room for techs, like Regice, Regirock, or Luxray GL for example.