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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2007
Miami, FL
Ressetti may be questionable, but Smashville basically points to a new Animal Crossing rep. And with Nook and the AC human in the Smashbackground... that leaves Resetti.
Not necesarily true.

There is the possibility that Nook or any of the characters shown in Smashville only appear IN Smashville if you don't select them as playable before the match.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Wow Wiseguy, cutting out Jiggs and Mewtwo for Munchlax and Lucario? I understand the reasoning, but I hope it doesn't happen. I predicted PT and got my glory with his appearance, but it's a real shame that his appearance as three movesets probably cuts down some other representation. I kind of hope Mewtwo returns, due to his floaty but powerful nature and the fact he was fun to play, but if it just ends up as Pikachu, PT and perhaps one more, to make five Pokemon reps, I'm not so worried as long as it isn't ridiculous. Pika, PT and Mewtwo would be fine for me.

And cutting out Bonk and Black Mage huh? Makes sense to me, cause I operate on a three-3rd Party Character basis, like quite a few others.

PS: That 3-character thing for PT will totally screw up my prediction list according to your 40-character rule. I'll draw one up soon.

Vagrant Lustoid's New and Improved Roster – With PT Confirmed, It’s No Holds Barred!

Super Mario Brothers [5]:
1. Mario – The mascot and the perfectly balanced fighter. Confirmed.
2. Luigi – Brother to the mascot, another great fighter, with excellent potential for a new moveset with recent games, removing his clone status.
3. Peach – Yeah, she has a showing in Single Player. Essentially Confirmed, but with PT in, who knows what’s up and down now?
4. Bowser – One of the hardest hitters of the Smash world. Confirmed.
5. Paper Mario – He’s made of paper, he has a notably different set of moves to Mario, and he’s pretty much the lightest, airiest character in the game. He could be awesome.

Legend of Zelda [4]:
1. Link – Sure, why the hell not? Confirmed.
2. Zelda – Confirmed, and looking a hell of a lot better than before. With a new magic set and no Sheik, she could be half decent without being broken. Sheik could still be in though, and this time I have faith she’ll be done right.
3. Ganondorf – He’s the ultimate Zelda villain, so he’s gotta be here. The TP version, I would expect, with his sword. And perhaps a Pig Ganon Final Smash.
4. Imp Midna – Definitely has enough abilities to create a fun moveset. I’d prefer her with Wolf Link, but hey, maybe that’s hoping for too much.
5. Hero of Winds - I've been converted, and now I love this guy. He has enough unique items to be awesome.

Pokemon [6]:
1. Pikachu – Eh, I suppose. Though he’s really more of an anime character at this point. Confirmed.
2. Mewtwo – I tell you what, 4 reps in one character has killed my surety of Mewtwo, but I assume it’ll still be four. Whether M2 or Lucario remains to be seen. I’m kind of okay with Lucario being in, but as a Melee veteran and a fun powerful but floaty style, I’d prefer Mewtwo.
3-5. Pokemon Trainer – Oh yeah, I called it! Always been a pick for me, and it appears Sakurai has made Satoshi and friends totally awesome and a real tactical team. It sounds like the three pokemon each have a moveset though, which is an insane amount of work, and completely kills the number of characters we can have if we go with transformations counting as another character in Wiseguy’s challenge. ****. CONFIRMED!

Metroid [3]:
1-2. Samus/Zamus – She’s confirmed in both modes. And really, who doesn’t love Samus?
3. Ridley – Ah, the eternal rival, and a proponent of aerial combat, which I believe is something Sakurai wanted to work more of into SSB. A long history, enough moves for a great moveset, there’s no real reason he shouldn’t appear.

Kirby [3]:
1. Kirby – He’s everybody’s favourite lovable marshmallow. Let’s hope he gets buffed somewhat for Brawl. Confirmed.
2. Metaknight – The fap-character of choice for Brawl n00bs at the moment. But he’s honestly pretty sweet-looking. Confirmed.
3. King Dedede – Kirby’s biggest enemy, highest ranked on the Sakurai poll, a game being directed by Sakurai, and other Kirby characters are already showing up? All but confirmed.

Starfox [3]:
1. Fox – Sure, I suppose. As long as he gets tempered slightly, I don’t care. Confirmed.
2. Falco – Tough choice here, but in the end I figured you could probably give Falco a more original moveset than Wolf, and since I’m aiming for no-clones, Falco it is.
3. Krystal – Really not fond of Krystal, and would prefer it if she wasn’t in Brawl, but Starfox needs more representatives. And she’s a female, which Sakurai wants.

Donkey Kong [3]:
1. Donkey Kong – The big furry monkey is back and looking sleeker than ever. Confirmed.
2. Diddy Kong – Yeah, I’m an advocate. Peanut guns, barrel jetpack, cartwheels, an atomic guitar solo, what’s not to want?
3. K.Rool – Some hate him, some love him. I simply think the DK franchise needs more representation, as do villains. But I’ll admit, there are enough variations to make an awesome moveset.

Fire Emblem [2]:
1. Ike – Ike looks so much cooler than Marth ever could. And Aether is pure sex. Confirmed.
2. Black Knight – Eh, it comes down to this guy or Marth. And I’m all for new characters. Though if we end up with sword-wielding Ganondorf, I fear Black Knight might be too similar, and that a reworked Marth might grace us instead.

Other Franchises [6]:
1. Wario – A motorcycle. Wario just became freaking awesome. Confirmed.
2. Captain Falcon – He’s a Smash classic, and F-Zero deserves a degree of representation. Besides, Smash has also made Falcon immeasurably cool.
3. Yoshi – It appears that Yoshi’s been ramped up for Brawl, and not before time. Confirmed.
4. Isaac – This Golden Sun protagonist, with his psynergy talents and espers, could make a rather interesting addition. Perhaps he and Trainer would be too similar, but then again, Isaac has magic, while Trainer has rocks and a fishing rod.
5. Lucas – Sakurai commented at some point about wanting to replace Ness with a new Earthbound/MOTHER character. And MOTHER 3 has now been released. I expect to see a new model with a slightly tweaked Ness moveset.
6. Captain Olimar – Potentially one of the most awesome Brawl movesets could be derived from this little fellow and his army of Pikmin. It has to happen. Srsly.

Retro Characters [2]:
1. Pit – The Kid bursts forth in a somewhat unexpected, but much appreciated, revival. Confirmed.
2. Balloon Fighter – We know the reasoning for him, he was apparently wanted in Melee and is an aerial fighter, which Sakurai said he wanted more of in this game.

Third Party Characters [3]:
1. Solid Snake – Seriously, I love Snake. So very much. But I still can’t get over him being in Brawl, of all people. Confirmed. Oh, and I <3 the box.
2. Sonic the Hedgehog – I’ll be honest, I’m not fond of Sonic, and I don’t want to see him in Brawl. But being the most popularly requested third-party, and given Sega’s good relations with Nintendo now, I fear he’ll make an appearance.
3. Mega Man – Well, he’s the greatest Capcom icon ever to emerge from the depths of gaming, he has a gun mounted on his arm, and he can take the abilities of defeated foes. With the recent revelations of how Pokemon Trainer will work, I’m confident Sakurai can make him ridiculously awesome rather than just a Samus/Kirby hybrid.

Total: 36 Characters, 4 Transformations

Characters I Would Love To See But Hold Little to No Hope For, Or Simply Couldn’t Fit in a 40-Character Roster:

1. Kefka – This would be one of my top choices for a coveted third-party slot. FFVI was a masterpiece for the SNES, and with Black Mage showing up in other Nintendo games recently, I can only hope. Besides, a lunatic clown with immense magical powers fits the Smash universe near perfectly. With the revelation that Pokemon Trainer was indeed going to show up (something I’d been advocating on a dream alone, with no real certainty) I was almost tempted to replace Sonic with Kefka, cause I loathe Sonic.
2. Banjo & Kazooie – These guys are still icons of Nintendo, curse it all, despite the fact that Rare claims their souls and appears happy to let them fade to obscurity. Provided plenty of moves in their own games, it’s just a shame Microsoft would have to be insane to let Nintendo use these guys.
3. Viewtiful Joe – The third of my real favourites for the third-party slots, I think Viewtiful Joe is just crazy enough and comic enough to fit this game like a glove. Too bad he’s dropped in popularity since the sin that was Red Hot Rumble.
4. Geno – I have an insane clown as my top pick that couldn’t be in. How far from the top of the list could a sentient scarecrow be with that foreshadowing?
5. Skull Kid – Seriously, spooky or otherwise insane characters need to be more plentiful in Brawl. I DEMAND DARKNESS!

Farewell To Thee, Transformations Stole Your Spots:

1. Bowser Jr. – To be honest, I’m tied between this guy and Paper Mario. Both could be interesting and unique, and I have no idea whether one or the other will make it in. Just please god, one of them, rather than Waluigi.
2. Dark Samus – With his/her Phazon build, Dark Samus could have been interesting, but with three reps already and dwindling space because of Pokemon Trainer, I had to cut this character.
3. Mr Resetti – Yeah, I know, there’s an Animal Crossing stage, so there’s a good chance there’ll be an AC rep, but quite honestly, I couldn’t bring myself to cut anyone else from the list, either due to rep reduction or because I loved them too much. And with PT revealed, who knows what could happen?
4. Mach Rider – My favourite pick for a retro character, but with the Wario Chopper in here and space needed for transformation movesets, I had to cut him. My only worry now is that I’ve trimmed the Retro section too much.
5. Simon Belmont – Dude, you’re awesome, but I’ve become convinced that Mega Man is also legendary, and with a Konami character already confirmed, Belmont had to be cut. Given a choice though, I would put him in over Sonic. Sadly, many Brawl forumites would rip me a new one for hating/leaving Sonic off the list.

I remain an anti-Sheik, anti-Marth and anti-Y.Link advocate.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Since Mario and Wario are confirmed and soon Luigi I think Waluigi will make it because his brother is in it and I think Waluigi should be unlockable like Luigi.
Waluigi will not make it in, because he is and always has been a filler character. He was created for the purpose of being a filler character. I like Waluigi, but he's just not a worthy or representative Nintendo character and doesn't deserve the spot over other characters.

Ressetti may be questionable, but Smashville basically points to a new Animal Crossing rep. And with Nook and the AC human in the Smashbackground... that leaves Resetti.
I think AC will only have a stage and items because the game really isn't as well-suited for playable characters as other franchises, and the SSBB team decided that giving the series a stage would work perfectly. It's not like items have pointed to new characters, either. Even before the AC update, I was wondering if SSBB would have levels for franchises that wouldn't have playable representation, and I think this is what is going on. AC will only get a stage and items but not a playable character.

Also, Resetti is on your list more-or-less through the process of elimination, not because he's a worthy AC representative or fit perfectly to be a fighter. The more representative characters (human, Nook, Slider) are in the background. Sakurai would choose one of those three characters for an AC rep, not a second-rate character. Why would he think Resetti is more representative and deserving than human, Nook, or Slider? Besides, Resetti will probably appear as an assist trophy, or if you reset the game.

Miis most certainly represent a franchise. They are the stars of hits like Wii Sports and Wii Play and the highly anticipated (among grandmothers, anyway) Wii Fit. You may not care for the casual stuff, but they exist nevertheless.
I like the Mii-based games, but they're still tech demos and elaborate mini-games, and not really a coherent game franchise.

Without ROB, there would be no console gaming! Come on, what's not to love about Nintendo's first mascot!
I'll grant you that he was important as a gimmick, but does he really need to be a playable character? I don't recall his two games being all that fun, or R.O.B. himself being successful. He seems more like a silly joke character than a worthy Brawl fighter. The SSBB team could probably give him a spot as an assist trophy, but does he even have the potential for a full, good, unique moveset anyway?

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I honestly think most people in here are going to be very surprised by the final roster...just looking at the lists I see around here.


Smash Ace
Jul 25, 2007
Wario and Waluigi Have no Relationship together.... It ses in a ssbm trophy well it ses relaitionship between the two is unknown.... I dubt he will be playable


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Yeah, I mean, I like Waluigi a lot, but he just doesn't have the pizazz needed to be in Brawl. But hey, If Pokemon Trainer got in (I just know that everyone's going to use that excuse.) why can't he? Personally, I think that if ther will be more Wario speciffic characters, make it WarioWare characters. Or at least a WarioWare stage (Can you imagine how that would look?) But, I can't really think up any way to make it stage-ish but I'm sure that they'll find a way.

