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Prepare to be Astounded One Last Time: Wiseguy’s Brawl Predictions THE FINAL VERSION!


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
If Balloon Fighter was in, the fish would've been at his stage, not on someone else's.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
People don't seem to understand that the remake is actually just FE3 which is a remake of FE1. =/
Correction: FE 3 included a remake of FE 1, but that was not all it was. There is the little fact that 22 new chapters were added onto it in the form of a second "book", which more than doubled the game's size.


Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
People don't seem to understand that the remake is actually just FE3 which is a remake of FE1. =/
Actually FE 3 was a 2 game package. It had FE1, but it also had a sequel included which, like someone above me just said, more than doubled the game's actual size. This remake is indeed giving us two individual FE games, they just happen to have a continueous storyline, just like if FE10 were to include FE9 in it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
Who knew there were so many fire emblem games, man im behind in the times. I just cant wait wait to get my hands on radiant Dawn for the wii. its going to be beastly!


Smash Lord
Jul 1, 2007
Panama, Panama, Central America...
Extended remakes are still remakes, especially when packaged together. If they didn't include them, then it would be like FE9 and FE10, but they didn't. >_>
Point it, if you cut all the remade stuff, it's still a standalone game. It seems silly to dub something as a remake just because it had the first game as an extra in addition to the huge storyline expansion.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
In your cereal, stealin' your prizes!
Point it, if you cut all the remade stuff, it's still a standalone game. It seems silly to dub something as a remake just because it had the first game as an extra in addition to the huge storyline expansion.
I agree. It's like how you would buy the Kill Bill movies in a box-set. They are two parts that make up a complete storyline but are also viable stand-alone movies in their own right.

I know. I know. Kill Bill was probably not the best example, but it's the only reference I could come up with at the time.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Extended remakes are still remakes, especially when packaged together. If they didn't include them, then it would be like FE9 and FE10, but they didn't. >_>
So I guess Sonic 3 & Knuckles for the PC should just be considered 1 game even though it's made up of 2.

You do have the option of playing book 2 without playing book 1, so they really are seperate games. The stats don't carry over from the first game to it's sequel (I'm not sure if you actually get anything in book 2 by playing book 1) and book 1 brought the same sense (if not greater) of closure as FE 9 did, while book 2 acted just like FE 10 is doing now. It has new characters, returning characters, new themes, a few references to the story of the previous book, and it's own new storyline. Even the game designers refer to the second part as a sequel, not an extension.


Smash Cadet
Aug 31, 2005
Las Cruces, NM
Here are my hopes... not including the 22-23 confirmed characters.

23. Ganon (TP model)
24. Ridley
25. Geno
26. Megaman
27. G-Red (Gotcha Force, and if you haven't played it you should)
28. Bomberman
29. King K. Rool/Dixie Kong
30. Mii's
31. Krystal
32. C. Falcon
33. Luigi
34. Captain Olimar
35. Tail/Knuckles/Robotnick
36. Sukapon
37. Game and Watch
38. Master Hand
39. Pac Man
40. Jigglypuff... I mean come on he's been in both games!!!!

I have reasons for all these, but that would takes days to go through all my thoughts on the characters in this game. and I know there are some unlikely choices (G-Red) but god ****** I love him.

EDIT: if we could get a Lego Star Wars character in here too... THAT WOULD BE THE ****!!!!!!!


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Point it, if you cut all the remade stuff, it's still a standalone game. It seems silly to dub something as a remake just because it had the first game as an extra in addition to the huge storyline expansion.
Can you select the new game before the old one? Because if not, it's the same game. The amount of new content could make it stand alone, but it wasn't plain and simple. =/

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Can you select the new game before the old one? Because if not, it's the same game. The amount of new content could make it stand alone, but it wasn't plain and simple. =/
Yes, you can. Just checked FESS and there are a few benifits for beating book 1 and continuing on the same file, but it's not really neccesary. The most noticable benifit is that if you beat book 1 then Marth starts out with the Fire Emblem in book 2 rather than getting it midgame.

The story of FE3 starts 3 years after the end of FE1 (just like PoR-Radiant Dawn), and while it does make references to book 1, you can still understand the story without having played the previous game.

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
Simon returned to the list!

There's no way Konami wants only one character...

