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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!

Mar 21, 2007
I think Mime Jr. looks like a crap. Muchlax wins that fight by a mile.

And a few things about the moveset, while I'm at it...

Mimic: Whose last used neutral B? Everyone in play's? In that case...such a move would be really, really unwieldy. The last neutral B used against Mime Jr. would work better.

Barrier: Most Smash Attacks would plow right through this thing, as would a couple of projectiles. He should be able to set up two or three, and they should be invisible and have no time limit.


Actually, forget the whole thing. That move reeks of edge-guarding.

Baton Pass: Perfect. Unique. Fun. Good show, dear boy.

Teeter Dance: I think reversed controls are enough. 5 seconds is a bit long though. Three works better.

But his Final Smash rocks.


Observation: I now know what it feels like to be a newcomer to this thread. These walls of text, for the first time...they scare me.
Munchlax is a big fat... bear... cat... fat... pillow... thing...

Mime Jr. is a mime with ice cream on his head! XD Mimic is supposed to be hard to get what you want cause in the pokemon games you don't decide what move you get to mimic, just the last used move...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Megadio26 said:
Munchlax is a big fat... bear... cat... fat... pillow... thing...
I just think Mime Jr. was poorly designed. Alot of Pokemon are, but that's besides the point. Is it wearing a dress? Why does it have a button? Where are it's fingers? Why does it have earmuffs? AND WHAT'S WITH THE TOMATO NOSE!? YOU'RE A MIME, NOT A CLOWN, MIME JR.!! STOP HUMILIATING YOURSELF!

Megadio26 said:
Mime Jr. is a mime with ice cream on his head! XD Mimic is supposed to be hard to get what you want cause in the pokemon games you don't decide what move you get to mimic, just the last used move...
Regardless, the move would be hardly used at all if it operated like that. No one wants Luigi's B when you could have Samus or Falco's. There'd also be an issue with Kirby's copy ability, since you'd need to make a whole set of Mime Jr. outfits in addition to Kirby outfits.
Mar 21, 2007
I just think Mime Jr. was poorly designed. Alot of Pokemon are, but that's besides the point. Is it wearing a dress? Why does it have a button? Where are it's fingers? Why does it have earmuffs? AND WHAT'S WITH THE TOMATO NOSE!? YOU'RE A MIME, NOT A CLOWN, MIME JR.!! STOP HUMILIATING YOURSELF!
Its a harlequinseque clown/mime. That's actually a crystal on its chest not a button... Mime Jr. is too cool for fingers. His ears get cold. He's a mime and a clown! O:

Regardless, the move would be hardly used at all if it operated like that. No one wants Luigi's B when you could have Samus or Falco's. There'd also be an issue with Kirby's copy ability, since you'd need to make a whole set of Mime Jr. outfits in addition to Kirby outfits.
Ah yeah i forgot about that... >_>; every b move except kirby's...

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
"PrettyGoodYear said:
Mime Jr. > Munchlax
All other Pokemon except Bidoof > Mime Jr. and Muchlax

Its a harlequinseque clown/mime.
That's not a real word.
Megadio26 said:
That's actually a crystal on its chest not a button...
A crystal button, you mean.
Megadio26 said:
Mime Jr. is too cool for fingers.
Megadio26 said:
His ears get cold.
Then he should be a real mime and cut them off.
Megadio26 said:
He's a mime and a clown! O:
He's just using that as an excuse to keep his ears. What a pansy. Smash would eat him alive.

Megadio26 said:
Ah yeah i forgot about that... >_>; every b move except kirby's...
Well now the move's just plain ol' broken. What if it's just Mime jr. vs. Kirby?
Mar 21, 2007
All other Pokemon except Bidoof > Mime Jr. and Muchlax
Mudkipz > bidoof < Mime Jr.

That's not a real word.
Your not a real word! I just added esque to make it more... esquey...

A crystal button, you mean.
But its a sphere

Then he should be a real mime and cut them off.
He's not a full mime yet... He'll cut his ears off when he's ready

He's just using that as an excuse to keep his ears. What a pansy. Smash would eat him alive.
What about pichu? He's more a pansy... I mean... He's asexual and all

Well now the move's just plain ol' broken. What if it's just Mime jr. vs. Kirby?
Same thing that happens when its kirby vs. kirby... Nothing

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Megadio26 said:
You're not a real word!
I know I am but what am I?

