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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
ADD CLAUS NAOW. Must i go on with reasoning ? And he gives Starfox 3 reps on his roster while giving mother only one :mad: :mad: :mad: ? I've already told you loads of times to...Do it naow.
Mother is a finished, three-game series with only one game that ever made it out of Japan, and that title wasn't even released worldwide (just in the U.S.). StarFox is a series that is ongoing, internationally popular, and has had worldwide releases for all of its games. The series aren't comparable; there's nothing wrong with giving StarFox 3 reps and Mother only 1.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Mother is a finished, three-game series with only one game that ever made it out of Japan, and that title wasn't even released worldwide (just in the U.S.). StarFox is a series that is ongoing, internationally popular, and has had worldwide releases for all of its games. The series aren't comparable; there's nothing wrong with giving StarFox 3 reps and Mother only 1.
He has a point. Five worldwide games beats 2 Japan-Only games and 1 Worldwide game. The only thing that I think MOTHER's getting is Ness back, and that's maybe

ParamoreRiot said:
Sora would be a better business move for Nintendo as a 3rd party character.
It would be a kick to the balls of Sony, stealing the main character to one of the PS2's highest selling franchises.
I can definitely see that being the straw that finally breaks Sony's back, wht with the Wii out selling thw PS3 5:1 and the loss of the majority of titles for the PS3, the onl thing left is for the Nintendo rebllion to crush the dctatorial PS3 Empire. Or was that Star Wars? Oh well. I think that Sora's a little unlikely, but for a Square rep, a good idea. PErsonally I think that Square won't really get a rep in Brawl, I mean, just becaus Sakurai is quote unquote "interested" in Geno doesn't mean that Geno's getting in. I think that Bomberman or Megaman has waaaaay higher chances of repping.

Numa Dude said:
Why do you still have it saying Wolf is a Fox alt? It was a crappy pic of the dark Fox alt so put Wolf back on the **** list.
Yeah Wisey, it was shown on the DOJO that it was "Dark Fox" not Wolf. He's still elligible.

the_Capt_Falcon_Master said:
wiseguy you are defenitly due for an update on your list.
Yep, I've been calling for one since the addition of Sheik, speaking of which, why do you have Sheik in there? Or Dr. K and Takamaru for that matter? Seriously, what makes them more likely than a more deserving spot filler. Really, Dr. K? He's a floating head! He's never been n an action game, let alone a game where he makes any sort of movement other than talking and laughing. If you didn't put Andross on the list why are you even considering slapping on a floating head? Is it the Pictochat stage, because I think that that's just a little something they put in there for fun, like they did in Mario Kart DD with the NGC or Mario Kart DS with the DS, and don't get me started on that nutty Takamaru.

A change is needed. ASAP.

'Nuff said.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Wow, you seem really in tune with Sakurai. Sakurai is interested in this, Sakurai hates that. I'm sick and tired of people speaking for him! If there isn't any concrete evidence that this is how he feel than stop saying "This is how Sakurai feels, so this is how it should be."

And even if Sakurai "wanted" something he still needs the green light from both the higher ups in Nintendo and Square, and If you're going to make a decision like this, what do you go for? A weak, unkown character for a cheap price? Or a high profile character for a substantial price? At this point I think Nintendo's just going to go and get Mega/Bomberman for equal price, it just seems that all this haggling with Square is for naught.

But seriously, People need to stop saying "I- I mean, Sakurai want's this, so that's what's happening"
What haggling do you speak of? What evidence do we have that Square-Enix would demand more for one of their top characters than Konami or SEGA did? How do we know the deal isn't done and whatever character they've chosen isn't in the game already? The thing about the whole Contribution Fist letters thing is that that was over a year ago and could've been before he'd contacted any other company, weighed his options, and talked it over with either company.

SE could've been all friendly about it. <_< Like, "Oh yeah, we'd love to have a character in Brawl! A royalty of x yen on each copy? That's a good price! Here, pick a character." Alright...maybe not that enthusiastic or fast but ya know...This whole fad of thinking SE's so much more of a big bad company than Nintendo, SEGA, or Konami is kind of annoying.

(This wasn't all aimed at you, jimmy...I just rambled on after awhile.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
What haggling do you speak of? What evidence do we have that Square-Enix would demand more for one of their top characters than Konami or SEGA did? How do we know the deal isn't done and whatever character they've chosen isn't in the game already? The thing about the whole Contribution Fist letters thing is that that was over a year ago and could've been before he'd contacted any other company, weighed his options, and talked it over with either company.