In other news, I am mad. Yes, mad. I'm happy that they give out the new character information and all, but they doo that before they fiish all the returning characters, or even all the Newcomers. (Snake. Meta Knight. I've said this before.) And I'm certainly hoping that they have more returning characters than these, because I really want Luigi in Brawl.

P.S: Miis can easily fit in Brawl, I mean, If Pokemon Trainer could make it...


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Nope. Not kidding. I meant in terms of populairity. Pokemon Trainer wasn't popular. Miis are kind of popular.

Now why do you need to act like Miis are nothing but a joke? They can be good characters. Plus the fact that Miis are popular in over 6 games (Two of which are their own) and that both casual and harcore gamers alike love them. It seems stupid NOT to put them in Brawl. The appeal of being able to fight the greats as any person imagineable is way too good to pass up.

With all of this information, give me one good reason not to have Miis in Brawl. (They're stupid or they don't belong aren't answers. And don't say they have no moves because ask Wiseguy. They most certainly do.)


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I honestly think most people in here are going to be very surprised by the final roster...just looking at the lists I see around here.
I agree. So many of the lists share characters, but I don't recall seeing any that had Pokémon Trainers, neither the "generic" Trainer that was confirmed yesterday nor other, more specific characters from the series. Expect a few more surprises before the game's release.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Nope. Not kidding. I meant in terms of populairity. Pokemon Trainer wasn't popular. Miis are kind of popular.

Now why do you need to act like Miis are nothing but a joke? They can be good characters. Plus the fact that Miis are popular in over 6 games (Two of which are their own) and that both casual and harcore gamers alike love them. It seems stupid NOT to put them in Brawl. The appeal of being able to fight the greats as any person imagineable is way too good to pass up.

With all of this information, give me one good reason not to have Miis in Brawl. (They're stupid or they don't belong aren't answers. And don't say they have no moves because ask Wiseguy. They most certainly do.)
I don't think the Pokemon Trainer was unpopular, just that no one thought it could be pulled off. >_>

And while I do support Miis being a character, I'd rather them have some type of joke moveset, but that's just me.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I agree. So many of the lists share characters, but I don't recall seeing any that had Pokémon Trainers, neither the "generic" Trainer that was confirmed yesterday nor other, more specific characters from the series. Expect a few more surprises before the game's release.
Heh. page 139, my first list ever, I stuck him in. And now I'm very glad. But now I'm also very unsure about how or who will be roster-material... so my latest one is just a tweaked rehash really.

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
I like the Mii-based games, but they're still tech demos and elaborate mini-games, and not really a coherent game franchise.
Two games is all it takes to make a franchise...;)

Between the ATs, the transformation characters, and the multipule movesets for characters...my list is all but destroyed. Time to face-lift the sucker.

De Lupe's Modified Character List:​
The number next to the title indicates the slots on the roster, NOT the total number of characters from that franchise. (i.e. Zelda/Shiek = two characters but one slot.)

Red = Confirmed
Yellow = Likely Addition
Green = Interchangable

Mario series (6):
Mario - No explination needed.
Bowser - No explination needed.
Luigi - No explination needed.
Peach - No explination needed.
Bowser Jr. - His recent activity shows that Nintendo is taking interest in him.
Toad - The final member of Mario's eight star characters, he's been there from the start (just like Luigi, Mario, Peach, and Bowser) and deserves to be recognized for it.
Waluigi - What better way for him to leave his "filler" title behind than to be created anew in Brawl? He is a blank canvas and Sakurai is the painter.

Legend of Zelda series (5):
Link - No explination needed.
Zelda/Shiek - Until Shiek is "deconfirmed", (s)he stays put.
Ganondorf - No explination needed.
Midna (preferably with Wolf Link) - Whether she has Wolf Link or not, the star of Twilight Princess will be a great addition.
Vaati - As the second most reoccuring villian in Zelda, he's earned it. Vaati can easily represent the "Celda" side of the franchise.
Tingle - As obsurd as he may be, the Japan fanbase he has is not something to ignore.
WW Link - Just as Vaati, he can easily represent the "Celda" side of the franchise.

Pokemon series (4):
Trainer - He may be three movesets in one, but he's still only one slot on the roster.
Pikachu - No explination needed.
Jigglypuff - No explination needed.
Mewtwo - Best choice for a villian, there is no reason to remove him.
Lucario - Loved by many, he represents the newest generation.

Star Fox series (4):
Fox - No explination needed.
Krystal - No explination needed.
Wolf - No explination needed.
Falco - No explination needed.

I see no reason why all four shouldn't appear. With the exception of Andross, these are the only important ones in the franchise.

Kirby series (3):
Kirby - No explination needed.
Metaknight - No explination needed.
King DeDeDe - No explination needed.

Metroid series (3):
Samus/ZSS - Once she's unlocked, I believe that ZSS will be selectable by holding "A" when the fight starts. This makes her a seperate character, but still only one character slot on the roster.
Ridley - No explination needed.

Fire Emblem series (3):
Ike - No explination needed.
Marth - No explination needed.
Micaiah - In a franchise that is overly-dominated by sword Lords, a Lady (female Lord) lightning mage is guaranteed to be a great character to represent FE 10.
The Black Knight - Most reoccuring villian in the FE world. Easily an Ike clone or possibly even a unique character.
Hector - Axe based combat is very appealing.
Sigurd - Fan favorite.

Donkey Kong (2):
Donkey Kong - No explination needed.
Diddy Kong - No explination needed.

Third Party (3):
Solid Snake - No explination needed.
Sonic the Hedgehog - No explination needed.
Other - There are so many possible candidates here that there is no possible way of claiming one has a better chance than another.

Misc. (10-12):
Captain Olimar
Mr. Game and Watch
Ice Climbers
Captain Falcon
Stafy, Ray 01, Andy, Tom Nook, Mach Rider, Little Mac, Lip, Etc. - Just like with the Third-Parties, there are so many possible candidates that it's impossible to say who will and who won't.

Couple things I might want to address:

1) I'm over the forty limit for WiseGuy's challenge but that's just because I can't honestly limit it to only forty. If you want to rate it, then rate it as is...I'm not pulling anyone off.

2) I kept K. Rool off the list because I believe that (even though Sakurai wants more villians) he just won't make the cut. Something in my gut is telling me to ignore the crocodile.

3) This list contains a roster of 43 to 45 possible characters. This is where I believe it will fall.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2007
Miami, FL
I like the Mii-based games, but they're still tech demos and elaborate mini-games, and not really a coherent game franchise.
Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Music, I see a consistent franchise going on here.

And Wii Play is among the top selling games on Wii.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Exactly, with all of these complex characters (Zamus, Pokemon Trainer) it would be perfect to have a nice, simple character that is well balanced and made for the casual gamer. (Miis are designed for them anyway.) But, think of the possibilities, It doesn't just appeal to casual games (Although it probably would) it would be perfect for the hardcore. It will let you customise the stats of characters.

"Oh, I need to win a tornament!" You say. "But I am not good with any of the character's stats!"

Simple. A light Mii is quick and agile, but is floaty with knockback. A heavy Mii is Strong, but Heavy and slow. A Tall Mii will run faster, but won't jump as high and has a big hitbox. A short Mii has low hitbox and is stubbier.

Any combination of these leads to thoussands of status possibilities. Just imagine! Not only can you customise looks, but stats too! AWESOME!


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Fine, then, I'll join in on the fun.

My List of Predictions

Mario (5): Mario, Peach, Bowser, Luigi, Toad
Legend of Zelda (5): Link, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, Midna (with/out Wolf Link)
Pokémon (4): Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pokémon Trainer, Lucario
StarFox (3): Fox, Falco, Krystal
Kirby (3): Kirby, Meta Knight, King DeDeDe
DK (2): Donkey Kong, Diddy & Dixie Kong
Metroid (3): Samus, ZSS, Ridley
MOTHER (2): Ness, Lucas
F-Zero (1): Captain Falcon
Yoshi (1): Yoshi
Fire Emblem (2): Ike, Black Knight
Ice Climber (1): Ice Climbers

Wario (1): Wario
Kid Icarus (1): Pit
Metal Gear (1): Solid Snake
Pikmin (1): Captain Olimar
Punch-Out!! (1): Little Mac
Animal Crossing (1): Villager
Sonic the Hedgehog (1): Sonic
Nazo no Murasame-jou (1): Takamaru
Joy Mech Fight (1): Skapon

Total: 40 Characters

Hidden Characters (19): Luigi, Toad, Ganondorf, Midna, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Falco, Krystal, Meta Knight, King DeDeDe, Ridley, Lucas, Black Knight, Solid Snake, Captain Olimar, Little Mac, Sonic, Takamaru, Skapon


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Uh.....I disagree with the Pokemon portion. MAJORLY. Why would Mewtwo be removed? He was the most wanted Pokemon for Melee, and he was pretty much the series 'villain' like Bowser and Ganondorf were. Just because he was made poorly doesn't mean they'd remove him, especially for Lucario. I think you need to fix that.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Yeah, I will not be happy until I see the originals up there (We're still waiting on Capt. Falcon!) but yeah, I'd like for more of this wild and crazy stuff happen. But, to me this is just the tip of the iceburg. Pokemon Trainer? Ike? Sure, trainer's unique, and Ike is a good change from the wierdoes usually in Fire Emblem *cough*Roy*cough* but c'mon. They're nothing compared to the things that everyone's been craving (Ridley, DeDeDe etc.) and who knows (If I may take the slogan from Fruit by the Foot) What they'll roll out next.

To Ness coming as a return, I would very much like that. Just to see if Lucas or Ness gets in would be great.

But, Dare I say it, IT seems with all the info we're getting and the confirmed characters (Meta Knight, Snake, Where are You!?!) It looks like it's high time for a Caractertacular! That's right Five character filled days of Character Confirming madness!

Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?
Keep dreaming, dude. Sakurai is going to draw out the character updates for as long as humanly possible.

Black Shadow because he still stands a chance, and I'll take whatever extra FZ rep I can get.
Fair enough. But surely you'll admit that it's a POSSIBILITY that only one F-Zero rep will make it (though that only seems likely if less than 40 characters are included...)

Vaati more worthy than Midna? Easily. He's already been in three games; soon to be four. Midna isn't important to the series whatsoever. She's been in one game, and isn't that interesting.
Soon to be four? Where did you hear this? Vaati is not confirmed for Phantom Hourglass. Windwaker has no connestion to the Capcom games, that I know of.

Just appearing in more games doesn't make the character the most important, Grim. How big a role they play in each game should also be considered. Vaati may have been the villian in multiple titles, but Midna recieved more character development in a single game than he did in three.

It's also worth noting that Midna's one game is far more popular and well recieved than any of Vaati's.

As for whether she is "interesting" it's a matter of opinion. I found her to be plenty entertaining and unique.

Tingle...I suppose he's been around long enough and made enough appearances. I just hate to suggest him. >_< He's not important to the series either.
Buthe appeared in like 6 games. Isn't that what you said makes a character important? ;)

The least liked Zelda game in history was the Phillips game.
I stand corrected. Four Swords is the least liked REAL Zelda game.

And no, no Mii. I really don't support the idea whatsoever. I'd much rather have an actual Nintendo character than waste a slot with that. Plus, I don't see it working anyway. Any character where you can change the size would not be reasonable.
Miis are "actual" Nintendo characters, my friend. Every eye and nose used to create a Mii is the creative property of the big N. Besides, they have just as much personality and character development as, oh I don't know.... Pokemon Trainer?

You can't even alter the Mii's height in Wii Sports. What makes you think it could be done in Brawl?

The biggest area I predict your list will struggle is with retro characters since you have only one. Sakurai loves them...they're bound to show up in the bundles.
I know Sakurai said he wanted to include more retro characters. But did he ever say that they would be playable?

My theory: the Assist Trophy is Sakurai's way of including more Retro goodness while leaving the playable roster open to more worthy characters. Still, we might see one or two more retros in addition to Pit.

Another thing...

Pokemon trainer was on Sakurai's poll... and he hadn't any votes.

So, Sakurai isn't following the hype. :)
Thanks. I must have forgotten...

