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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2007
I'm curious, just how convinced are you about Sheik's inclusion? Personally, I'm staying optimistic about it.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. Sony does NOT own Square. Not even a little. They make games for both systems. In fact, lately, they have been making a lot MORE games for Nintendo systems than square systems.
You don't need to own someone to control what they do. Currently Square's loyalty to Sony has brought in the big bucks, what with the fortune they've made with them, but you're right, with the dissapointment PS3 sales are, Square is about ready to take a lifeboat off this sinking ship, so perhaps a Square rep is more likely than not, but just not Geno, he's simply way too unknown compare to the more popular characters Square has.

Do you know what Squares most popular, most profitable franchise in Japan is? Final Fantasy? Kingdom Hearts? No, it's Dragon Quest. In Japan, that series is like Halo 3, GTA and Smash Bros combined. It's their biggest money maker. And since the PS1 days, it's always come out for Playsation consoles. Know what system the next instalment of the DQ franchise is coming to? Not the PS3 (which everyone expected) but the DS! Sony has been pulling it's hair out ever since, having lost one of it's biggest third party franchises to Nintendo.
Yeah, Square is definitely seperating from the plummeting sales of the PS3, but that doesn't mean that Geno's getting in.

Combine this with all the Square games coming to Wii and DS and it's pretty clear that the two companies are tight.

Mario Basketball is a Square game. It was made by Square. And it has mario in in (in additon to Final Fantasy characters). Am I missing something?

You see, while a character like Cloud is actually worth something (and by "something" I mean alot of money) Geno is the 3rd party equiviliant of gum on the sidewalk. No one cares about Geno currently, not Square and certainly not Nintendo. He's a dead character.

For that reason, it would be cake for Sakurai to get his hands on the rights to the character IF he wanted to. The makers of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga were given permission to include the character in their game, and I doubt they had to give their first bron children to Square.
It still makes little to no sense. I mean, why have gum on the sidewalk when you can have steak? I mean, honestly, what makes Geno a better choice than Cloud or any other, more recognisable game rep besides that he means less to both companies.

Sakurai is not the head of a corporation, he the head of a game studio. That means he has considerable power over what goes into the game, but his primary concern isn't profit - it's quality. Hense, unless his bosses have something personal against Geno, he can and will include him if he wants to. Not because he's well known (becuase he isn't) but because he may find the character itself appealing (much like he did with the Ice Climbers).
How many times must I say: It doesn't matter wether Sakurai likes the character or not! Nintendo's heads would definitely step in if Sakurai is going to get in such a estranged character. Practically all of Nintendo got twisted up in getting Sonic in, do you really think that Sakurai gets the only say in third party characters? Heck no!

Really, Nintendo higher ups may not have a personal problem with Geno, but they do like money, and honestly, Geno makes less and spends more money, and that's the last thing Nintendo wants. Really, Sakurai's wants rank under the companie's needs.

'Nuff said.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
Flatzone, right behind the reset button.
Gandi wouldn't et in because of the name being exactly like the more famous pacifist, Mahatma Gandhi, and it could cause some legal issues, besides, I'm not for who won't be in Brawl, I'm for fixing this list and pruning it of the near impossible.
uh, he IS Gandhi...In civ, you use real world leaders....
thats why he's impossible...but they are coming out with civ revolutions for the wii and such


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
You don't need to own someone to control what they do. Currently Square's loyalty to Sony has brought in the big bucks, what with the fortune they've made with them, but you're right, with the dissapointment PS3 sales are, Square is about ready to take a lifeboat off this sinking ship, so perhaps a Square rep is more likely than not, but just not Geno, he's simply way too unknown compare to the more popular characters Square has.
So . . . by that logic, one could say that, since Nintendo's now bringing in the bucks for Square, Nintendo has control over what Square does.

I don't see what is so far-fetched about picking the character that stands out amongst all of the other Square-Enix dribble. Sure, they could shoot for Cloud, but what sets him apart from any other random Final Fantasy character with a sword (don't even get into semantics here, as I'm a huge Cloud fan)?

