Third Party Runners Up:
1) Banjo & Kazooie
Status: Not (quite) impossible
Vaseline said:
What do you think about Banjo-Kazooie? I know I'm not the only one that would like to see these two in action.
What I think is that he would be an awesome and welcome addition, but is all but impossible. In any divorce, it's always the kids who suffer most - and the tragic break up between Nintendo and Rare is no excepetion. Nintendo left with the rights to the Donkey Kong franchise and it's characters, and Rare left with the Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark and Conker franchises to make games for Microsoft. And with the next B&K game coming exclusively to the 360, I would highly doubt that the Borg- er... "Mircrosoft" would want to want their characters franternising with the enemy on Wii.
It's a shame, because B&K would totally fill the vacant bear-and-bird-tagteam niche in the Brawl roster.
2) ***reserved***
3) Sora:
Fun fact: the Kingdom Hearts games have sold more than 10 million copies. Hard to
imagine that many ten year old girls play videogames.
Status: Not Impossible
Comments: I have never played a Kingdom Hearts game, nor do I have any great desire to do so. I am, however, in favor of putting Sora in Brawl because it would be the equivalent of a stake in the heart of Sony. Imagine, if you will, the millions of
Square Enix nuts who would purchase Wiis just for the chance to play as their precious Sora. It might be enough to convince Square to bring the next Kingdom Hearts game exclusively on the Wii, thus facilitating Nintendo's complete dominance of the console industry.
I wouldn't even have considered putting Sora on this list if it wasn't for the fact
that he appeared on Sakurai poll. True, he might be just another joke character suggestion, but I'm not too sure. Some have said that Sora can't appear in Brawl because Disney has dual ownership of the character. However, the scores of crappy Disney licensed games on the GBA and DS suggest that Nintendo has a solid working relationship with that company as well. And really, don't crappy games deserve some representation for once? (Don't answer that.)
5) Black Mage
Status: Possible
Comments: I thought I had a pretty good thing going with Geno representing Old Square Enix and Sora representing New Square Enix - but if only one SE characters makes the cut, I would argue that Black Mage has the best shot. In addition to being the most awesome and iconic of the characters in Final Fantasy I, Black Mage has popped again and again as a class in games like the imensely popular FFIII - not to mention cameos in recent games like Chocobo Tails and Mario Hoops: 3 on 3.
Simply put, Brawl needs another magic user besides Zelda. Yeah, yeah I know I've been a strong supporter of Miciaiah in the past - but now that Zelda is swordless and likely using light magic, I'm changing my prediction. Black Mage could have a great moveset with Fire, Ice and Thunder magic and the ability to wack foes with his staff.
6) Bonk
Status: Not Impossible
Comments: Bonk is a frickin’ caveman who defeats his enemies by smashing them with his massive cranium! How can he NOT be in Brawl?!?
In addition to being the radest retro character this side of Earthworm Jim, Bonk was
Turbographix-16 mascot in the fiercely competitive 16-bit console wars – making him the third pillar in the legendary Mario-Sonic-Bonk rivalry. More importantly, his games have been given a second life on Nintendo’s virtual console – fulfilling the essential requirement of appearing on a Nintendo platform.
Tragically, Bonk may not get put in Brawl – and if you are one of the people who want to see Bomerman represent Hudson, you are part of the problem. I’ve got nothing against the B-man, but objectively and scientifically speaking Bonk is a far more unique and compelling character than some generic dude who throws bombs. Let's hope Hudson and Nintendo agree and give Bonk a proper rival as a Brawl character.
6) Jade
Status: No Chance in Heck.
Comments: Are you one of those people who saw Beyond Good and Evil on sale for $5 in a bargain bin again and again and yet never purchased it? If so, then you my friend SUCK! Don't feel too bad - one was one of those people too. But when I finally
purchased the game, I discovered what is one of the most brilliant and inventive
Zelda-style adventure games around. But as cool as the game is, the protagonist Jade is even more so. Rather than follow the tired convention of including female videogame characters who act like total dipsticks, Jade is genuinely interesting and likeable character in here own right.
Jade could have a great staff-based moveset and stun foes with her trademark camera.
Unfortunately, with her game selling abysmally and the staff wielding Krystal a sure
thing there is roughly a zero percent chance of Jade appearing in Brawl - unless
Sakurai is a huge BG&E fan.
7) Viewtiful Joe
Status: Not Impossible
Comments: There is really no character so well suited for Smash Bros as the one and
only Viewtiful Joe. The character has an iconic appearance, a repitoir of flashy rock-em sock-em fighting moves and a ultra-cheesy catch phrase. Also, the character debuted on the Gamecube - so he has as much of a connection to Nintendo as a Capcom character can. In theory, Joe seems like a no-brainer for Brawl.
