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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.

Well, the impossible has happened. I'd never have though a freakin' pokemon trainer would become a smash bros character...

Still, oddly enough I don't feel disgusted. I suppose it's because the Pokemon Trainer has been implemented in such a creative way. Instead of some stupid little kid running around throwing his balls in other people's faces, we have what is essentially the ultimate transformation character.
Seriously, three characters in one! The prospects of such a mechanic in smash is absolutely unheard of, and it has me really excited.

Also, charizard looks freakin' awesome. As does squirtle and Ivysaur.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2007
Miami, FL
An important question in MY mind is: Now that 3 new pokemon are technically playable, does that mean that, other than Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Mewtwo, they won't be adding anyone else?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2007
...In America!
Also notice how Red is called Pokémon Trainer and not Red. While there isn't enough proof right now, could this be any chance mean the costume idea that fans been bringing up for so long can finally be a reality? Seeing how the Pokémon themselves do the fighting and not the trainer, I think it would be easy to change the model of the trainer while having no effect on game play.

This sure proves a few things. There's room for more then one set of "transformation" characters, Sakurai isn't only focusing only on newer games (Pokémon Red and Green [Blue outside of Japan] came out as soon as 1996), Sakurai can really come up with unique characters that most of the fandom would not have thought of, and four legged characters are possible. Didn't most of the people who suggested a trainer had move sets that were not anywhere close to what we have now?

Unless I'm mistaken, not even Wiseguy saw this coming. But then again, who could have? Did even the Pokémon Trainer supporters saw this happening?

Now it's only a matter of time before... "Charizard de-confirms Ridley because their similar lulz!"


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Unless I'm mistaken, not even Wiseguy saw this coming. But then again, who could have? Did even the Pokémon Trainer supporters saw this happening?

Now it's only a matter of time before... "Charizard de-confirms Ridley because their similar lulz!"
Yeah, I don't think ANY of the Trainer supporters had the idea of a triple transformation character...
Man Sakurai just took an idea I thought was pure grade-A toxic waste (that's fine quality toxic waste) and made it into the greatest idea ever. The more I think about it, the more I like it.

And for the record, I think Charizard helps Ridley's chances. Now we KNOW a dragon can be implemented into the game, which pretty much crushed about half of all arguments against Ridley.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
This just proves no idea however ****ing stupid, is without a chance.
Tree FTW!!!


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud

Have the interwebs asploded yet?

I have to get to my new job right now, but don't worry: I'll post an update upon my arival. For now, all I will say is this: Sakurai is such a freakin genius that even a diehard Pokephobe such as myself is pleasantly intrigued by this latest newcomer.

Oh, and yet another transformation character. RIP Sheik. (I hope.)


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Oh, and yet another transformation character. RIP Sheik. (I hope.)
If the SSBB team is willing to create three unique, brand new movesets for a single character slot, I don't see why the team wouldn't go through the extra effort to tweak and update only two pre-existing movesets for a single character slot. Just throwing that out there. ;)


Smash Apprentice
May 31, 2007

Have the interwebs asploded yet?

I have to get to my new job right now, but don't worry: I'll post an update upon my arival. For now, all I will say is this: Sakurai is such a freakin genius that even a diehard Pokephobe such as myself is pleasantly intrigued by this latest newcomer.

Oh, and yet another transformation character. RIP Sheik. (I hope.)
BOOYAH!!! Did I call it or what? Not that anyone can see my list buried earlier in this thread, but this is a post I put up on the Red thread a couple of months ago:

Pokemon Trainer Mechanics

The idea behind this moveset (not really a moveset I guess, more like guidelines or mechanics) is that the trainer (Red for example, the actual trainer is irrelevant) does not fight for himself. As in the Pokemon games, his Pokemon will do all the work for him. I've read some of the complaints about lag times and unlimited Pokeballs, and I've put some thouht towards alleviating these issues.

My first idea was to have a Pokemon by Red's side by default, i.e. released as a part of his intro animation before the fight begins. This Pokemon would provide his A button moves and would be out at all times. My first thought was Lucario, a popular choice for a new Brawl Pokemon, which could provide more than enough moves to fill out Red's A attacks. But that's just the first Pokemon that came to mind, with a little creativity any Pokemon could fill this role. Red would simply follow this Pokemon very closely (even closer than the ICs start, maybe even in the background a bit) as it fights for him. Red would jump with and get knocked around with this Pokemon as it moves and takes hits, so they won't be separated.