I'll make the correction.

whoa, just whoa. I hope you know Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard are one character. So you can add Mewtwo and Jiggs back, still keep Pika and Lucario, and have one more spot left. ;) AND NO, NOT LUCAS! Bring back Ness, please bring back Ness. Reggie already hates EarthBound fans who send him thousands of e-mails a week for Mother 1 and 3 going worldwide, and he ignores them and treats us like trash! I don't think it's happening now to be honest! :( Unless as a Ness clone! :)

Still got ROB=??? Well we already got our G&W/IC/Zelda&Shiek combination [mastered in/]of Brawl, so I think we can make ROB Marth. And you aren't the only anti-Marth person, I've seen many on youtube. But youtube people are retarted often, someone told me I should change a character prediction vid I made, and add several Naruto characters, I've had 4 people PM me about my predictions, and said they know the "REAL ROSTER", etc. Youtube is a pretty crazy place! XD CAn you believe they still think overall that Roy is higher on the teris than Marth=???

And BTW, Simon Belmont ins't happening. I'm willing to bet on it even [gambler's spirit, and Geno is a better and much more likely choice! ;)]. Geno! Geno! Geno! BTW, Munchlax, WTF? Munchlax....no offense, but that is terrible. What have you done Wiseguy=??? :(
I'm positive that all three Pokemon have a unique moveset. Like it or not, PT likely took three times as much develoment time as any other newcomer...

Yeah, Nintendo does despise Earthbounders. Why else would they refuse to import the games? If it comes down to Ness or Lucas, my guess would be the later. Sakurai wanted to include him in Melee, and now there is nothing stoping him from doing so.

ROB owns! Come on people, he could easily be the next Game & Watch - only even more awesome!

And yes, Youtube is populated by many morons. Please post a link to your vid.

Simon Belmont has a better chance than any other 3rd party rep, in my view, but I won't bet on him because I have my doubts that ANY 3rd party characters are making the cut. I hope I'm wrong, but honestly if Sonic were in the game - E3 would have been the time to reveal it.

You know in MGS4 Liquid Snake possess' Revolver Ocelot's mind, and if you want me to spoil how the story will go down, I will [I figured something neat out]! ;)
Yeah, I heard that. I hope Ocelot retains his awesome personality though. Maybe the two have merged, since he was called "Liquid Ocelot" in the trailer...

AT this point, predictions are just speculation - not spoilers (unless you have inside info or a leaked transcript or something) so post away.

This is the best character add possibility ever! :) Now for my Brawl character predictions! YIPEE!

Mario Series: [5]

-Luigi: Super Luigified Clone [new termonology]
-Bowser Jr.

Donkey Kong Series: [2]

-Donkey Kong
-Diddy Kong

the Legend of Zelda: [5]

-Wind Waker Link Luigified Link clone
-Shiek or Midna with/without Wolf Link

Metroid: [4]

-Zero Suit Samus
-Dark Samus Luigified Samus clone

Kirby Series: [3]

-Meta Knight
-King Dedede

Star Fox Series: [4]

-Wolf YLink-est Fox clone

Pokemon Series: [5]

-Pokemon Trainer

Fire Emblem Series: [3]

-Roy or the Black Knight Luigified Marth or Ike Clone

EarthBound: [2]

-Lucas [Doc Like] Ness Clone

Other Nintendo Series: [8]

-Captain Falcon
-Captain Olimar
-the Ice Climbers
-Mr. Game and Watch

3rd Party: [4]
-Solid Snake
-Geno: he's part of the Mario universe [that is where he made all his appearances], but he still counts as 3rd party.

40 characters slots=44 characters...6 clones, 38 original characters. If it were 9 clones, I'd add K. Rool [as a clone], change Falco to a super Luigified clone [as well], add Balloon Fighter/Mach Rider, and add some other wacky clone. Probably a Captain Falcon clone. [though I would like to have both Roy and the Black Knight in the game along with Ike and Marth, but all four won't make it sadly] :)
Wow. 2 DK reps? I never thought I'd see the day! ;) Still, I think it's the correct prediction.

I don't see how PT couldn't count as three characters, since he clearly uses three movesets, but aside from that I'd say this is your best roster yet. 9.8/10

Not to mention that the Zelda series seems to be splitting into two styles, with the realistic style on the consoles and the cartoony style on the handhelds. If the trend continues, two Link's may not only be prudent, but mandatory.

Yeah, if Jiggs and Mewtwo return, then we'll have six fully playable pokemon movesets on our hands. That seems like more than enough to cover all the bases.
My thoughts exactly. In fact, I think it's real possiblity that the series only reps will be Pikachu, PT, and either Jiggs or Lucario. That would make 5 unique playable characters, one more than Melee.

Consider this: Pikmin is Miyamoto's least successful franchise in history. But that's just because his other franchises are Zelda, Mario, and Donkey Kong.
Being the shortest among giants isn't that bad, so don't hold too much against Four Swords.
Less successful than Miamato franchises like Muddy Mole on the Gameboy, or Devil World on NES? I think not.

Personaly, I see Vaati as a pretty unique Zelda character. He's the only major recurring villain aside from Ganondorf, and if you believe the timeline (as I know you do) then he's also possibly the FIRST Zelda villain, predating even the 'dorf. He's even got his own legendary sword needed to defeat him.
But mostly, remember that Vaati has only ever appeared in the cartoony Zelda style, as an adverssary to the cartoony Link. So if he was added in Brawl, he could provide a nice counter to the redone Young Link.
As a believer in the timeline, I'm annoyed by the MC/FS/FSA trilogy. It completely contradicts the main timeline (MC supposedly predates Ganondorf from OoT, yet Pig Ganon appears as the final boss in FSA.) Since the games weren't even made by Nintendo (Capcom made them) many people consider them to be spinoffs with no connection to the actual series.

The cartoony Link in MC/FS/FSA is not the same person as WW/PH Link, so I doubt that they would include Vaati as his rival.

(Sorry if I sound condesending, that's just the way I see it.)

Mario Series: [5]

-Bowser Jr.

Donkey Kong Series: [2]

-Donkey Kong
-Diddy Kong

the Legend of Zelda: [5]

-Zelda (Zelda OoT altern costume with Sheik ability)
-Young Link (varried with other Link moves and crossed with CSLink weaponry[Deku Nut, Hammer, Grapple, ect)
-Midna without Wolf Link

Metroid: [4]

-Zero Suit Samus

Kirby Series: [3]

-Meta Knight
-King Dedede

Star Fox Series: [4]


Pokemon Series: [5]

-Pokemon Trainer

Fire Emblem Series: [3]

-Lyn (cause she's the cooler of the rest)

EarthBound: [2]

-Lucas (Plenty of Mother Moves un-used to go around)

Other Nintendo Series: [8]

-Captain Falcon
-Captain Olimar
-Smashkid (AC char)
-Ice Climbers
-Mr. Game and Watch

3rd Party: [4]
-Solid Snake

My bad double post...I thought someone else would have already lol

Thanks for the list Johnknight1 makes my work easier lol
Lyn cooler than Black Knight? You've GOT to be kidding me.

Still, it's hard to argue with a list that solid. 9.7/10

Why Munchlax?
It makes very little sense.
The only reason Munchlax might replace Jiggs is because he is now the one who is popular in Japan.

Since Mario and Wario are confirmed and soon Luigi I think Waluigi will make it because his brother is in it and I think Waluigi should be unlockable like Luigi.
The thing is Mario, Luigi and Wario have all starred in their won games - which makes them worthy additions to the roster. Waluigi has yet to be in anything other than a supporting character in the Mario spinoffs. He has "assist trophy" writen all over him.

Not necesarily true.

There is the possibility that Nook or any of the characters shown in Smashville only appear IN Smashville if you don't select them as playable before the match.
Yeah, but that screenshot wasn't shown by accident. Sakurai has been very deliberate in what information he leaks out, so why would he show Nook in the background of Smashville if he has been secretly programing a moveset for him for months?

Wow Wiseguy, cutting out Jiggs and Mewtwo for Munchlax and Lucario? I understand the reasoning, but I hope it doesn't happen. I predicted PT and got my glory with his appearance, but it's a real shame that his appearance as three movesets probably cuts down some other representation. I kind of hope Mewtwo returns, due to his floaty but powerful nature and the fact he was fun to play, but if it just ends up as Pikachu, PT and perhaps one more, to make five Pokemon reps, I'm not so worried as long as it isn't ridiculous. Pika, PT and Mewtwo would be fine for me.

And cutting out Bonk and Black Mage huh? Makes sense to me, cause I operate on a three-3rd Party Character basis, like quite a few others.

PS: That 3-character thing for PT will totally screw up my prediction list according to your 40-character rule. I'll draw one up soon.

Vagrant Lustoid's New and Improved Roster – With PT Confirmed, It’s No Holds Barred!

Super Mario Brothers [5]:
1. Mario – The mascot and the perfectly balanced fighter. Confirmed.
2. Luigi – Brother to the mascot, another great fighter, with excellent potential for a new moveset with recent games, removing his clone status.
3. Peach – Yeah, she has a showing in Single Player. Essentially Confirmed, but with PT in, who knows what’s up and down now?
4. Bowser – One of the hardest hitters of the Smash world. Confirmed.
5. Paper Mario – He’s made of paper, he has a notably different set of moves to Mario, and he’s pretty much the lightest, airiest character in the game. He could be awesome.

Legend of Zelda [4]:
1. Link – Sure, why the hell not? Confirmed.
2. Zelda – Confirmed, and looking a hell of a lot better than before. With a new magic set and no Sheik, she could be half decent without being broken. Sheik could still be in though, and this time I have faith she’ll be done right.
3. Ganondorf – He’s the ultimate Zelda villain, so he’s gotta be here. The TP version, I would expect, with his sword. And perhaps a Pig Ganon Final Smash.
4. Imp Midna – Definitely has enough abilities to create a fun moveset. I’d prefer her with Wolf Link, but hey, maybe that’s hoping for too much.

Pokemon [6]:
1. Pikachu – Eh, I suppose. Though he’s really more of an anime character at this point. Confirmed.
2. Jigglypuff – Don’t really want her, but she’s here to fill Pokemon slots.
3. Mewtwo – I tell you what, 4 reps in one character has killed my surety of Mewtwo, but I assume it’ll still be four. Whether M2 or Lucario remains to be seen. I’m kind of okay with Lucario being in, but as a Melee veteran and a fun powerful but floaty style, I’d prefer Mewtwo.
4-6. Pokemon Trainer – Oh yeah, I called it! Always been a pick for me, and it appears Sakurai has made Satoshi and friends totally awesome and a real tactical team. It sounds like the three pokemon each have a moveset though, which is an insane amount of work, and completely kills the number of characters we can have if we go with transformations counting as another character in Wiseguy’s challenge. ****. CONFIRMED!

Metroid [3]:
1-2. Samus/Zamus – She’s confirmed in both modes. And really, who doesn’t love Samus?
3. Ridley – Ah, the eternal rival, and a proponent of aerial combat, which I believe is something Sakurai wanted to work more of into SSB. A long history, enough moves for a great moveset, there’s no real reason he shouldn’t appear.

Kirby [3]:
1. Kirby – He’s everybody’s favourite lovable marshmallow. Let’s hope he gets buffed somewhat for Brawl. Confirmed.
2. Metaknight – The fap-character of choice for Brawl n00bs at the moment. But he’s honestly pretty sweet-looking. Confirmed.
3. King Dedede – Kirby’s biggest enemy, highest ranked on the Sakurai poll, a game being directed by Sakurai, and other Kirby characters are already showing up? All but confirmed.

Starfox [3]:
1. Fox – Sure, I suppose. As long as he gets tempered slightly, I don’t care. Confirmed.
2. Falco – Tough choice here, but in the end I figured you could probably give Falco a more original moveset than Wolf, and since I’m aiming for no-clones, Falco it is.
3. Krystal – Really not fond of Krystal, and would prefer it if she wasn’t in Brawl, but Starfox needs more representatives. And she’s a female, which Sakurai wants.

Donkey Kong [3]:
1. Donkey Kong – The big furry monkey is back and looking sleeker than ever. Confirmed.
2. Diddy Kong – Yeah, I’m an advocate. Peanut guns, barrel jetpack, cartwheels, an atomic guitar solo, what’s not to want?
3. K.Rool – Some hate him, some love him. I simply think the DK franchise needs more representation, as do villains. But I’ll admit, there are enough variations to make an awesome moveset.

