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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
What is with you people and Mime Jr? Lets just agree he sucks...... ALOT, and get on with our lives.

I admit, I don't know much about the new pokemon sieries, but it looks to me that a wanna be Mr. Mime doesn't need to be in this game. He'd probably be a "Pichu" and all of you people defending him will not even what to TRY to unlock him.

So overall, Mime Jr. will just be a waist of character space.(yes, I relize this is how I end all of my arguments, but it's the truth)


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
Ash, Brock, Misty, May and of course the BEST OF THEM ALL...Dawn Rule!

They could all be Red altern costumes and when you chose Red for a battle, it will actually say RED!... Each have different Pokemon. Pokemon Battle FTW
lol jk
Seriously though...Dawn playing with a little bird for brawl

um...did I just post that?^

That gyrados idea is good...and a Dragonite is needed...Marowak as Playable too! Now that CHARIZARD is in, MAROWAK is my next vote in!
Mar 21, 2007
What move is that? Mimic?
The move i am talking about is Teeter Dance! Forcing people to dance would be great

What is with you people and Mime Jr? Lets just agree he sucks...... ALOT, and get on with our lives.

I admit, I don't know much about the new pokemon sieries, but it looks to me that a wanna be Mr. Mime doesn't need to be in this game. He'd probably be a "Pichu" and all of you people defending him will not even what to TRY to unlock him.

So overall, Mime Jr. will just be a waist of character space.(yes, I relize this is how I end all of my arguments, but it's the truth)
Your debate skills have blown my argument out of the water!


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
Eh, your just mad cause who your defending sucks and no one but you likes him.


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
Actually try to defend your opinion. More convincing people have tryed to bring you down and failed, what makes you give up now?


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
I know, which is why I'm telling him to actually try to put up an argument, rather then completely ignoring me.
Mar 21, 2007
I know, which is why I'm telling him to actually try to put up an argument, rather then completely ignoring me.
I'll put up an argument when you put an argument instead of just saying "Your defending something that sucks lol". Tell me how he sucks don't just say that he does back up your statements and I will actually debate with you instead of completely shrugging off your statements


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten

Yeah, Mimey doesn't suck... as much as other pokemon. But that's beside the point, seeing the clips showed me that Mime Jr. is a possibility for Brawl, meaning the idea's not all crazy.

But when I saw Mime Jr., he wasn't my first pick, so that got me thinking... In Marvel: Ultimate Allinace for Xbox, you'd be able to get more characters off of Xbox Live and play them in game! Is this or is this not PERFECT for Brawl? . Just picture it… Over your WiiConnect24 you get a message saying: ‘Time for a Super Smash Bros. Brawl Update’ and you update, allowing you to have even more characters they didn’t have time to put in the first time. Giving you a theoretically infinite amount of characters. It’s brilliant!

‘Nuff said.


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
He sucks because:

1. His main move is copy. Hm? where have I heard this before? KIRBY!

2. Making somone dance. Wow. I guess its a good stun move, and it seems kinda funny, but what would happen if they're in the air, just stay there? How would you finish them off?

3. As we've all learned from Melee, "baby" pokemon aren't that good.

4. If M2 makes it back in, then MJ would be another Phycic pokemon. And with Ness and Lucas that's four Phycics in all. To me, that's a little excessive, don't you think?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Although I get where you're coming from (Less floaty, cutsy Pokemon) and I can see how it would be redundant to have two copiers. But c'mon. ANYONE can get into Brawl at this point. As I have said before: Sakurai picks the characters with a giant dartboard. What ever he throws at, he keeps. Although I do see Mimey as a Pokeball, he could just as easily be playable (Ask the Deoxys fans).


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
Well Deoxys I can understand, he's pretty sick, but how can you even THINK about another "baby" pokemon after the terrible proformance of Pichu.


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
Maybe, but I still hate stupid, pink, wanna-be pokemon(Kirby's not a pokemon, so he's cool).

Actually, if Jiggy makes the cut, that's going to be enough pokemon for this game. MJ can be a Pokeball.
Mar 21, 2007
He sucks because:

1. His main move is copy. Hm? where have I heard this before? KIRBY!

2. Making somone dance. Wow. I guess its a good stun move, and it seems kinda funny, but what would happen if they're in the air, just stay there? How would you finish them off?

