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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2005
GameAngel64's house, getting my @#% handed to me.
Hey, O D I N... you don't know the list that well, remember? You missed 11 of the 12 Gannon-Bannable offences in that passage I placed in your thread.

I love the Gannon Ban though. Such fun.
I'm pretty sure I need to review it. I've been awfully lazy with it...

Toad confirmed.
As Peach's B move.
It's about time. She was only 'confirmed' two weeks ago.

Though this is surprising...

TWO character updates this week. O_o


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I predict that only Ness, Dr. Mario, Roy, Pichu, Game & Watch, and Young Link will be cut...

for new comers, Lucas is most likely coming (to my dissmay)...

Ones I'd think would be best would be Geno, Dedede, Sonic, Ridley, and Dedede...

I'm guessing 34 characters max...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I am 100% convinced that either Game & Watch or the Ice Climbers will be cut...

the real question is which one...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I hope ice climbers. Game and watch is retro, he's a legend!. His name has watch on it!.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
I agree that Tingle could be very unique and different from BF, but chances are only one will be included in my opinion.

One word: awesome!

And you are entitled to your opinion but other people have their own as well.

Yes, I am awesome.:laugh:

Oh...by now you should know that I am the huge Zelda fan[I pick and poke at things] and you have a lot of mistakes. In the Fierce Deity and Skull Kid profile[I couldn't bare looking for more]you posted TERMINA as TERMANIA. I know that it is not that huge but the correct spelling is infact TERMINA.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2006
Final Destination
Okay, I'm sorry to bother you with another character list, but everyone else is doing it, so I thought I might join the crowd...

Mario Series:
5)Paper Mario(Not a clone! - Sakurai hasn't forgotten about Paper Mario! He included Vivian on his poll. Why would he include a transgendered ghost-thing secondary character on his poll if he wasn't already considering the Paper Boy himself!)

Zelda Series
2)Zelda(NO SHEIK!)
4)Wind Waker Young Link(Link clone)

Pokemon Series
2-4)Pokemon Trainer
6)Ditto (NOTE: does NOT count towards 40 character limit, will explain later)

Starfox Series

Kirby Series
2)Meta Knight
3)King Dedede

Metroid Series
1/2) Samus/Zero Suit Samus

Donkey Kong Series
1)Donkey Kong
2)Diddy&Dixie (as much as I'd hate it, I think it'll happen)

Fire Emblem Series
1)Ike(Luigified Marth clone)
3)Black Knight

Earthbound Series
1)Lucas (Luigified Ness clone)

F-zero Series
1) Captain Falcon

Yoshi Series

Retro Characters
1)Pit(Kid Icarus)
2)Mr. Game & Watch(Game & Watch)

3rd Parties
2)Simon Belmont

Other Series
1)Mr. Ressetti(Animal Crossing)
2)Captain Olimar(Pikmin)
4)Mii(Wii Sports)
5)Isaac(Golden Sun)

39 Original Characters + 3 Clones + Ditto. 20 Veterans, 21 Newcomers. Note that not including transformations makes an even 40 characters on the character select screen.

Note: Ditto is essentially like a 'random' selection. Selecting Ditto in Brawl is like selecting him in tournament mode in Melee. He should appear on the character select screen to make it have a nice round 40 characters, and to represent Pokemon. He shouldn't count towards the 40 characters because he doesn't require any moveset, or even animations for that matter, and would be easy to code.


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
Huh. Never thought of Ditto as being random character selection, but how would that work in Subspace Emissary? Would it be a random character's storyline? Please explain.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2006
Final Destination
Ditto would never actually appear, it's more of a Random thing that just gives credit to Pokemon. Sort of like if you place your token on a blank area with no characters in Melee, just as a spot on the character select screen.

So, I guess to answer your question, you would play through as a random character.


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2007
But would it tell you who'd you play as before you start, or is it like random stage selection, and you have no clue?


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2006
Final Destination
I guess we'll just leave the character-creation to Sakurai, and the predictions to the fans. I'm a fan predicting Ditto and this is how I invision it, I'm not actually coding it in, just throwing out ideas, so I don't really know.