Fire Emblem [2]:
1. Ike – Ike looks so much cooler than Marth ever could. And Aether is pure sex. Confirmed.
2. Black Knight – Eh, it comes down to this guy or Marth. And I’m all for new characters. Though if we end up with sword-wielding Ganondorf, I fear Black Knight might be too similar, and that a reworked Marth might grace us instead.

Other Franchises [6]:
1. Wario – A motorcycle. Wario just became freaking awesome. Confirmed.
2. Captain Falcon – He’s a Smash classic, and F-Zero deserves a degree of representation. Besides, Smash has also made Falcon immeasurably cool.
3. Yoshi – It appears that Yoshi’s been ramped up for Brawl, and not before time. Confirmed.
4. Isaac – This Golden Sun protagonist, with his psynergy talents and espers, could make a rather interesting addition. Perhaps he and Trainer would be too similar, but then again, Isaac has magic, while Trainer has rocks and a fishing rod.
5. Lucas – Sakurai commented at some point about wanting to replace Ness with a new Earthbound/MOTHER character. And MOTHER 3 has now been released. I expect to see a new model with a slightly tweaked Ness moveset.
6. Captain Olimar – Potentially one of the most awesome Brawl movesets could be derived from this little fellow and his army of Pikmin. It has to happen. Srsly.

Retro Characters [2]:
1. Pit – The Kid bursts forth in a somewhat unexpected, but much appreciated, revival. Confirmed.
2. Balloon Fighter – We know the reasoning for him, he was apparently wanted in Melee and is an aerial fighter, which Sakurai said he wanted more of in this game.

Third Party Characters [3]:
1. Solid Snake – Seriously, I love Snake. So very much. But I still can’t get over him being in Brawl, of all people. Confirmed. Oh, and I <3 the box.
2. Sonic the Hedgehog – I’ll be honest, I’m not fond of Sonic, and I don’t want to see him in Brawl. But being the most popularly requested third-party, and given Sega’s good relations with Nintendo now, I fear he’ll make an appearance.
3. Mega Man – Well, he’s the greatest Capcom icon ever to emerge from the depths of gaming, he has a gun mounted on his arm, and he can take the abilities of defeated foes. With the recent revelations of how Pokemon Trainer will work, I’m confident Sakurai can make him ridiculously awesome rather than just a Samus/Kirby hybrid.

Total: 36 Characters, 4 Transformations

Characters I Would Love To See But Hold Little to No Hope For, Or Simply Couldn’t Fit in a 40-Character Roster:

1. Kefka – This would be one of my top choices for a coveted third-party slot. FFVI was a masterpiece for the SNES, and with Black Mage showing up in other Nintendo games recently, I can only hope. Besides, a lunatic clown with immense magical powers fits the Smash universe near perfectly. With the revelation that Pokemon Trainer was indeed going to show up (something I’d been advocating on a dream alone, with no real certainty) I was almost tempted to replace Sonic with Kefka, cause I loathe Sonic.
2. Banjo & Kazooie – These guys are still icons of Nintendo, curse it all, despite the fact that Rare claims their souls and appears happy to let them fade to obscurity. Provided plenty of moves in their own games, it’s just a shame Microsoft would have to be insane to let Nintendo use these guys.
3. Viewtiful Joe – The third of my real favourites for the third-party slots, I think Viewtiful Joe is just crazy enough and comic enough to fit this game like a glove. Too bad he’s dropped in popularity since the sin that was Red Hot Rumble.
4. Geno – I have an insane clown as my top pick that couldn’t be in. How far from the top of the list could a sentient scarecrow be with that foreshadowing?
5. Skull Kid – Seriously, spooky or otherwise insane characters need to be more plentiful in Brawl. I DEMAND DARKNESS!

Farewell To Thee, Transformations Stole Your Spots:

1. Bowser Jr. – To be honest, I’m tied between this guy and Paper Mario. Both could be interesting and unique, and I have no idea whether one or the other will make it in. Just please god, one of them, rather than Toad, Waluigi or Petey.
2. Dark Samus – With his/her Phazon build, Dark Samus could have been interesting, but with three reps already and dwindling space because of Pokemon Trainer, I had to cut this character.
3. Mr Resetti – Yeah, I know, there’s an Animal Crossing stage, so there’s a good chance there’ll be an AC rep, but quite honestly, I couldn’t bring myself to cut anyone else from the list, either due to rep reduction or because I loved them too much. And with PT revealed, who knows what could happen?
4. Mach Rider – My favourite pick for a retro character, but with the Wario Chopper in here and space needed for transformation movesets, I had to cut him. My only worry now is that I’ve trimmed the Retro section too much.
5. Simon Belmont – Dude, you’re awesome, but I’ve become convinced that Mega Man is also legendary, and with a Konami character already confirmed, Belmont had to be cut. Given a choice though, I would put him in over Sonic. Sadly, many Brawl forumites would rip me a new one for hating/leaving Sonic off the list.

I remain an anti-Sheik, anti-Marth and anti-Y.Link advocate. I’ll admit that with the stylistic split in recent Zelda games, the chances of Hero of Winds making it in are reasonable, as it appears you could make his moveset different enough from Link to warrant inclusion. I still don’t want him though.
I'm extremely tempted to give this list a perfect score, since it's among the most balanced and well thought out I've seen. But given the how brilliant Wind Waker was and how hugely popular Phantom Hourglass is going to be, I just can't imagine Cel shaded Young Link NOT making the cut. 9.9/10

Also, congrats on predicting Pokemon Trainer! I'm still in shock, to be honest.

I think AC will only have a stage and items because the game really isn't as well-suited for playable characters as other franchises, and the SSBB team decided that giving the series a stage would work perfectly. It's not like items have pointed to new characters, either. Even before the AC update, I was wondering if SSBB would have levels for franchises that wouldn't have playable representation, and I think this is what is going on. AC will only get a stage and items but not a playable character.

Also, Resetti is on your list more-or-less through the process of elimination, not because he's a worthy AC representative or fit perfectly to be a fighter. The more representative characters (human, Nook, Slider) are in the background. Sakurai would choose one of those three characters for an AC rep, not a second-rate character. Why would he think Resetti is more representative and deserving than human, Nook, or Slider? Besides, Resetti will probably appear as an assist trophy, or if you reset the game.
I don't know what to think, to be honest. I was convinced that Nook would make it, but that proves to be (probably) false.

But if there are no AC playable characters, why is there and Animal Crossing icon? There isn't one for Dr. Wright's Sim City or the Devil's Devil World.

I like the Mii-based games, but they're still tech demos and elaborate mini-games, and not really a coherent game franchise.
So Wii Sports doesn't count as a real game but the Game and Watch series does?

I'll grant you that he was important as a gimmick, but does he really need to be a playable character? I don't recall his two games being all that fun, or R.O.B. himself being successful. He seems more like a silly joke character than a worthy Brawl fighter. The SSBB team could probably give him a spot as an assist trophy, but does he even have the potential for a full, good, unique moveset anyway?
ROB would indeed be a silly joke character (much like Game & Watch) but he would also be AN AWESOME joke character.

ROB absolutely has the potential for a crazy moveset. He could use the NES Zapper or one of his vehicles form Mario Kart DS. Or Sakurai could dream up a completely original robot moveset for him.

I honestly think most people in here are going to be very surprised by the final roster...just looking at the lists I see around here.
I'll bet the farm that EVERYONE is going to be surprised as Sakurai continues to slowly pull back the curtain. That means you too, Grim.


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Oh, and as for the main list, I don't agree with Mewtwo being removed or Munchlax being playable. Munchlax's popularity is gone. He was popular during the days of Emerald when he appeared with May in the anime, but when May left the series, so did Munchlax's popularity. You don't even see any merchandise with him now. Instead you see Lucario, Pachirisu, Cherrim, etc. Lucario is the only Pokemon (and maybe Mime Jr, but it's a doubt) that survived the pre-hype of Diamond/Pearl.

So the way I see it, the roster will be Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Pokemon Trainer and Lucario.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Fine, then, I'll join in on the fun.

My List of Predictions

Mario (5): Mario, Peach, Bowser, Luigi, Toad
Legend of Zelda (5): Link, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, Midna (with/out Wolf Link)
Pokémon (4): Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pokémon Trainer, Lucario
StarFox (3): Fox, Falco, Krystal
Kirby (3): Kirby, Meta Knight, King DeDeDe
DK (2): Donkey Kong, Diddy & Dixie Kong
Metroid (3): Samus, ZSS, Ridley
MOTHER (2): Ness, Lucas
F-Zero (1): Captain Falcon
Yoshi (1): Yoshi
Fire Emblem (2): Ike, Black Knight
Ice Climber (1): Ice Climbers

Wario (1): Wario
Kid Icarus (1): Pit
Metal Gear (1): Solid Snake
Pikmin (1): Captain Olimar
Punch-Out!! (1): Little Mac
Animal Crossing (1): Villager
Sonic the Hedgehog (1): Sonic
Nazo no Murasame-jou (1): Takamaru
Joy Mech Fight (1): Skapon

Total: 40 Characters

Hidden Characters (19): Luigi, Toad, Ganondorf, Midna, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Falco, Krystal, Meta Knight, King DeDeDe, Ridley, Lucas, Black Knight, Solid Snake, Captain Olimar, Little Mac, Sonic, Takamaru, Skapon
Well, I find the thought of Diddy & Dixie as a tag team repulsive. Sorry, but that's just me. Like I've said before, Diddy has his jetpack so he doesn't need his dorky girlfriend.

As for Sheik... well, I guess my feelings on that THING are pretty much clear at this point.

Still, I love the originality in this list. Skapon? That would be INSANE! He should be an assist at the VERY least.


Uh.....I disagree with the Pokemon portion. MAJORLY. Why would Mewtwo be removed? He was the most wanted Pokemon for Melee, and he was pretty much the series 'villain' like Bowser and Ganondorf were. Just because he was made poorly doesn't mean they'd remove him, especially for Lucario. I think you need to fix that.
Hey, you made the Pokemon Trainer thread! Excellent prediction skills, sir.

Is it really accurate to compare Mewtwo to Ganondorf? Unlike Ganon, he hasn't been a main character in the majority of Pokemon titles. I'm sure they could remake Mewtwo (only with less suck) but I think the roster would be better served by the inclusion of a newcomer, myself.

Oh, and as for the main list, I don't agree with Mewtwo being removed or Munchlax being playable. Munchlax's popularity is gone. He was popular during the days of Emerald when he appeared with May in the anime, but when May left the series, so did Munchlax's popularity. You don't even see any merchandise with him now. Instead you see Lucario, Pachirisu, Cherrim, etc. Lucario is the only Pokemon (and maybe Mime Jr, but it's a doubt) that survived the pre-hype of Diamond/Pearl.

So the way I see it, the roster will be Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Pokemon Trainer and Lucario.
I'm not at all familiar with the anime', so I'll your word for it. I assumed that the character was still popular in Japan. If that's no longer the case, maybe I will remove him since I see no other reason for his inclusion....

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Fair enough. But surely you'll admit that it's a POSSIBILITY that only one F-Zero rep will make it (though that only seems likely if less than 40 characters are included...)
If BS was in, he'd be a Falcon clone in some form, I'm sure. Yes, I realize there is a good chance Falcon would be solo.

Soon to be four? Where did you hear this? Vaati is not confirmed for Phantom Hourglass. Windwaker has no connestion to the Capcom games, that I know of.
In truth, I've actually never played any of the games Vaati was in. I've played every single Zelda game except those three games. Odd, huh? But, I just figure there will be 5 reps. I know three for sure, but the other two I just took a stab at. I really don't care either way if Vaati is in or not. Personally, the only preferred Zelda character I'd like to see playable is Skull Kid. I didn't include him, though because of his low chances.

Just appearing in more games doesn't make the character the most important, Grim. How big a role they play in each game should also be considered. Vaati may have been the villian in multiple titles, but Midna recieved more character development in a single game than he did in three.

It's also worth noting that Midna's one game is far more popular and well recieved than any of Vaati's.