3. As we've all learned from Melee, "baby" pokemon aren't that good.

4. If M2 makes it back in, then MJ would be another Phycic pokemon. And with Ness and Lucas that's four Phycics in all. To me, that's a little excessive, don't you think?
1. Link, Metaknight, Marth, Roy, Ike, Young Link, and Pit ALL hold swords... So having two copy characters do not seem redundant when there are sooo many sword characters.

2. if they're in the air they're obviously going to fall down dancing!

3. The reason Pichu wasn't good was because he damaged himself and was a clone of pikachu not because he was a baby pokemon.

4. Mime Jr. is not floaty at all, even though he's a psychic type pokemon he doesn't use his telekinesis like those two, he uses other moves that are much more unique like tickling his opponents, making them dance, mimicking their moves, and a bunch of other stuff

Maybe, but I still hate stupid, pink, wanna-be pokemon(Kirby's not a pokemon, so he's cool).

Actually, if Jiggy makes the cut, that's going to be enough pokemon for this game. MJ can be a Pokeball.
Yes MJ can be a pokeball!

Mime Jr. will be a playable character!


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Plus, unlike Kirby, Mimy might be able to copy any special instead of their regular specials. Also, he wouldn't have the hats Kirby does.

How I see it is that for the Right/Left thing Mimey will seemingly absorb enery (Like Ness' Down B Does, but with out the bubble) and whoever hits him, he'll gain that ability (Wether it's right B or not) Although this is only a mimic, so Mime Jr., if doing a Falcon punch, will not have flames erupt from his fist, so it will do less damage. Same with other moves, he'll do them, just weaker (A diffrence between him and Kirby) and For projectiles, he'll throw out beams/spheres of pinkish-purple psycic energy, for example: If he copies Mario, His Psych balls will bounce and be affected by gravity the same way Mario's fireballs are, while he'll shoot out a straight beam if he's hit with Fox's Blaster.

Just throwing in a good moveset since no one has bothered to make one. I'll probably make a more organized one later.

'Nuff said.
Mar 21, 2007
Plus, unlike Kirby, Mimy might be able to copy any special instead of their regular specials. Also, he wouldn't have the hats Kirby does.

How I see it is that for the Right/Left thing Mimey will seemingly absorb enery (Like Ness' Down B Does, but with out the bubble) and whoever hits him, he'll gain that ability (Wether it's right B or not) Although this is only a mimic, so Mime Jr., if doing a Falcon punch, will not have flames erupt from his fist, so it will do less damage. Same with other moves, he'll do them, just weaker (A diffrence between him and Kirby) and For projectiles, he'll throw out beams/spheres of pinkish-purple psycic energy, for example: If he copies Mario, His Psych balls will bounce and be affected by gravity the same way Mario's fireballs are, while he'll shoot out a straight beam if he's hit with Fox's Blaster.

Just throwing in a good moveset since no one has bothered to make one. I'll probably make a more organized one later.

'Nuff said.
Well i made a moveset...

B- Mimic- Copies last used neutral b move and keeps it until he loses a life.

Over B- Barrier- Mime Jr. creates a barrier in front of himself that can take up to 10% damage. It goes away when it takes 10% damage or if it stays on the field for more than 15 seconds. No more than one can be on the field at once

Up B- Baton Pass- Mime Jr. throws a baton upwards and if it hits someone they swap places. Has great distance and almost no lag but if it doesn't hit anyone Mime Jr. won't come back.

Down B- Teeter Dance- Mime Jr. starts dancing oddly and music notes fly off of him. If a music note hits you your controls will be reversed and if you try to use a move you will receive damage like pichu. This lasts for 5 seconds. Also this gets rid of flowers on you like by the lipstick and gooey bombs.

Final Smash- Trick Room
Everyone swaps position and they get their speed halved and weight doubled. This move lasts 10 seconds. Mime Jr. can move normally and rack up damage. While everyone is slow Mime Jr's attacks do twice as much damage as they normally would, though still retain the same knockback.

AND if you hate the idea of mimic here's another B move

B-Tickle: Mime Jr. tickles foward while glowing blue, the blue aura surrounding him goes forward and manifests as hands and tickles the opponent in front of him causing them to be stunned for a few seconds.

and btw these are all pokemon moves


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
1. Link, Metaknight, Marth, Roy, Ike, Young Link, and Pit ALL hold swords... So having two copy pokemon do not seem redundant when there are sooo many sword characters.

2. if they're in the air they're obviously going to fall down dancing!

3. The reason Pichu wasn't good was because he damaged himself and was a clone of pikachu not because he was a baby pokemon.