However, things are not so simple. Following the release of Viewtiful Joe 1&2, the
series enjoyed wide spread critical acclaim and modest commercial success - until
Capcom drove the franchise into the ground with with the very poor sequel
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble, which soiled Joe's good name and signaled the end of the series. Sadly, with the Viewtiful franchise seemingly extinct and Megaman still living large as Capcom's mascot, it seems highly doubtful that Joe will be ressurected for Brawl. A crying shame, that.
8) Ryu Hayabusa
Ryu wants to know where you stand on the Pirate vs. Ninja debate.
Status: Not impossible
On Sakurai's poll: No
Comments: Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm deadly serious. Before the star of the
legendary Ninja Giaden series became a poster boy for the Xbox and PS3, Ryu was the star of the popular and critically acclaimed Ninja Giaden trilogy for the NES. ...Or so I'm told. Although I've heard nothing but glowing recommendations for the series, I've never owned a platform with a Giaden game. However, that will soon change with the imminent release of Ninja Giaden DS (which is generating a surprising amount of positive buzz for its unique use of the stylus).
It seems to me that if any Tecmo representative deserves to make it into Brawl, it's
Ryu. I suspect that some of you Nintendo purists will turn up your noses at the
prospect of a Dead or Alive character fighting alongside Mario and Link. To these
people I say: get over yourself! Brawl is about honoring great videogame characters,
and Ryu fits that description to a T.
9) Lloyd Irving
Status: possible
Comments: The Gamecube's library wasn't exactly fertile ground for great RPGs, but
Tales of Symphonia is a notable exception. In what was considered at the time to be the pinnacle of the Tales series, this game introduced a massive world, a lengthy and
compelling story, a decent sized cast of memorable characters - and best of all: a
highly addictive real time battle system that allowed four players to customize their
character to their liking and fight side by side. In short, even if you think that RPGs
aren't your thing, this is the game that will change your mind.
The game's hero, Lloyd, is the kind of character that seems like a fantastic match for
Smash Bros. With his flashy, over the top attacks and dual samurai swords add up to a character that would fit in perfectly with the smash gang. Unfortunately, as Namco reps go, he lags far behind Pacman and his absense from Sakurai's poll means that we have no idea if he was ever even considered for a spot on the roster. Throw in the fact that there isn't exactly a lack of swordfighters in the game and Lloyd's chances are less than ideal, sadly.
10) King Trode
Status: 100% Guaranteed! (Okay, not quite…)
Comments: Alright, alright. King Trode is not going to happen. The fact that his only
game appearance was Dragon Quest VIII (a PS2 exclusive) means that he won’t make it into Brawl under any circumstances.
However, this doesn’t change the fact that King Trode would be perfect for Brawl! For you bozos who haven’t played DQ8, Trode was once a normal King – until an evil jester encased his entire kingdom in magical thorns, turned him into a monster and his daughter into a horse. Luckily for him, his loyal guard (the player) survives and
bizarre trio embark on an epic quest to break the jester’s curse. Not to spoil
anything, but the game is easily the greatest traditional RPG ever (EAT IT FINAL
FANTASY!) thanks in no small part to Trode’s memorable and hilarious personality.
Unfortunately, Trode is limited to offering advice and creating items with his alchemy
pot so he isn’t a playable character.
So what makes Trode Brawl worthy? Well, he is also the perfect representative for the Dragon Quest franchise – which is huge in a little country called Japan. Besides, Trode is just about the greatest character in any RPG ever. What’s that? You disagree? TOO BAD!
12) Kalas
Chances: Not Impossible
Comments: Alright! Who here loves Baten Kaitos?
*Crickets chirping*
Yeah, that's what I thought. For those who don't know, Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and its prequel Baten Kaitos Origins are two of the finest RPGs on the Gamecube. Set in an excessively weird world (even by RPG standards) where islands float in the sky, people have wings and objects can be stored in cards called "magnus" the series doesn't quite have the fan base of a Tales or Final Fantasy game. The first game combined a generic save-the-world-from-ancient-evil storyline with stunning pre-rendered graphics, unintentionally hilarious voice acting and a surprisingly addictive card based battle system that feels is best described as high speed solitaire. Origins, set years before the original, had a far superior storyline but had a far more simplistic battle system. Made by Monolith Studios (makers of the Xenosaga series) the first game was published by Namco and the second by Nintendo. Recently, Nintendo purchased something like 80% of Monolith, so hopefully we see the series continued on the DS or Wii.