Edit: Wiseguy look at the new Virtual Console game... YES! ANOTHER Simon Belmont (err... Castlevania) game.... now there are 3! Making him the 3rd Party char with most VC games on Wii... :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2006
If Balloon Fighter was in, the fish would've been at his stage, not on someone else's.
if u didn't remember in melee the iceclimbers stage also had an alternative song which was balloon fighters. so saying the balloon fighter wont be in the game because the fish would have been on his own stage is obsolete because Nintendo is connecting the two games like it did in melee. plus balloon fighter was suppose to be in brawl same for sonic and snake, and they're 3rd party characters! so there is no stopping balloon fighter 2 be in brawl. :)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
if u didn't remember in melee the iceclimbers stage also had an alternative song which was balloon fighters. so saying the balloon fighter wont be in the game because the fish would have been on his own stage is obsolete because Nintendo is connecting the two games like it did in melee. plus balloon fighter was suppose to be in brawl same for sonic and snake, and they're 3rd party characters! so there is no stopping balloon fighter 2 be in brawl. :)
However, Balloon Fighter wasn't in Melee


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
WHo knows maybe balloon fighter will be revealed tomorrow. i dont know but i hope someone gets revealed. it seems that someone will be revealed either tomorrow or monday or tuesday. if not, i will cry. i dont know but good night everyone and see you in the morning.

~Shadow plusle


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Well, I'm going to break the rules=I'll have 44 characters, with the PT as one character only! :laugh: Since Wiseguy said that's the rules (and changed it)...I think...

NO CLONES FOOS! YA, suck it! :p

Without further ado....

~Johnknight1's Brawl Character Prediction List~

~Mario Series~ (6)

1./1 Mario: Anyone who doubted him from the forefront was retarted, and is now properly in a early grave, seeing as how he's top tier! :laugh:

2./2 Bowser: Given.

3./3 Peach: Yes.

4./4 Luigi: Spilled Confirmation.

5./5 Geno: Most votes on Sakurai's poll for a uncofirmed character (tied with Ridley), who in the MAIN CHARACTER OF SMRPG (despite it's name, b**ches!). He's Brawl material, and has a HUGEEEE cult following.

6./6 Bowser Jr.: After seeing METROID MAN's picture of Bowser Jr. with Bowser Brawl graphics, I WANT HIM! (but Geno comes first)

~Donkey Kong Series (2)~

1./7 Donkey Kong: In.

2./8 Diddy Kong: Mr. Uber Awsome Monkey Himself=??? CHECK! :)

~The Legend of Zelda (5)~

1./9 Link: MAN SKIRTS FTW!

2./10 Zelda: Given.

3./11 Ganondorf: he says grhh, and has his sword (not that sword!) for him moveset...hopefully! XD

4./12 Young Link (cel awsome-shaded style): *points at Tingle* cel-shading in Brawl. Young Link's cel-shaded version comes next! :)


Midna w/t or w/o Wolf Link (most likely alone): AW-SOME-NESS!


Shiek: Ya, that one transvestite ninja. I love original, therefore I like Shiek, but whoever makes itbetween her or Midna in Brawl if my list is accurate, I won't care, so long as the other 4 are in.

~Metroid Series (3)~

1./14 Samus

2./15 Zero Suit Samus: Those b**ches say "PRESS THE ONE BUTTON", I say "PRESS THE TWO BUTTON BEFORE-HAND!"

3./16 Ridley: Highest votes on Sakurai's poll for a unconfirmed charcter-ya, I said it. He pwns anyone you want in Brawl.

~Kirby Series (3)~

1./17 Kirby: HAHA!

2./18 Meta Knight: Or rater as his Korean name says "Highest Tier Next to Mario!"

3./19 King Dedede (deh-deh-deh): Anyone who doubted him was as dumb as someone who doubted Diddy Kong. Well, maybe not that dumb!

~Star Fox Series (3)~

1./20 Fox McCloud: On Cloub Nine, and this time he's balanced, or is back to his SSB64 high tiers...for now. ;)

2./21 Falco Lombardi: TOO AWSOME NOT TO BE DA BRAWLz!

3./22 Krystal: Wolf Gone? SHE'S NEXT!

~Pokémon Series (5)~

1./23 Pikachu: Yellow Electric Rabbits Mice? CHECK!