But its a sphere
A button can be spherical in shape. Also: YOU'RE A SPHERE!!

Same thing that happens when its kirby vs. kirby... Nothing
In that case, I submit that there's only room for one character that can copy other's abilities. That's why Kirby's so awesome.

What about pichu? He's more a pansy... I mean... He's asexual and all
When was the last time you met someone who mained Pichu? And was good?


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
A mime? HELL NO! That's almost as bad as Tingle making it in...

In fact, now that I think about it, it's WORSE than Tingle making it in.

Munchlax will own all, including mimes.

ph34r the fat...cat...bear...pillow...thingy!!!!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Well, I find the thought of Diddy & Dixie as a tag team repulsive. Sorry, but that's just me. Like I've said before, Diddy has his jetpack so he doesn't need his dorky girlfriend.

As for Sheik... well, I guess my feelings on that THING are pretty much clear at this point.

Still, I love the originality in this list. Skapon? That would be INSANE! He should be an assist at the VERY least.

Funnily enough, I don't agree with either of the former two additions. The only reason I included the tag team was because of Sakurai's excitement over the idea. I think Diddy would be much better suited to play as a solo character, but one cannot deny Sakurai's reaction to the prospect of this duo.

As far as Sheik goes, I could take or leave her. I figure that she's probably back because of the Aonuma interview about her character design in the TP style, but we cannot say for sure.

Seriously, I would cry big happy tears if Skapon made it into Brawl on the playable roster. :grin: I'm so glad that you recognize that funny little guy.
Mar 21, 2007
I know I am but what am I?

A button can be spherical in shape. Also: YOU'RE A SPHERE!!

In that case, I submit that there's only room for one character that can copy other's abilities. That's why Kirby's so awesome.

When was the last time you met someone who mained Pichu? And was good?
Your mom's a sphere!

Fine how about Mime Jr's special move be Tickle?

B-Tickle: Mime Jr. tickles the opponent and makes them laugh, leaving them vulnerable for as long as Mewtwo's disable.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Munchlax? Mime Jr.? ARE YOU KIDDING!? Look at Mimey for a second. Now tell me, is he not a pansy? Rehtorical question, he is. You'd be better off trying to have Myamoto getting in the game. And MUNCHLAX? You're kidding right? He's the pre-evolution to Snorelax, the fat, sleepy, do-nothing Pokemon. What's he going to do? Eat? It's just impractical to have such un-uniqe characters that are pansies! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF PANSIES FOR POKEMON! Jigglypuff, Pichu, Pikachu. Looking at them, I do nnot feel threatened at all. Adding another one would be wasting a character space.

Plus, ANOTHER copy character other that Kirby? It's redundant and untrue, Mime Jr. could never use that ability. I mean, that would be more stupid that putting a sticker book in Brawl... Oh... Wait.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
mime jr is a horrible idea. the only other pokemon which has a slightest chance is lucario, because he is so popular. pkmn trainer took up three friggen slots. they could not add any more pokemon to the game, and have mewtwo and jiggly return, and i'd be happy. (pichu cut)

and about the whole sticker thing, it seems rather pointless, although @aeris, there is a toad sticker shown.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Amen! The less Pokemon, the better. Wiseguy, I like all of your list, except for Munchlax. I mean, seriously. C'mon. Even in the games he's the character you don't use. If you think he's the new jigglypuff in Japan, then you are mistaken. He has left the series. Doesn't that signify that he's no longer popular? I can only see someone like Lucario making the cut, I'm sick and tired of the 'cutsy' Pokemon they have out. Let's see someone who actually looks like he could beat up Snake.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Amen! The less Pokemon, the better. Wiseguy, I like all of your list, except for Munchlax. I mean, seriously. C'mon. Even in the games he's the character you don't use. If you think he's the new jigglypuff in Japan, then you are mistaken. He has left the series. Doesn't that signify that he's no longer popular? I can only see someone like Lucario making the cut, I'm sick and tired of the 'cutsy' Pokemon they have out. Let's see someone who actually looks like he could beat up Snake.
:laugh::laugh:Beat up Snake? That's a good one... Snake only gets beaten up when he's at a severe disadvantage and has been pretty much rendered optionless. And by then it's torture really.