Now, that bit only covers A attacks, throws and a regular jump. What about the B specials?

For each separate B move, a Pokemon will be instantly released with Red whipping out a Pokeball and releasing a Pokemon (in a flash of light or SFX akin to the games) when a move is input, and the Pokemon returing to its Pokeball immediately after its move has been performed. No throwing the Pokeball! He'll just release the Pokemon nearly instantaneously from the Pokeball in his hand, and when the move has been performed, the Pokemon will instantly return and Red will pocket the Pokeball. This not only alleviates the cheapness worry of Red having unlimited Pokeballs, but makes a moveset actually plausible by reducing lag time. Plus, these moves would be on the level of other characters' moves; they would NOT be as strong as the Pokeball item in the interest of balance.

Almost anything could be built around using 4 different Pokemon for each of Red's 4 different B special moves. The only thing that seems like a given is that the double jump and B up will have to be a flying type. Other than that, the sky's the limit.

Again, I have to stress that specifics are really irrelevant to this idea. The trainer could be any trainer from any generation, and there are hundreds of Pokemon to choose from to actually flesh out a moveset using the mechanics I've described. The way I see it, this idea is a win/win situation. Red will pretty much stay in the backseat while his Pokemon do the fighting, satiating people who didn't want him to fight in the first place and would rather see more Pokemon. But on the other hand he'll be a unique character that's true to the series, a trainer working with his Pokemon to win yet another battle. And if you think it's stupid for a Pokemon trainer to be in at all, well, I can't help you there.
I know I wasn't spot on, but darn if I wasn't close. Man, this is freakin' cool!


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Guess I'm one of those people who gets to eat their words (not only did I doubt a trainer would be playable, but the same for charizard too). Fortunately I'm far from alone in this regard:laugh:

Still, this potentially looks like a very interesting character, and I like how you're punished for using a particular character much more than another, so there won't be a repeat of Shiek abuse.


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
i even put him on my character guessing thread. the only pkmn i ever liked. it''s funny, because I didn't include gorah or deoxys. i must be psychic.

i think each of the pkmn have separate special moves.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
WHAT. THE. F*CK. This is what ran through my mind when I saw that. I never,NEVER thought Pokemon Trainer would get in(and neither did anyone else),but with these three pokemon,it truly looks awesome! This guy does look awesome and I am truly eating my own words on this own *munch* *munch*.

Also,between this and the Asssist Trophies my character predictions are now screwed up beyond repair....Hell,Waluigi,Tingle and even Leisure Suit Larry have a chance now.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007

Have the interwebs asploded yet?

I have to get to my new job right now, but don't worry: I'll post an update upon my arival. For now, all I will say is this: Sakurai is such a freakin genius that even a diehard Pokephobe such as myself is pleasantly intrigued by this latest newcomer.

Oh, and yet another transformation character. RIP Sheik. (I hope.)
Yep, looks very interesting alright, even if Squirtle or Ivysaur never were exactly favorites of mine. The idea of the triple transformation and the interdependence of the characters (which should help avoid another Sheik-style screwup) is really intriguing. And I accept bets as to what his final smash will be.

But this is probably a big hit to your prediction list. I mean, you used logic and probability to make it, but I think this shows that crazyness and apparent impossibilities have a lot more chance that would be apparent and that "probability" and "shoe-in" have been proven to be terms out of Sakurai's vocabulary :laugh:. Now, everything's possible.

Also, nice post number. One away from the round 1000. Make your next post a good one, man ;).

Guess I'm one of those people who gets to eat their words (not only did I doubt a trainer would be playable, but the same for charizard too). Fortunately I'm far from alone in this regard:laugh:
*burps from all the word-eating*

Here, sit with me, I'm already halfway through eating mine :laugh:. I hope yours taste better though. I really shouldn't have derided Red's supporters so much.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
An insane move from Sakurai, going to show that NOTHING is impossible in this game. But my only fear is Ike last week, Pokemon Trainer today, I think he's spoiling us so much so that the rest of the month will be another "You Must Recover!" or (and more likely) introducing some characters who have been deglected *cough* Metaknight*cough* *cough*Snake*cough*.