As for whether she is "interesting" it's a matter of opinion. I found her to be plenty entertaining and unique.
She wasn't that important, and she isn't that important in the grand scheme of things. And for sure I'd hate to see her included with Wolf Link, and I just think she'd be far too lame on her own. If they were going to use her again down the road, maybe. Most people just say her because "Oh, TP is recent, and clearly they're going the TP route...sooo, include Midna!!" I'd rather see someone who's been around longer than a year.

Buthe appeared in like 6 games. Isn't that what you said makes a character important? ;)
As I said, I just hate to even suggest him because of my distaste for him. While I did go out of my way to set him free and to do the whole GBA connection and everything, he's just become more and more...fruity. If he was more normal like that mini-game version of him (supposedly) and less of a...wanna be fairy or whatever, I'd feel better about him. I think they also need to show that he has some significance to the series than "Guy who dressed up in green tights and who overcharges you for maps"...

Miis are "actual" Nintendo characters, my friend. Every eye and nose used to create a Mii is the creative property of the big N. Besides, they have just as much personality and character development as, oh I don't know.... Pokemon Trainer?

You can't even alter the Mii's height in Wii Sports. What makes you think it could be done in Brawl?
Fair enough point at the end, but...I'm still against them. There are too many better characters than [generic moveset...*insert custom face here*] I do enjoy playing baseball with Darth Vader, Zoidberg, and Johnny Bravo but just not Brawl...

I know Sakurai said he wanted to include more retro characters. But did he ever say that they would be playable?

My theory: the Assist Trophy is Sakurai's way of including more Retro goodness while leaving the playable roster open to more worthy characters. Still, we might see one or two more retros in addition to Pit.
I'm thinking there will be at least three. I mean, he basically included three in Melee (G&W, ICs, and Doc). I have five, but...I could easily see at least three. But I'm betting we'll see even a ton more in as ATs (such as today).

I'll bet the farm that EVERYONE is going to be surprised as Sakurai continues to slowly pull back the curtain. That means you too, Grim.
Oh, I don't doubt that. Finding creative and unexpected characters like PT are what make this so great. I just mean people who include characters like Paper Mario and K. Rool. Compared to the far number of more interesting and more likely characters out there...those hold very low chances.

(Don't say that Red had low chances, too, because I actually thought he had some chance, too. And besides, no one saw coming the inclusion of the three starters as one character...Basically, unless characters get completely changed or overhauled from what we expect, they have little to no chance. As people predict/hope/wish for them, they are very unlikely.)


Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2005
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Hehe, thanks. ^^ I wish I could be as sure about the whole Pokemon roster, because I could never guess an entire character list. I'm pretty positive that Munchlax won't be a playable character though. In all honesty Jigglypuff is more likely to leave before Mewtwo. I recall an event in SSBM that had you face off against Giga Bowser, Ganondorf and Mewtwo. The big three of Nintendo, Mario, Zelda and Pokemon. Mewtwo may not be a recurring character, but he is still very popular. After all of those votes to get Mewtwo in Melee, I don't think they would just throw him away, even if it was for Lucario.

Jigglypuff on the other hand, needs to worry. She definitely isn't as popular as she used to be (hell, she doesn't even appear against after finally finding a Pokemon that didn't fall asleep to her song) and all she has is the fanbase that doesn't want her to go. It all depends on if Sakurai likes her, but I'm willing to bet that she will stay.

So that just leaves any new remaining slots. Lucario has popularity for sure, and Gardevoir did appear on the list, although it was only mentioned once. With Red being a 3 in 1, I can really see only one more Pokemon character, and that is Lucario.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2006
Final Destination
When I first saw the very first rendering of this, to be honest, I hated it and disagree'd with most of your predictions. Now, looking at all the editing you've done to it, I only see one or two things I would argue with you about. (Namely having four third parties when Sakurai said two or three, and also Midna/WolfLink and ROB's inclusions are semi-debatable, but not unlikely) The rest looks great! Keep up the good work.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
When I first saw the very first rendering of this, to be honest, I hated it and disagree'd with most of your predictions. Now, looking at all the editing you've done to it, I only see one or two things I would argue with you about. (Namely having four third parties when Sakurai said two or three, and also Midna/WolfLink and ROB's inclusions are semi-debatable, but not unlikely) The rest looks great! Keep up the good work.
Just stick around a while. The more confirmations Sakurai makes, the more Wiseguy will have to change his list, and the more it will be agreeable. ;)


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I can just see it now... You're flying through the air as Charizard, Cap. Is just about t reach you with his Up B. You hit Down B and instead of grabbing you, he snatches midair! But that's not all! As Squirtle you use the Footstool jump and Meteor Smash him to the depths below! So many possibilities!

In other news... Will Squirtle's attacks be more powerful on Charizard (When in VS.) and the same for Venasaur on Squirtle and Charizard on Venasaur? Just thinking of more ways to make things more strategic


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2006
My Character list

Mario Series
Paper Mario

Zelda Series
Young Link (Cel-Shaded)

Pokemon Series
Pokemon Trainer

Kirby Series

Metroid Series

Starfox Series

Donkey Kong Series
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong

Fire Emblem Series
Black Knight

Other Nintendo Series
Tom Nook
Captain Falcon

Balloon Fighter
Mr. Game and Watch

3rd Party

Total: 37+4 Transformations

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK
Since the other post is like already a whole page back... I'll re-post it.

Between the ATs, the transformation characters, and the multipule movesets for characters...my list is all but destroyed. Time to face-lift the sucker.

De Lupe's Modified Character List:​
The number next to the title indicates the slots on the roster, NOT the total number of characters from that franchise. (i.e. Zelda/Shiek = two characters but one slot.)

Red = Confirmed
Yellow = Likely Addition
Green = Interchangable

Mario series (6):
Mario - No explination needed.
Bowser - No explination needed.
Luigi - No explination needed.
Peach - No explination needed.
Bowser Jr. - His recent activity shows that Nintendo is taking interest in him.
Toad - The final member of Mario's eight star characters, he's been there from the start (just like Luigi, Mario, Peach, and Bowser) and deserves to be recognized for it.
Waluigi - What better way for him to leave his "filler" title behind than to be created anew in Brawl? He is a blank canvas and Sakurai is the painter.

Legend of Zelda series (5):
Link - No explination needed.
Zelda/Shiek - Until Shiek is "deconfirmed", (s)he stays put.
Ganondorf - No explination needed.
Midna (preferably with Wolf Link) - Whether she has Wolf Link or not, the star of Twilight Princess will be a great addition.
Vaati - As the second most reoccuring villian in Zelda, he's earned it. Vaati can easily represent the "Celda" side of the franchise.
Tingle - As obsurd as he may be, the Japan fanbase he has is not something to ignore.
WW Link - Just as Vaati, he can easily represent the "Celda" side of the franchise.

Pokemon series (4):
Trainer - He may be three movesets in one, but he's still only one slot on the roster.
Pikachu - No explination needed.
Jigglypuff - No explination needed.
Mewtwo - Best choice for a villian, there is no reason to remove him.
Lucario - Loved by many, he represents the newest generation.

Star Fox series (4):
Fox - No explination needed.
Krystal - No explination needed.
Wolf - No explination needed.
Falco - No explination needed.

I see no reason why all four shouldn't appear. With the exception of Andross, these are the only important ones in the franchise.

Kirby series (3):
Kirby - No explination needed.
Metaknight - No explination needed.
King DeDeDe - No explination needed.

Metroid series (3):
Samus/ZSS - Once she's unlocked, I believe that ZSS will be selectable by holding "A" when the fight starts. This makes her a seperate character, but still only one character slot on the roster.
Ridley - No explination needed.

Fire Emblem series (3):
Ike - No explination needed.
Marth - No explination needed.
Micaiah - In a franchise that is overly-dominated by sword Lords, a Lady (female Lord) lightning mage is guaranteed to be a great character to represent FE 10.
The Black Knight - Most reoccuring villian in the FE world. Easily an Ike clone or possibly even a unique character.
Hector - Axe based combat is very appealing.
Sigurd - Fan favorite.

Donkey Kong (2):
Donkey Kong - No explination needed.
Diddy Kong - No explination needed.

Third Party (3):
Solid Snake - No explination needed.
Sonic the Hedgehog - No explination needed.
Other - There are so many possible candidates here that there is no possible way of claiming one has a better chance than another.

Misc. (10-12):
Captain Olimar
Mr. Game and Watch
Ice Climbers
Captain Falcon
Stafy, Ray 01, Andy, Tom Nook, Mach Rider, Little Mac, Lip, Etc. - Just like with the Third-Parties, there are so many possible candidates that it's impossible to say who will and who won't.

Couple things I might want to address:

1) I'm over the forty limit for WiseGuy's challenge but that's just because I can't honestly limit it to only forty. If you want to rate it, then rate it as is...I'm not pulling anyone off.

2) I kept K. Rool off the list because I believe that (even though Sakurai wants more villians) he just won't make the cut. Something in my gut is telling me to ignore the crocodile.

3) This list contains a roster of 43 to 45 possible characters. This is where I believe it will fall.[/QUOTE]

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I'm extremely tempted to give this list a perfect score, since it's among the most balanced and well thought out I've seen. But given the how brilliant Wind Waker was and how hugely popular Phantom Hourglass is going to be, I just can't imagine Cel shaded Young Link NOT making the cut. 9.9/10

Also, congrats on predicting Pokemon Trainer! I'm still in shock, to be honest.
Hey, man, that's kick-***. I admit I haven't played WW, but despite not really wanting WW Link, I expect he'll be there. I simply couldn't cut any more characters. I don't doubt his chances in the slightest.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Just appearing in more games doesn't make the character the most important, Grim. How big a role they play in each game should also be considered. Vaati may have been the villian in multiple titles, but Midna recieved more character development in a single game than he did in three.
True, I suppose, but Midna also happened to appear in the most plot-heavy of all the Zelda games. Up until the recent TP, the Zelda franchise has been kinda infamous for loose plotlines. But the characters, though shallow, have always been memorable. Remember Marin from awakening?
The point is, Vaati may not be as well developed as Midna, but so far as the series goes, he's more developed than most, and he's plenty memorable.

It's also worth noting that Midna's one game is far more popular and well recieved than any of Vaati's.
That's true, but most of Vaati's games were on handheld systems (and the one on the console was just based on an earlier handheld effort). Can you name one handheld Zelda effort that was better recieved than a console Zelda game?

Simon Belmont has a better chance than any other 3rd party rep, in my view, but I won't bet on him because I have my doubts that ANY 3rd party characters are making the cut. I hope I'm wrong, but honestly if Sonic were in the game - E3 would have been the time to reveal it.
E3 would have been the time to do a lot of things that Nintendo didn't do. But their focus was on the casual crowd, so the wii fit board got all the attention and Metroid, Galaxy, and Brawl (especially Brawl) all took a back seat. E3 would have been a great time to reveal things like the Subspace Emissary, or perhaps Donkey Kong, who was revealed on the Brawl site during the event but never made it to the show. But they weren't. So I wouldn't use lack of E3 coverage as an argument. Remember: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Sonic (and online) are still possible.

My thoughts exactly. In fact, I think it's real possiblity that the series only reps will be Pikachu, PT, and either Jiggs or Lucario. That would make 5 unique playable characters, one more than Melee.
Hm, I really think Mewtwo will make a return. And Jiggs is still plenty popular in Japan, believe it or not. I find it hard to see either of them being cut. As for Lucario... well, as Grim can tell you, Deoxys had more popularity and recognition than that Dog in shorts, but he still got Pokeballed.
My personal prediction is that Jiggs and Mewtwo will return, but we won't see any new Pokemon characters added, since the Trainer just took three whole slots for his very own. This will make for six pokemon in the game, but only four total characters shown on the select screen, which is equal to melee.

Less successful than Miamato franchises like Muddy Mole on the Gameboy, or Devil World on NES? I think not.
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but shouldn't you need more than one game to be a franchise?
Well, no matter, how about this: of all the Miyamoto created SERIES, Pikmin is the least poplular and successful by a large margin.

Don't get me wrong, I love Pikmin (a LOT). I'm just saying that context must be used when making a statement. Pikmin may be the least popular, but only when grouped with larger and older powerhouse franchises. Similarly, Four swords may be the worst of the Zelda series, but that's only because it took so many dang systems and wires to play it. It's not like Four swords is a BAD game, like those Cdi abortions.

