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well you put some time into it, and it's the thought that counts.
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well you put some time into it, and it's the thought that counts.
So (going by Melee character stats), how does taking away an overpowered character make people want to play as an underpowered one, especially when they can switch between each other and otherwise fight very different from each other?I hope Sheik isn't playable so people will actually use Zelda. I'm hoping Sheik is a final Smash or AT and that's it.
That's a fair point, but I somehow doubt that a character who appeared in a single Zelda game is worthy of his/her/potatoe's own slot on the character select screen. Besides, Zelda's moveset looks to be unchanged - so I suspect Sheik will return as a transfromation or not in a playable form (I hope for the later).Hang on a second Wiseguy! Why are we automatically assuming that if Shiek is in, it's as a Zelda transformation? For all we know, she could be a separate character or an AT.
I ADMIT NOTHING!!!!But that's if she IS in. I for one do not think that this latest interview has confirmed Shiek at all. On contrary, it's simply raised her and Ganondorf's chances. After all, if this interview is real (and it seems to me to be genuine), we now know that a Shiek and Ganondorf model was created for Brawl. What we don't know is for what purpose those character models are for. While everybody seems to agree Ganondorf is a shoe-in, Shiek's fate is less certain. However, you must see that now, much as you dislike the character, her chances have increased.
Obviously there COULD be an OoT themed stage to match the (awesome) OoT remix, or it could be a Hyrule Temple-esque stage that is not specific to any game. SO yeah, it is POSSIBLE - but there are just so many more worthy Zelda characters that I highly doubt that Sheik will be playable.And before you throw the "Sakurai seems to be only using material from Twilight Princess, so Shiek must be out" argument at me, that's not true at all. Sakurai IS using some material from OoT as well, specifically the OoT remix, and that suggests to me we're also going to get a stage based on OoT as well: that music does not fit the Bridge of Eldin well at all IMO. Since Sakurai is clearly NOT just using material from TP for the Zelda franchise, this also means that Shiek could still return, as a playable representative of Ocarina of Time, just as how Link & Zelda (and we assume Ganondorf) will represent Twilight Princess due to their designs. However, my personal opinion is that if she does return, it'll be as a hidden character, separate from Zelda entirely, and she may get a much-needed revamp.
Let me explain. In my neck of the woods there are a disproportionate number of Sheik players. I've been to tournaments where 50% of players played as Sheik. Most of these players are very skilled, but rather than learn to master more difficult characters like Fox or Falco (or lower tier characters that they like) - they simply pick up Sheik for the tourneys and spam their way to victory. Most of these guys freely admit that they hate the character, but play as Sheik anyway becasue it's the easiest high tier character to master and compete with in high level tournament play.And finally, why so much hate towards Shiek, Wiseguy? Yes, she's overpowered, and yes, she's extremely cheap in the wrong hands, but hard as it may be to believe there are Shiek players who are pretty darn good without being cheap or relying too much on her overpowering traits. She's by no means my favourite character in Melee either, and I hardly ever use her myself, but your blind hatred of her is starting to worry me. Are you seriously telling me that if Shiek returns as a separate playable character in Brawl, is redesigned and gets her moves toned down a bit, you still won't touch her with a 10ft bargepole just because she was so overpowered in Melee? Look at Kirby and Ness. Many thought they were overpowered in SSB64, and lo and behold, Sakurai toned them down (although he did so too much, making them too weaker than before). I predict that the same thing will happen in Brawl to Fox, Marth and Shiek (if the latter 2 are in).
Oh, and BTW, are you going to update Peach's profile now that yesterday's update confirmed her? Or are you going to wait until Monday, when we'll probably get her bio anyway?![]()
What can I say? I'm too huge of a Zelda nerd to dismiss the timeline. Aonuma himself has spoken repeatedly on the links between OoT and WW, and surely you'll admit that some games (OoT and MM for example) have a chronological order.Man, you've got too much faith in the whole Zelda timeline. Come on people, am I the only one who sees the Zelda franchise as a series of the same characters in different stories? It's why TP Zelda can use Oot magic and not break a sweat. Zelda isn't Final Fantasy, the characters repeat in more than just name alone.