4. Mime Jr. is not floaty at all, even though he's a psychic type pokemon he doesn't use his telekinesis like those two, he uses other moves that are much more unique like tickling his opponents, making them dance, mimicking their moves, and a bunch of other stuff
1. That's because people WANT more weapon users, clones... Well... everyone I know would agree when saying that Kirby is enough. Noone Wants to be barraged by 3 people, all using different characters, cloning his moves(ex. Kirby sucks them up, then MJ copies the next move used by whoever, then ditto also comes and absorbes them.)

2. But the dancing wouldn't affect their wings, would it? I don't see MJ useing wings in his dance? Plus, wouldn't it have a limited range unless it's his final smash?(That'd be a pretty sucky Final Smash.)

3. But he wouldn't even have a good moveset! Show me a good moveset and this third point will be out of the question

4. So pretty much he'd just stun and mimic? If you ask me, that's STUPID! Also, give GOOD moveset and this is out of the question.

EDIT: Ok, you made a decent moveset, but all his specials are defence and stun, with one "attack." That's OK, but it isn't up to standerds of good charaters(in my book).

A good charater needs more then on special attack, besides his/her Final Smash. Make it to my standerds or points 3 and 4 still have meaning


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
^B: Baton Toss- I see nothing wrong with the one in the first moeset, IT gives him an upward projectile, which is good.

<>B: Mimic- I've discribed it above

vB: Barrier- I see nothing wrong again, but I think that it needs more oomph, how about the invisible (Or translucent) walls shoot out away from him?

B: Teeter Dance- A stnning move, makes all nearby him dance, slightly longer range than Jiggs, but lasts less long.

Final Smash- He calls out and tons of Mister Mimes Fall down and, using varriers, attempt to push people off the stage.

Grab: Tickle, like in the video, he grabs onto them and tickles them, then throws them in a flip.

Taunt: The looks at he Camera and does the classic Marcel Marso routine with putting his hands on the "glass"

Kirby Hat: Mimey's Hat.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Name: Mime Jr.
Age: Unknown
Developer: Nintendo
First Appearance: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
Other Notable Appearances: None

Height: 1/5
Weight: 2/5
Attack Speed: 4/5
Attack Power: 1/5
Attack Range: 2/5
Grab Range: 1/5
Running Speed: 3/5
Jump: 3/5
Falling Speed: 2/5

Regular Attacks:

A: Fake Out (A very quick attack that will break out of any A combo flurry. So if the opponent is pummelling you with repeated A taps, this will break through to hit. Almost no knockback though. Only breaks through neutral A taps. 1%)

AA: Tickle (The foe becomes incapacitated for a short moment. 2%)

AAA: Double Slap (Rapid slaps that can be repeated continuously. 2% ea.)

Dash A: Ground Slide (Mime Jr. goes into a slide across the ground. Being light and quick, he travels a good distance quickly, but deals low damage and knockback. 6%)

F Tilt: Wake-Up Slap (Mime Jr. reaches out and gives a solid backhander to anyone in his range. If they’re asleep, it does twice the regular damage and triple the regular knockback. 5%)

U Tilt: YMCA (Mime Jr. throws his hands into the air in an imitation of the Y dance move for the YMCA, hitting anyone above him or touching him on either side of him. The knockback is upwards, but it doesn’t throw people all that far. 7%)

D Tilt: Thief (Mime Jr. ducks and spins, sweeping his arms around the ground in a 360 degree turn. It knocks people up and backwards, but not all that much. If it hits a character holding an item, the item is taken. 3%)

F Smash: Focus Punch (Mime Jr. throws a powerful punch. If charged up to full, this attack is rather brutal. 14% Uncharged, 40% Charged)

U Smash: Bobble Bash (Mime Jr. flicks his head backwards, striking anyone above or immediately behind him with a reasonable blow. 12% Uncharged, 20% Charged)

D Smash: Frustration (Mime Jr. headbutts the enemy, usually in the stomach or legs due to his size. However, the more damage he has, the more damage this attack does. For every 2% damage Mime Jr. has, this attack does 1% more damage. Doesn’t charge. 3% Base)

Aerial Attacks:

N Air: Aerial Punch (Mime Jr. punches out in front of him. 4%)

F Air: Return (Mime Jr. spirals forwards briefly, surrounded by purple sparkles. For every 10% of damage Mime Jr. has, this attack deals 1% less damage. 8%)

B Air: Rear Punch (Mime Jr. punches people immediately behind him. 5%)

U Air: Secret Power (Mime Jr. sparkles purple and hits the opponent above him with his bobble-head. Depending on the level, this attack will either do its regular attack, do double its regular damage, cause an item to spawn somewhere [if items are on] or do no damage but double knockback, which is straight up. 5%)
D Air: Brick Break (Mime Jr. lags slightly, then shoots downwards at a diagonal until he hits something. Any character he hits is Meteor Smashed. 7%)

Special Attacks:

B: Hypnosis (It’s Jiggly’s move, ripped straight, since I’ve designed Mime Jr as a replacement for Jiggs.)

