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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Well, someone brought up a way to effectively remove Mewtwo from the roster without completely taking him out of the game: make him Trainer's final smash.

Buff his moves a TON (reduce the amount of time needed to charge a shadow ball by half, make confusion affect multiple characters within a certain range, increase the range of disable by 2 - 3 times). Make him heavier, faster, and more powerful all around.

I'm sure most Mewtwo fans would be dissatisfied, but if it came down to either eliminating him completely or making him hella-stronger for a final smash, I think I know which they'd pick.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Just one problem, If Pokemon Trainer is staying in the backround, where will he fit in on scrolling stages like Rumble Falls, or what'll happen when one of his pokemon die? Will he jump over after them? Will he (like in the games) black out? Will he (like the Nana Popo relationship) just disappear?
I could see if there was something with stocks, he'd pass out in the background (provided it was a multiple character match). Beyond that, I dunno. Good question.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Well, someone brought up a way to effectively remove Mewtwo from the roster without completely taking him out of the game: make him Trainer's final smash.

Buff his moves a TON (reduce the amount of time needed to charge a shadow ball by half, make confusion affect multiple characters within a certain range, increase the range of disable by 2 - 3 times). Make him heavier, faster, and more powerful all around.

I'm sure most Mewtwo fans would be dissatisfied, but if it came down to either eliminating him completely or making him hella-stronger for a final smash, I think I know which they'd pick.
Actually, I really like this idea. Granted, I'm not a M2 fan (I'm indifferent), but I think it's the perfect implementation. M2 would still be playable AND there would be an extra space on the roster. I'm really looking forward to PT's FS now. :)


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
UPDATE!!! About that time too. Sorry about neglecting the thread lately, but I just got Resident Evil 4 for the Wii and I'm playing through it for the first time. At this point, it's essentially tied with Twilight Princess as my favorite Wii game.

HEHE, look at who IGn wants in Brawl!

IGN's Smash It Up Volume 1 [with Black Mage, lol! XD]

Smash It Up Volume 2

Smash It Up Volume 3

Smash It Up Volume 4 [With Cel-shaded Link=I love IGN just for that! XD]

@ LukeFonFabre
ZSS's gun/whip thing reminds me of a lightsaber...LOL! XD Especially in that pic! :chuckle:
Those crazy IGN people. Did you know that Bozon listed Brawl as his 4th most anticipated Wii game? Behind Prime 3, Zack and Wiki, and Mario Galaxy. Sounds like someone needs to get this priorities in order.

If you see Returning Character: SHIEK, will you cry Wiseguy=??? :laugh: Just messin' with ya'. *runs and hides* BTW Wiseguy, way to be mentioned on Youko's podcast [only a week after me! :grin:]! :laugh:
I... I... I can't even think about it. Too painful.... *sobs uncontrolably*

And yeah, Youko's podcast rocks. I can't wait to hear his throughts on Pokemon trainer.

BTW Wiseguy, hilarious SIG! XD Now it's time for you to cut Bonk from your character predictions and add Marth. I'm betting Marth will be given a new look, and while Ike has dark blue hair, Marth will have light blue, Marth will either get a cool crown or dump it, he'll have his cape change color, and he'll have a lighter colored shirt. I see major changes to Marth, similar to Fox's look from Melee to Brawl! :)
Thank ye. I'm a huge Colbert Report fan.

As for Bonk, I did cut him, reluctantly. As for Marth, I'm going to stick to my guns. If I back down now, I'll forfeit all bragging rights as being one of the sole anti-Marth advocates on Smashboards.

Edit: BTW, Wiseguy you should add Liquid Snake as a AT. He simply grabs a Metal Gear, starts fires missles at everyone, and they land on the field, causing pretty bigt sized explosions. They come in a fury, and wouldn't be easy to dodge. They would rack/do much damage, but they would do good impact. How's that for a AT idea=???
Bah, I say. I'm not a huge fan of Solid's wimpy older brother. Every knows that Revolver Ocelt is the rue nemesis of Solid Snake.