EDIT: I couldn't fit this into my last post, but maybe you could somehow set it to where Ditto takes on a different form each time he loses a stock? Like if you're playing as Link and die, you might come back as Mario, for example. This idea has been tossed around the boards a bit, and I was thinking this would be a great way to implement it. It would please fans, AND give more of a reason to use a random character than just for kicks. It may even lead up to, *gasp*, Ditto mains. It would also be easy to code too!

What do you think?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
And I suppose I can admit it's possible that Black Shadow might appear as a Falcon clone. Still, with Goroh gone, I would almost prefer someone like Pico (if for no other reason than it would make Numa the happiest guy in the world.)
And he's not lame. Pico's actually pretty cool, but Lord Deathborne and Blood Falcon are still somewat possibilities. Still, I think Sakurai hates the series, and is hating on us! XD

Fine. We can agree to disagree on that point. Just don’t be too shocked if you find yourself fighting Johnny Bravo in your first Brawl tournament.
HEHE, Johnny Bravo, that made me laugh! :laugh: I made a Tarzan Mii in case they make it into Brawl, in order to scare people! :laugh: I should make a Freakazoid, Batman, and Superman (Superman 64 sucks!) King Leonidas Miis. :grin:

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on DS is the fastest selling Zelda game in Japan. Ever.

BOOM! Headshot!
*angels sing Halliejuah in the background* WW Link for teh pwnzsa! :laugh:

I sure hope you’re right… ESPECIALLY about the online.
More support...there is some gaming event coming up soon, maybe even BIGGER than E3. Sonic (and others) are distinct possibility there. ;)

Yes, but unique and good are not the same thing. I (like most Diddy fans) think it would be more true to the character (and more enjoyable for the player) if Diddy were solo. Dixie can wait her turn like everyone else.
Dixie is in SSB4....for sure!

Never played Zelda II, ironically enough. By gaming began with the N64. That’s what’s so great about virtual console: the chance to reacquaint myself with the old classics. I’m slogging my way through the original Zelda, in between playing RE4 and Paper Mario 64.
I've beaten the original 12 times [9 on the first quest, 3 on the Zelda/2nd quest *spoiler*]. SOmehow I always get stuck somewhere....man I love that game! :) Anyways...that game rocks, and I should get Paper Mario 64 on the VC [since my ROM of it sucks, and my cousins lost their copy of it a LONG TIME AGO!]

Sheik is a stretch… and if you only count the Melee characters who don’t represent established series you are left with ICs and G&W.
I mean retro as in they haven't appeared in a game since before SSB64 was released. And Doctor Mario 64 came out in 1997 I believe, which is well before SSB64's release.

Clones? I doubt it, dude. Sorry.
I did that as a joke to be honest! But I have a feeling that some of thiem will be semi-clones, or have some unoriginal moves. :p

If Earthbound is the most downloaded VC game, then maybe Nintendo will start taking the series seriously outside Japan. Here’s hoping….
Nintendo has more then enough reason to release Mother 1 and 3. If they were smart, they would and it would sell MILLIONS OF COPIES! The Earth Bound fanbase is probably the biggest cult classic fanbase from the 4th gen of gaming, behind porbably ONLY the Donkey Kong Countries fanbase of course.

Great vid. Very well put together.

Wow. That game looks so great it almost makes the PS3 worth buying. Almost…

Anyway, let’s hear those MGS theories. Keep in mind, I havn’t played MGS2. (I don’t care about spoilers. With so many games coming out on Wii and DS, I doubt if I’ll ever have time to play it.)
Yes, and the ability to freely switch and use 1st and 3rd person view rocks! Man that game could outsell HALO 3 if it goes multiconsole! :)

Okay, and I found out it's confirmed by Kojima, not theories. I've yet to play MGS2 to be honest [well I played it like 3 years ago...]. Anyways, it's all from MGS3, so here I go. MGS3 takes place in 1967 [I think, but I know it's in the late 60's], and it's the story of Nake Snake [aka Big Boss] trying to stop the KGB leader Colonial Volgin from launching a nuclear tank called the Shagohod, and he plans on mass producing it into a armada.