SE could've been all friendly about it. <_< Like, "Oh yeah, we'd love to have a character in Brawl! A royalty of x yen on each copy? That's a good price! Here, pick a character." Alright...maybe not that enthusiastic or fast but ya know...This whole fad of thinking SE's so much more of a big bad company than Nintendo, SEGA, or Konami is kind of annoying.

(This wasn't all aimed at you, jimmy...I just rambled on after awhile.
Yeah, this guy's right! People are throwing around hypothetical situations, but when it comes down to it Nintendo has shown no interaction with Square, meaning that unless Nintendo's being very, very quiet about it there will be no Square rep ever. Exactly, The letters, the poll, that's not Sakurai talking, that's just the few Geno fans that are suddenly banding together and voting for Geno like mad. In the end, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that supports Geno's inclusion, and even if (And this indeed is an if) Sakurai "liked" Geno there'd still be an incredibly low chance of him getting in.

I'm sure that every single third party company that wasn't tied down jumped on the oppertunity to get in on Nintendo, and in fact I bet that Nintendo had to turn some of them down, going in favor for more popular and iconic characters (Megaman or Bomberman, anyone?). In the end, it's just going to be one more third party (Most likely) and most likely it will not be a Square Rep, let alone someone as unlikely as Geno.

'Nuff said.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
That's not what I was saying. Nintendo hasn't shown any interaction with Capcom or Hudson, either. There're a lot of people that see a Square-Enix character as being as iconic as Mega Man...I don't know about Bomberman being particularly iconic. I think it's still very much up in the air how many third-party characters are left and which ones will get in.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
That's not what I was saying. Nintendo hasn't shown any interaction with Capcom or Hudson, either. There're a lot of people that see a Square-Enix character as being as iconic as Mega Man...I don't know about Bomberman being particularly iconic. I think it's still very much up in the air how many third-party characters are left and which ones will get in.
True, true. Looking into third party predictions is like reading a crystal ball. Nearly impossible. But still, Geno's chances are lacking, but are there.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
its amazing jimmy your debating geno on two seperate threads at the same time!! anhyways I am praying for a character update tomarrow. I want something to talk about other then character alts and costumes, or the other random stuff weve been getting recently.
Thanks for your support, I really hope that we get a juicier update tommorrow, it's been rather dry as of late.


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
Wow, you seem really in tune with Sakurai. Sakurai is interested in this, Sakurai hates that. I'm sick and tired of people speaking for him! If there isn't any concrete evidence that this is how he feel than stop saying "This is how Sakurai feels, so this is how it should be."

And even if Sakurai "wanted" something he still needs the green light from both the higher ups in Nintendo and Square, and If you're going to make a decision like this, what do you go for? A weak, unkown character for a cheap price? Or a high profile character for a substantial price? At this point I think Nintendo's just going to go and get Mega/Bomberman for equal price, it just seems that all this haggling with Square is for naught.

But seriously, People need to stop saying "I- I mean, Sakurai want's this, so that's what's happening"
Sakurai SAID In his journal that he wasn't to "Intregged" In adding third-party characters.

Not sure what nintendo would think but Square wouldn't mind , They have very good relationship...Mega/Bomberman is a different company so leave those aside out of here...Anyhow he wants it (Well by the looks of his "journal".) Fans want it and he has some popularity and is unique , The thing is that there are "Less" Characters for square to representation that are easier to get legal rights from , I Mean things like Black mage = To generic to represent , Things like sora or cloud = Have mixed copyrights or high safeguards and are more to "Sony" Then Nintendo.

In the end sakurai can easily revive back the character for quite a penny , Does it mean he will ? No...We aren't sure of that , For all we know he could announce Geno as a PC Twomorrow (Hypothetically speaking of course.) And let's remember that SMRPG Isn't such a "Grain of dirt" To nintendo as is and since it's an easy character to represent a well part of square with There buisness affairs , Sakurai "Liking" The character a bit by the looks of it , Him being "Interesting" And "Unique" And a well way to represent square , Oh and the fact that the fan's want him.
If you really want to get the bomb dropped on this debate then i'd personally say find Fatmanonice's account...He is the most avid geno supporter i know of :p.

Stop using "OA" instead of "O". It's really irksome, but don't take my work for it, I have my own stuff that irks people.