As a believer in the timeline, I'm annoyed by the MC/FS/FSA trilogy. It completely contradicts the main timeline (MC supposedly predates Ganondorf from OoT, yet Pig Ganon appears as the final boss in FSA.) Since the games weren't even made by Nintendo (Capcom made them) many people consider them to be spinoffs with no connection to the actual series.
I don't see the problem. In MC Vaati is imprisoned, in FS he's released by Ganon. Seems to me like he just sent a long, long time being trapped.

The cartoony Link in MC/FS/FSA is not the same person as WW/PH Link, so I doubt that they would include Vaati as his rival.

(Sorry if I sound condesending, that's just the way I see it.)
Yeah, I know the way you see it. All different Links and such.
Me? I see a series of games that all have an IDENTICALLY styled Link as the main hero, with the same recurring villain in most of them, who is also done in the same style.

I dunno, but it just seems to me that Vaati is being groomed to be the new cartoony villian for the new cartoony Young Link.

ROB would indeed be a silly joke character (much like Game & Watch) but he would also be AN AWESOME joke character.
Agreed. Although, he might make a great assist trophy as well.

Well, I find the thought of Diddy & Dixie as a tag team repulsive. Sorry, but that's just me. Like I've said before, Diddy has his jetpack so he doesn't need his dorky girlfriend.
But wouldn't you agree that two monkeys working together have greater potential to make a unique moveset than one monkey solo?

Besides, there's no reason Diddy can't have a jetpack AND Dixie. Either she gets her own, or helicopters her hair to keep up.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Soon to be four? Where did you hear this? Vaati is not confirmed for Phantom Hourglass. Windwaker has no connestion to the Capcom games, that I know of.
I looked it up on wikipedia, and it has an entirely new villian, revolves around some Phantom Hourglass [who would have guessed], and it's either a musical thingy, or some weapon.

Just appearing in more games doesn't make the character the most important, Grim. How big a role they play in each game should also be considered. Vaati may have been the villian in multiple titles, but Midna recieved more character development in a single game than he did in three.
Midna's game also sold higher than Vatti's 3 combined.

I stand corrected. Four Swords is the least liked REAL Zelda game.
Please don't say you thought it was Zelda II. Only OOT, tLOZ, and maybe MM sold better. Plus it's so hard most people can't beat it. Hate it due to lack of skill, PATHETIC! I love that GAME, BTW! ;) Reinvented side scrolling, and CREATED THE ACTION-RPG GENRE AS WE KNOW IT! :) Four Swords was okay, but it definitely was the worst and least liked.

You can't even alter the Mii's height in Wii Sports. What makes you think it could be done in Brawl?
They need to mod the wieght and attack strength this time as well.

I know Sakurai said he wanted to include more retro characters. But did he ever say that they would be playable?

He's always liked retro characters.


1.Dr. Mario [last game was right before SSB64].
2.Shiek [to some degree=last game was before SSb64 I believe].
3.Ice Climbers
4.Ness [again! :) WAS SUPPOSE TO BE LUCAS]
5.Mr. Game and Watch

My theory: the Assist Trophy is Sakurai's way of including more Retro goodness while leaving the playable roster open to more worthy characters. Still, we might see one or two more retros in addition to Pit.
We'll see about as many retros as newer characters. Sakurai wants to balance the old with the new, it's only fair=to please the classic gamers and the newer gamers! =D

I'm positive that all three Pokemon have a unique moveset. Like it or not, PT likely took three times as much develoment time as any other newcomer...

Charizard: Give it flamethrower [nB], blast burn [final smash], fire blast [<b>], fly [jump], and fire spin [dB]. The fill the A attacks with pysical attacks ripped off Bowser. That is whay I see happening [which is sorta why I doubt K Rool now].

Ivysaur: Razor Leaf [<B>], Earthquake [dB], Vine Whip [nB], and a vinewhip grab thing as a jump [or solarbeam jump]. Then rip moves off Wolf Link.

Squirtle: Bubble[beam] [nB], Rollout [<B>], Water Gun [uB], and Iron Tail/TAil Whip [dB]/ The rest is a Jiggs/Pikas rip off. HA, maybe Sakurai made them clones! HA, 1 character spot!

Yeah, Nintendo does despise Earthbounders. Why else would they refuse to import the games? If it comes down to Ness or Lucas, my guess would be the later. Sakurai wanted to include him in Melee, and now there is nothing stoping him from doing so.
Because the game was planned for a international release, but then Nintendo was being a dumb a**, and screwed us over, and made it come out...IN JAPAN ONLY! :mad: Having Lucas in as a Ness replacement would be a kick to the b**** to us EarthBound fans. We've been beat down enough, and that would cause a HUGE FANBASE ISSUE...maybe even a major boycott [not promoting boycotting btw]. But having just Ness would keep us content [for a while]. Having both would overjoy us, and make us feel loved...for once [since EarthBound's release]!

Reggie won't crack, even after thousands of e-mails a week about it, he avoids it. He says he has more important ordeals and things to do. What about pleasing one of Nintendo's fanbase=??? Nintendo needs to get their priorities straight in that matter, because they're as messed up as Sony in that matter! :laugh:

ROB owns! Come on people, he could easily be the next Game & Watch - only even more awesome!
Ness and G&W of Brawl...CHECK! [we call it the Poke'mon Trainer]

And yes, Youtube is populated by many morons. Please post a link to your vid.
Seriously, I made a vid of the two trailers, and all the Brawl updates until like 28 days ago, and someone asked me if there would be a GCN port of Brawl! WTF???

Anyways...I added a few extra characters than I predict, so ya. Don't hate me for adding characters. *breaks out singing hallejuah after someone said Ness and Mewtwo have no chance of returning* My Brawl Character Predictions!

Simon Belmont has a better chance than any other 3rd party rep, in my view, but I won't bet on him because I have my doubts that ANY 3rd party characters are making the cut. I hope I'm wrong, but honestly if Sonic were in the game - E3 would have been the time to reveal it.
HEHE, just felt like messing with ya [and gambling]! :grin: But no, not E3. I'm guessing he'll be revealed at the randomest moment, or at that other big upcoming gaming event, that is suppose to be like the new E3. OR E for All is always a distinct possibility [I should go for a demo run!].

Yeah, I heard that. I hope Ocelot retains his awesome personality though. Maybe the two have merged, since he was called "Liquid Ocelot" in the trailer...
Yep, but I'm not going to ruin wat I found out. It's not stuff in the game, it's just stuff I got from super MGS fanboy sites that I conclude is probably right [and is pretty cool=makes sense]. BTW, here is 2 video links to footage of actual gameplay demos of MGS4 [it's all in Japanese sadly].

MGS4 Demo Run Part 1

MGS4 Demo Run Part 2

AT this point, predictions are just speculation - not spoilers (unless you have inside info or a leaked transcript or something) so post away.
I have transcripts....WW Link is in BRAWL! Well...I have Sakurai and all the Brawl workers hostage, so they had no choice but to listen!

Wow. 2 DK reps? I never thought I'd see the day! ;) Still, I think it's the correct prediction.

I don't see how PT couldn't count as three characters, since he clearly uses three movesets, but aside from that I'd say this is your best roster yet. 9.8/10
Falco>Wolf O'Donell>Dark Samus>K. Rool. That goes popularity wise, and according to my opinion! =D

Clones....and copies. It would be a waste of three characters in one for all of them to be original moveset characters, so I suspect they're all at least semi-clones. That and I see them [all] having some variations of being copies in them as well!

But I also see them all [or 2/3 of them at least, or combinations] having special PT only techs, similar to Ness and his jackets [which increase attack speed drastically, but are hard to pull off unless you memorize when to time it=if it was easier, Ness would be 5 spots higher on the tiers=more Ness players in SSBM! :)]. And I suspect there will be a tech like the Ice Climbers' desynce, and some G&W like technique. Plus like being able to choose Shiek with A, I'm sure there will be that+another button!

My thoughts exactly. In fact, I think it's real possiblity that the series only reps will be Pikachu, PT, and either Jiggs or Lucario. That would make 5 unique playable characters, one more than Melee.
NAh, that would be dumb, and enrage Nintendo's fastest growing fanbase. Something tells me the day that Pokemon outsells Mario is less than a decade away. It's bound to happen with the series' at it's all-time peak!

As a believer in the timeline, I'm annoyed by the MC/FS/FSA trilogy. It completely contradicts the main timeline (MC supposedly predates Ganondorf from OoT, yet Pig Ganon appears as the final boss in FSA.) Since the games weren't even made by Nintendo (Capcom made them) many people consider them to be spinoffs with no connection to the actual series.

The cartoony Link in MC/FS/FSA is not the same person as WW/PH Link, so I doubt that they would include Vaati as his rival.

(Sorry if I sound condesending, that's just the way I see it.)
IMO, the Zelda timeline

Minish Cap
Ocarina of Time
Two Whole Diffrent Hyrules/timelines Occure, with Link in his time, and no Link in the future
< >
< >
< >
< >
Majora's Mask >
< Twilight Princess
Link's Awakening >
< > [a future Twilight Princess sequaul=???]
the Legend Of Zelda >
< the Wind Waker
Four Swords >
< >
Four Swords Adventures>
< >
Zelda II >
< Phantom Hourglass
< >
< >
A Link to the Past N/A
< >
< >
< >
Oracles of Ages/Oracles of Seasons [I don't know which goes where]

Verdict: Minish Cap explains how Link gets his cap, and talks about King Gustoff, the Hero of Men, not the Hero of Twlight, Time, or Winds. VAtti steals the Petit Sword [that King Gustoff used to save and create Hyrule], and Link has to put it back together. But it has limited powers, and Link deals with it. He puts it back together, beats Vatti, and then it randomly gets the power of 4...permantely [somehow].

Then in OOT Ganondorf first sticks in his big nose, and gets his a** beat. Anomua actually confirmed the two timeling theory. Majora's Mask follows OOT, and begins with Link looking for Navi, then he winds up saving Termania, as well as the world. But Link left Hyrule after a certain time, while G'dorf was still alive. He left to Termania for Navi's help to re-defeat G'dorf. Then after MM, Link tries to return to Hyrule, via the sea.

This results in Link's Awakening. After leaving the island, and losing all his gear, Link returns to Hyrule with nothing, and finds a wooden shield. He then meets up with Impa, who explains that Ganon[dorf] took over Hyrule, and has the Trifforce of Power, and captured Zelda. But it turns out Zelda took here Trifforce of Wisdom, but split into 8, and hide it in 8 dugeons. This marks the original LOZ. After defeating Ganon, Link follow Zelda to this sacred grove area that is disturbing her=the sight of the Four Sword. She takes him to it, Vatti kindnaps her, knocks Link out, and then several fairies wake Link up, and he pulls out the Four Swords.

Then Link fights through Forest, Ice[/Water], and Fire and Lava, and finally reaches Vatti's sky palace. Link defeats Vatti, and everone is happy. Then a few months later, darkness sweeps Hyrule. [begining of FSA] And then a enemy known as "Shadow Link" appears before Link. Desperate to fight, Link pulls out the Four Swords to fight back. Then Vatti knocks out Link, kindnapps Zelda along with the 6 [other] sages, yadiee, yadiee, yadiee. The 4 Link's fight together [with Navi], and save the 6 sages, recieve the power of the past 4 swords knights, and save Zelda.

He travels to the top of Vatti's tower [again!], defeats the last of the Shadow Links and destroys the thing that was creating them. Then they fight and defeat Vatti, but it turns out he was Ganon's b**** [like Aghamin and Zant], and then Vatti's death resurrects Ganon. Ganon also steals a mystic trident from Vatti or his Palace, and uses it later in ALTTP. With the Sage's help, Zelda uses her magic with Links sword skills to defeat Ganon. The reason why I put FS and FSA inbetwenn tLOZ and Zelda II is because of a few things.

First off, a fairy similar to Navi is in that game. It talks the same way, acts the same way, so it's probably Navi [same voice=FSA]. 2nd off...EPONA, lon lon ranch, and the dude who owns Lon Lon ranch, his daughter [maybe that one guy who works for him] are in the GAME! So I conclude FS and FSA take place inbetween tLOZ and Zelda II. Then sometime after all that, Link heads to the northern part of Hyrule [he's an adult now btw...or he's the same age as in TP, or a bit younger]. He then finds some mystical new sword [never says wat it is, but I conclude it's probably the Master Sword].