Seriously though, I agree. No Munchlax. I'm even considering removing Jigglypuff from my list to include WW Link. because as much as I don't really like him, I think he deserves a spot and Pokemon currently has more reps than Mario in my list. By removing Jiggly, I would make the big three have five reps each. I'm just not sure as to what people would think of that. WW Link or Jigglypuff? In or out?

Oh yeah, my list is like... a page back. Maybe two or so.


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
WW Link IN, Jiggy OUT!!!! No one I know actually plays as her, and I believe only 5/100 people play as her, so what's the point, it's just taking up character space.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
WW Link IN, Jiggy OUT!!!! No one I know actually plays as her, and I believe only 5/100 people play as her, so what's the point, it's just taking up character space.

5/100 = 1/20...seeing as how there are 26 characters, that means she would be among the most played characters...


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
no WW link, we already have enough links, yl and doc were a wast of slots. jiggly was in the last two, and i'm against originals being removed.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
no WW link, we already have enough links, yl and doc were a wast of slots. jiggly was in the last two, and i'm against originals being removed.
I, too, am against the removing of originals, but I have to correct you on one or two points.

1) No clones were EVER a waste of space. A clone is a bonus, something extra we got when it shouldn't have been possible to add another character. If YL and Doc had been cut from the melee roster, the only thing their development time could have gotten us was a big pile of empty.

2) The Zelda series is quickly moving in two stylistic directions. Obviously we've got the hyper-real style on the consoles with Oot and TP, but the cartoony style first seen in WW has continued primarily in the handheld market with such games as Minish Cap, the various Four Swords, and most recently Phantom Hourglass.
As it stands right now, the cartoony look is the single longest running coherent style the Zelda franchise has ever seen, and it's STILL going. As I've said earlier, at this rate the cartoony Young Link may not only be a prudent way to represent this diverging aesthetic, but a mandatory character needed to represent the 'other half' of the Zelda series.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
I will now NOT take the forty-character challenge, because it's no fun.

Mario series:
1. Mario (confirmed)
2. Bowser (confirmed)
3. Peach (confirmed)
4. Luigi (They wouldn't cut him.)
5. Bowser Jr. (MOAR VILLAINS! Paintbrush wielder ftw)
6. Paper Mario

Pokemon Series
7. Pikachu (confirmed)
8. Pokemon Trainer (confirmed :confused:)
9. Jigglypuff (I just can't imagine Smash without the PUFF.)
10. Lucario (Mandatory inclusion on this list, because my Lucario plushie will kill me if I don't)
11. Gardevoir or Mewtwo

12. Link (confirmed)
13. Zelda (confirmed)
14. WW Link (necessary, and obvious)
15. Midna/Wolf Link (because TP is insanely popular)
16. Ganondorf (DURRRRGHHH...)

17. Fox (confirmed)
18. Falco (popular, and awesome)
19. Wolf (Fox's consistent antagonist)
20. Krystal (fanservice to the furries :p)

21. Kirby (confirmed)
22. Metaknight (confirmed)
23. King Dedede (Because)

Fire Emblem
24. Ike (confirmed)
25. Marth
26. Black Knight

27. Samus/ZSS (confirmed)
28. Ridley

29. Donkey Kong (confirmed)
30. Diddy Kong

31. Captain Falcon

32. Ness

33. Wario (confirmed)

Kid Icarus
34. Pit (confirmed)

35. Yoshi (confirmed)

36. Captain Olimar

Animal Crossing
37. Tom Nook or Resetti

Ice Climbers
38. Nana & Popo

Metal Gear
39. Solid Snake

40. Sonic the Hedgehog

41. Simon Belmont (much cooler than Megaman)

42. Bomberman (AW.... CUTE!)

MY LiST IS Teh Awesome.
Oh, and why include the Ice Climbers? Because they're my favorite, that's why. :p


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
I, too, am against the removing of originals, but I have to correct you on one or two points.

1) No clones were EVER a waste of space. A clone is a bonus, something extra we got when it shouldn't have been possible to add another character. If YL and Doc had been cut from the melee roster, the only thing their development time could have gotten us was a big pile of empty.