I think that if anyone is getting on as another MOTHER character It'll be Ness.
Anyhow why ness ? Mother 3 got 500,000 Sales and got very popular so it was easy to replace lucas with ness since ness's popularity went down , After that you have claus who ranked Top 10 on the journals , Sakurai "Likes" The character as he has said in his journal , He has quite a well bit of popularity , Is very important to mother 3 (The second most important mother character in Mother 3.) In the plot , He is very unique and original , Gee i need more reasoning please ? Go look at the thread on the claus support thread and go to the one that says "By thirdkoopa at nsider" And i think that will knock in WHY Claus deserves the spot a lot more then ness did (Well it's about claus deserving the spot.) Since ness is basically "Just another protaginist" Of mother (Besides being in Smash 64 and Melee.)while Lucas and Claus easily had/has more going for them.

Mother is a finished, three-game series with only one game that ever made it out of Japan, and that title wasn't even released worldwide (just in the U.S.). StarFox is a series that is ongoing, internationally popular, and has had worldwide releases for all of its games. The series aren't comparable; there's nothing wrong with giving StarFox 3 reps and Mother only 1.
Hmmm the thing is that Starfox is a "Small" Series as well with 5 games (Still all international.) But mother is still a popular series that has been denied another rep for quite a while , Sakurai tends to "Like" The series with Lucas being one of the 8 mentioned in interviews and Claus being one of the 7 Mentioned in his journal 4+ Times , Mother being one of the only franchises in his journal that had 2 characters mentioned (Being the max because i think lucas was mentioned twice also.) Being a cult-cut hit and MAYBE Being able to come back ? Oh and it helped inspire pokemon since some of the developers of Mother 1went to work on it after they got done with that , It can easily have another represenitive (And you also need to remember that each game in the series...Especially the third was insanely hyped for down in japan.) So Mother can easily get another represenitive.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
Flatzone, right behind the reset button.
Ummmmm.... has anyone noticed Wiseguy hasn't posted anything lately? Maybe he is dead in his house...
Or maybe he is taking a long time to update it?
And >sarcasm< how about, instead of Claus or Ness, they have Ninten?
And quit the Geno/Cloud/other square reps debate. Honestly, >honestly< they should have Spyro.
And Tatanga and Ridley.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
OK, fine. You don't play FF... but please stop it with Cloud. Everytime Cloud is suggested for Brawl a Nintendo angel loses its wings. (And everytime Sephiroth is suggested, a Nintendo angel commits suicide)

Listen, Final Fantasy IV to VI were remade on the GBA, and we're now expecting a IV remake for DS, and it's a no brainer V and VI are to follow. Those games are still relevant to Nintendo, so Terra and Cecil (and well, Bartz if you wanna argue for him too, but I don't like him that much) are and will always be better candidates for Brawl than Cloud.

I think that you are now probably thinking about how annoying I am, but I don't care. I'll never be able to see Cloud suggested for Brawl and keep my mouth shut.
A quick fun fact: the man currently in charge of remaking FF4 for the DS has stated interest in future 3D-updates/remakes: FF6 and Chrono Trigger.

I know you hate it, but Cloud is a real possibility. There's no denying that he's popular enough, or Square enough, or iconic enough, to make the cut.
Sora, too, also has a pretty strong chance, since he already got the popularity and moveset potential, as well as having a unique weapon. Plus, his series is founded on crossovers.

I'm afraid that no one from FF6 (well... maybe Kefka. He's just so dag-nasted evil.) has the clout to compete with the likes of Cloud and Sora. Really, if you want a square rep, they're the heaviest hitters.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Spyro? As in that washed up dragon character who hit his high back in the 64-Bit era, and has never gotten back since? Crash Bandicoot is a better idea than him, and Crash would be a a horrible character. o_o

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
So people who don't play FF only know Cloud... what else?
Kinda like how people who don't play Sonic know Tails, but not Shadow.

People that don't play Fire Emblem know Ike, but not Sothe.

People who don't play Zelda know Link, but not Tingle or Minda.

A character's popularity can certainly extend beyond the game's popularity (not that any of those games aren't popular).

The fact that random people who don't even play the game like the character should be a sign of that character's popularity.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Kinda like how people who don't play Sonic know Tails, but not Shadow.

People that don't play Fire Emblem know Ike, but not Sothe.

People who don't play Zelda know Link, but not Tingle or Minda.

A character's popularity can certainly extend beyond the game's popularity (not that any of those games aren't popular).