If the SSBB team is willing to create three unique, brand new movesets for a single character slot, I don't see why the team wouldn't go through the extra effort to tweak and update only two pre-existing movesets for a single character slot. Just throwing that out there. ;)
Maybe, but I find it suspicious that we STILL have seen no sign of the transgendered Ninja more than a month after Zelda's update.

BOOYAH!!! Did I call it or what? Not that anyone can see my list buried earlier in this thread, but this is a post I put up on the Red thread a couple of months ago:

I know I wasn't spot on, but darn if I wasn't close. Man, this is freakin' cool!
Congrats Yoster. When you put PT on your list, I was sure you were loopy. As for me, I didin't even have a runnersup profile for the character. Sakurai's brilliance took me COMPLETELY off guard.

i even put him on my character guessing thread. the only pkmn i ever liked. it''s funny, because I didn't include gorah or deoxys. i must be psychic.

i think each of the pkmn have separate special moves.
Yeah, I figured you would be happy to see Charazard SR. I must admit, your predictions have been pretty accurate so far.

Yep, looks very interesting alright, even if Squirtle or Ivysaur never were exactly favorites of mine. The idea of the triple transformation and the interdependence of the characters (which should help avoid another Sheik-style screwup) is really intriguing. And I accept bets as to what his final smash will be.

But this is probably a big hit to your prediction list. I mean, you used logic and probability to make it, but I think this shows that crazyness and apparent impossibilities have a lot more chance that would be apparent and that "probability" and "shoe-in" have been proven to be terms out of Sakurai's vocabulary :laugh:. Now, everything's possible.
Like I said in my introduction, we mere mortals are incapable of totally predicting Sakurai's insane brilliance. Heck, if there were no surprises the wait for Brawl would be pretty boring.

Also, nice post number. One away from the round 1000. Make your next post a good one, man ;).
Thanks. I'm pretty pleased with my 1000th post, though it's nothing earth shattering. Check it out on this page: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=72380&page=54

Hey, Wiseguy...time to give Lucario the boot and change out Red the Trainer!
Weeeeeell not exactly. Check out my updates for all the nitty gritty.

ANd I'm STILL waiting for YOUR prediction list Grim. Come on, let's see the great Lizard put his money where his mouth is. (Note: typing Ridley 40 times doesn't count.)

I think that the final Pokemon party will consist of:

Jiggs (Wether I like it or not, he/she/it/potato is here to stay)
and I believe that Trainer replaces Pichu (because we don't want him to return.)

That leaves room for either a replacement for Mewtwo or Mewtwo's return.

so quit worrying Lucario fans, there's definitely a chance. Although with Deoxys pokeballing, it seems to me that Brawl is looking for the unique, and interesting, poulairity s becoming less and less a factor. If Trainer can get in, why not Nook? or Miis?
Oh so NOW people jump on the "cut Mewtwo" bandwagon....;)

Mii for the freakin win!

This Pokemon Trainer... just thinking about the work it would take to make someone like this...

You have to create and animate four character models (maybe even more if the trainer has alternate costumes), and then fully design and implement three playable movesets... all for one character!

That's an insane amount of work... and we've already seen that Brawl will have dynamic, changing, scrolling levels... the Subspace Emissary side-scrolling game, complete with rendered cinematics...

Man, I think Brawl is going to be bigger than we know. I think we've all been underestimating exactly how much Sakurai and the development team can create.
Brawl should come with a warning on the box: "may disintegrate your retinas"
Most true Oyster. If this is Sakurai's last Smash, he's certainlt going out in style. This game is going to be one for the ages.

Lol, I still believe most of what wiseguy says is going to be right(except rob)
Hey, there was a time when Trainer fans looked like crazy people as well. ROB is no different. Go ROB!

If this isn't currently the ultimate proof that the fandom doesn't have the game all figured out, then I don't know what is. Really, what do we know at this point for sure that Sakurai somehow won't turn around and prove nearly the whole community wrong? How do we even know a character who is considered a shoe-in like Diddy Kong won't get in the game in some unexpected way?

All out of all the character banners I seen, even of joke characters, I don't believe I ever saw one for Red. Out of character wish lists, I don't believe I saw Red on any of them or if he was on one, said creator would have got laughed at, spat on, and never taken seriously again. For all we know, Miis could have some creative way of getting in the game, playable or not. Almost no amount of discussion could lead to how that would happen if it does, like I never saw Red being suggested the way that he is now.