2./24 the Pokémon Trainer: Check=one character. *Stares down Wiseguy on this one*

3./25 Jigglypuff: Accidentally dropped as a character by Solid Snake's voice actor *gasp* DAVID HAYTER! Thanks! :)

4./26 Mewtwo: Pretty much in... >_<

5./27 Lucario: No Deoxys, No Meowth, no Munchlax, no Gardveoir, and no Blazekein (most likely) *points at Torchic* I KNOW, LUCARIO!

~EarthBound/MOTHER Series (2)~

1./28 Lucas: Looks original to me.

2./29 Ness: MOTHER 1 music confirmed in Brawl, and has many othe clues (hint: Lucas is probably original. Ya, I've played MOTHER 1 and MOTHER 3 a bit now). Since MOTHER 3 will never leave Japan, Ness is needed, end of story.

~Fire Emblem Series (3)~

1./30 Ike: Sigurd as a alternate outfit, and Lyn as a AT: CHECK! Ike is strong slow...maybe too strong slow.

2./31 Marth: Ya, with Ike being COMPLETELY ORIGINAL, FE11 being the 3rd game Marth stars (going worldwide like all the other FE games from 6 on), etc. I AM WILLING TO BET MY LEFT TESTICLE HE'S IN BRAWL!

3./32 Roy: Okay, I know Ike is really heavy, and the Black Knight is probably heavier. I doubt the Black Knight could be playable at this point, Miciah looks lame, and Roy is somewhere inbetween weights of both Ike and Marth-he is the next best CHOICE! Seriously, he should be in, no doubt. After all, he needs his good old fashion revenge, is a favorite in casual play (I love me some n00bs now), etc.

~F-Zero Series (1)~


~Yoshi Series (1)~

1./34 Yoshi: Ya he's green, a dinosaur, and now a dragon! :laugh:

~Wario (Ware) Series (1)~

1./35 Wario: Ya, anyone who doubted him is dumb. [ends arguement]

~Retro/Other Nintendo Series (6)~

1./36 Pit: ya, he's AWSOME! IN!

2./37 Ice Climbers: Ya, I called them. :p

3./38 Mr. Game and Watch: WIN! ORIGINALITY! WIN~

4./39 Captain Olimar: Ya, he is da roxxors! He's tied with Wind Waker Link and Krystal with three votes on Sakurai's poll, and that means he's tied for the 3rd most votes of a unconfirmed character.

5./40 Miis: Make a stage, MAKE A CHARACTER, FOOLS! Character Maker > Stage Maker

6./41 Balloon Fighter: One of 5 characters who could have been in Melee (Ice Climbers, Excite Bike [deconfirmed], Mach Rider, Little Mac [now a AT], and Balloon Fighter). Not to mention Balloon Fight being mentioned in a stage. After Captain Olimar and the PT, he'd be the most original character add yet to smash! :) He was honestly the last character I added to this list (again)! XD

~3rd Party Characters (3)~

1./42 Solid Snake: IN!

2./43 Sonic the Hedgehog: HA! I CALLED IT!

3./44 Megaman: ya, he's a big character, and a icon. We got the most reconizable 3rd party character in Sonic, and argueably the 3rd most in Snake (he will be after Brawl and MGS4), so Megaman is the 2nd most reconizable 3rd party character, so he'll be next. Plus Capcom and Nintendo have GREAT RELATIONS, so ya. :)

And Balloon Fighter is awsome, ever played Balloon Fight=??? IT ROXXX!!! :)

~His Knightlyness Himself~

-Johnknight1! :)


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
if u didn't remember in melee the iceclimbers stage also had an alternative song which was balloon fighters. so saying the balloon fighter wont be in the game because the fish would have been on his own stage is obsolete because Nintendo is connecting the two games like it did in melee. plus balloon fighter was suppose to be in brawl same for sonic and snake, and they're 3rd party characters! so there is no stopping balloon fighter 2 be in brawl. :)
Balloon Fighter was never supposed to be in Melee. Please put an end to this false rumor.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Balloon Fighter was never supposed to be in Melee. Please put an end to this false rumor.
Ya he was. Sakurai was considering putting in many characters (in Melee), such as Mach Rider, Little Mac (or was it Takamuru), Balloon Fight(er), and THE ICE CLIMBERS, but we all know who he chose. It's not a rumor, it's the truth. Translate the Melee Japanese site, and you'll see how wrong you are. :p


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
Ya he was. Sakurai was considering putting in many characters (in Melee), such as Mach Rider, Little Mac (or was it Takamuru), Balloon Fight(er), and THE ICE CLIMBERS, but we all know who he chose. It's not a rumor, it's the truth. Translate the Melee Japanese site, and you'll see how wrong you are. :p
I'm quite aware of the Japanese Melee site.