Geno fits best as a fighter alongside all of the other Nintendo characters, because he is, at heart, a Nintendo character himself.

And so what if he's old/retro? Older gamers play Smash Bros, too. I'm a classic gamer. I love the NES and SNES days, and guess what my (along with many many others') favorite game was. You got it, Super Mario RPG.

Yeah, Square is definitely seperating from the plummeting sales of the PS3, but that doesn't mean that Geno's getting in.
It doesn't mean that anyone is getting in, but also doesn't mean that someone's not getting in.

It still makes little to no sense. I mean, why have gum on the sidewalk when you can have steak? I mean, honestly, what makes Geno a better choice than Cloud or any other, more recognisable game rep besides that he means less to both companies.
Because that gum still has the long-lasting flavor that the person bought it for in the first place. Square's steak has been overcooked and reheated so many times that its flavor is bland and tasteless.

And, like I said, Geno constitutes for the best choice, because his character was made that way. On the surface, he's a Square character, but at his core, he is a part of Mario history.

How many times must I say: It doesn't matter wether Sakurai likes the character or not! Nintendo's heads would definitely step in if Sakurai is going to get in such a estranged character. Practically all of Nintendo got twisted up in getting Sonic in, do you really think that Sakurai gets the only say in third party characters? Heck no!
Yes, it does matter if Sakurai likes the character. After all, his job is to direct the game's progression, which I can only assume includes character inclusion and negotiations with outisde companies. Do you think that, after Sakurai has already proven himself as a creative genius and fairly decent money-maker, Nintendo isn't going to give him some respective freedom with his project?

Really, Nintendo higher ups may not have a personal problem with Geno, but they do like money, and honestly, Geno makes less and spends more money, and that's the last thing Nintendo wants. Really, Sakurai's wants rank under the companie's needs.
You're not looking that the much, much bigger picture here. Nintendo might (and probably will) have to pay royalties to acquire the rights to Geno, but a lot of that money is going to come back to them with Super Mario RPG on the VC.

On top of that, rumors are stirring regarding a true sequel to Super Mario RPG. Yes, I know it's just a rumor, and I take it with a grain of salt. But still, that would be the best thing to happen . . . well . . . since the original was conceived.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
Because that gum still has the long-lasting flavor that the person bought it for in the first place. Square's steak has been overcooked and reheated so many times that its flavor is bland and tasteless.
Nifty metaphor. See what you did there? In one epiphany of comparative brilliance, you have caused me to want to see Geno in Brawl.

Do I think that he will actually make it in? Possibly. Apparently Sakurai doesn't consider Geno to be third party (where people heard this from I'm not entirely sure, but this has been posted several times in this thread before) and Geno was on Sakurai's poll, so he definitely knows that Geno exists. I'd say that this, as well as Geno's pure awesomeness, gives him some decent chances. I'd say that his chances are lower than Sheik's, but only because Sheik already has a unique moveset.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Nifty metaphor. See what you did there? In one epiphany of comparative brilliance, you have caused me to want to see Geno in Brawl.
Sorry, I tend to have that effect on people. :laugh:

At any rate, Jimmy, I agree. While I hope that Geno does not get overlooked this time around, he does have a few . . . shall I say . . . 'technicalities' working against him; however, neither of us will know if he's in for sure until after the Japanese release.

It's an uphill battle for our (my) favorite wood-clad star warrior. Here's to Geno . . . *Chugs a Mountain Dew*

Storm Eagle

Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2007
This is so dull. If Geno would be clearly 1st party, there would be no doubt that he would make it...


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Well, Fatmanonice recently had a revelation of sorts regarding Geno and Saki's recent trophy treatment. It does bring up a few interesting thoughts on where the rights lie and who gets credit for what. If you want a decent read, head over to the Geno thread and look for a candy-cane-esque post (Red and White text, just getting into the holiday spirit).