I never did anti-supported Red, but mainly because I never said anything about him being brought up a few times. On the other hand, I would have never supported him. Is there any words I'm gonna have to eat?
Hey, there is no shame in being proven wrong. I for one am glad that Sakurai isn't taking orders from the likes of us. What he comes up with is inevitably more interesting anyway.


How many complains did u get saying that wolf link can't be 'cause is a four legged character?

End of discussion...

Midna w/ W Link actually CAN be in Brawl.

Take that 4 leg complainers!
Excellent point. Midna/Wolf was one of the first things I thought of after this update. Clearly, Sakurai favors the mindblowingly original choices.

More like this:

Surgeon General's Warning: Continued use of this product can lead to seizures, blindness, or death caused by prolonged exposure to pure awesomeness.
One word: brilliant.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
I'm sure most Mewtwo fans would be dissatisfied, but if it came down to either eliminating him completely or making him hella-stronger for a final smash, I think I know which they'd pick.
Why go through all the effort of making a fully-functional and deserving character and not make him a regular playable character? (I know that's how Samus/Zamus works, but I'm not convinced it's a good idea yet, and Zamus could still be selectable with A) It seems like it would just be a waste. The SSBB team can probably come up with another good final smash idea anyway, and still keep Mewtwo as playable. Besides, four completely unique movesets for a single character seems like a bit much.

And I want to see some new franchises represented (besides Metal Gear)!

Maybe, but I find it suspicious that we STILL have seen no sign of the transgendered Ninja more than a month after Zelda's update.
Since when were the updates ever predictable? We're seeing newcomers like Ike and Trainer before obvious returning characters like Captain Falcon or Ness/Mother rep (or even Peach really). We get a Mother item before a Mother character, and we didn't see Yoshi until over a month after the Yoshi music update. I'm hardly worried that Shiek is gone (maybe she's hiding, lurking until the very last updates, then she will strike and kill all your joy, thinking she was gone for good).

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
ANd I'm STILL waiting for YOUR prediction list Grim. Come on, let's see the great Lizard put his money where his mouth is. (Note: typing Ridley 40 times doesn't count.)
I didn't know you were waiting on it. I've made one a long time ago. (I still think there will be more than 40.) Let me go find it.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Well, I requested it in responce to one of your earlier posts, but it got burried fairly quickly. Just like everything on this thread...

Anyway, I'll look forward to reading your predictions.
Are we counting characters like Trainer/Pokemon, Zamus/Samus, and Zelda/Sheik (assuming they return) are just one or is it one character for each?


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Wiseguy, I'd rethink your roster a bit. On the first-party side of things, you have respectable Kid Icarus (Pit) and Pikmin (Olimar) representation, but playable Animal Crossing (Resetti) representation is questionable, and neither the Miis or ROB really represent any new game franchises. Miis more-or-less represent minigames and tech demos, and as for ROB, he's not much more important than just having the "Track & Field" NES mat controller as a playable character.

You only have 2 or 3 new game series represented, and have loaded up all the established franchises without adding much in the way of new franchise representation. Does Brawl really need Bowser Jr, three iterations of Link, or Munchlax? Does AC really need Resetti, and is R.O.B. just one of Nintendo's running jokes or was R.O.B. any good to begin with and worthwhile enough to make it over other contenders?

Also, 4 third-party characters is a bit much. I'd probably kick off Belmont, and that would free up at least one more slot. Actually, if you stick Isaac in there, I'd be happy. As long as Golden Sun gets a character slot, you could fill half the roster with every incarnation of Link from all his games, and the rest with FE characters or random Pokemon and I wouldn't care. I just want Isaac in. ;)

I think the 40 character challenge might need to be revised. The SSBB team seems very eager to stick multiple movesets in a single slot, so I think that they may be more capable of creating a larger roster than initially anticipated.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
OK, Wiseguy, here is my list more or less. It's pretty true to how I originally had it. On some I just had a blank where I figured they'd get another rep but didn't have a prediction. For argument's sake, I filled in all of the blanks. These I will indicate with [].