Smash B: Teeter Dance (Mime Jr. does a dance, and everyone within a radius about twice that of Hypnosis gets inverted controls for about the same length of time as Hypnosis lasts. Additionally, if Mime Jr. hits a ‘dancing’ character, that character takes 1.5x as much damage.)

Up B: Double Team (Mime Jr. becomes two translucent illusions, flickering back and forth between where he is and an area above him, controlled by DI. If anyone passes between the flickering images as he moves back and forth, they take some damage. However, if they are hit by the first Mime Jr. as he rushes upwards, they get knocked upwards quite far as well. At the end of the move Mime Jr. appears at the top of his path, which is a moderate jump. 4%)

Down B: Light Screen (Mime Jr. mimes a wall in front of him that nobody else can see. As long as he holds B and Down the move is sustained, but if either is let go, the Light Screen turns into a bolt of white energy and shoots forwards a reasonable distance. 10%)

Final Smash: Mime Assault (Mime Jr. performs Substitute, taking 25% damage, but then both he and the substitute perform multiple Psychics, Psybeams and Confuse Rays. The Psychic bolts hit for 30%, the Psybeams for 20% and good knockback and the Confuse Rays invert controls for twice as long as Teeter Dance. Mime Jr and the Substitute face opposite directions, and Substitute matches Mime Jr’s controls. For the duration of the move, Mime Jr. can only move and jump.)

Grab: Trick (Mime Jr pretends to grab behind him, but actually grabs in front of him.)

Grab Attack: Tickle Grip (Mime Jr. tickles the captured foe, causing them to squirm, and they break the grab easier. 5%)


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Ahhh Mime Jr. is bad! BAD! BAD! Why not Electubuzz's evolutionary form, or at least the original Mr. Mime. Actually, Mewtwo pwns that litttle pest anyday! >_< MEWTWO FTW! [and I'll laugh if he's top tier]

Anyways, all the pro-Wind Waker Link talk makes me happy! :grin: Simply put, between the hit of his two games, they could very well outsell all series repped in Brawl [with 5 obvious exceptions=Metroid, DK, tLOZ, Pokemon, Mario]. If that's not earning your spot, IDK wat is! :) BTW, Jiggs is one of the more popular smash characters over in Japan, and probably around every 1/20th to 1/19th of real dedicated players main/use her [at least]. She's a lot more popular than you think, and has one of the best movesets IMO [that's right, slappage=ownage!]. And Munclax is hated here, and if we wanted a good sleeping Pokemon, it'd be Snorlax. Or Blastoise FTW! :009:

BTW Wind Waker Link, clones, Didd Kong [hopefully solo], and Falco are all in Brawl. I took Sakurai hostage [with his family, 100 best friends, staff, all of his relatives that live in Japan, etc. etc. etc.], and forced him to put them all in Brawl, so no worries. Maybe he'll get my Sonic, Geno, and Megaman "[hostage] situation" next! :grin: Beat you all to it! And btw, no clone hate. Originally Melee was planned to have 20 or 21 playable characters or so. It's either have Lugi and Pichu with original moves [the two least clooney clones IMO], or have Luigi luigified, Falco as a clone, G'dorf as a clone, YLink as a clone, Pichu as a decently de-cloned clone, and Doc as a clone.

And no clone is a waste of space. Falco is one of the most heavily played/popular characters in Melee. YLink is one of the most commonly played low tier characters. Pichu is well used [as a secondary] by Chu Dat [the #2 ranked player in the USA]. Luigi is one of the wackiest characters ever made. Doc was a fun last minute not-suppose-to-happen additions. And G'dorf finally brought us a good heavy character who is in the mid/mid-high tiers [after they were all low to bottom tiers]. Clones have virtually helped nearly as much as original characters themselves! :D

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I can't stand Mime Jr and do not want to see him in. But a gauntlet was thrown down about a moveset, and I couldn't resist. Electivire is cool, but no more pokemon. Just Pika, PT, Jiggs and M2.