To summarize, credit wasn't given to Treasure, the development company for Sin and Punishment among other video game greats, for the inclusion of Saki in Brawl. Instead, Sakurai gave credit to Itoi, the man in charge of Saki's design (director). Why this happened is unknown, unless Treasure let Itoi keep the rights to his designs, but that is doubtful. What we do know is that at least two of the directors for Super Mario RPG are working under AlphaDreams, a second-party developer for Nintendo.

Now, I don't know all of the little nitty-gritty details as far as the procedures for this go, but it is speculated that Square's approval could possibly be bypassed if one of these directors is able to act in their stead.

Hey, it worked for Saki, why not Geno?

Storm Eagle

Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2007
If geno was 1st party, he might have less of a chance due to the fact there are plenty of 1st party mario characters
No, because he appeared 4 times on Sakurai's poll AND if Nintendo could, maybe they would have used Geno in many more games which would increase his chances.


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2006
I don't know, Geno just seems really, really improbable, my only concern is the accuracy of the list, personally I'm ready to keep that bet with WWisey bercause I simply don't see Geno getting in, but I guess we'll all see when Brawl comes out.
Its hard to argue with 4 mentions on the poll.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
No, because he appeared 4 times on Sakurai's poll AND if Nintendo could, maybe they would have used Geno in many more games which would increase his chances.
How does the fact that they could have, but didn't, help him? That something that would hurt someone most of the time.

Unless you're thinking of a hypothetical alternate reality in which Geno was owned by Nintendo, in which case, that's pure BS. Heck, all the PM partners never get reused again as playable. =/


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
You see, while a character like Cloud is actually worth something (and by "something" I mean alot of money) Geno is the 3rd party equiviliant of gum on the sidewalk. No one cares about Geno currently, not Square and certainly not Nintendo. He's a dead character.

For that reason, it would be cake for Sakurai to get his hands on the rights to the character IF he wanted to. The makers of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga were given permission to include the character in their game, and I doubt they had to give their first bron children to Square.
I'm not sure of the logic of this. Geno is a small character, true, but Brawl is NOT a small game. Making it onto the Brawl roster is a big deal, big enough to revitalize more than a few flagging series, and Square most certainly knows this. On top of that, each of the only two third party characters to make it so far have done so with substantial fanfare. Is this the kind of treatment normally given to dead characters? I don't think so.
It seems to me that if Square is going to throw their hat into the ring, they'll do it with a much bigger character than Geno.
Perhaps Geno could be added as a secret Square character in addition to a major square character, but I can't imagine that Square would choose to be represented in a game a smajor as Brawl by a dead character and ONLY a dead character.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
I'm not sure of the logic of this. Geno is a small character, true, but Brawl is NOT a small game. Making it onto the Brawl roster is a big deal, big enough to revitalize more than a few flagging series, and Square most certainly knows this. On top of that, each of the only two third party characters to make it so far have done so with substantial fanfare. Is this the kind of treatment normally given to dead characters? I don't think so.
It seems to me that if Square is going to throw their hat into the ring, they'll do it with a much bigger character than Geno.
Perhaps Geno could be added as a secret Square character in addition to a major square character, but I can't imagine that Square would choose to be represented in a game a smajor as Brawl by a dead character and ONLY a dead character.
I whole heartedly agree. If Square were to give Nintendo a character it would be Cloud, Sora (I Hope so.), or Black mage.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Well, Fatmanonice recently had a revelation of sorts regarding Geno and Saki's recent trophy treatment. It does bring up a few interesting thoughts on where the rights lie and who gets credit for what. If you want a decent read, head over to the Geno thread and look for a candy-cane-esque post (Red and White text, just getting into the holiday spirit).

To summarize, credit wasn't given to Treasure, the development company for Sin and Punishment among other video game greats, for the inclusion of Saki in Brawl. Instead, Sakurai gave credit to Itoi, the man in charge of Saki's design (director). Why this happened is unknown, unless Treasure let Itoi keep the rights to his designs, but that is doubtful. What we do know is that at least two of the directors for Super Mario RPG are working under AlphaDreams, a second-party developer for Nintendo.