2) The Zelda series is quickly moving in two stylistic directions. Obviously we've got the hyper-real style on the consoles with Oot and TP, but the cartoony style first seen in WW has continued primarily in the handheld market with such games as Minish Cap, the various Four Swords, and most recently Phantom Hourglass.
As it stands right now, the cartoony look is the single longest running coherent style the Zelda franchise has ever seen, and it's STILL going. As I've said earlier, at this rate the cartoony Young Link may not only be a prudent way to represent this diverging aesthetic, but a mandatory character needed to represent the 'other half' of the Zelda series.

yeah, i agree with point 1, but with point 2, not so much.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Oyster while your posts are very competant, bravo on that, I must digress your first point. Sakurai stated himself that they were working towards 26 playable characters for reasons that they themselves are not really sure of. Thus with production time running low they decided to include clones as a quick way of beefing out the roster. In the time that it took to produce the 6 clones I estimate we could've had another 2 original characters, possibly even a third, which in my eyes would've been far preferable.

If they had chosen not to do clones and instead not added characters, there would've been more production time perhaps put into balancing or polishing or something else and while we may have gotten no new characters, which would be the unlikely scenario, we certainly would have not have gotten nothing. Unless Sakurai + co. like twiddling their thumbs, at which point it's almost certain that the time would have been spent with said thumb twiddling.

I agree wholeheartedly on your support of WW Link, most people seem to forget that Adult Link is infact the minor (pun not intended) Link of the two Links.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Exactly, give WW Link credit where credit is due. I think that a character as unique (In design) as Wind Waker Link who has starred in so many games, should get a spot in Brawl, just like Miis deserve the spot just as much.
Why was the last bit tacked on? -_-;; <- (Edit: Could be replaced by a simple *facepalm*) I think you really are going overboard with this Mii credit thing.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
On the precipice of victory
I made an estimate a while back that newcomers or additional veterans would come in the same order as the main veterans from their respective series. Thus far, this theory has held true, except Pit got skipped. But he is a newcomer, so there.

Anyway, if this holds true, the next newcomers will be as follows:

-Diddy Kong
-Marth or another FE newcomer (since the series already has multiple reps)

Rinse and repeat.

This is a little out on a limb, but it's going strong so far.
Quoted for truth.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
To Vali: No, no facepalm. I was stating the fact that a while back, someone made the comment that WW Link and Miis would be too graphically diffrent from the rest ofthe cast. I think otherwise. No barb at you, I would not sink so low, sir.

But, in other news. I think that we've all made practically made the same lists over and over. I know that there are only so many characters worthy of Brawl, but I'm waiting for someone to elaborate on a unique character. For example: I think that Munchlax isn't Brawlworthy, to me he just doesn't fit the bill, now I may be wrong, but it seems like he has very little to offer Brawl. If anyone can give me a good reason, please I'd like to hear it because I feel like I'm missing this special quality about Munchlax that makes him irrisistable.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
To Vali: No, no facepalm. I was stating the fact that a while back, someone made the comment that WW Link and Miis would be too graphically diffrent from the rest ofthe cast. I think otherwise. No barb at you, I would not sink so low, sir.

But, in other news. I think that we've all made practically made the same lists over and over. I know that there are only so many characters worthy of Brawl, but I'm waiting for someone to elaborate on a unique character. For example: I think that Munchlax isn't Brawlworthy, to me he just doesn't fit the bill, now I may be wrong, but it seems like he has very little to offer Brawl. If anyone can give me a good reason, please I'd like to hear it because I feel like I'm missing this special quality about Munchlax that makes him irrisistable.
Ok, I get why you put it there now.

For Munchlax, it's just that he makes a very obvious Jigglypuff replacement for the better or worse. He can use pound, rest, rollout etc. I'm sure but all he'd lack is the multitude of jumps. He's incredibly popular in Japan and is pretty much the mascot of the 4th Generation along with Lucario. Thus if he replaced Jigglypuff (we already have a lot of 1st Gen Pokemon thanks to PT) then it'd be a good way of repping the 4th Gen without taking up yet another Pokemon slot. I don't really give a **** though.