I still think Jiggs has a good chance of making it in, no matter what anyone says. But like I said, I'm considering swapping her out of my prediction list for WW Link.

And clones are cool. But hey, I've found I prefer the challenge of 40 original characters for my list.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 1, 2007
Well i made a moveset...

B- Mimic- Copies last used neutral b move and keeps it until he loses a life.

Over B- Barrier- Mime Jr. creates a barrier in front of himself that can take up to 10% damage. It goes away when it takes 10% damage or if it stays on the field for more than 15 seconds. No more than one can be on the field at once

Up B- Baton Pass- Mime Jr. throws a baton upwards and if it hits someone they swap places. Has great distance and almost no lag but if it doesn't hit anyone Mime Jr. won't come back.

Down B- Teeter Dance- Mime Jr. starts dancing oddly and music notes fly off of him. If a music note hits you your controls will be reversed and if you try to use a move you will receive damage like pichu. This lasts for 5 seconds. Also this gets rid of flowers on you like by the lipstick and gooey bombs.

Final Smash- Trick Room
Everyone swaps position and they get their speed halved and weight doubled. This move lasts 10 seconds. Mime Jr. can move normally and rack up damage. While everyone is slow Mime Jr's attacks do twice as much damage as they normally would, though still retain the same knockback.

AND if you hate the idea of mimic here's another B move

B-Tickle: Mime Jr. tickles foward while glowing blue, the blue aura surrounding him goes forward and manifests as hands and tickles the opponent in front of him causing them to be stunned for a few seconds.

and btw these are all pokemon moves
I had an idea for mimic when you do it mime does some sorta of stance(doesn't matter what just something) if he gets hit his mimic changes into a punch that has the properties of whatever move hit him and he keeps it untill he dies... so that means damage, knockback, chance to freeze, catching on fire, sleep(from jiggs), stun what ever. it would be cool. imagine a captin falcon dumb enough to hit you with falcon puch when you do this. but if they are carfull you will probablly get a jab or some tilt move.
anyway i thought it sounded cool.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^^^ That would be one hell of a character. Seriously, I'd pay $1,000 for Brawl for his to be included in Brawl! XD [assuming I had $1,000 to begin with, and to spare! XD]. Anyways, odd update, in Spanish it said "Recuperación con Látigo de plasma", or "Recovering using a Plasma Whip" [sorry for the rough translation, I've only taken two semsters of Spanish]. I got that from the Spain/SPanish update for the "Tether Recovery" [since it was updated there and Japan 5 minutes earlier than in the NA update]. Then it comes out as Tether Recoery...WTF? My Spanish translation isn't that bad! :laugh:

And Vagrant Lustoid, that was a nice moveset. Welcome to the hating of 95%-98% of all Pokemon in Brawl. [Blastoise (the thing has basically two turrets on it's shoulders. Samus would be jealous! :laugh:), Lucario, the Puff Master, and Mew f***ing Two FTW! :)] But meah...try both using clones and original characters. I took both challenges, and realized clones are good. Before then I basically despised clones, now I realize clones can be better than original characters. It comes down to 21 originals, or 20 originals with 6 clones. 40 originals, or 37 or 38 originals with 6 or 9 clones. Clones can be a good thing...so long as they aren't all doc-est [though Doc is pretty awsome! :D].

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Yeah, I actually don't mind clones. Cap F and Ganondorf are my two mains, so hey. It's not like I've even tried to diversify. Clones can be good, as long as they get nicely Luigified and aren't too similar.

But eh, I suppose I'm really holding out for lots of original characters. Then again, I don't generally notice some of the clones being quite similar, like Luigi or Ganondorf. As long as they're not Pichu or Doc-like.

No, my main reason for no clone lists was because of something Sakurai mentioned about regretting clones or somesuch. I prob should cook up a clone-inclusive list. Only thing is that it'd be 99% similar to most other lists...

Oh, and thanks for the comment on Mime Jr. I got bored.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
I'm going to take the fourty character challenge again this time taking Pokemon trainer into account.

Mario series: 5

Luigi ( mario clone)
Toad OR Bowser Jr.

Reasons: This one still hasn't changed.

Zelda series: 6

Cell shaded Y.Link (Link clone)

Reasons: This one hasn't changed either.

Pokemon: 5

Pokemon trainer (Squirtle,Ivysaur,Charizard)

Reasons: Sorry Jigglypuff fans but she won't be making an appearance this time around.