So, ya click this link below for more info. ;)


All you need to do is look at the pics of the characters, and you'll understand. *Spoilers begin* [they're very, very, very long]

The story begins with Big Boss [then known as Naked Snake, which he was named after a WWII hero unit] Halo jumping from a ship to stop a nuclear uprising in Russia, during the Cold War. He is to save and bring back a scientist named Sokolov. After he lands on solid land, he talks to his mentor, the Boss [who he developed Close Quarters Combat with] after 3 or so years. Then after a discussion he goes and does his mission, saves and recovers SOkolov, runs into Ocelot [when he's young, and a KGB factor leader] and defeats him and his 8 or so man force which was also after Sokolov. Then after defeating them, he runs into the Boss, who tells him she's defecting to the Soviet Union, with Volgin right there. Then she beats his a**, and he has to retreat.

Anyways....The Boss is part of a 6 person army that fought in WW II as allies known as The Cobra Unit, her being the leader. The other members are the Pain [a insane man with the ability to contol hornets], the Fear [a creepy fast cameleon and is a super human close range hunter]. Other members include The End [a extremely old legendary sniper with the ability to become one with nature=he's also photosynthetic], The Fury [a flamethrower jetpack soldier with the rage of a insane bull]. The last member is The Sorrow, a soldier who is able to speak with the dead, and is a spirtual medium.

Anyways, The Boss and The Sorrow had a child together, but had to leave it behind [since it was during WWII]. This child was Ocelot. The reason it matters is Ocelot has some of his father's spirtual powers, and some of The Boss's close range combat skillz. Also the Boss was the last remaining decendant of the Philosopher's along with Volgin, who both die during MGS3. This means that Ocelot is the last member of the Philosopher's line, and in MGS3 he takes the Philosohper's legacy.

What is all this...well the Philosopher's is a group made up of special Chineese, Soviet, and American diplomat agents who formed around or before WWI [note it's World War 1]. They together collected over 100 billion dollars, and spread it throughout the world. The all died before and during WWII with their descendants, minus Volgin and The Boss. Why does this matter...well before the American members of the Philosopher's were known as the Philosophers, they were know as the Patriots [this is where MGS2 matters].

The Patriots are a American group created by George Washington [or some big really old 18the Century president or Senator or something around them] used to secretly control the nation. This primaraly controls who is elected as President, and they control everything he does while he's in office. This is against democracy, you see. Anyways, the reason Solid Snake is after this is Solidis Snake is elected president sometime in MGS2. They want to know who they are, and in the end of MGS2 Otecon tells Snake who the PAtriots are...but finds out they have all been dead for over 100 years!

So at the end of MGS3 [the very end] Ocelot [who was believed to be a member of the KGB] declares he is a triple agent, who wasn't actually a KGB leader or a spy sent by Sokolov, but rather a CIA agent and the last member of the Philosophers, which is funny since EVA [look at her profile on that link] thought she took the Philosopher's secret data [containing where they hide the money, but Ocelot is the only one who knows where it is]. Why does this matter=??? Well Ocelot controls who's the president of the USA, he's starting a war in MGS4, and he has over 100 billion dollars then, plus the whole USA government behind him.

Add in the fact that he isn't doing this by his own will [Liquid Snake controls his mind], there are Metal Gear REXs everywhere, and war is what oil was in the 20th century, and you got one hell of a plot twist. Plus Solid Snake is going to Outter Heaven to stop him against USA orders, along with the rest of FOXHOUND. Now that's awsome!

How would it be a waist? Sakurai probably sat down and decided that they had time to create X number of movesets for Pokemon characters. And so, to do something different, they tied three movesets into one character. That’s a very origin and cool concept, in my view.
It would be a waste if only one of them [Falco, Wolf O'Donell, Dark Samus, and K. Rool] were playabe, and was original. Why not have 2, 3, or better all of them [proof clones rock]! :)

Dark Samus>K. RoolHaving SIX playable characters (one more than Melee) would enrage Pokemon fans?
That's actually two more then Melee. Anyways, Munclax isn't as well recived as Jiggs worldwide, so I don't see him in Brawl [at least as a PC]. Mewtwo is much more important, has a bigger fanbase, is far more reconizable, etc. Besides, it's still only 4 Pokemon characters, all we're doing is switching between 3. Until we learn more info on the Pokemon Trainer, we have no absolute idea what we are talking about! :laugh:

That is a very enjoyable read. However, I must poke a hole in your theory - more specifically the Hurule A timeline. I believe it actually goes like this:


In this timeline, Link is transported back in time by Zelda at the conclusion of OoT to live out his childhood. Link travels to Termania in search of Navi, and the events of MM ensue.