Besides, we don't know for sure if they truly ARE wholly (and only) TP inpired characters yet. When Link is seen useing the gale boomerang, or Ganondorf is seen with a glowing scar in his chest, THEN we'll know for sure, and not a moment before.
I'll grant you that Midna as an AT is possible, but only if a 5th Zelda character can't be included. Sheik a retuening character would be as hilarious as a kick in the teeth.Almost as funny as seeing Midna as an AT or Sheik as a returning character, I'm sure. Ok, well, maybe not quite as funny, but pretty close.
On a related note, is it just me or are these black Eyeball enemies from Kid Icarus:I know. Did you see those things Metaknight was fighting? Squids in centurion helmets dual-wielding swords! What's up with THAT?!
Interesting. But I still think that Ike doesn't have to be a carbon copy of Marth to be his replacement. He just has to be similar enough is his appearance, stats and moveset so that Marth players don't feel completely betrayed.Assuming that Ike and Marth fight similarly at all, which brings me to...
You're right of course. But we should also hold off on determining how similar Ike's moveset is to Marth's until we have more than still screenshots to go off of, as long as we're holding off on judgment.
But you can tell a fair amount about someone by looking at them.
For example: Marth's center of gravity is his hips. This allows his shoulders (and thus his sword arm) to get just a little bit farther from himself than normal, which helps him in his tipper-centric moveset. Of course, it also makes him look like a pansy; weight centered in the hips is very feminine. Marth moves like a girl.
Now, I haven't seen Ike move, no, but just look at the stills of him. His center of gravity seems to be his shoulders (more like Link), which is the more masculine way to hold yourself. It also would theoretically allow some significantly more powerful blows.
None of this means anything until we get to see some moveset, but it is food for thought.
QFTMan, I've been pulling for co-op single player (even though it sounds like an oxymoron) since day one. What's cooler than Ganondorf saving the world? Ganondorf and RIDLEY saving the world, that's what.
Nintendo Power lists Bonk's Adventure as the second best selling Turbographix console to date. I calso rememeber hearing on one of the 1up Yours poscasts on that it was the best selling VC game last holiday season.Wheres a source for that statement? Or is it just one of your crazy predictions?
Dude, you rock!Bonk for brawl XD
And if Sheik is a PC i will wear a Fabio sig for a month.
I suppose Sheik could very well be an Assist trophy, but for the record that would not meet the requirements of our bet SamusRules93. Either Sheik is a playabel character, or she isn't.Sheik has to appear in this game in some form, literally. If they cut her from playable, then they'll definitely have her around as AT or plain trophy, to represent characters past. I don't think that article really means much, to be honest: they'll need updated art for Sheik whether she appears as AT or playable.
If she's playable, I still think chances are high she'll be seperate. Maybe she'll even be an entirely different, fabricated character entirely. Impa in her glory days, perhaps. Or a random, backflipping Sheikah. Or just Sheik, but by herself for some reason.
(If we're going to start using FF as a comparison point, I'd like to point out that Zelda from game to game is a lot like Cid from FF to FF. Visually, there may be a few more similarities, but the major points are the same for both. Airship mechanic game to game, fixes/gives you vehicles. Princess game to game, holds triforce of wisdom ends up helping you with the last boss. If they didn't want to represent a specific Cid, they'd have to just make up a unique one that represents 'Cid' in general. If they wanted to represent a tower-bound, quiet Zelda and not, say, a loudmouthed, hardassed pirate Zelda, then they should've done the same: made a more amalgamated design.)