It said that Ice Climbers were chosen over Balloon Fighter, Bubbles, Urban Champion, and ExciteBiker because they all had poor moveset potential. Nowhere did it say that any of them were actually in Melee at one point or another.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
Where did u find out about jigglypuff's confirmation?

Hell imdb cannot be trusted unless the game or movie is released

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
3./32 Roy: Okay, I know Ike is really heavy, and the Black Knight is probably heavier. I doubt the Black Knight could be playable at this point, Miciah looks lame, and Roy is somewhere inbetween weights of both Ike and Marth-he is the next best CHOICE! Seriously, he should be in, no doubt. After all, he needs his good old fashion revenge, is a favorite in casual play (I love me some n00bs now), etc.

I really don't think Roy is comming back. He was only put in melee to advertise FE6, and now that we have 4 more FE games he'd really serve no purpose.

Micaiah (stop misspelling her name already!) would be a much better choice because she'd be vastly different from Ike and Marth. She'd also help advertise FE10.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
Where did u find out about jigglypuff's confirmation?

Hell imdb cannot be trusted unless the game or movie is released
What? When did anyone talk about jiggs being confirmed?

EDIT: By the way, did anyone else notice the fact that on the imdb site it shows that Alesia Glidewell is the voice of "Knuckle Joe, Krystal, Samus Aran, and Zero-Suit Samus?" Krystal confirmed?


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
EDIT: By the way, did anyone else notice the fact that on the imdb site it shows that Alesia Glidewell is the voice of "Knuckle Joe, Krystal, Samus Aran, and Zero-Suit Samus?" Krystal confirmed?
Lots of people have, but we don't know if she'll be playable, an AT, or something else. For all we know, her part in the game could be nothing more than Slippy's or Peppy's in Melee.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Lots of people have, but we don't know if she'll be playable, an AT, or something else. For all we know, her part in the game could be nothing more than Slippy's or Peppy's in Melee.
But with her having a large fanbase, a big role in her series, and a high rank on Sakurai's poll (tied with Captain Olimar, Takamru, and "WW" Link for 3rd, which is also above Lucas), doesn't it make the most sense for her to be made a playable character?



Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
But with her having a large fanbase, a big role in her series, and a high rank on Sakurai's poll (tied with Captain Olimar, Takamru, and "WW" Link for 3rd, which is also above Lucas), doesn't it make the most sense for her to be made a playable character?

it definitely would make sense for her to be a PC. but I'd agree with Arteen just because it's definitely a possibility that she won't be. heck, it might just be fox, falco, and wolf. lol though I doubt it.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
But with her having a large fanbase, a big role in her series, and a high rank on Sakurai's poll (tied with Captain Olimar, Takamru, and "WW" Link for 3rd, which is also above Lucas), doesn't it make the most sense for her to be made a playable character?
She has a great chance to be playable, but her having a voice actor doesn't provide any evidence that she will or won't be playable. ATs (like Knuckle Joe) have voices too, and the whole SF team had voice roles in Melee, so we can't draw any conclusions other than that she's in the game in some form that involves a speaking role.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Attatched to a bungie cord, reppelling into Ninten
Snake blurted out jiggly in an interview

Sigh. I'm back from a long absence and the list has quite clearly been revamped with the inclusion of such characters that I have prodded for (ie. Megaman) and some I am baffled by (Takamaru, Dr. K) but I cannot say that it's perfect, but I digress, I'll get to my lecture later, for now I'll turn my attention to this little quote above.

Listen, so many people swear that they've heard "FALCON KICK!" in some demos and this "Jiggly" is no diffrent. People hear what they want to hear, as soon as they hear something remotely like something else they run with it and take it as fact when they don't even realize two important details:

1. The sound could have been somethig else, like some sort of cry from Snake that you thought was Jiggly.

2. Why would Sanke say Jiggly? Honestly, do you think he was adressing him? Or mimicing him?

I'm not saying Jiggs chances are low, it's just that people shouldn't jump to conclusions over one little thing that might be a clue to Jigg's inclusion.

'Nuff said.
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