Symphony X

Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Wherever McFox tells me I am.
Jimmysilverrims is right. The originals (most likely) aren't going anywhere. I also think Munchlax has nothing to offer. Then again, I didn't think Jiggs could fit into the original either. The only reason she was put in was b/c of her extreme popularity in Japan.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
For Munchlax, it's just that he makes a very obvious Jigglypuff replacement for the better or worse. He can use pound, rest, rollout etc. I'm sure but all he'd lack is the multitude of jumps. He's incredibly popular in Japan and is pretty much the mascot of the 4th Generation along with Lucario. Thus if he replaced Jigglypuff (we already have a lot of 1st Gen Pokemon thanks to PT) then it'd be a good way of repping the 4th Gen without taking up yet another Pokemon slot. I don't really give a **** though.
I see where you're coming from, but replacing Jiggs with Munchlax WOULD take up another slot. You'd be cutting out the effort of bringing an existing moveset into Brawl but you'd be adding the effort of creating an entire new moveset from scratch. Even if he basically copies the puff, Munchlax would still require a brand new model as well as brand new animations for every move, which is really all a new character is. The only saving replacing Jiggs with Munchlax would get you would be on the character select screen, and frankly I don't think space is a concern there yet.

As things are now, Pokemon trainer has added three new playable pokemon characters to the franchise, which I think is just about as many as even the most die-hard pokefan was willing to consider possible.
I think it's entirely plausible that we may not get another new Pokemon character. Jiggs and Mewtwo could return, but I'm thinking that'll be it for pokemon in Brawl.
Mar 21, 2007
Munchlax? Mime Jr.? ARE YOU KIDDING!? Look at Mimey for a second. Now tell me, is he not a pansy? Rehtorical question, he is. You'd be better off trying to have Myamoto getting in the game. And MUNCHLAX? You're kidding right? He's the pre-evolution to Snorelax, the fat, sleepy, do-nothing Pokemon. What's he going to do? Eat? It's just impractical to have such un-uniqe characters that are pansies! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF PANSIES FOR POKEMON! Jigglypuff, Pichu, Pikachu. Looking at them, I do nnot feel threatened at all. Adding another one would be wasting a character space.

Plus, ANOTHER copy character other that Kirby? It's redundant and untrue, Mime Jr. could never use that ability. I mean, that would be more stupid that putting a sticker book in Brawl... Oh... Wait.
Munchlax is actually hyperactive and runs around looking for food unlike his evolution. Lucario is more of a pansy imo because everyone is basing him off the movie... In the movie he was all offended that his master returned him to his pokeball and he had the typical 'i hate humans attitude' also ash kicked his *** when they were fighting... Besides Mime Jr. is a BABY pokemon of course he's going to 'look' like a pansy cause he's a baby! But he's not he mimics people and their emotions and then turns that against them in battle! He can even force people to dance! Also if you say Munchlax has left the show meaning he has lost his popularity... Lucario DIED in the movie... So he's unpopular i guess! AND Mime Jr. is STILL in the show so he's still popular and would be a better choice instead of both of those two! Mime Jr. could have a totally unique moveset even without his mimicking abilities! He has moves like: Tickle, Teeter Dance, Trick Room, Baton Pass and others that would make him a brilliant character.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Gotta keep on top of top of patenting ^^^

As for Mimey Jr. He's an interesting character, but I can think of a hundred interesting Pokemon right off the bat. Apealm, Geodude etc. ANY Pokemon is interesting and could get in Brawl, It's just a matter of SHOULD they be in Brawl? I mean, Meowth is probably the most popular character, he's been in the series as long as Pikachu. Munchlax couldn't even survive past one season. But putting the anime aside, I cannot see any reason to put Mime Jr. in. Kirby already has copy. Mewtwo already has a stunning move. I need to see something he has that others don't


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Someone suggested a Water based stage (Route 115, was it?) in which you would ride on the back of a Wailord, then a school of Laparas, and It's just occured to me that if A magikarp flopped up onstage and you knock it off, it would turn into Gyraados and Hyper beams everyone but you.
Savvy idea. :-D
Mar 21, 2007
Gotta keep on top of top of patenting ^^^

As for Mimey Jr. He's an interesting character, but I can think of a hundred interesting Pokemon right off the bat. Apealm, Geodude etc. ANY Pokemon is interesting and could get in Brawl, It's just a matter of SHOULD they be in Brawl? I mean, Meowth is probably the most popular character, he's been in the series as long as Pikachu. Munchlax couldn't even survive past one season. But putting the anime aside, I cannot see any reason to put Mime Jr. in. Kirby already has copy. Mewtwo already has a stunning move. I need to see something he has that others don't
Fine watch these videos of him:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=dyBmJiqxWu0 < ignore the first clip... .___.;;

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtyztNf18Fw wouldn't you love to see him use that move on Ridley?
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