Assumptions I made: I counted transformation characters as two, but Trainer as one because I just think as it differently, and we're not entirely sure how it works yet. I actually think there will be more than 40, but I limited mine. I didn't include 3rd parties, however, because I think the roster should be at least 40 without 3rd parties, because it isn't right to take away those slots from deserving Nintendo characters. Something you will notice Wiseguy is that I have a lot more retros than you. This is because it is widely known that Sakurai loves them, and I don't think you had near enough. I also thought every franchise in the original should be dually repped.

Without further ado...

Mario (6): Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Bowser, [Bowser Jr.]
Zelda (5): Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, [Y.Link], [Vaati]
Pokemon (4): Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, [Trainer]
Kirby (3): Kirby, Meta Knight, Dedede
Metroid (3): Samus/Zamus, Ridley
Star Fox (3): Fox, Falco, [Krystal]
Donkey Kong (2): DK, Diddy
F-Zero (2): Falcon, [Black Shadow]
Earthbound (2): Ness, [Lucas]
Fire Emblem (2): [Ike], [Marth]
Retro (5): ICs, Pit, G&W, BF, Mac
New Series (3): Wario, Olimar, [Stafy]

That's 40.

Still, my list meets the 40 character limit. By my (imperfect and uniformed) estimation, clones only count for 1/3 of an original character since they require less time to program.
In that case, I want to rethink my characters a bit. I really didn't take movesets into consideration at all.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
An "Update" I don't agree with, but whatever...

I'm gonna make you update again, because you forgot to... add ness to your character graveyard.
It's OK, the best part about this thread is coming over every time there is a character or AT update and pointing out how wrong he is. ;)


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Wiseguy, I'd rethink your roster a bit. On the first-party side of things, you have respectable Kid Icarus (Pit) and Pikmin (Olimar) representation, but playable Animal Crossing (Resetti) representation is questionable, and neither the Miis or ROB really represent any new game franchises. Miis more-or-less represent minigames and tech demos, and as for ROB, he's not much more important than just having the "Track & Field" NES mat controller as a playable character.
Ressetti may be questionable, but Smashville basically points to a new Animal Crossing rep. And with Nook and the AC human in the Smashbackground... that leaves Resetti.

Miis most certainly represent a franchise. They are the stars of hits like Wii Sports and Wii Play and the highly anticipated (among grandmothers, anyway) Wii Fit. You may not care for the casual stuff, but they exist nevertheless.

ROB is very important to Nintendo history. Following Atari's collapse, the videogame console industry was dead. So to get people to buy the NES Nintendo created an interactive mascot that sold the NES as an ENTERTAINMENT system instead of a game system. The strategy worked, and the rest is history. Without ROB, there would be no console gaming! Come on, what's not to love about Nintendo's first mascot!

You only have 2 or 3 new game series represented, and have loaded up all the established franchises without adding much in the way of new franchise representation. Does Brawl really need Bowser Jr, three iterations of Link, or Munchlax? Does AC really need Resetti, and is R.O.B. just one of Nintendo's running jokes or was R.O.B. any good to begin with and worthwhile enough to make it over other contenders?
Balance is key. We need newcomers from new franchises to be sure, but you also need supporting characters as well. Series like Mario and Zelda deserve at least as many reps as they had in Melee (five each). And Pokemon's mega popularity warrents at least 4 slots on the character screen, in my view.

And yes, WW Link, Midna and Bowser Jr. are cool, unique characters worthy of being included.

Also, 4 third-party characters is a bit much. I'd probably kick off Belmont, and that would free up at least one more slot. Actually, if you stick Isaac in there, I'd be happy. As long as Golden Sun gets a character slot, you could fill half the roster with every incarnation of Link from all his games, and the rest with FE characters or random Pokemon and I wouldn't care. I just want Isaac in. ;)

I think the 40 character challenge might need to be revised. The SSBB team seems very eager to stick multiple movesets in a single slot, so I think that they may be more capable of creating a larger roster than initially anticipated.
I was planning to include Issac in place of Bonk - but Pokemon Trainer's 3 movesets stole the remaining slots....