But what became of Ganondorf, you ask? This is explained in Twilight Princess. He attempted to conquer Hyrule in Link’s absence, but was captured by the seven sages – who attempted to kill him with Sage’s Sword (appropriately named). However, rather than dying – Ganondorf was somehow given the blessing of the goddess (in the form of the triforce of power) and was able to break free of his chains and kill one of the sages. He was then sent to the Twilight Relm, and the rest is history.

The Hyrule B timeline goes like this: OoT>WW>PH

After Ganondorf is defeated in the future timeline of OoT, he swears that he will break free and take vengeance on the descendants of Link and Zelda. As the opening scene of WW explains, he does – but is trapped again when the gods imprison him (and all of hyrule) under a massive flood. Years later, the events of WW unfold. And PH follows that.

Those games are the only ones that fit together very well, in my view. MC>FS>FSA seem like a single, self contained story about the same Link and Zelda. LoZ>ZII could fit virtually anywhere, since the story is very simple. ALttP>LA definitely follow OoT, but when is anyone’s guess. I think you are right about OoA/OoS supporting multiple timelines.

Anyway, that’s how I see it.
The problem with that is how did Ganondorf get locked up in the first place to start off TP=??? But Minish Cap explains the begining of Hyrule, it's when Link first gets his signature hat, etc. It had to come first, simply put. Plus in MC that is the first game where it gains the ability to control 4 Links [during the late part of the game], and in FS and FSA you don't control all 4 Links, they are seperate characters, or rather clones. And ALTTP definitely takes place after FSA, since that is where Ganon gets that Trident of Darkness or watever, as explained in FSA. And while you're right Capcom did make MC and FS, they also made OoA/OoS, in which Nintendo also helped in the development/story.

I agree. Any place that doesn’t love Twilight Princess or Metroid Prime MUST be pure evil.
So kill Munchlax. ;) Plus Japan is a Sony fanboy paridise. XD Let's just say I'm a anti-fanboy! XD Anyways, they wouldn't know a good game if it slapped them in the face. Seriously, some people in Japan are making a virtual reality sex game. whoa! XD

Anyways, we need a 3rd gen rep [maybe], and I'm almost positive Mewtwo will be in Brawl. So just be sure not to bet against his chances in Brawl. ;)

Miis. Are. Not. From. The. Animal. Crossing. Series. Period.
I'm actuallybegining to think AC humans have a chance, if Miis aren't the AC reps, and aren't in Brawl. And I have a feeling we'll see AC Wii during that one big upcoming gaming conference, or E for All. Just a thought. :)

I think we will see another character in tonight’s update. Last week, we saw 2 items and the week before we saw 2 stages. 2 characters this week makes a twisted kind of sense, following last weeks total lack of characters. Or maybe I’m just going nuts from trying to find patterns where none exist…

My thoughts:

-Luigi (maybe with a vacuum cleaner)
-Midna (with WolfLink)
-Diddy Kong
-Ganondorf (probably with his sword)
-Captain Falcon
Good guess, but you forgot Peach [who was the character]! XD And Luigi will probably remain relatively the same [maybe more decloned like I predict]...though the Vaccum Cleaner should be his final smash. Another neat Final Smash idea would be if he turned into a giant luigi [as seen in NEW Super Mario Bros.] That would rock....run over everyone like Giga Bowser FTW!

Perhaps I’ll just replace Munchlax with “any one of the millions of disgustingly cute Pokemans”.
How is Mewtwo disgusting, he's like the only one to ever kill anyone. XD

I’m seriously considering axing Munchlax. Serval people have said that he isn’t that popular in Japan, and that was the only reason I thought he stood a shot…
Who is more reconizable: Mewtwo or Munchlax=??? Mewtwo FTW, big time!