The fact that random people who don't even play the game like the character should be a sign of that character's popularity.
Yes, but IF they add a FF character, they should add one to please the FANS, not random guy #2623569 who has never played a FF game and knows of Cloud due to his popularity. As a Nintendo FF fan I'd rather see someone else, even if less popular.

The Slayer

Apr 16, 2007
New World
actually thats not entirely true because f the game was released when planned sonic wouldn't have been on a nintendo system either
There has been noticable Sonic games on Nintendo consoles for nearly a decade. You must be smoking something to not notice that.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Not to interrupt this little debate on hode podge of third party characters, but am I the only dissapointed one that his update was on controls. Ah, cest l'vie. I suppose we'll be getting a lot of filler updates now that the date's been pushed beck, but if it hadn't we'd have a wealth of information by now!

Speaking of which, who do you really think is the most deserving of another third party spot? I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't want to start a huge debate war, but seriously, if anyones getting that spot it's bomberman or megaman in my opinion. Therey're just so obvious it's not even funny.

Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Not to interrupt this little debate on hode podge of third party characters, but am I the only dissapointed one that his update was on controls. Ah, cest l'vie. I suppose we'll be getting a lot of filler updates now that the date's been pushed beck, but if it hadn't we'd have a wealth of information by now!

Speaking of which, who do you really think is the most deserving of another third party spot? I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't want to start a huge debate war, but seriously, if anyones getting that spot it's bomberman or megaman in my opinion. Therey're just so obvious it's not even funny.
Actually, I like this update. I know that configurable buttons had been hinted at before but it's nice to see it become a reality. And I loved Sakurai's little comment at the end: "Wow. I hate to say it, but we really have thought of everything."

And I think everybody's going to have massive arguments over who the most deserving third party character would be and how they qualify to be deserving in the first place...

Personally, I think they need an eclectic mix from about 4 or 5 different developers all of which are very unique but thoroughly deserving. I know I'm not answering your question properly but for some reason, constant "Megaman" or "Bomberman" comments just bore me. Look at Snake guys... imagine it had been Sonic who had been announced as the first third-party, no one in a million years would guess that Snake would be one also.

So, I think that the most deserving ones are actually the ones that "yes, have huge fan followings" but would be completely unsuspected. Sure it'd be nice to play as Megaman for example, but I'd prefer -- say -- Ryu from Street Fighter as a playable Capcom character simply because he's deserving, would work well, AND would be a freakin' awesome surprise. Similar, sucks to Geno (again, like Megaman, I do still want him in, this is just hypothetical) I would much rather Cloud Strife or someone who's just completely "woah!" to appear.

So, Snake ; Sonic ; Ryu ; Cloud Strife

Hmm, who else... I've mentioned it before but I think Treasure is an unsung developer who deserves full attention. We've had Saki assist trophy, why not a Gunstar Hero playable character as creme de la creme. It's something that Sakurai knows that all true gamers would absolutely adore.

But the biggest pleasent surprise would have to be something like Banjo Kazooie, which I'm sure if it weren't for the whole "Microsoft" thing would be highly requested characters. Nintendo, you're in the big money at the moment... how many fans would be made happy to see that bird and a bear on a Nintendo console amongst Mario and peers for just one last time.

So, Snake ; Sonic ; Ryu ; Cloud Strife ; Gunstar Hero ; Banjo & Kazooie

The most deserving? All of them, because no matter what the people who claim that Smash Bros. should stay true to its origins, they would be **** well awesome, wonderful and BIG surprises.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Actually, I like this update. I know that configurable buttons had been hinted at before but it's nice to see it become a reality. And I loved Sakurai's little comment at the end: "Wow. I hate to say it, but we really have thought of everything."
I liked the update too.

Personally, I think they need an eclectic mix from about 4 or 5 different developers all of which are very unique but thoroughly deserving. I know I'm not answering your question properly but for some reason, constant "Megaman" or "Bomberman" comments just bore me. Look at Snake guys... imagine it had been Sonic who had been announced as the first third-party, no one in a million years would guess that Snake would be one also.
Yeah, the 3rd 3rd party needs a bit of a WTF factor.

So, I think that the most deserving ones are actually the ones that "yes, have huge fan followings" but would be completely unsuspected. Sure it'd be nice to play as Megaman for example, but I'd prefer -- say -- Ryu from Street Fighter as a playable Capcom character simply because he's deserving, would work well, AND would be a freakin' awesome surprise. Similar, sucks to Geno (again, like Megaman, I do still want him in, this is just hypothetical) I would much rather Cloud Strife or someone who's just completely "woah!" to appear.