He then finds that since basically no one was alive in Southern Hyrule [where tLOZ takes place], that everyone lives in Northern Hyrule. He reaches the North Castle, and discovers another Zelda, the original Zelda. It turns out Zelda II is the only Zelda with the real "Legend of Zelda" [too ironic]! Turns out Zelda discovers the Trifforce and Sacred Realm, the corrupter of men's minds. She refuses to tell anyone where it is. Her brother, being greedy got a wizard, and tortured her to talk. She kept refusing, and the wizard attacked her so bad, he died. But she was put into a neverending rest, until a hero with the Trifforce of Courage and the rest of the Trifforce came to save her.

Her brother now realizing wat happened, had her kept in the North Castle, and ordered all future female heirs to the throne be named Zelda. This is the official backstory to Zelda II actually! So then, Link has to collect 6 thingies, via 6 dugeons, and go to Hyrule Palace or something like that I believe [Sacred, maybe]. But Ganon's minions are stronger than ever, and must defeat and sacrifice Link in order to revive Ganon, since all that remains of him is his ashes. Link gets the 6 sacred crystals, and heads off to Hyrule Palace, which is located on the top of Spectle Rock, the highest and most dangerous point on Death Mountain, where Ganon's greatest remaining minions dwell [probably since they are hard as hell itself].

Anyways, Link defeats the Thunderbeast there, and then he reaches the room where the Trifforce of Courage is kept. Then some random dwarf guy takes it, and goes to the back of the next room. Link chases him, but then Link's shadow rises, and Link must fight DARK LINK! Link defeats Dark Link [easiest boss ever], and then he catches up with the dwarf guy, who gives him the Trifforce of Courage. Link returns to the Northern Castle, assembles the Trifforce, and we all know the 1 wish per whole Trifforce deal. Zelda regains consciousness, yadiee, yadiee, yadiee.

Then lets carry down Hyrule Timeline A. A Link to the Past. Aghmin takes out the King and Queen of Hyrule with his magic [after allying with them], and then kidnaps the descendants [all daughters] of the Seven Sages. He sends all of them to the Dark World, the alternate world of the light world. The last remaining was Zelda, she telepathically calls Link to save her, Link's uncle dies and gives Link his shield and sword. Link saves her, then he takes her to a secret place, and then goes, has to find a sage, who tells him he has to find three pendents, then pull the Master Sword out of it's resting place. Link does that, gets the Master Sword, gets a telepathic message from Zelda Aghamin kidnappered her [again], etc.

Link then sees Zelda get warped to the Dark World, fights Aghamin, beats Aghamin, and finds out Aghamin is Ganon's b****. Then before Link gives Aghamin the final blow, Aghamin sends him to the Dark World. Then Link sves the Sages' daughters, saves Zelda, and fight's Aghamin in Ganon's castle, and kills him. Then he fights and kills Ganon on the Temple of the Four Swords with the Four Swords [in the GBA version], and I guess uses that to defeat Ganon, or does some wierd thing where he combines the Master Sword and Four Swords. That part always confuses me. Anyways, then Link enters the Trifforce Chamber, wishes for everyone who was killed by Ganon and Aghamin and their minions back to life [very DBZ like], and yippe everyone is happy.

Then in Hyrule B, TP happens. And then after TP, G'dorf somehow comes back, tries taking over Hyrule, but then Hyrule is flooded by order of the God's. The few people who lived via mountains had their descendants fill the many islands, and the legend of Ganondorf was lost on all islands but Link's Island. Then afterr WW, Phantom Hourglass takes place, yadiee, yadiee, yadiee. Now there is Oracles of Ages/Seasons. This strongly supports multiple timelines, since they take place at the EXACT SAME TIME, but Link takes diffrent routes in the begining. Blah blah blah, Link defeats the two enemies, Ganon resurrected, beats Ganon, saves the world. Ya, that's all I got! [that's a lot!]

The only reason Munchlax might replace Jiggs is because he is now the one who is popular in Japan.
But at least Jiggs is decently popular here. If we go by Japan, *GASP* PICHU WILL RETURN! PICHU IS STILL POPULAR AND LOVED! DO YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN=??? Japan loves Pichu, it makes constant anime apperances, and so on. Don't listen to Japan, it's a evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil place! Did I mention....EVIL! :p

The thing is Mario, Luigi and Wario have all starred in their won games - which makes them worthy additions to the roster. Waluigi has yet to be in anything other than a supporting character in the Mario spinoffs. He has "assist trophy" writen all over him.
Waluigi as a AT FTW! =D

But if there are no AC playable characters, why is there and Animal Crossing icon? There isn't one for Dr. Wright's Sim City or the Devil's Devil World.
Miis! Miis! Miis! Miis! You compared them to equivelence as a PT once Wiseguy...lol! XD

[Long Post/] :p


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Soon to be four? Where did you hear this? Vaati is not confirmed for Phantom Hourglass. Windwaker has no connestion to the Capcom games, that I know of.
I looked it up on wikipedia, and it has an entirely new villian, revolves around some Phantom Hourglass [who would have guessed], and it's either a musical thingy, or some weapon.

Just appearing in more games doesn't make the character the most important, Grim. How big a role they play in each game should also be considered. Vaati may have been the villian in multiple titles, but Midna recieved more character development in a single game than he did in three.
Midna's game also sold higher than Vatti's 3 combined.

I stand corrected. Four Swords is the least liked REAL Zelda game.
Please don't say you thought it was Zelda II. Only OOT, tLOZ, and maybe MM sold better. Plus it's so hard most people can't beat it. Hate it due to lack of skill, PATHETIC! I love that GAME, BTW! ;) Reinvented side scrolling, and CREATED THE ACTION-RPG GENRE AS WE KNOW IT! :) Four Swords was okay, but it definitely was the worst and least liked.

You can't even alter the Mii's height in Wii Sports. What makes you think it could be done in Brawl?
They need to mod the wieght and attack strength this time as well.

I know Sakurai said he wanted to include more retro characters. But did he ever say that they would be playable?

He's always liked retro characters.


1.Dr. Mario [last game was right before SSB64].
2.Shiek [to some degree=last game was before SSb64 I believe].
3.Ice Climbers
4.Ness [again! :) WAS SUPPOSE TO BE LUCAS]
5.Mr. Game and Watch

My theory: the Assist Trophy is Sakurai's way of including more Retro goodness while leaving the playable roster open to more worthy characters. Still, we might see one or two more retros in addition to Pit.
We'll see about as many retros as newer characters. Sakurai wants to balance the old with the new, it's only fair=to please the classic gamers and the newer gamers! =D

I'm positive that all three Pokemon have a unique moveset. Like it or not, PT likely took three times as much develoment time as any other newcomer...

Charizard: Give it flamethrower [nB], blast burn [final smash], fire blast [<b>], fly [jump], and fire spin [dB]. The fill the A attacks with pysical attacks ripped off Bowser. That is whay I see happening [which is sorta why I doubt K Rool now].

Ivysaur: Razor Leaf [<B>], Earthquake [dB], Vine Whip [nB], and a vinewhip grab thing as a jump [or solarbeam jump]. Then rip moves off Wolf Link.

Squirtle: Bubble[beam] [nB], Rollout [<B>], Water Gun [uB], and Iron Tail/TAil Whip [dB]/ The rest is a Jiggs/Pikas rip off. HA, maybe Sakurai made them clones! HA, 1 character spot!

Yeah, Nintendo does despise Earthbounders. Why else would they refuse to import the games? If it comes down to Ness or Lucas, my guess would be the later. Sakurai wanted to include him in Melee, and now there is nothing stoping him from doing so.
Because the game was planned for a international release, but then Nintendo was being a dumb a**, and screwed us over, and made it come out...IN JAPAN ONLY! :mad: Having Lucas in as a Ness replacement would be a kick to the b**** to us EarthBound fans. We've been beat down enough, and that would cause a HUGE FANBASE ISSUE...maybe even a major boycott [not promoting boycotting btw]. But having just Ness would keep us content [for a while]. Having both would overjoy us, and make us feel loved...for once [since EarthBound's release]!

Reggie won't crack, even after thousands of e-mails a week about it, he avoids it. He says he has more important ordeals and things to do. What about pleasing one of Nintendo's fanbase=??? Nintendo needs to get their priorities straight in that matter, because they're as messed up as Sony in that matter! :laugh:

ROB owns! Come on people, he could easily be the next Game & Watch - only even more awesome!
Ness and G&W of Brawl...CHECK! [we call it the Poke'mon Trainer]

And yes, Youtube is populated by many morons. Please post a link to your vid.
Seriously, I made a vid of the two trailers, and all the Brawl updates until like 28 days ago, and someone asked me if there would be a GCN port of Brawl! WTF???

Anyways...I added a few extra characters than I predict, so ya. Don't hate me for adding characters. *breaks out singing hallejuah after someone said Ness and Mewtwo have no chance of returning* My Brawl Character Predictions!

Simon Belmont has a better chance than any other 3rd party rep, in my view, but I won't bet on him because I have my doubts that ANY 3rd party characters are making the cut. I hope I'm wrong, but honestly if Sonic were in the game - E3 would have been the time to reveal it.
HEHE, just felt like messing with ya [and gambling]! :grin: But no, not E3. I'm guessing he'll be revealed at the randomest moment, or at that other big upcoming gaming event, that is suppose to be like the new E3. OR E for All is always a distinct possibility [I should go for a demo run!].

Yeah, I heard that. I hope Ocelot retains his awesome personality though. Maybe the two have merged, since he was called "Liquid Ocelot" in the trailer...
Yep, but I'm not going to ruin wat I found out. It's not stuff in the game, it's just stuff I got from super MGS fanboy sites that I conclude is probably right [and is pretty cool=makes sense]. BTW, here is 2 video links to footage of actual gameplay demos of MGS4 [it's all in Japanese sadly].

MGS4 Demo Run Part 1

MGS4 Demo Run Part 2

AT this point, predictions are just speculation - not spoilers (unless you have inside info or a leaked transcript or something) so post away.
I have transcripts....WW Link is in BRAWL! Well...I have Sakurai and all the Brawl workers hostage, so they had no choice but to listen!

Wow. 2 DK reps? I never thought I'd see the day! ;) Still, I think it's the correct prediction.

I don't see how PT couldn't count as three characters, since he clearly uses three movesets, but aside from that I'd say this is your best roster yet. 9.8/10
Falco>Wolf O'Donell>Dark Samus>K. Rool. That goes popularity wise, and according to my opinion! =D

Clones....and copies. It would be a waste of three characters in one for all of them to be original moveset characters, so I suspect they're all at least semi-clones. That and I see them [all] having some variations of being copies in them as well!

But I also see them all [or 2/3 of them at least, or combinations] having special PT only techs, similar to Ness and his jackets [which increase attack speed drastically, but are hard to pull off unless you memorize when to time it=if it was easier, Ness would be 5 spots higher on the tiers=more Ness players in SSBM! :)]. And I suspect there will be a tech like the Ice Climbers' desynce, and some G&W like technique. Plus like being able to choose Shiek with A, I'm sure there will be that+another button!

My thoughts exactly. In fact, I think it's real possiblity that the series only reps will be Pikachu, PT, and either Jiggs or Lucario. That would make 5 unique playable characters, one more than Melee.
NAh, that would be dumb, and enrage Nintendo's fastest growing fanbase. Something tells me the day that Pokemon outsells Mario is less than a decade away. It's bound to happen with the series' at it's all-time peak!

As a believer in the timeline, I'm annoyed by the MC/FS/FSA trilogy. It completely contradicts the main timeline (MC supposedly predates Ganondorf from OoT, yet Pig Ganon appears as the final boss in FSA.) Since the games weren't even made by Nintendo (Capcom made them) many people consider them to be spinoffs with no connection to the actual series.

The cartoony Link in MC/FS/FSA is not the same person as WW/PH Link, so I doubt that they would include Vaati as his rival.