Youko had an interesting idea on the Show Me Your News podcast. He theorized that Ike was was a replacement for both Marth and Roy - meaning that he charactersistcs of both fighters.It's really unsettling to me that people would consider Ike a Marth replacement. Sure they could give Ike similar moves, but what about Marth's style. Half of Marth's style is actually derived from his feminene appearance. His lack of muscles and smooth face shows simbolizes how he was well taken care of and didn't need to really train his muscles for anything. Instead he would focus on his studies. This is the concept of an elegant swordsman. He didn't need to learn how to fight, but he was interested in the weapon and learning it was just a hoby. He didn't realize he would need it for anything until much later.
That feminene look also supports one much more important aspect of the elegant swordsman. It shows that he doesn't really enjoy killing to any extent. He kill to test his own strenght (like the Black Knight), he doesn't want to mow through the enemy to get to their leader (like Ike), so he uses what he's learned (and he had plenty of time for that during his childhood) in order to avoid major conflicts.
So on apperance alone we already have a major difference in what their mentalities are and thus, their styles.
Oister Meister pointed out that Marth's center of gravity is at his hips. I personally believe that having a low center of gravity is an efficient way for a swordsman to fight (I bet Marth agrees. Lol) Marth obviously doesn't care about the enemy's oppinion of him so why does it matter how he looks when he's fighting. The only morals he's bound by is his own (which, since he's a noble, he obviously has quite a few. Most however are not image based.) He's fighting in the most efficient way possible as it allows him to take full advantage of his sword's reach (the most important advantage that a sword gives you.) He also moves his sword in very large arcs. This is to help him build momentum do to his lack of muscle. With a wider arc he can accelerate the sword more slowly and thus use less effort on the swing of the sword itself.
I personally think that style makes him badass. He doesn't have to look manly in apperance or in his words, because he will let his sword do the talking. The elegant swordsman's additutde,IMO, is "I can kill you if neccesary, but I'd rather not stain my sword with your blood." To me, that's really cool.
Examples of Feminene badass swordsmen.
A) Marth is the first FE lord IN JAPAN. The rest of the world (where the majority of FE fans resode) is still waiting for him to appear in a FE game.Considering that A) Marth is the first Fire Emblem Lord and B) The Fire Emblem icon is Marth's falchion, I highly doubt that he'll be replaced.
Thread low. must bump.
Yes they are!Are lurkers aloud to bump?![]()
I think I'll keep you in suspence and wait until we know who won the bet before showing SR's WW sig.I never said Shiek was basically confirmed as a PC. She's practically in Brawl [she's either a trophy and/or a PC or a AT], since GI is the #1 most subscribed gaming magazine by a huge margin, and Nintendo has yet to disprove it, and they would if a major gaming media outlet said such things. G'dorf is all but guarenteed, and I never said you said that. Aww no bets....![]()
Well at least I'll probably get to see Samusrules with a WW Link siggy [c'mon Wisey, the suspense is killing me!], get that one guy to get me a free copy of Brawl when Lucario's confirmed [I'm assuming he's probably in Brawl], etc. Maybe see Wiseguy in a Shiek sig, along with Numa Dude with a Midna!
Anyways fellow betters, I say we make the loser of the bet post their sig evry post [unless the thread they posts on bans sigs], and if they miss one post, that's a extra day they need the sig [unless they edit it ASAP]. Agreed=???
And I smell Peach, Capt. Falcon, and Diddy Kong in the wind. Thinking of Diddy Kong makes me excited! Too bad I'm gonna be gone most of this weeks, and miss the next 4 updates.Aww well, I'll be back to see them on on Saturday or Sunday!