Now, I don't know all of the little nitty-gritty details as far as the procedures for this go, but it is speculated that Square's approval could possibly be bypassed if one of these directors is able to act in their stead.

Hey, it worked for Saki, why not Geno?
LOL, I didn't know revelation meant spouting misinformed information. Sakurai didn't give credit to anyone. Nintendo owns all of the rights to everything to do with Sin & Punishment so they have the freedom to do what they want with Saki.

Smile Guy

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
That is the problem with Geno though, isn't it...

Yes, he'd be a lovely character but it would be a terrible shame to waste a Square Enix spot on him seeming as - ignoring all copywright issues - he feels completely Nintendo to me.

Cloud, Sora, Black Mage would all be worth their weight in gold but if Geno was given the spot... well, let's face it... he may be a fan favourite but the majority of users would just go... "who?" Like it or not he's an obscure character and as a third-party obscure character it does not help his chances.

BUT, in light with the recent Saki revelation, it seems that developers are giving Nintendo characters for very small fees if anything at all (he IS just an Assist Trophy and Nintendo wouldn't fork out a huge sum of money just for that). Nintendo could even buy the rights of Geno off Square Enix in return for a large payment for a character like Cloud Strife to appear as well. That way Geno wouldn't even have to take up a third-party slot, which frankly, however much I want him in, I wouldn't want him to take up that slot.

The point is, is that while it is murky waters for Geno and Square Enix and Nintendo, if Sakurai wants him in (which he probably does) then he'll end up in and probably not at the expense of another Square Enix character.

However, in a meek attempt to change the subject I would quite like one of the third party characters to be pretty obscure... Even if Saki's been taken up as an Assist Trophy how awesome would it be to see Red, Blue, Green, or Yellow crop up from Gunstar Heroes or something?


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
That is the problem with Geno though, isn't it...

Yes, he'd be a lovely character but it would be a terrible shame to waste a Square Enix spot on him seeming as - ignoring all copywright issues - he feels completely Nintendo to me.

Cloud, Sora, Black Mage would all be worth their weight in gold but if Geno was given the spot... well, let's face it... he may be a fan favourite but the majority of users would just go... "who?" Like it or not he's an obscure character and as a third-party obscure character it does not help his chances.

BUT, in light with the recent Saki revelation, it seems that developers are giving Nintendo characters for very small fees if anything at all (he IS just an Assist Trophy and Nintendo wouldn't fork out a huge sum of money just for that). Nintendo could even buy the rights of Geno off Square Enix in return for a large payment for a character like Cloud Strife to appear as well. That way Geno wouldn't even have to take up a third-party slot, which frankly, however much I want him in, I wouldn't want him to take up that slot.

The point is, is that while it is murky waters for Geno and Square Enix and Nintendo, if Sakurai wants him in (which he probably does) then he'll end up in and probably not at the expense of another Square Enix character.

However, in a meek attempt to change the subject I would quite like one of the third party characters to be pretty obscure... Even if Saki's been taken up as an Assist Trophy how awesome would it be to see Red, Blue, Green, or Yellow crop up from Gunstar Heroes or something?
Exactly! I mean, honestly, like I've said before: Why have that gum on the sidewalk when you can have steak, and don't tell me the gum still has flavor because It's been on that street for decades, being trampled on, while the steak is FDAapproved and comes from a four star resteraunt as their specialty dish. Hmm... Geno, a has-been who lost his sparkling charm (and populairity) years ago or Cloud, who represents Squares essence and has been in recent games, not to mention huge waves of populairity.

So really, why heckle with Square for a character that no one really wants? If you can have the Lexus, why take the ancient jallopy in the back? If you can have Mario, why take Dry Bones? It just doesn't make sense. If you can get, the biggest, most popular North American characterwhy take the guy that absolutely no one's heard of?