So, Snake ; Sonic ; Ryu ; Cloud Strife
Eww. Cloud Strife. Sure, he'd be WOAH to many, but a character getting in Smash due to a cameo in a spin-off while there are many characters from the same series who actually had their main titles released (and rereleased) on Nintendo platforms is just a no in my book.

As for Ryu, even if Megaman is a better rep he *would* have the WTF factor, and I said I thought it was important... but is WTF factor enough to overlook a gaming icon? Well, if we got Ryu I wouldn't complain, but I'd like Megaman better.

Hmm, who else... I've mentioned it before but I think Treasure is an unsung developer who deserves full attention. We've had Saki assist trophy, why not a Gunstar Hero playable character as creme de la creme. It's something that Sakurai knows that all true gamers would absolutely adore.
I feel bad for not knowing Gunstar Hero or whatever.

But the biggest pleasent surprise would have to be something like Banjo Kazooie, which I'm sure if it weren't for the whole "Microsoft" thing would be highly requested characters. Nintendo, you're in the big money at the moment... how many fans would be made happy to see that bird and a bear on a Nintendo console amongst Mario and peers for just one last time.

So, Snake ; Sonic ; Ryu ; Cloud Strife ; Gunstar Hero ; Banjo & Kazooie

The most deserving? All of them, because no matter what the people who claim that Smash Bros. should stay true to its origins, they would be **** well awesome, wonderful and BIG surprises.
The most deserving on your list aside from the double S are Ryu and B&K. It really sucks for B&K to be in MS's clutches. They look a hella ugly now too.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Actually, I like this update. I know that configurable buttons had been hinted at before but it's nice to see it become a reality. And I loved Sakurai's little comment at the end: "Wow. I hate to say it, but we really have thought of everything."

And I think everybody's going to have massive arguments over who the most deserving third party character would be and how they qualify to be deserving in the first place...

Personally, I think they need an eclectic mix from about 4 or 5 different developers all of which are very unique but thoroughly deserving. I know I'm not answering your question properly but for some reason, constant "Megaman" or "Bomberman" comments just bore me. Look at Snake guys... imagine it had been Sonic who had been announced as the first third-party, no one in a million years would guess that Snake would be one also.

So, I think that the most deserving ones are actually the ones that "yes, have huge fan followings" but would be completely unsuspected. Sure it'd be nice to play as Megaman for example, but I'd prefer -- say -- Ryu from Street Fighter as a playable Capcom character simply because he's deserving, would work well, AND would be a freakin' awesome surprise. Similar, sucks to Geno (again, like Megaman, I do still want him in, this is just hypothetical) I would much rather Cloud Strife or someone who's just completely "woah!" to appear.

So, Snake ; Sonic ; Ryu ; Cloud Strife

Hmm, who else... I've mentioned it before but I think Treasure is an unsung developer who deserves full attention. We've had Saki assist trophy, why not a Gunstar Hero playable character as creme de la creme. It's something that Sakurai knows that all true gamers would absolutely adore.

But the biggest pleasent surprise would have to be something like Banjo Kazooie, which I'm sure if it weren't for the whole "Microsoft" thing would be highly requested characters. Nintendo, you're in the big money at the moment... how many fans would be made happy to see that bird and a bear on a Nintendo console amongst Mario and peers for just one last time.

So, Snake ; Sonic ; Ryu ; Cloud Strife ; Gunstar Hero ; Banjo & Kazooie

The most deserving? All of them, because no matter what the people who claim that Smash Bros. should stay true to its origins, they would be **** well awesome, wonderful and BIG surprises.
Oh Banjo, it was if you were bred for Brawl, a unique double jump, a projectile, side attacks, and that unique pinache that just makes them the perfect character. Curse you, Gates! Curse you! I mean, It's one thing to buy up Rare, it's a whole diffrent ballgame to never make a Banjo Kazooie 3.