(Sorry if I sound condesending, that's just the way I see it.)
IMO, the Zelda timeline

Minish Cap
Ocarina of Time
Two Whole Diffrent Hyrules/timelines Occure, with Link in his time, and no Link in the future
< >
< >
< >
< >
Majora's Mask >
< Twilight Princess
Link's Awakening >
< > [a future Twilight Princess sequaul=???]
the Legend Of Zelda >
< the Wind Waker
Four Swords >
< >
Four Swords Adventures>
< >
Zelda II >
< Phantom Hourglass
< >
< >
A Link to the Past N/A
< >
< >
< >
Oracles of Ages/Oracles of Seasons [I don't know which goes where]

Verdict: Minish Cap explains how Link gets his cap, and talks about King Gustoff, the Hero of Men, not the Hero of Twlight, Time, or Winds. VAtti steals the Petit Sword [that King Gustoff used to save and create Hyrule], and Link has to put it back together. But it has limited powers, and Link deals with it. He puts it back together, beats Vatti, and then it randomly gets the power of 4...permantely [somehow].

Then in OOT Ganondorf first sticks in his big nose, and gets his a** beat. Anomua actually confirmed the two timeling theory. Majora's Mask follows OOT, and begins with Link looking for Navi, then he winds up saving Termania, as well as the world. But Link left Hyrule after a certain time, while G'dorf was still alive. He left to Termania for Navi's help to re-defeat G'dorf. Then after MM, Link tries to return to Hyrule, via the sea.

This results in Link's Awakening. After leaving the island, and losing all his gear, Link returns to Hyrule with nothing, and finds a wooden shield. He then meets up with Impa, who explains that Ganon[dorf] took over Hyrule, and has the Trifforce of Power, and captured Zelda. But it turns out Zelda took here Trifforce of Wisdom, but split into 8, and hide it in 8 dugeons. This marks the original LOZ. After defeating Ganon, Link follow Zelda to this sacred grove area that is disturbing her=the sight of the Four Sword. She takes him to it, Vatti kindnaps her, knocks Link out, and then several fairies wake Link up, and he pulls out the Four Swords.

Then Link fights through Forest, Ice[/Water], and Fire and Lava, and finally reaches Vatti's sky palace. Link defeats Vatti, and everone is happy. Then a few months later, darkness sweeps Hyrule. [begining of FSA] And then a enemy known as "Shadow Link" appears before Link. Desperate to fight, Link pulls out the Four Swords to fight back. Then Vatti knocks out Link, kindnapps Zelda along with the 6 [other] sages, yadiee, yadiee, yadiee. The 4 Link's fight together [with Navi], and save the 6 sages, recieve the power of the past 4 swords knights, and save Zelda.

He travels to the top of Vatti's tower [again!], defeats the last of the Shadow Links and destroys the thing that was creating them. Then they fight and defeat Vatti, but it turns out he was Ganon's b**** [like Aghamin and Zant], and then Vatti's death resurrects Ganon. Ganon also steals a mystic trident from Vatti or his Palace, and uses it later in ALTTP. With the Sage's help, Zelda uses her magic with Links sword skills to defeat Ganon. The reason why I put FS and FSA inbetwenn tLOZ and Zelda II is because of a few things.

First off, a fairy similar to Navi is in that game. It talks the same way, acts the same way, so it's probably Navi [same voice=FSA]. 2nd off...EPONA, lon lon ranch, and the dude who owns Lon Lon ranch, his daughter [maybe that one guy who works for him] are in the GAME! So I conclude FS and FSA take place inbetween tLOZ and Zelda II. Then sometime after all that, Link heads to the northern part of Hyrule [he's an adult now btw...or he's the same age as in TP, or a bit younger]. He then finds some mystical new sword [never says wat it is, but I conclude it's probably the Master Sword].

He then finds that since basically no one was alive in Southern Hyrule [where tLOZ takes place], that everyone lives in Northern Hyrule. He reaches the North Castle, and discovers another Zelda, the original Zelda. It turns out Zelda II is the only Zelda with the real "Legend of Zelda" [too ironic]! Turns out Zelda discovers the Trifforce and Sacred Realm, the corrupter of men's minds. She refuses to tell anyone where it is. Her brother, being greedy got a wizard, and tortured her to talk. She kept refusing, and the wizard attacked her so bad, he died. But she was put into a neverending rest, until a hero with the Trifforce of Courage and the rest of the Trifforce came to save her.

Her brother now realizing wat happened, had her kept in the North Castle, and ordered all future female heirs to the throne be named Zelda. This is the official backstory to Zelda II actually! So then, Link has to collect 6 thingies, via 6 dugeons, and go to Hyrule Palace or something like that I believe [Sacred, maybe]. But Ganon's minions are stronger than ever, and must defeat and sacrifice Link in order to revive Ganon, since all that remains of him is his ashes. Link gets the 6 sacred crystals, and heads off to Hyrule Palace, which is located on the top of Spectle Rock, the highest and most dangerous point on Death Mountain, where Ganon's greatest remaining minions dwell [probably since they are hard as hell itself].

Anyways, Link defeats the Thunderbeast there, and then he reaches the room where the Trifforce of Courage is kept. Then some random dwarf guy takes it, and goes to the back of the next room. Link chases him, but then Link's shadow rises, and Link must fight DARK LINK! Link defeats Dark Link [easiest boss ever], and then he catches up with the dwarf guy, who gives him the Trifforce of Courage. Link returns to the Northern Castle, assembles the Trifforce, and we all know the 1 wish per whole Trifforce deal. Zelda regains consciousness, yadiee, yadiee, yadiee.

Then lets carry down Hyrule Timeline A. A Link to the Past. Aghmin takes out the King and Queen of Hyrule with his magic [after allying with them], and then kidnaps the descendants [all daughters] of the Seven Sages. He sends all of them to the Dark World, the alternate world of the light world. The last remaining was Zelda, she telepathically calls Link to save her, Link's uncle dies and gives Link his shield and sword. Link saves her, then he takes her to a secret place, and then goes, has to find a sage, who tells him he has to find three pendents, then pull the Master Sword out of it's resting place. Link does that, gets the Master Sword, gets a telepathic message from Zelda Aghamin kidnappered her [again], etc.

Link then sees Zelda get warped to the Dark World, fights Aghamin, beats Aghamin, and finds out Aghamin is Ganon's b****. Then before Link gives Aghamin the final blow, Aghamin sends him to the Dark World. Then Link sves the Sages' daughters, saves Zelda, and fight's Aghamin in Ganon's castle, and kills him. Then he fights and kills Ganon on the Temple of the Four Swords with the Four Swords [in the GBA version], and I guess uses that to defeat Ganon, or does some wierd thing where he combines the Master Sword and Four Swords. That part always confuses me. Anyways, then Link enters the Trifforce Chamber, wishes for everyone who was killed by Ganon and Aghamin and their minions back to life [very DBZ like], and yippe everyone is happy.

Then in Hyrule B, TP happens. And then after TP, G'dorf somehow comes back, tries taking over Hyrule, but then Hyrule is flooded by order of the God's. The few people who lived via mountains had their descendants fill the many islands, and the legend of Ganondorf was lost on all islands but Link's Island. Then afterr WW, Phantom Hourglass takes place, yadiee, yadiee, yadiee. Now there is Oracles of Ages/Seasons. This strongly supports multiple timelines, since they take place at the EXACT SAME TIME, but Link takes diffrent routes in the begining. Blah blah blah, Link defeats the two enemies, Ganon resurrected, beats Ganon, saves the world. Ya, that's all I got! [that's a lot!]

The only reason Munchlax might replace Jiggs is because he is now the one who is popular in Japan.
But at least Jiggs is decently popular here. If we go by Japan, *GASP* PICHU WILL RETURN! PICHU IS STILL POPULAR AND LOVED! DO YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN=??? Japan loves Pichu, it makes constant anime apperances, and so on. Don't listen to Japan, it's a evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, evil place! Did I mention....EVIL! :p

The thing is Mario, Luigi and Wario have all starred in their won games - which makes them worthy additions to the roster. Waluigi has yet to be in anything other than a supporting character in the Mario spinoffs. He has "assist trophy" writen all over him.
Waluigi as a AT FTW! =D

But if there are no AC playable characters, why is there and Animal Crossing icon? There isn't one for Dr. Wright's Sim City or the Devil's Devil World.
Miis! Miis! Miis! Miis! You compared them to equivelence as a PT once Wiseguy...lol! XD

[Long Post/] :p


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
I read the updated list,and I think you might be right about munchlax and Lucario. I mean,I like Jigglypuff,but the first gens have enough reps as it is,and Lucario replacing Mewtwo would cover it up too. Come on,we DON'T need 7 pokemon characters! Don't get me wrong,I hate Munchlax(and most other pokemon) with a passion,but cute seels,and Munchlax might replace the Jiggeranut as "The cute secondary pokemon in a Smash Bros game"

Also,whoever mentioned Diddy and Dixie as a team:You are insane.That will(hopefully) not happen,because it would ruin Diddy.(unless they make the duo completely awesome,which I doubt)

I went to the Megaman thread and mentioned Simon Belmont has a better chance him,and I got insaneky flamed for it! I am crazy or right?

Also,go ROB and Miis for Brawl!


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
wtf? DP....retarted computer! XD

And yae to Chibirobo, Didy alone FOR THE BIG WIN! And Simon Belmont higher chances then Megaman....sales tell me you're wrong, the posts on their respective SWF threads tell me you're wrong, numbers tell me you're wrong, and heck tons more people want Megaman over Simon Belmonts. Sorry. ;)


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2007
On the precipice of victory
I made an estimate a while back that newcomers or additional veterans would come in the same order as the main veterans from their respective series. Thus far, this theory has held true, except Pit got skipped. But he is a newcomer, so there.

Anyway, if this holds true, the next newcomers will be as follows:

-Diddy Kong
-Marth or another FE newcomer (since the series already has multiple reps)

Rinse and repeat.

This is a little out on a limb, but it's going strong so far.
Mar 21, 2007
Ummm have you ever thought of replacing Munchlax with Mime Jr. in your list? They're both pre-release pokemon that are popular in japan. Mime Jr. is also still in the anime as part of team rocket... Mime Jr. would add a whole new flavor to the game! He could be a really good character in the game...

I mean look at some of his moves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtyztNf18Fw
Forcing people to dance is great!

Anywho there's also the fact that Mime Jr. is like much more aesthetically appealing than Munchlax...


I've created a moveset for Mime Jr.

B- Mimic- Copies last used neutral b move and keeps it until he loses a life.

Over B- Barrier- Mime Jr. creates a barrier in front of himself that can take up to 10% damage. It goes away when it takes 10% damage or if it stays on the field for more than 15 seconds. No more than one can be on the field at once

Up B- Baton Pass- Mime Jr. throws a baton upwards and if it hits someone they swap places. Has great distance and almost no lag but if it doesn't hit anyone Mime Jr. won't come back.

Down B- Teeter Dance- Mime Jr. starts dancing oddly and music notes fly off of him. If a music note hits you your controls will be reversed and if you try to use a move you will receive damage like pichu. This lasts for 5 seconds. Also this gets rid of flowers on you like by the lipstick and gooey bombs.

Final Smash- Trick Room
Everyone swaps position and they get their speed halved and weight doubled. This move lasts 10 seconds. Mime Jr. can move normally and rack up damage. While everyone is slow Mime Jr's attacks do twice as much damage as they normally would, though still retain the same knockback.

So yeah i hope you take my suggestion into consideration

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Megadio26 said:
Anywho there's also the fact that Mime Jr. is like much more aesthetically appealing than Munchlax...
I think Mime Jr. looks like a crap. Muchlax wins that fight by a mile.

And a few things about the moveset, while I'm at it...

Mimic: Whose last used neutral B? Everyone in play's? In that case...such a move would be really, really unwieldy. The last neutral B used against Mime Jr. would work better.

Barrier: Most Smash Attacks would plow right through this thing, as would a couple of projectiles. He should be able to set up two or three, and they should be invisible and have no time limit.


Actually, forget the whole thing. That move reeks of edge-guarding.

Baton Pass: Perfect. Unique. Fun. Good show, dear boy.

Teeter Dance: I think reversed controls are enough. 5 seconds is a bit long though. Three works better.

But his Final Smash rocks.


Observation: I now know what it feels like to be a newcomer to this thread. These walls of text, for the first time...they scare me.
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