WWLink! It’s not even close. The majority of Zelda games have starred a “Young Link” of some kind. Isn’t that more important than a generic puff ball?
*Give Wiseguy a high five* Way to be a [pro-Wind Waker Link in Brawl] team player!

Lamest. Update. Ever.
I hope you mean the tether jump and not the stickers. With the stickers I'll make comics of me [Wind Waker Link] pwning Black Shadow and Plusle and Minun. Noob pwnage FTW!

I knoe Geno would please all the SMRPG fans out there, but I think it's worth asking: would we even consider him if nt for his appearance on Sakurai's poll? Maybe Sakurai really is hell bent on including this awesome and obscure character, but if there are fewer than 40 characters I think he'll just be an AT.

Still, I could be wrong. PROVE ME WRONG SAKURAI!!!
I'm betting Geno could be a 3rd party [Square Enix] and Mario rep all at the same time, thus slipping the 2 more 3rd party character rule. That way we get Sonic and Megaman as well, and everyone is happy! :)

I'm a huge fan of DS, but I always consider her (it?) more of a potential Samus clone. Since Goroh (the prime candidate for the role of Falcon's new clone) was trophified, I expect a similar fate will befall Samus' nemesis.
I see her being wat Luigi is to Mario, though she could very well be a original character. :)

@ jimmysilverrims
Way to be super awsome and have Wind Waker/cel-shaded Link on your sig! :)


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Wind Waker Link... part of me wants him to get in, (I love Wind Waker) the other thinks it would be redundant, two Links is too many... (yeah, I didn't like Young Link in Melee) I guess I'm just neutral. The Zelda series needs more reps, so who knows... He shouldn't be a clone at all.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
i hate wiseguys newest predictions. Theres no way they would kick out ness or jigglypuff. Sure munchlax is popular but still just put him in with the others. i also dont like his negativity toward pokemon. Pokemon is one of the most poular game series in the world. it owns. its right next to Mario, LOZ, and metroid. I think they should add lucas and ness. i just thinks that he's going overboard with his predictions. but thats just my opinion. Now if you will excuse me i will be having pizza now.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Excellent recap of that MGS3 story JOhn. You forgot to mention something though...

Because of having the Sorrow's power, is how Ocelot is able to channel Liquid through his arm.

Dang...knew I forgot something. I need to get and beat MGS1 [remake]: The Twin Snakes and MGS2 while I wait for Metroid Prime 3 to come out! XD

Wind Waker Link... part of me wants him to get in, (I love Wind Waker) the other thinks it would be redundant, two Links is too many... (yeah, I didn't like Young Link in Melee) I guess I'm just neutral. The Zelda series needs more reps, so who knows... He shouldn't be a clone at all.
He could be wat Luigi is to Mario. In fact, that is wat I expect him to be, though he could very well be a original character. He could be anything you want, which helps make him great[er]. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
Dude that looks really good right now. but the thing that makes me believe that Jiggs wont be taken out is that the first hidden character to unlock in adventure mode has to be an easy one. and jiggs had taken that spot for the last two games. So that's one reason of why Jigglypuff should not be taken out. Another is that he's one of the original characters. kirby's awesome but besides the floating jump they are completely different. Hope this made sense, im in a hurry.


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
I'm actually willing to go along with the now household GameFaqs oracle. 34 excluding clones is okay with me.

Between Smash 64 and Melee we got: 8 new ones excluding clones. With 5 clones we have 25 in total.
Between Melee and Brawl: 15 newcomers excluding clones. One of the orig 12 out. Amount of clones unknown.

From 8 newcomers to 15? Yeah, I can take that as a worthy exponential increase. And nailing the "this week we'll get a newcomer and a vet"-prediction is too good for a random guess. So, yes, I can take the GameFaqs oracle as the best unofficial "authority" for now.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2007
Dude that looks really good right now. but the thing that makes me believe that Jiggs wont be taken out is that the first hidden character to unlock in adventure mode has to be an easy one. and jiggs had taken that spot for the last two games. So that's one reason of why Jigglypuff should not be taken out. Another is that he's one of the original characters. kirby's awesome but besides the floating jump they are completely different. Hope this made sense, im in a hurry.
if I worried about things making sense.... I wouldnt play Super smash bros.... :|


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
I'm actually willing to go along with the now household GameFaqs oracle. 34 excluding clones is okay with me.