- ~His Knightlyness Himself~ Johnknight1!![]()
Keep in mind, Windwaker Link and Minish Cap Link are different individuals, though they sure look alike.if ww link is in in brawl i suspect vaati to be in either as a pc or at.only because vaati has only appeared in cel shaded link games(eg minish cap)vaati for me wouldnt be that bad but i prefer skull kid as a pc only because he has more of a personality.
also if we get skull kid we may get a young link who can change into the different masks from mm with oni link being final smash(possible)
Beleive it or not, I have been known to change my opinion becuase of a really strong argument. There was a time the Midna's Twili form was on my list instead of Minda/Wolf tag team - then Ferro changed my mind. Wolf Oddonel and Mewtwo are also characters that I included afterwards, partially becuase people had strong arguments for their inclusion.While I have been thinking about it for some time now, I think there's one main reason why many of these arguments are not actually getting anywhere, bias. I mean seriously, what's the point of going through a bunch of supporting arguments if the main argument itself is based purely on bias? No amount of counter arguments will get through supporting arguments if bias can be used to back up the main argument. Thus, some characters are likely to have arguments used against them while others might not get the same treatment.
Come on Wiseguy, for making predictions, while you do have supporting arguments thrown in, some of them (mainly some characters not returning) are ultimately grounded so heavily in personal bias that I think it's pointless even debunking the supporting arguments in the first place. It's like you have blind rage here which seems to overshadow most supporting arguments.
On the other hand, today's update should be even more minor proof that we don't have all the updates figured out. Peach's update could be tomorrow or it could be who knows when. Sakurai sure seems to love his mind games.
Well, Twili Midna was on the cover of the game manual. A year ago. So, I doubt spoilers will be an issue.About Midna, why show her true form, it'll cause spoilers for people who never got or beat the game. Never know. Also she's been in her true form for only about 3 minutes...
While in her imp form through the whole game.
Rayman, eh? I suppose he might stand a chance if Ubisoft begged Nintendo to include him. I'm a little skeptical, though, becuase I don't think he's very popular in Japan.Midna is probably gonig to be in. What are some Third-Party chances like Rayman? Rayman Arena, Raving Rabbids 1 +2, along with Nintendo and Ubisoft rumors can lead to guessing. Plus his moveset would be awesome. I could create it right now and I am sure iw ould be pretty sweet.
I will vouch for your theory that many a Zelda fan will double over should Sheik be included as a transformation for TP Zelda. I wouldn't object to Sheik being included as a separate character; that even raises the chances of Sheik being nerfed and Zelda left untouched, if not improved.What can I say? I'm too huge of a Zelda nerd to dismiss the timeline. Aonuma himself has spoken repeatedly on the links between OoT and WW, and surely you'll admit that some games (OoT and MM for example) have a chronological order.
Zelda's OoT inspired magic attacks are based on the 3 Goddesses (a constant in the series) so I don't see it as out of place. TP Zelda Transforming into Sheik (a character WHO NEVER EVEN EXISTED in the Twilight Princess timeline) would make many Zelda fans cringe.
I'll grant you that Midna as an AT is possible, but only if a 5th Zelda character can't be included. Sheik a retuening character would be as hilarious as a kick in the teeth.
On a related note, is it just me or are these black Eyeball enemies from Kid Icarus:
i feel that the only third party characters with chances are sonic, megaman, and geno. Sonic is already confimred if nintendo gets permission, megaman and geno tied for second on the polls.Understood. I am just listing people from my Top 5 thread list. What about Randi from the Secret of Mana? the Mana series is huge in both the Japan and the U.S. and Randi (the nameless hero which you name in the U.S. version) is the protagonist from the best one of the series.
I'm not at all familiar with the Mana series, so I can't really speak to that. Personally, I'd prefer a Square rep from one of the Dragon Quest games (though that isn't terribly likely...)Understood. I am just listing people from my Top 5 thread list. What about Randi from the Secret of Mana? the Mana series is huge in both the Japan and the U.S. and Randi (the nameless hero which you name in the U.S. version) is the protagonist from the best one of the series.
My favorite has to be the OoT>MM>TP timeline, though I love Windwaker as well.Id have to say the two most likely are Sonic (Obviously) and Mega man (Obviously) but who knows maybe Sakurai is good friends with the maker of Pong (If he is still alive).
And i am serious about that Fabio sig...
BTW whats is your favorite part of the time line wise guy? Before OOT the "Link go's back to his time" route or the "Future after Link has left" way? i prefer the "Future after Link has left way" because of Wind waker.