And I hardly think that 2 versions of Link is overkill, since that's what we had in Melee. Wolflink is just part of Midna's moveset, and is arguably one of the most unique character concepts around.

I'm still expecting a small roster, personally. Heck, Pokemon trainer might be the only other Pokemon rep, for all we know.

OK, Wiseguy, here is my list more or less. It's pretty true to how I originally had it. On some I just had a blank where I figured they'd get another rep but didn't have a prediction. For argument's sake, I filled in all of the blanks. These I will indicate with [].

Assumptions I made: I counted transformation characters as two, but Trainer as one because I just think as it differently, and we're not entirely sure how it works yet. I actually think there will be more than 40, but I limited mine. I didn't include 3rd parties, however, because I think the roster should be at least 40 without 3rd parties, because it isn't right to take away those slots from deserving Nintendo characters. Something you will notice Wiseguy is that I have a lot more retros than you. This is because it is widely known that Sakurai loves them, and I don't think you had near enough. I also thought every franchise in the original should be dually repped.

Without further ado...

Mario (6): Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Bowser, [Bowser Jr.]
Zelda (5): Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, [Y.Link], [Vaati]
Pokemon (4): Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, [Trainer]
Kirby (3): Kirby, Meta Knight, Dedede
Metroid (3): Samus/Zamus, Ridley
Star Fox (3): Fox, Falco, [Krystal]
Donkey Kong (2): DK, Diddy
F-Zero (2): Falcon, [Black Shadow]
Earthbound (2): Ness, [Lucas]
Fire Emblem (2): [Ike], [Marth]
Retro (5): ICs, Pit, G&W, BF, Mac
New Series (2): Wario, Olimar

That's 39.

In that case, I want to rethink my characters a bit. I really didn't take movesets into consideration at all.
Hmmm... seems pretty reasonable. My only major qualm is Black Shadow, but we've been over that.

Why do you consider Vaati more worthy than, say, Midna or Tingle? Sure, he appeared in 3 games, but one of them was just a minigame in the GBA version of ALTTP and another was Four Sword Adventures: the least liked Zelda game in history.

What? No Mii? ;)

Overall, we seem to see eye to eye on most things. 8/10

An "Update" I don't agree with, but whatever...

I'm gonna make you update again, because you forgot to... add ness to your character graveyard.
Urgh... you're right again. I've gotta scram though, so I'll do it tommorrow. Wiseguy out.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Yeah, I will not be happy until I see the originals up there (We're still waiting on Capt. Falcon!) but yeah, I'd like for more of this wild and crazy stuff happen. But, to me this is just the tip of the iceburg. Pokemon Trainer? Ike? Sure, trainer's unique, and Ike is a good change from the wierdoes usually in Fire Emblem *cough*Roy*cough* but c'mon. They're nothing compared to the things that everyone's been craving (Ridley, DeDeDe etc.) and who knows (If I may take the slogan from Fruit by the Foot) What they'll roll out next.

To Ness coming as a return, I would very much like that. Just to see if Lucas or Ness gets in would be great.

But, Dare I say it, IT seems with all the info we're getting and the confirmed characters (Meta Knight, Snake, Where are You!?!) It looks like it's high time for a Caractertacular! That's right Five character filled days of Character Confirming madness!

Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Hmmm... seems pretty reasonable. My only major qualm is Black Shadow, but we've been over that.

Why do you consider Vaati more worthy than, say, Midna or Tingle? Sure, he appeared in 3 games, but one of them was just a minigame in the GBA version of ALTTP and another was Four Sword Adventures: the least liked Zelda game in history.

What? No Mii? ;)

Overall, we seem to see eye to eye on most things. 8/10
Black Shadow because he still stands a chance, and I'll take whatever extra FZ rep I can get.

Vaati more worthy than Midna? Easily. He's already been in three games; soon to be four. Midna isn't important to the series whatsoever. She's been in one game, and isn't that interesting.

Tingle...I suppose he's been around long enough and made enough appearances. I just hate to suggest him. >_< He's not important to the series either.

The least liked Zelda game in history was the Phillips game.