It's just not good business sense, and If you take a look at Nintendo's history they've got good business sense.

'Nuff said.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
WTF is it with people and Cloud? Agh.
Thanks, PGY. That same thing was burning in my tongue. Terra in Brawl would be infinitely better than Cloud, and she's even appeared on a nintendo console to boot :p. A pity she's impossible because, well, FFVII OMG. Sigh.

Also, hello again, Wiseguy thread. I missed this place.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Well, Cloud is mostly the best exaple people can come up with and is the most likely Square rep to get in, but he can also represent other, more popular characters like Black MAge, really, Cloud is just a refrence point to any flagship characters to Square.
Cloud is a bad omen for Nintendo. As a Final Fantasy fan I'd rather see a rep from I-VI


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Yes, quite sad, but think of it this way: Brawl could do for FF what it did for FE. Brawl could jumpstart the series back to it's popular acclaim, and that mens Cloud.
It could at least Jump-start it using someone from XII, That I would allow, seeing as they have a game in the DS. BUT, I'd still rather see Terra or Cecil. Especially Terra.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
I'm no big FF fan and haven't played the latest games, so I'm really just making a third party idea here, hnestly, Cloud, Black Mage, those guys strike me as Square. Geno? Not so much. Listen, Wisey, this list here has taken quite a few heavy mistakes (Sonic, lest we forget?) that I've warned you about, yet was ignored, listen, just for this one time, save the list before you're proven wrong!

Or just discredit me, ignore me, or (a favorite of those at the Geno thread) ignore and discredit me! Honestly, I don't care whoever gets a Square rep if there ever is one, but one thing that I'm almost totally sure of is that Geno wonn't take that slot.

Oh, and while we're on the whole "fixing the list" thing, what's up with Dr. K and the foreign guy? Honestly, wasn't this list supposed to be realistic?


Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I'm no big FF fan and haven't played the latest games, so I'm really just making a third party idea here, hnestly, Cloud, Black Mage, those guys strike me as Square. Geno? Not so much. Listen, Wisey, this list here has taken quite a few heavy mistakes (Sonic, lest we forget?) that I've warned you about, yet was ignored, listen, just for this one time, save the list before you're proven wrong!

Or just discredit me, ignore me, or (a favorite of those at the Geno thread) ignore and discredit me! Honestly, I don't care whoever gets a Square rep if there ever is one, but one thing that I'm almost totally sure of is that Geno wonn't take that slot.

Oh, and while we're on the whole "fixing the list" thing, what's up with Dr. K and the foreign guy? Honestly, wasn't this list supposed to be realistic?
No the thing is that "Other" SE Characters and other's require high legal-housing while geno (Something the fans want and sakurai thinks is interesting.) Requires less of that , Think of it this way:Rather go get a cheap pretty popular well character from a well selling NINTENDO Game or a guy who is just a "Popular" Sword wielder who requires MOAR Legal affairs and only appearedi n a minor cameo on a nintendo system eh ? SE Has lots of characters to chose from but many require much more legal-housing and whatnot , Oh and BTW The only Mario newcomer left with hope (Since we are obvious to see one.) Is likely geno , Why ? Look here:

Bowser jr just has popularity but sakurai has shown no interest into secondary baddies + Why give them a second when other's like Metroid and DK Have yet to get A Villian eh ? He isn't unique at all since most of what he does in roles for his games is hiding behind his "Dad" Attire oh and BTW Sakurai said he hates putting in popular characters so he is very unlikely.
Paper mario didn't even make it onto the poll's and while he is pretty unique and popular...:psycho:.
And Doc is most likely cut , Oh and we are likely to get a mario newcomer anyways.
Gee when you look at it he isn't that "Unprobable" XD.

wiseguy you are defenitly due for an update on your list.
Yes , Wiseguy...
ADD CLAUS NAOW. Must i go on with reasoning ? And he gives Starfox 3 reps on his roster while giving mother only one :mad: :mad: :mad: ? I've already told you loads of times to...Do it naow.