Kalas was the main character in the original game, and the biggest dope in RPG history. You can tell that Monolith tried to make him seem like the game's "bad boy" but he winds up coming across as pretty stupid (example: when informed near the beginning of the game that the world would end without his assistance, he responds will the immortal line: "So what? What does that have to do with me?" Yeeeaaahhhh.) In battles, Kalas can fly with the use of his wings (one of which is robotic) and attack with his sword and dagger.
As much as I would love to see Kalas in Brawl as a representative of the Baten Kaitos
series, it doesn't seem very likely. Kalas is just too similar to characters like Pit
and Ike to make a unique enough addition to the roster. Still, it would bring joy to
myself, and the other three Baten Kaitos fans, to see Baten Kaitos get some recognition
for once.
15) Crash Bandicoot
Status: Not Impossible
Comments: This was character was suggested by Demon Kirby. (Remember: anyone can make a character suggestion, PM me and I'll post it here.) I know zip about Crash and I don't particularily like his chances, but neverthe less, here he is.
Demon Kirby said:
Crash Bandicoot was formerly the mascot for the Playstation, but since his departure from Naughty Dog, he has become a purely third party character, with games for the Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft systems. Crash's third game was declared one of the best platformers ever. And recently has come out with a new game and a new model:
Old Crash's look:
Also, with his new game, he has received a wide variety of new attacks, such as roundhouse kicks and punches. He also received a new ability in his newest game that would make a perfect Final Smash.
16) Travis Touchdown
Status: Completely impossible, yet totally rad!
Comments: Please, please, please read visit this thread:
17) Luneth
Status: Not Impossible
Numa Dude said:
Luneth the protagonist of final fantasy III.
I think Luneth should get in brawl because by allowing him to be in it would increase good relations with square and because he would have a very cool moveset if they gave him a bunch of abilitys from the different classes in the game. I currently have a moveset in the works but it isn't finished yet. Sadly while he would PWN there is little reason to believe he would actually be chosen. Geno is the most likely square character to be included and since he already has ties with Mario that just makes him even more likely.
18) Spyro
Status: Not (Quite) Impossible
Sabrewulf238 said:
Ok well, Spyro has been primarily a sony charecter but latly theres been nothing on any sony console but there is going to be a game for the wii called The Eternal Night, which while not being an astounding game it's supposed to be a decent game (Relying on my games mag for this). In my opinion Spyro games have been on par with Sonic games in terms of quality...perhaps a bit better even....
B Right/Left - Running Headbutt - Stampedes in the direction knocking foes out of the way and causing damage.
B Up - Takes flight and is able to glide.
B Down - Slam - Slams tail at foes.
B - Changes from fire breath to ice breath every 5 seconds.
Final Smash - Comet Headbutt - Speeds all around the stage with a Fiery headbutt much stronger then the normal one.
(I know this isn't a great summary but I'm in a bit of a hurry, hope that helps

GodzillaSmasher said:
Don't worry. This isn't Godzilla related
I've got a 3rd party character for your opinion. Remember Spyro?
I even made a possible moveset.
Standard Special Attack- Fire Breath: Spyro shoots a short range fire blast in front of him.
Down Special Attack- Head Bash: Spyro jumps up, does a flip, and slams his horns on the ground.
Side Special Attack- Charge: Spyro charges forward, ramming anyone in his wake. You can also turn, and Charge in the other direction.
Up Special Attack- Hover: Spyro quickly flaps his wings, and gains a little altitude. If he hits someone, and will use his pointed tail to ram off of them.
Final Smash- PowerUp: Well, he has the smash ball. Now what? He looks, attacks, and moves the same and.....wait......HOLY MOLY! All of his Special Attacks are uber!
Fire Breath--> Super Flame: A giant fireball of searing heat shoots forward, nonstop, destroying anything it it's path.
Head Bash--> Earth Shake: When Spyro's head slams the ground, a small earthquake results.
Charge--> Super Charge: Ultra powerful nearly one hit kill move. However, be careful where you step. You may be a little too fast....
Hover--> Super Flight: Spyro flys higher upward, in a corkscrew motion, and rams straight through anything.
19) Earthworm Jim
Status: Mot Impossible
leprechaunlink727 said:
He's a thousand times less ridiculous then most of the runners up, I made a failed support thread a while back. It basically contains all of my arguments for his brawl appearance, but also acknowledges he had zero chance to begin with.
I don't know if you ever played his games, but he's a great character. The franchise died with his mediocre N64 game, and is still struggling to be ressurected despite numerous attempts by various publishers. However, I firmly beieve that had Brawl been released on the SNES, with EWJ2 fresh in people's minds, he would have been a shoe-in third party character.