But I digress, yes I think that you're right. Some third Party characters should get in due to populairity, some should get in due to originality or uniqueness, but some characters will get in and currently (although I really really want Banjo) the Bomberman and the Blue Bomber are pretty likely at this point. Personally, I think both are deserving. Megaman has all this high tech gadgetry, but Bomberman has this sort of classic aura about him, stemming from his classic game up to his later ones he's kept as original as, well, Mario. Tough choice, tough choice indeed. On one hand both could make interesting movesets with Bomberman's ballistic arsenel to Megaman's wide array of plasma (insert weapon here) and "flavors" (Fire, Ice, Electric...). Bomberman would slip right in with the zany cast of Brawl and has the anmation style to prove it, however Megaman has a very Samus feel to him without becoming a clone. Bomberman is with Hudson, which has had the responsibility of such big Nintendo franchises such as Mario Party, but thenagain, Megaman has been in about a bajillion GBA games that have litterally been flying off the shelves (Though he's never been n a console)

Then again, if you really want to do the unexpected get Lara Croft or Crash Bandicoot. Both iconic characters (in their day) and could probably get into Brawl without much heckling from Nintendo (Last I checked, Crash, Bang, Boom! for the DS was made by Nintendo's affiliates) and such totally impossible, yet incredible characters like Master Cheif would turn Brawl from a simple video game into a near literal fountain of gold. Ah, I really could see so many interesting characters getting in, in fact I think that it would be possibly the coolest thing in the universe if Brawl had every single main character from every major game in the world, but alas, that may never happen.

However, there is the matter of who I'd cast my vote foras the most likely third part canidate, and I, like the person before me, must say thatthe decision is just doo difficult to call, most characters I know are the best canidates imaginable. I can see either Megaman or Bomberman taking up that slot, but as to deciphering which I would prefer? Nigh impossible. Partially because I've only casually played both franchises and partially because they both seem to be the right guys for the job. Brawl is for the best of the best, and both of these gues are the best. Buat as far as who's better? Well, I can't really tell, it's mostly a matter of opinion, I aked the question mostly to see what the majorative reaction would be, but down to it, I simply cannot decide.

'Nuff said.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
"I really could see so many interesting characters getting in, in fact I think that it would be possibly the coolest thing in the universe if Brawl had every single main character from every major game in the world"

That's my dream and has been for a long time :)

If it is EVER going to happen. Super Smash Bros is what to do it with.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Hmm? Rare is working on Banjo-Kazooie 3.
Yes, I've known that for a long time, first they were going to make one for the GCN, but were bought up by Microsoft, a few years later (as agonising as they were!) Rare releases a promo for the game with the tagline Banjo's Back. However, like Pikmin 3 and the next Duke Nukem, it has been in, shall we say Development Hell.



Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
You guys know that because I'm mentioning what I'm about to mention (wait for it) that Sakurai will update it this week because he'll know we know about it.
When he said "We really thought of everything" he was refering to the quatro controlled PC Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles right? It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo obvious ;)


Smash Cadet
Sep 3, 2007
Hamilton, Ontario
Is Sheik's comeback basically fact now?
I've only read up a little, but most of people's argument was the recent boost to the TP costumes, and the lack of OoT colours showed grey clouds for Sheik. But with her move set as seen in some videos being like her Melee self, and the fact that OoT Zelda is selectable, do you guys think Sheik is back for sure?

Little Red Corvette

Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2007
Megaman has been in about a bajillion GBA games that have litterally been flying off the shelves (Though he's never been n a console)
Megaman's first 6 games were on the NES, the seventh on the SNES, as well as the first three games of the X series - that's in addition to the several billion GBA games. Overall, Megaman's just a much bigger part of gaming and Nintendo than Bomberman, who's never really had a stand out game (he's had the great formula and character, but there's no one game that is really that innovative or notable in the series. Of course, discussing this with people who don't read speculation sites all the time, they think it's gotta be someone more high-impact, a bigger deal than Megaman or Bomberman for the "third slot," since neither of those have quite the punch or unexpectedness of Sonic or Snake. The only character who realistically works in that way, thus, is Sora, as much as I might hate Kingdom Hearts.

EDIT: I'd also like to note that Sora is probably the most probable of Square Representatives - Black Mage is too generic and without pizazz, Cloud/Sephiroth have next to nil appearances on Nintendo systems, and Geno, well, as nice as that would be, he's quite obscure (with 1 appearance, as a secondary party member, and one cameo total - that would be less than any other character in Brawl, even Sheik, who would have two appearances due to Melee, the Ice Climbers, who have something around two if you count Melee, three or more if you count Geno's minor cameo in Mario and Luigi as an appearance, due to similarly insignificant appearances by the climbers in Animal Crossing and such. Lucas is the only one with similarly few appearances, but he's at least the main character in his game(though I guess this is all hypocritical of me, considering I want Skapon, Miciah and Claus)).
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