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
I'm no big FF fan and haven't played the latest games, so I'm really just making a third party idea here, hnestly, Cloud, Black Mage, those guys strike me as Square. Geno? Not so much. Listen, Wisey, this list here has taken quite a few heavy mistakes (Sonic, lest we forget?) that I've warned you about, yet was ignored, listen, just for this one time, save the list before you're proven wrong!

Or just discredit me, ignore me, or (a favorite of those at the Geno thread) ignore and discredit me! Honestly, I don't care whoever gets a Square rep if there ever is one, but one thing that I'm almost totally sure of is that Geno wonn't take that slot.

Oh, and while we're on the whole "fixing the list" thing, what's up with Dr. K and the foreign guy? Honestly, wasn't this list supposed to be realistic?
OK, fine. You don't play FF... but please stop it with Cloud. Everytime Cloud is suggested for Brawl a Nintendo angel loses its wings. (And everytime Sephiroth is suggested, a Nintendo angel commits suicide)

Listen, Final Fantasy IV to VI were remade on the GBA, and we're now expecting a IV remake for DS, and it's a no brainer V and VI are to follow. Those games are still relevant to Nintendo, so Terra and Cecil (and well, Bartz if you wanna argue for him too, but I don't like him that much) are and will always be better candidates for Brawl than Cloud.

I think that you are now probably thinking about how annoying I am, but I don't care. I'll never be able to see Cloud suggested for Brawl and keep my mouth shut.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
Sora would be a better business move for Nintendo as a 3rd party character.
It would be a kick to the balls of Sony, stealing the main character to one of the PS2's highest selling franchises.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
No the thing is that "Other" SE Characters and other's require high legal-housing while geno (Something the fans want and sakurai thinks is interesting.) Requires less of that , Think of it this way:Rather go get a cheap pretty popular well character from a well selling NINTENDO Game or a guy who is just a "Popular" Sword wielder who requires MOAR Legal affairs and only appearedi n a minor cameo on a nintendo system eh ? SE Has lots of characters to chose from but many require much more legal-housing and whatnot , Oh and BTW The only Mario newcomer left with hope (Since we are obvious to see one.) Is likely geno , Why ? Look here:

Bowser jr just has popularity but sakurai has shown no interest into secondary baddies + Why give them a second when other's like Metroid and DK Have yet to get A Villian eh ? He isn't unique at all since most of what he does in roles for his games is hiding behind his "Dad" Attire oh and BTW Sakurai said he hates putting in popular characters so he is very unlikely.
Paper mario didn't even make it onto the poll's and while he is pretty unique and popular...:psycho:.
And Doc is most likely cut , Oh and we are likely to get a mario newcomer anyways.
Gee when you look at it he isn't that "Unprobable" XD.
Wow, you seem really in tune with Sakurai. Sakurai is interested in this, Sakurai hates that. I'm sick and tired of people speaking for him! If there isn't any concrete evidence that this is how he feel than stop saying "This is how Sakurai feels, so this is how it should be."

And even if Sakurai "wanted" something he still needs the green light from both the higher ups in Nintendo and Square, and If you're going to make a decision like this, what do you go for? A weak, unkown character for a cheap price? Or a high profile character for a substantial price? At this point I think Nintendo's just going to go and get Mega/Bomberman for equal price, it just seems that all this haggling with Square is for naught.

But seriously, People need to stop saying "I- I mean, Sakurai want's this, so that's what's happening"

Yes , Wiseguy...
ADD CLAUS NAOW. Must i go on with reasoning ? And he gives Starfox 3 reps on his roster while giving mother only one :mad: :mad: :mad: ? I've already told you loads of times to...Do it naow.
Stop using "OA" instead of "O". It's really irksome, but don't take my work for it, I have my own stuff that irks people.

I think that if anyone is getting on as another MOTHER character It'll be Ness.
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