And no, no Mii. I really don't support the idea whatsoever. I'd much rather have an actual Nintendo character than waste a slot with that. Plus, I don't see it working anyway. Any character where you can change the size would not be reasonable.

The biggest area I predict your list will struggle is with retro characters since you have only one. Sakurai loves them...they're bound to show up in the bundles.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
I support Vaati for Brawl, but I dunno in what form... and another F-Zero rep would be great, and Tingle is just horrible. More retro-characters... I see that as being likely.

Funny, I was VERY supporting of Midna months ago, now my interest in her has kind of waned... maybe if she appeared in more games...

BTW, after the Trainer update, I think the roster is more interesting than what we can predict, but hey, it's a way to kill time.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Maybe he was already on the roster when that poll was made... it IS a possibility, I do think that some characters already planned and maybe even implemented showed up on the poll.

I'm really looking forward to until after Brawl is released and they interview Sakurai on the characters that almost got in, but were cut. Actually, not neccesarily, he might say something I don't want to know.

DJ Napps

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2007
Howard U
If this isn't currently the ultimate proof that the fandom doesn't have the game all figured out, then I don't know what is. Really, what do we know at this point for sure that Sakurai somehow won't turn around and prove nearly the whole community wrong? How do we even know a character who is considered a shoe-in like Diddy Kong won't get in the game in some unexpected way?

All out of all the character banners I seen, even of joke characters, I don't believe I ever saw one for Red. Out of character wish lists, I don't believe I saw Red on any of them or if he was on one, said creator would have got laughed at, spat on, and never taken seriously again. For all we know, Miis could have some creative way of getting in the game, playable or not. Almost no amount of discussion could lead to how that would happen if it does, like I never saw Red being suggested the way that he is now.

I never did anti-supported Red, but mainly because I never said anything about him being brought up a few times. On the other hand, I would have never supported him. Is there any words I'm gonna have to eat?
True. Sakurai is known as a very unpredictable person, as this game shows it. Think about it, alot of the aspects of the game couldnt simply be predicted by evaluating Melee. Final Smashes, Adventure Mode, Third Parties!?
With the confirmation of PT, you cant assume anything. That includes shoe-ins to no-ways.

All we can do is wait and watch.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
UPDATE!!! About that time too. Sorry about neglecting the thread lately, but I just got Resident Evil 4 for the Wii and I'm playing through it for the first time. At this point, it's essentially tied with Twilight Princess as my favorite Wii game.
Man, I just beat the PS2 version for the first time. I've already beaten the GCN version twice, and I need the Wii version. :) But TP...it's one of the greatest game ever...but TP is the best game ever [in terms of single player].

Those crazy IGN people. Did you know that Bozon listed Brawl as his 4th most anticipated Wii game? Behind Prime 3, Zack and Wiki, and Mario Galaxy. Sounds like someone needs to get this priorities in order.
Watch Brawl outsell all of those, and Zack and Wiki not even sale 1/10th as much! :laugh: But at least they like WW Link! >_< Prime 3 and Galaxy will still rock! :)

I... I... I can't even think about it. Too painful.... *sobs uncontrolably*

And yeah, Youko's podcast rocks. I can't wait to hear his throughts on Pokemon trainer.
*evil laugh*

Ya, Youkos podcast FTW! It deserved to be stickied, and it did! Yipee! :)

Thank ye. I'm a huge Colbert Report fan.

As for Bonk, I did cut him, reluctantly. As for Marth, I'm going to stick to my guns. If I back down now, I'll forfeit all bragging rights as being one of the sole anti-Marth advocates on Smashboards.
AS am I [me and my friend make jokes from the show every week! XD] But the debate is closed, Shiek is a female. Ganondorf pwns Vatti. And playing any tLOZ games are proven to cure caner! :)

whoa, just whoa. I hope you know Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard are one character. So you can add Mewtwo and Jiggs back, still keep Pika and Lucario, and have one more spot left. ;) AND NO, NOT LUCAS! Bring back Ness, please bring back Ness. Reggie already hates EarthBound fans who send him thousands of e-mails a week for Mother 1 and 3 going worldwide, and he ignores them and treats us like trash! I don't think it's happening now to be honest! :( Unless as a Ness clone! :)

Still got ROB=??? Well we already got our G&W/IC/Zelda&Shiek combination [mastered in/]of Brawl, so I think we can make ROB Marth. And you aren't the only anti-Marth person, I've seen many on youtube. But youtube people are retarted often, someone told me I should change a character prediction vid I made, and add several Naruto characters, I've had 4 people PM me about my predictions, and said they know the "REAL ROSTER", etc. Youtube is a pretty crazy place! XD CAn you believe they still think overall that Roy is higher on the teris than Marth=???