Perhaps you're right about the enemies. They just kinda reminded me of the flocks of Monoeyes, but I guess they have tentacles.I will vouch for your theory that many a Zelda fan will double over should Sheik be included as a transformation for TP Zelda. I wouldn't object to Sheik being included as a separate character; that even raises the chances of Sheik being nerfed and Zelda left untouched, if not improved.
Midna alone is a possible AT, albeit an iffy one. Midna and Wolf Link, however, is very likely for a PC. Even Midna alone has a good chance. Expect to see her on the roster in some form.
As for the Kid Icarus enemy, I'm going to have to disagree. The closest they come to the KI realm is Tros, but Tros has four spikes and a cross upon its body.I'm going to wager that any and all Subspace Emissary enemies will be original ones.
LOL @ Aunoma saying Sheik instead of Zelda without realizing it, that's not the case at all, he won't make such dumb mistake regarding characters he design and they did ask him about the 2 anyway. It will pure stupidty coming from a professional to do such mistake.
What one could argue is that the new design of sheik may be used for other purposes (trophy, at) rather than a playable character.
In the interview, he refered to the character designs of Link, Sheik and Ganondorf so I'd say we'll still see Ganondorf's TP form.I find it somewhat strange that he submitted the designs for Sheik and Ganondorf, but nowhere have I seen any inclination that he did the same for Link and Zelda. Is it possible that Link and Zelda borrow their designs from Twilight Princess, where Ganondorf is taking on a new (or altered) appearance?
It also raises some speculation in regards to why they're taking more extensive action in regards to Ganondorf. With Sheik, it is understandable; her design hasn't been updated in seven years. But Ganondorf? He was just in Twilight Princess, not nearly long ago to warrant a complete character overhaul (or any changes at all, for that matter). I'm getting a vibe that says Ganondorf is going to be different than what we expect.
But hey, I've been wrong before . . .
Except the ones that aren't, amirite?I'm going to wager that any and all Subspace Emissary enemies will be original ones.
@ wiseguy
since this thread has morphed into an all out prediction discussion in every aspect of brawl
can you add a "how characters will fit in subspace emissary" zone
and do you think all characters in the plot will be an assist trophy or playable becaues if not that is yet another way to add runner ups (my guess is paletuna will only be in cut scenes)
Except the ones that aren't, amirite?
But anyway, Samus looks so awesome in the screenshots. I sure hope she runs the same. <3 Also, I wanna see more Kirby stuff and finally some MOTHER hop to that, Mr. Sakurai. :/ :\
But ya, Subspace Emissary looks awesome.
Well, for Ganondorf it might be just to get rid of that scar, and since without it his chest armor would be missing a good focal point, that might require a small redesign.It also raises some speculation in regards to why they're taking more extensive action for Ganondorf. With Sheik, it is understandable; her design hasn't been updated in seven years. But Ganondorf? He was just in Twilight Princess, not nearly aged enough to warrant a complete character overhaul (or any changes at all, for that matter). I'm getting a vibe that says Ganondorf is going to be different than what we expect.
I'm not sure about that, but Sakurai seems big on recycling. I find it hard to believe that he'd ever create something just for a cutscene. I mean, even that Ridley model in the Melee opening got reused as a trophy.@ wiseguy
since this thread has morphed into an all out prediction discussion in every aspect of brawl
can you add a "how characters will fit in subspace emissary" zone
and do you think all characters in the plot will be an assist trophy or playable becaues if not that is yet another way to add runner ups (my guess is paletuna will only be in cut scenes)
Classic Mode will return, and you're right: there'll probably be other subtitles for Adventure Mode.OysterMeister said:Anyway, regarding SE speculation, is there anyone else out there who thinks there may be more to the single player? It seems like if SE was the only single-player adventure mode, Sakurai would have just called it Adventure Mode. Maybe there's not another side-scroller, but at the very least there's still pobably a classic mode, and maybe even some event matches.