D.K: 3

K.Rool ( Bowser clone)

Reasons: This one is basically the same as my last one too.

Metroid: 3


Reasons: Say bye-bye Dark Samus.

F-Zero: 2

Captain Falcon
Pico (Takes Ganon's old moveset)

Reasons: Nothing short of an update on the Dojo can change my mind on this.

Wario series: 1


Reasons: Still the same.

Yoshi series: 1


Reasons: Nothing about this one has changed.

Star Fox: 3


Reasons: If they can take the time to make PT THREE CHARACTERS IN ONE, then they can certanly take the time to give Andross a body.

Fire Emblem: 3

Black Knight (clone)

Reasons: Still exactly the same.

Retro: 3

2 others

Reasons: Nothing different here.

New franchises: 2

AC character

Reasons: Everything is the same here as well.

Kirby series: 3


Reasons: Still the same.

3rd party: 3


Reasons: No differences here.

Earthbound: 1


Reasons: Still exactly the same.

If I counted right that is 44 characters with 5 clones which is just under fourty.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Just over actually. 44 - 5 = 39. Since clones count as 1/3 a character, that's 5/3, or 1 and 2/3. So total is 40 2/3.

Pico and Andross were interesting to see on the list. But stand right there while I slap you to enforce my own opinions about Tingle.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Just over actually. 44 - 5 = 39. Since clones count as 1/3 a character, that's 5/3, or 1 and 2/3. So total is 40 2/3.

Pico and Andross were interesting to see on the list. But stand right there while I slap you to enforce my own opinions about Tingle.
TINGLE WILL BE IN BRAWL YOU'LL SEE! Hey who are the guys with the giant needle? Hey get away from me. I'M NOT CRAZY, NO!!!!!!!!!


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I liked most of the list, althought I wasn't quite happy that none of the clones were luigified. I also cannot imagine Andross being a playable character: Take Fox, then put him in his ship. Andross could eat that. I mean, If he can swallow an Arwing whole, his hand would be able to crush both master hand and crazy hand in one blow. Now, before you say that there have been size diffrences before, Andross was HUGE, bigger than Bowser in Sunshine, plus never, in any of the games, has he ever had a body.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
I liked most of the list, althought I wasn't quite happy that none of the clones were luigified. I also cannot imagine Andross being a playable character: Take Fox, then put him in his ship. Andross could eat that. I mean, If he can swallow an Arwing whole, his hand would be able to crush both master hand and crazy hand in one blow. Now, before you say that there have been size diffrences before, Andross was HUGE, bigger than Bowser in Sunshine, plus never, in any of the games, has he ever had a body.
Actually in Star Fox command for the DS it shows a still of Andross before he mutated himself into a giant head and hands. In it he is no bigger than any other Star Fox character. Besides it's not like it would be hard to make a body for him. An idea I have for him is that he basically is covered in a cloak and the only exposed part of him is his head and there are two mechanical hands that float around him that are how he attacks.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Hmm... But what moves would he have? What would his taunt? Grab? I just don't see him getting in before Wolf, sure Andross is more unique, but I see him as more of an alternative to Bowser as a final villian.
Well he could have a number of gadgets and things of that sort. Bowserlick made a moveset for him on the official Andross thread that had him using gadgets and devices to outsmart and trap the opponent. I think that is a genious way to have Andross fight.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Uh, on the two above comments on Tingle: Listen, I'm sick and tired of people treating Tingle supporters as crazy. As I have said before: It's all up for grabs. Anyone can get in at this point. In Japan Tingle got his own RPG, and Sakurai leans on the Japanese favorites, he's been in almost every Zelda game since Majora, so I don't see why people need to bad mouth him. I know, he's not anyone's first choice for a new Zelda character, but c'mon everyone has a chance.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Never once did I say he didn't have a chance. I was a supporter of Trainer way bake, for Pete's sake, I know crazy chances. I was simply stating that I do not like Tingle. I still think there are more important or impacting characters that could get in over him, but he does of course have a chance.

I'm a Skull Kid supporter, by the way.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Yeah, I actually don't mind clones. Cap F and Ganondorf are my two mains, so hey. It's not like I've even tried to diversify. Clones can be good, as long as they get nicely Luigified and aren't too similar.

But eh, I suppose I'm really holding out for lots of original characters. Then again, I don't generally notice some of the clones being quite similar, like Luigi or Ganondorf. As long as they're not Pichu or Doc-like.
You sir, went up 10 points in my awesome book. Ganondorf FTW. ^_^
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