And BTW, Simon Belmont ins't happening. I'm willing to bet on it even [gambler's spirit, and Geno is a better and much more likely choice! ;)]. Geno! Geno! Geno! BTW, Munchlax, WTF? Munchlax....no offense, but that is terrible. What have you done Wiseguy=??? :(

Bah, I say. I'm not a huge fan of Solid's wimpy older brother. Every knows that Revolver Ocelt is the rue nemesis of Solid Snake.
You know in MGS4 Liquid Snake possess' Revolver Ocelot's mind, and if you want me to spoil how the story will go down, I will [I figured something neat out]! ;)

Maybe, but I find it suspicious that we STILL have seen no sign of the transgendered Ninja more than a month after Zelda's update.
MINDGAMES! MINDGAMES! MINDGAMES! It says that Sakurai is better with psychic powers and mind control than Mewtwo is! ;)

Congrats Yoster. When you put PT on your list, I was sure you were loopy. As for me, I didin't even have a runnersup profile for the character. Sakurai's brilliance took me COMPLETELY off guard.
*stands on his chair, applauds, and thanks Yoster and Sakurai for such a ingenious idea*

Thanks. I'm pretty pleased with my 1000th post, though it's nothing earth shattering. Check it out on this page: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=72380&page=54
Congratz on the 1,00th post! :)

Oh so NOW people jump on the "cut Mewtwo" bandwagon....;)

Mii for the freakin win!
Do they want me to research Mewtwo fanbases, because I will! ;)

Most true Oyster. If this is Sakurai's last Smash, he's certainlt going out in style. This game is going to be one for the ages.
If it was his last smash he wouldn't let time get in the way, wouldn't cut characters, and would blow the video game industry even more out of the water! :laugh: Trust me, he's already admitted intrest in developing a DS smash, as well as continue the series. :) YAE! ;)

One word: brilliant.
This is the best character add possibility ever! :) Now for my Brawl character predictions! YIPEE!

Mario Series: [5]

-Luigi: Super Luigified Clone [new termonology]
-Bowser Jr.

Donkey Kong Series: [2]

-Donkey Kong
-Diddy Kong

the Legend of Zelda: [5]

-Wind Waker Link Luigified Link clone
-Shiek or Midna with/without Wolf Link

Metroid: [4]

-Zero Suit Samus
-Dark Samus Luigified Samus clone

Kirby Series: [3]

-Meta Knight
-King Dedede

Star Fox Series: [4]

-Wolf YLink-est Fox clone

Pokemon Series: [5]

-Pokemon Trainer

Fire Emblem Series: [3]

-Roy or the Black Knight Luigified Marth or Ike Clone

EarthBound: [2]

-Lucas [Doc Like] Ness Clone

Other Nintendo Series: [8]

-Captain Falcon
-Captain Olimar
-the Ice Climbers
-Mr. Game and Watch

3rd Party: [4]
-Solid Snake
-Geno: he's part of the Mario universe [that is where he made all his appearances], but he still counts as 3rd party.

40 characters slots=44 characters...6 clones, 38 original characters. If it were 9 clones, I'd add K. Rool [as a clone], change Falco to a super Luigified clone [as well], add Balloon Fighter/Mach Rider, and add some other wacky clone. Probably a Captain Falcon clone. [though I would like to have both Roy and the Black Knight in the game along with Ike and Marth, but all four won't make it sadly] :)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
And I hardly think that 2 versions of Link is overkill, since that's what we had in Melee.
Not to mention that the Zelda series seems to be splitting into two styles, with the realistic style on the consoles and the cartoony style on the handhelds. If the trend continues, two Link's may not only be prudent, but mandatory.