Between Smash 64 and Melee we got: 8 new ones excluding clones. With 5 clones we have 25 in total.
Between Melee and Brawl: 15 newcomers excluding clones. One of the orig 12 out. Amount of clones unknown.

From 8 newcomers to 15? Yeah, I can take that as a worthy exponential increase. And nailing the "this week we'll get a newcomer and a vet"-prediction is too good for a random guess. So, yes, I can take the GameFaqs oracle as the best unofficial "authority" for now.
I wanna see how his story pans out though. As of now, there isnt much that can make his story wrong anytime soon. (aside from confirmation of original 12). He can let it coast for a while now.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I'm actually willing to go along with the now household GameFaqs oracle. 34 excluding clones is okay with me.

Between Smash 64 and Melee we got: 8 new ones excluding clones. With 5 clones we have 25 in total.
Between Melee and Brawl: 15 newcomers excluding clones. One of the orig 12 out. Amount of clones unknown.

From 8 newcomers to 15? Yeah, I can take that as a worthy exponential increase. And nailing the "this week we'll get a newcomer and a vet"-prediction is too good for a random guess. So, yes, I can take the GameFaqs oracle as the best unofficial "authority" for now.
So 34 original charcters. We got 1 clone in SSB64, 5 more in Melee, and I'm guessing 2 will be cut at least, maybe 3. That's 3 or 4 clones, plus maybe 5 or 6 more. But we're getting more than 34, it's all but guarenteed. Hell, I'm almost willing to bet we'll get more then 40, because 40 or less is unacceptable IMO, with all of Nintendo backing them. I would not be pleased to say the least.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2007
characters we KNOW are coming back but have not been displayed yet= Cpt Falcon, Luigi, gannondorf, sheik


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
Actually we're not sure that Sheik is coming back.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
I'm actually willing to go along with the now household GameFaqs oracle. 34 excluding clones is okay with me.

Between Smash 64 and Melee we got: 8 new ones excluding clones. With 5 clones we have 25 in total.
Between Melee and Brawl: 15 newcomers excluding clones. One of the orig 12 out. Amount of clones unknown.
But if you think about it... in Melee every character had to be created from scratch, so although only eight were new to the series, ALL of them were newcomers in that they were custom made for Melee.
But from what we've seen, returning veterans in Brawl borrow heavily from their Melee versions, in many places recycling what appears to be literally the same animations. In this sense, returning characters in Brawl might take as much time as clone characters did in Melee.
And is THAT'S the case, then we might easily see twenty or more newcomers in Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
but that's true about sheik, alot of people have been saying that sheik will be out of this game. its sad. She was cool but i got my butt beat a lot because of her. As for captain falcon and Ganondorf. they better bring them back. their new looks will be amazing. Luigi, i hope his final smash has to do with his vaccuum. that would be cool. If jigglypuff does get in, what the heck would her final smash be?

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
It’s a solid roster, to be sure. Very thorough and well thought out. I see that you’ve cleverly accounted for just about every possibility, which is kinda like betting on every horse in a race.
It's better to bet on all of them and come out even, than to bet on one and lose it all.

A chicken demon?

The word you're looking for is "FOUL".

characters we KNOW are coming back but have not been displayed yet= Cpt Falcon, Luigi, gannondorf, sheik
Take Sheik off and it will be correct.
Mar 21, 2007
but that's true about sheik, alot of people have been saying that sheik will be out of this game. its sad. She was cool but i got my butt beat a lot because of her. As for captain falcon and Ganondorf. they better bring them back. their new looks will be amazing. Luigi, i hope his final smash has to do with his vaccuum. that would be cool. If jigglypuff does get in, what the heck would her final smash be?
Jigglypuff could use Perish Song or Hyper Voice... or something... O:
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