As for a final Smash, I have two theories. One, he throws out all three poke mon and they start going after characters ad beating the crap out of them. My secong depends on which pokemon is out fighting, Charizard could fly up into the air and dive bomb people, but with FIRE! Venasuar would sent out a gas that freezes people and causes damadge, and Suqirtle can get into his shell and shoots all over the place, ricocheting into characters and you can control where he goes, but like the volt tackle, if you fall off you die.

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Oh yes. I believe a good 75% of the Brawl character debaters just got shamed. And I love it. Satoshi has been in all my lists for wanted, hoped for and so unlikely he just has to be in there. I feel awesome about this guy now.

It also makes me feel quite safe about no Lucario. Which is fantastic. Don't really know what it means for Sheik though...

Vagrant Lustoid

Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Got to admit, I can't wait to see just how the strategies and tactics play out with this guy. But nevertheless, I think I have my Main Trio. Snake, Satoshi and Falcon (If he's in. If not, then... hrm, perhaps I should wait for all the characters before deciding on my third main).


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Captain Falcon will make a triumphant return, Vagrant. You can rest easy tonight.

As for the Trainer update . . . I'm done making predictions. Seriously, this is so obscure that I really have no idea what to expect anymore. Not that it's a bad thing, though. I love this idea, and I'm excited that I'll finally get to smash stuff up with the starters from Red/Blue/Green.

I'd ask who we all think would be next, but we'd all probably be wrong anyways.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I think that the final Pokemon party will consist of:

Jiggs (Wether I like it or not, he/she/it/potato is here to stay)
and I believe that Trainer replaces Pichu (because we don't want him to return.)

That leaves room for either a replacement for Mewtwo or Mewtwo's return.

so quit worrying Lucario fans, there's definitely a chance. Although with Deoxys pokeballing, it seems to me that Brawl is looking for the unique, and interesting, poulairity s becoming less and less a factor. If Trainer can get in, why not Nook? or Miis?


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I think that it will either be Mewtwo or Lucario, probably the latter. Jiggs will return just because she always has (haha), and PT takes a spot instead of Pichu. I just can't see Pokémon getting more than 4 representatives. If they get 5--at the very MOST--Mewtwo and Lucario will be able to duke it out.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
(O no it another anti Lucario extremist)

Lucario is in no way getting the boot.
"extremist" lol. And what do you call your unbridled fanaticism?

Will you at least to me the favor of apologizing when you for sure know he's not going to be playable (or maybe not in the game...)?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
This Pokemon Trainer... just thinking about the work it would take to make someone like this...

You have to create and animate four character models (maybe even more if the trainer has alternate costumes), and then fully design and implement three playable movesets... all for one character!

That's an insane amount of work... and we've already seen that Brawl will have dynamic, changing, scrolling levels... the Subspace Emissary side-scrolling game, complete with rendered cinematics...

Man, I think Brawl is going to be bigger than we know. I think we've all been underestimating exactly how much Sakurai and the development team can create.
Brawl should come with a warning on the box: "may disintegrate your retinas"


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2006
Lol, I still believe most of what wiseguy says is going to be right(except rob)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2007
...In America!
If this isn't currently the ultimate proof that the fandom doesn't have the game all figured out, then I don't know what is. Really, what do we know at this point for sure that Sakurai somehow won't turn around and prove nearly the whole community wrong? How do we even know a character who is considered a shoe-in like Diddy Kong won't get in the game in some unexpected way?

All out of all the character banners I seen, even of joke characters, I don't believe I ever saw one for Red. Out of character wish lists, I don't believe I saw Red on any of them or if he was on one, said creator would have got laughed at, spat on, and never taken seriously again. For all we know, Miis could have some creative way of getting in the game, playable or not. Almost no amount of discussion could lead to how that would happen if it does, like I never saw Red being suggested the way that he is now.

I never did anti-supported Red, but mainly because I never said anything about him being brought up a few times. On the other hand, I would have never supported him. Is there any words I'm gonna have to eat?

Ferro De Lupe

Smash Lord
May 12, 2006
Shawnee, OK

How many complains did u get saying that wolf link can't be 'cause is a four legged character?

End of discussion...

Midna w/ W Link actually CAN be in Brawl.

Take that 4 leg complainers!
YES! I have wood for my fire now! HAHA!

HA! I'm NOT eating my words because I never had any words. It's one of the advantages of being on the fence for characters... I never thought it was going to happen, but I was never against the idea.

Oh well...

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