I'm still expecting a small roster, personally. Heck, Pokemon trainer might be the only other Pokemon rep, for all we know.
Yeah, if Jiggs and Mewtwo return, then we'll have six fully playable pokemon movesets on our hands. That seems like more than enough to cover all the bases.

Why do you consider Vaati more worthy than, say, Midna or Tingle? Sure, he appeared in 3 games, but one of them was just a minigame in the GBA version of ALTTP and another was Four Sword Adventures: the least liked Zelda game in history.
Consider this: Pikmin is Miyamoto's least successful franchise in history. But that's just because his other franchises are Zelda, Mario, and Donkey Kong.
Being the shortest among giants isn't that bad, so don't hold too much against Four Swords.

Personaly, I see Vaati as a pretty unique Zelda character. He's the only major recurring villain aside from Ganondorf, and if you believe the timeline (as I know you do) then he's also possibly the FIRST Zelda villain, predating even the 'dorf. He's even got his own legendary sword needed to defeat him.
But mostly, remember that Vaati has only ever appeared in the cartoony Zelda style, as an adverssary to the cartoony Link. So if he was added in Brawl, he could provide a nice counter to the redone Young Link.

Mario (6): Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Bowser, [Bowser Jr.]
Zelda (5): Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, [Y.Link], [Vaati]
Pokemon (4): Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, [Trainer]
Kirby (3): Kirby, Meta Knight, Dedede
Metroid (3): Samus/Zamus, Ridley
Star Fox (3): Fox, Falco, [Krystal]
Donkey Kong (2): DK, Diddy
F-Zero (2): Falcon, [Black Shadow]
Earthbound (2): Ness, [Lucas]
Fire Emblem (2): [Ike], [Marth]
Retro (5): ICs, Pit, G&W, BF, Mac
New Series (3): Wario, Olimar, [Stafy]

That's 40.
This is good, I could live with this character roster.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Why do people complain about Munchlax?

MUNCHLAX WILL EAT YOUR FACES OFF!!!!! *begins to foam at the mouth*

But seriously, I hate all pokemon execpt for Munchlax and Snorlax.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
To Ness coming as a return, I would very much like that. Just to see if Lucas or Ness gets in would be great.

But, Dare I say it, IT seems with all the info we're getting and the confirmed characters (Meta Knight, Snake, Where are You!?!) It looks like it's high time for a Caractertacular! That's right Five character filled days of Character Confirming madness!

Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?
Ness vs Lucas fight to the death...I think they're both in. and not cloned...There are PLENTY of moves in the series for two pshikids.
And that week of AWESOMENESS will come in time. - crosses fingers -

Why do people complain about Munchlax?

MUNCHLAX WILL EAT YOUR FACES OFF!!!!! *begins to foam at the mouth*

But seriously, I hate all pokemon execpt for Munchlax and Snorlax.
1. Who the **** is Munchlax?!?!?!
2. Jiggs, Pika, M2, PT, 1 more shouldn't go to someone I've never heard of...I take that back...I only know the first 150 :grin:


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
Mario Series: [5]

-Bowser Jr.

Donkey Kong Series: [2]

-Donkey Kong
-Diddy Kong

the Legend of Zelda: [5]

-Zelda (Zelda OoT altern costume with Sheik ability)
-Young Link (varried with other Link moves and crossed with CSLink weaponry[Deku Nut, Hammer, Grapple, ect)
-Midna without Wolf Link

Metroid: [4]

-Zero Suit Samus

Kirby Series: [3]

-Meta Knight
-King Dedede

Star Fox Series: [4]


Pokemon Series: [5]

-Pokemon Trainer

Fire Emblem Series: [3]

-Lyn (cause she's the cooler of the rest)

EarthBound: [2]

-Lucas (Plenty of Mother Moves un-used to go around)

Other Nintendo Series: [8]

-Captain Falcon
-Captain Olimar
-Smashkid (AC char)
-Ice Climbers
-Mr. Game and Watch

3rd Party: [4]
-Solid Snake

My bad double post...I thought someone else would have already lol

Thanks for the list Johnknight1 makes my work easier lol
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